Official Edgar Rice Burroughs Tribute and Weekly Webzine Site
Since 1996 ~ Over 15,000 Webzines and Webpages In Archive
Edgar Rice Burroughs Signature
Master of Imaginative Fantasy Adventure
Creator of Tarzan®  and "Grandfather of American Science Fiction" 
Volume 5910

DARTS OF DEATH ~ 1933.02.26
As the arrows pierced the hide of Bulga, the she-ape, she cried out in terror. The other apes rushed about in panic at the unexpected attack. The drunken soldiers, shooting the arrows laughed madly at the queer antics of the apes. But suddenly their laughter stopped as they heard the blood-curdling cry of the bull-ape. It was Tarzan who uttered the cry. Leaping upon two of the soldiers the apes-man lifted them and smashed their heads together. 

One by one, he hurled  them, unconcscous into the pit where the sacred apes were kept. But the third soldier fell. Tarzan dashed into the midst of the apes and disarmed one of the of the solders.

"Follow me!" the ape-man commanded. Up  the staircase raced the ape horde.

Meanwhile the soldier who had fled sought the aid of his comrades. As Tarzan led the apes to the palace wall, the soldiers shot a fusillade of arrows.

Click for Giant Size Scans

The strips in our ERBzine series are small samples of the giant supersize 15" x 20" reprints now available from Dark Horse Books.

Each hard cover volume of Dark Horse's comprehensive collections of Hal Foster's Tarzan Sundays reprints over 120 strips on high-quality paper and in eye-popping color, replicating their appearance back in the 1930s when they were brand new! 

Featuring historical essays on Tarzan and Foster, these astonishing volumes are a must for every collector! 


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