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First and Only Weekly Online Fanzine Devoted to the Life and Works of ERB
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Issue 0645
The Many Worlds of
Edgar Rice Burroughs Signature
Edgar Rice Burroughs Amateur Press Association
See Index Volume I in ERBzine 0651 at

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cover and contents descriptions of each issue

ERBapa 75: Cover art by Tom BenhamERBapa 76: Cover art by Chris PepoApa 77 cover art by Joe FerrierERBapa 78: Summer 2003Apa 79: Autumn 2003 ~ Tony Menegazzo cover art ~ Out of Time's Abyss
Apa 80: Winter 2004 ~ 20th Anniversary IssueERBapa 81: Cover art by Tom YeatesERBapa 81: Back cover by Shaun HoadleyERBapa No. 82 Cover art by David BurtonApa 83: Fall 2004 ~ Thomas Floyd Cover Art
ERBapa 84: Cover art by Joe FerrierERBapa 84: Back cover art by Thomas FloydERBapa 85: Cover art by Joe FerrierERBapa 86: Cover by Dan Parsons
ERBapa 87ERBapa 88APA 89
APA 90ERBapa 93: Shane Glines cover art
ERBapa 94ERBapa 95 cover art by ChoERBapa 95 back cover by Frank Cho
ERBapa 97ERBapa 98ERBapa 98ERBapa 99

ERBapa No. 75 Fall 2002
ERBapa #76 ~ Winter 2003
ERBapa #77 ~ Spring 2003
ERBapa #78 ~ Summer 2003
ERBapa #79 ~ Fall 2003
ERBapa #80 ~ Winter 2004
ERBapa #81 ~ Spring 2004
ERBapa #82 ~ Summer 2004
ERBapa #83 ~ Fall 2004
ERBapa #84 ~ Winter 2005
ERBapa 85: Spring 2005
ERBapa 86: Summer 2005
ERBapa 87: Fall 2005
ERBapa 88: Winter 2006
ERBapa 89: Spring 2006
ERBapa 90: Summer 2006
ERBapa 91: Fall 2006
ERBapa 92: Winter 2007
ERBapa 93: Spring 2007
ERBapa 94: Summer 2007
ERBapa 95: Fall 2007
ERBapa 96: Winter 2008
ERBapa 97: Spring 2008
ERBapa 98: Summer 2008
ERBapa 99: Fall 2008
ERBapa 100: Winter 2009: 100 Anniversary Issue
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ERB-APA #75    Fall 2002

COVER:  John Carter art by Tom Benham
Contents ~ Roster ~ Kaor ~ Rules of ERBapa ~ Page Count 263 ~ O.E. Shawn Cavender
Ferrier, Joe: Jackleg Logic (opinion) ~ Greystoke Guns: Tarzan and the Forbidden City/Tarzan the Magnificent ~ Grunts & Groans
Hyde, Bob: Photographs of My Collection: Part 2
Franke, Henry G.: ECOF 2002 Report
Menegazzo, Tony: Tarzan Meets Kong: Part 1 of 3 (fan fiction illustrated by author) ~ cartoons, etc.
Brown, Ralph: Hollywood  Collectors and Celebrities Show (Jan. 2002) ~ San Diego Comic Con (August) ~
                        Tarzana ECOF ~ Brown display at Sacramento Library: photos from all events
McGeeney, Bob: Opinion on recent ERB editions ~ "Linguistic Miracles": ERB heroes & languages ~ Mechem Tarzan art
Webber, Ken: Review Dark Horse Comics' "Superman, Tarzan: Sons of the Jungle" ~ Mailing comments ~ cartoons
Richardson, Darrell C.: My Friend George H. Jones: a memorium with photo
Cuthbert, Raymond A.: "La Ascendant" chapters 3-7 with related art ~ Mailing Comments
Three Shells: Tarzan's Sense of Smell ~ The Loathsome Hyena ~ ERB Potpourri: Fiji visit, distaste for Disney Tarzan, comments
Dumont, Richard J.: Pulp & Comic Con reports ~ Tarzan March of Comics Illustrated Index
Adams, David Arthur: Discussion on ERB Summary Project and suggestions for "Future Scholarship on the Life and Works of ERB
Huckenpöhler, J.G. Huck: Other Barsooms: The Martian Visions of ERB in Historical Context ~ map illustrations ~ Comments
Adams, Duane: Languages in the Dell Comics ~ 32 languages spoken
Hunton, Robert L.: The Illustrative Genius of J. Allen St. John ~ cover illustrations ~ Refs: Garrison, Hillman, Richardson ~ Comments
Martin, John: Postal Tributes to ERB - Part 4: One-of-a-kind Covers ~ Edward in the Jungle review ~ Converging Trails ~ sketch
Denkena, Kurt: Fuwalda ~ German clippings and art
Guidry, John H.: An Invitation to Dine: Looking back over 75 issues of ERBapa
Hanson, Alan: Tarzan and the City of Gold: A Tale Born in a Troubled Mind ~ Part 1 ~ Interior art
Howell, D.J.: Lord of Two Worlds: Jer'ok in Exile ~ Chapter 2 continued (fan fiction) ~ Postscript comments
Dunn, Laurence G.: ECOF 2002 in Woodland Hills, California. . . with cartoon by Brian Bohnett and photos
Conran, Mike: Dum-Dum 2002 report with photos and list of guests, awards, souvenirs and panelists ~ Collage of souvenirs
Hillman, Bill: Tarzana Adventures: Hillman Memories of ECOF 2002  ~ ERBzine URL Index Issues 351-400
Thompson, Jim: Memories and photo of Homewood Theatre, Homewood, Alabama ~ recent mags of interest
Burroughs, Robert J.: Precambrian Winter: Chapter 10 - Intermission (fan fiction)
Van Hise, James: ECOF 2002 ~ "Burroughs Imitators" by M.J. Moorcock ~ "Influence of ERB on Modern SF" by James Linwood
                        "Moving Time at a House of Horrors" (Ackerman) by Caitlin Liu ~ End of Ackermansion by James Van Hise ~
                        "Case of the Baroque Baby-Killer" early Forrest Ackerman piece on Ray Bradbury ~ Letter from Tarzan (PJF)
Wilcutt, Dennis: Review of Ray Cutherbert's pastiche, Jeanine of the Jungle ~ Manning ERB & Tarzan art ~ Foster art
Miller, Steve: Burroughs on Tape ~ audio books ~ cover art
Ross, Bill: ECOF 2002 photos
Gibbs, Murray: The Fighting Skills of Tarzan ~ Movie photos and comic art ~ Responses to APA 74
Cavender, Shawn: Mike Hoffman art ~ Werper review 3 ~ Quest for Dejah Thoris 3 & 4 illustrations: Cavender, text: Trey Causey
THE LAST WORD by OE Shawn Cavender: Comments on this edition's submissions

ERBapa #76 ~ Winter 2003
COVER:  Pencil sketch by Chris Pepo ~ Nadara-like character from unpublished comic ~ David Adams art: Back Cover, Kaor & Last Word
Contents ~ Page Count 257 ~ Roster ~ Kaor ~ by O.E. Shawn Cavender ~ Rules of ERBapa  ~ Nkima sketch
Zeuschner, Bob: Fantasy Realms of ERB: Tarzana ECOF 2002 Report ~ Art: Thomas Yeates & Chris Schenck
Menegazzo, Tony: fan art & fiction: Tarzan Meets Kong ~ Part 2 of 3 ~ news clippings & carts ~ comments #73/74
Ferrier, Joe: Greystoke Guns: Tarzan and "The Foreign Legion" ~ gun illustrations ~ original & novel art ~ ExacERBator theories
Ross, Bill: ERB Collector ~ Who's Who Behind the Comics ~ Tarzan Marvel credits Issues 1-29 & Annuals ~ #1 cover art
Cuthbert, Raymond A.: La Ascendant ~ Ch.8-12 ~ La art ~ mailing comments
Webber, Kenneth: ERB, Etc. ~ Russ Manning Revisited ~ career art samples ~ bio info
Dumont, Richard J.: Lost In Pal-Ul-Don ~ Index of Dell/Gold Key Comics One-Pagers ~ issues -1 thru 206 ~art samples
Huckenpöhler, J.G.:  Now We Art Six: A Retrospective On The National Capitol Panthans ~ Newsletter illustrations ~ photos ~ Comments
Two From Thuria - Bob Hyde Tarzan FANatic Odyssey XX: Speech at 17th World SF Convention, Detroit, 59.09.06 ~ Hyde art
Adams, Duane: "Tarzan Kills" in the Dell Comics ~ listing of Tarzan's kills in issues -1 thru 79 & annuals ~ 1 art panel
Howell, D.J.: Lord of Two Worlds: Jer'ok in Exile: Chapter III ~ Postscript comments with acknowledgement of ERB's inspiration
McGeeney, Bob: New ERB collectibles ~ Additional Thoughts About the Humour of ERB ~ Illustration Mag review ~ CosmoGirl strips
Conran, Mike: ECOF 2002 report ~ photos ~ Info: sites/guests/awards/souvenirs/panels/activities
Hunton, Robert L.: Investigating Tarzan the Untamed: View of the Superhero & his Creator at the Height of Popularity ~ art: St. John ~ Comments
Richardson, Darrell C.: ERB and The International Mark Twain Society ~ ERB letter to Twain ~ art & certificate
Adams, David: "We Who Are About To Die, Salute You!" Gladiators in the Novels of ERB ~ Roman History Through 100 Novels
Klasek, Terry Alan: A Tale of Two Cities ~ Twin city themes in ERB novels ~ Ballantine cover art
Guidry, John: The Pit of Horror ~ unfavorable reviews on 4 Tarzan TV shows (TAPCAP)(Larson series)
Hanson, Alan: A New Life for The Tarzan Chrono-Log ~ Art: 2 Dave Hoover pieces
Dunn, Laurence G.: Toofani Tarzan ~ 1936 Hindu Bollywood film synopsis and review ~ APA comments ~ Tz cartoon
Denkena, Kurt S.: ERB in German ref. book: Adventure Encyclopedia (Abenteuer Lexikon) ~ collectibles ~ Art: Maxon & Disney ~ comments
Moody, James Michael: Beasts from an 1872 Viewpoint (chronology)~ art ~ APA Talk commentary
Franke, Henry G.: ERBapa Rap news ~ comments ~ 1974 letters: ERBdom & ERBANIA ~ clippings ~ Jan of Jungle Argosy colour cover
Miller, Steve: The Search: Tarzan Print Studio software program ~ Tarzan radio shows in MP3 format on CD-ROM
Wilcutt, Dennis: Preview Lubbers interview ~ Warren Tufts (Gold Key artist) Tribute & photos & art: Lance
Hillman, Bill: John Coleman Burroughs bio and links to full online Tribute, biblio and art galleries ~ ERBzin-e URLs Nos. 401-450
Myrhoj, Nels: New Thing - Identity - V.1 N.1 ~ Weissmuller piece  ~ review & cover ~ APA comments ~ Art: Johnston & Argosy cover
Cavender, Shawn: John Carter and the Prince of Space Pt. 1 ~ fan comic serial ~ sketch by Marat Mychaels
Brown, Ralph: Review: "Primordial" from WHERE ANGELS FEAR TO TREAD & OTHER TALES OF THE SEA by Morgan Robertson 1899
Shelhorse, Brooks: Down Memory Lane ~ first memories of ERB & Tarzan and fandom
Thompson, Jim: Review: Disney's Jungle Adventures on Ice  ~ January, 2003 ~ New publications of interest
Wild, Mary McGeehan: Normal Bean News #50 ~ JCB's Treasure of the Black Falcon review & detailed synopsis
O.E. Cavender, Shawn: The Last Word commentary on this issue's articles

ERBapa #77 ~ Spring 2003
COVER: Mummy illustration by Joe Ferrier ~ BACK COVER: Beast and Cabin illustration by David Adams
CONTENTS: Page Count: 248 ~ Roster ~ Kaor ~ Treasury Report by O.E. Shawn Cavender
Waiting List: Robert Woodley ~ William T. Morse ~ Bob Cook ~ Murray Gibbs
Menegazzo, Tony: Fan Fic: Tarzan Meets Kong: Part 3/3 ~ Illustrations by author ~ News clippings ~ Cartoons  ~ Comments
Ferrier, Joe: The Argonne Gun (Korak emphasis)~ Ripley's Believe It Or Not (African entries) ~ Grunts & Groans comments.
Ross, Bill: ERB Collector: Semic International with Malibu Comics (biblio & covers) ~French editions ~ US/FR comparisons
Cavender, Shawn: Title collage ~ Werper's Abominable Snowmen: review/cover ~ JC & Prince of Space: graphic fan fiction
Howell, Dorothy J.: Fanfic: Ashtar Ch. IV ~ Return of Tarzan Meets the Legal System ~ Postscript comments
Webber, Kenneth: Unauthorized Tarzan Films - Part 6: Tarzan Contra El Mau-Mau (3 pics) ~ Mailing Comments ~ Cartoon
Ferrier, Joe: Greystoke Guns Series: Tarzan and the... Tarzan Twins ...Castaways ...Champion ...Jungle Murders ~ Exacerbator comments
Conran, Mike: Tarzan & Jane: Disney's 18 Promotional Displays with photos
Ferrier, Joe: Greystoke Guns Series: Tarzan and the Madman ~ Grunts & Groans comments
Hunton, Robert L.: Perspectives in Burroughsiana: Reading, Appreciating and Interpreting Selected Works of the Creator of Tarzan ~ Comments
Cuthbert, Raymond A.: La Ascendant - 14: Naked, Alone & Chained - 15: Map - 16: Jeanine of the Apes - 17: Return of La - 18: Beasts of Jeanine ~ talk ~ illos
Burrows, Robert J.: Precambrian Winter - Ch. 11: A Plan is Made ~ Ch. 12: New Dimensions ~ illos ~ APANOTES comments
Richardson, Darrell C: Conversation Between Two Veteran Tarzan Collectors: George H. Jones and Darrell C. Richardson
McGreeney, Bob: Recent items added to personal collection ~ Disney Dayz poster ~ Rick Larson art: "Green Man and Princess"
Dunn, Laurence: Friend or Foe?: Outlaw of Torn historical commentary ~ illos ~ Pinnacle cover
Huckenpöhler, J.G.:  Rearranging the Tarzan Stories: An Alternate Chronology ~ APA comments
Hanson, Alan: Tarzan of the Trees - Pt. 1: Native Element, An Airy Bedchamber, Caches, Lonely Highway, Senses, Thrill Ride ~ Foster illos
Martin, John: Answers from Llana of Gathol ~ Converging Trails comments
Three Shells: Tarzan of the Movies ~ Tarzan Rocks (Disney Animal Kingdom) ~ ERB Potpourri ~ Special importance of Foreign Legion
Van Hise, James: Transciption of Mars In The Media - ECOF 2002 Panel: Tracy Griffin, Ted Elliott, Chuck Pogue, Marv Wolfman ~ Illos
Guidry, John H.: Across Space: Reflections on 20 years of ERBapa ~ Kane's Foster
Adams, David: John Carter, Gladiator (Pt. 2 of Gladiators in the Novels of Edgar Rice Burroughs)
Adams, Duane: The Dell Tarzan Feats of Strength
Denkena, Kurt S.: ERB fandom in German ~ Fanzine covers
Franke, Henry G.: ERBapa Rap ~ Barsoom Role Playing Game ~ Going Apa: Elvis, new WB series, St. James encyc. entry ~ Colour illos
Dumont, Richard J.: Tarzan film reviews in Cinefantastique 1981 & 1984 ~ Paul Amazing cover illo
Two From Thuria: Jack Daley mailing comments ~ La Tribune des Amis d'ERB
Griffin, Tracy: What I Did on My ERBAPA Vacation: Bedazzled, Cat On A Hot Tin Roof, Honda, Dark of the Moon, FilmFax, fanzines
Thompson, Jim: Joog-Con 2003 ~ Magazine refs: New Left, Cinefantastique, FilmFax, This Old House ~ Denny's Gorton puppet
Hillman, Bill: Russ Manning Tribute: Bio, Biblio, Art, Photos, Links to expanded online version ~ ERBzin-e Index Nos. 451-500
Wilcutt, Dennis: DC/Dark Horse Superman-Tarzan cover art and comment ~ Barrett's Tarzan of the Funnies ~ Comments
LAST WORD by OE Shawn Cavender

ERBapa #78 ~ Summer 2003
COVER: Tarzan by Hal Blane ~ Special I Am A Barbarian Issue
CONTENTS: Page Count: 234 ~ Roster ~ Kaor ~ Reports by O.E. Shawn Cavender
Waiting List: William T. Morse ~ Bob Cook ~ Murray Gibbs
Richardson, Darrell C.: Inside Story of "The King of the Pulps" ~ New book on H. Bedford-Jones
Ferrier, Joe: Greystoke Guns: Dark Heart of Time & Lost Adventure ~ Grunts & Groans commentary
Brown, Ralph: Neverending Story news ~ eBay ERB letters, pinback, diorama kit ~ Tarzan guitar picks
Howell, D. J.: Lord of Two Worlds: Jer'ok in Exile: Ch. IV Ashtar cont. ~ Barbarian commentary ~ Postscript comments
Hanson, Alan: Tarzan of the Trees - Pt. 2 ~ with Hogarth illos ~ Mailing Comments for APA 77 ~ Chrono-Log Promo
Webber, Kenneth: ERB-ETC.: Gordon Scott, Barbarian ~ Foreign Tarzan ~ Tarzan WB TV series ~ Disney Musical ~ Comments
McGeeney, Bob: "Barbarian" comments ~ Barbarian in SF&F Titles
Ross, Bill: ECOF 2003 Photo Gallery and Captions ~ Hanover, Maryland
Cuthbert, Raymond A.: La Ascendant: Ch. 19 Catching Up ~ Ch. 20 There Was Morning and There Was Evening.~ Mailing Comments
Denkena, Kurt S.: Fuwalda ~ Tarzan art ~ Barker Bio ~ Derr Mann, Der Tarzan
Adams, David: Tarzan and the Gladiator: Significance of this role in varioius Tarzan novels ~ Nkima's Farewell : -(
Richardson, Darrell C.: Joe Bonomo: Hercules of the Screen ~ Call Me Tarzan
Menegazzo, Tony: Barbarian Comments ~ Clippings ~ Tarzan and the Vampires of Africa Strip: story and art by Tony
Conran, Mike: Laurence Con V: Pittsburgh Comics Con & National Capital Panthans 2003 ~ Photos ~ Captions
Adams, Duane: The Dell Gladiators ~ Tarzan as gladiator in Marsh comics
Dumont, Richard J.: Location of Tarzan's Estate ~ Book Clues ~ Deductions ~ Maps
Hunton, Robert L.: ERB Encounters a True Madman: Perspectives on the Life and Times of Gaius Caesar Augustus Germanicus
Huckenpöhler, J.G.:  A Bibliography of Bibliographies: General ~ Specialized ~ Catalogues -- Submission Comments ~ Cover Illo
Hyde, C.B., Albert, Walter & Daley, Jack (Two from Thuria): Odyssey Ch. LVI ~ All-Story Contents Jan. 1912 ~ La Tribune no. 44
Klasek, Terry Alan: Papyrus Scroll of Erich von Harben: The 1920s Time Portals
Moody, James Michael: Backdrop for Beasts ~ APA Talk
Shelhorse, Brooks: I Am A Barbarian: The Fear of Crucifixion ~ Commentary ~ Quotes ~ Illustrations
Burrows, Robert J.: Precambrian Winter (fiction): Ch. 13 Through the Black Hole ~ Ch. 14: Assessment -- APA Notes
Dunn, Laurence: Beyond 30 ~ LaurenceConV ~ ECOF Gathering, Baltimore 2003
Hillman, Bill: ERBzine v03n11: JCB Archive ~ Japanese art in Barbarian ~ ERB correspondence hilites 1940-41 ~ Index v.501-550
Guidry, John: Grand Hunt: Brian Kane's Foster Bio: Prince of Illustrators, Father of the Adventure Srip
Martin, John: "Barbarian yarn might put Roman noses out of joint" ~ Illos ~ Vocabulary ~ ERB Postal Collectibles ~ Comments
Three Shells: WB TV "Gone Too Far" ~ Student observations on Tarzan ~ Barbarian Commentary: Julian-Claudian Family Tree, Roman Map
Moody, James Michael: ERB-APA Talk ~ Commentary on submissions
Zeuschner, Bob: Pages from Society of Illustrators Catalogue 1919 with showings by Schoonover, Bull and Stahr.
Franke, Henry G.: ERBapa Rap ~ ERB World news ~ Barbarian commentary ~ Valley of Gold commentary.
Thompson, Jim: Report: Jefferson's Monticello ~ ECOF 2003 Baltimore ~ OJT-Con II in Washington, DC ~ Maryville TN friends
Wild, Mary McGeehan: I, Britannicus or Upstairs, Downstairs at Caligula's Place ~ Barbarian summary & comments
Miller, Steve: The Gulf Between ~ Tarzan Returns to Manhattan ~ Mailing Comments ~ Illos
Wilcutt, Dennis: Summary of daily strip stories from 1950 to 1968 by Bob Lubbers and John Celardo ~ Mailing Commetns
Van Hise, Jim: Stepsons of ERB and Otis Adelbert Kline discussion ~ Jan of the Jungle art
Cavender, Shawn: Thoughts on Barbarian ~ Werper's Winged Invaders  review ~ JC & Prince of Space strip story
LAST WORD: OE Shawn Cavender's comments on this issue's submissions
ERBapa #79 ~ Fall 2003
: Out of Time's Abyss by Tony Menegazzo
CONTENTS: Page Count: 216 ~ Roster ~ Kaor ~ Reports by O.E. Shawn Cavender
Waiting List: Nels Myrhoj, Shaun Hoadley, Bob Cook
Ferrier, Joe: Jetan Chessmen discussion and sketches ~ '70s photo of author USAF ~ Grunts & Groans
Webber, Kenneth: Tarzan Sunday Pages: Bob Lubbers - Pt.One: Bio and strip summaries ~art ~ Mailing Comments ~ cartoon
Menegazzo, Tony: ERB Corner: Mystery Face collage ~ Tarzan & Vampires of Africa: art & story by Tony ~ Newspaper clippings ~ Mars article
Hanson, Alan: Tarzan of the Trees addendum: It's Not All a Jungle ~ discussion on Tarzan's "Jungle": St. John art ~ Stalin in ERB fiction
Dumont, Richard J.: Lost in Pal-ul-don: Photos and discussion of African animals
Ferrier, Joe: Hanson's Handbook: Review and Discussion of information gleaned fromt he Hanson book ~ Bomba Bites The Big Apple: WB Tarzan TV
Brown, Ralph: Never Ending Story: Louisville Dum-Dum 2003: observations and photos ~ TV Guide page on the screen Tarzans
McGeeney, Bob: The Fun Addict: Dum-Dum 2003 Experiences ~ King of the Jungle by William E. Wing: review, chapter summaries, cover illo.
Richardson, Darrell C.: Pulp articles: Story of Tarzan by ERB ~ Tarzan Fans by Al Herman ~ Kid Tarzan by Charles Dorman ~ Fame of Tarzan ~ photo
Klasek, Terry Alan: Papyrus Scroll of Erich von Harben ~ The Klasek/ERB connection through the years.
Huckenpöhler, J.G.: Burroughs Boom and Boomlets: A Statistical Analysis ~ graphs~ Panthans attempt to view Mars at its closest  ~ comments
Denkena, Kurt S.: Fulwalda #59: ERB info from Germany: ad brochure ~ Tarzan comic art from cover and interiors
Cuthbert, Raymond A.: Mailing Comments ~ Mark Schultz Barsoom art ~ Gene Ha caricature of Raymond.
Ross, Bill: ERB Collector: A Bibliography of Bibliographies (Overlooked Biblios from ERB Collector and Tarzine)
Hunton, Robert L.: "Mr. Hunton, What's a Stygian?" ERB classroom activities described ~ Comments
Conran, Mike: ECOF 2003: Hanover, Maryland hosted by National Capitol Panthans: Journal of activities and events
Guidry, John H.: Lost Fanzine of Jasoom:: Zerka: eMail spellchecker suggested alternate spellings for ERB characters
Burrows, Robert J.: FanFic: Precambrian Winter: Ch. 15 Liberation
Dunn, Laurence G.: Dum-Dum Louisville 2003: journal of events ~ Inscribed photos of Jim and Joan Burroughs Pierce
Zeuschner, Bob: Louisville Dum-Dum of 2003: journal of events ~ Photos: Danton Burroughs ~ Bob with Boris and Julie Bell.
Van Hise, James: Burroughs Newsbeat: A Guide to the Modern Revival: history of the Newsbeat fanzine ~ OAK pulp promo page
Hillman, Bill: Major George Tyler Burroughs, Sr. Tribute: bio & memoriam: letters, photos, link to online illustrated version & comments ~ ERBzin-e Index 551-600
Woodley, Robert A.: Under the Moans of Mars: ERB parody in 10 pages.
Three Shells: ERB Evangelism ~ Thoughts on WB Tarzan ~ Tarzan an the Devil Ogre: Review: First Marsh Tarzan story in Dell Comics 1947
Cavender, Shawn: WB's Tarzan impressions and photos
Franke, Henry G.: Dum-Dum 2003 journal and description of Huckster wares & colour photos ~ WB Tarzan thoughts ~ Talk with Paul Norris
Griffin, Scott Tracy: Ishi, the Last Stone-Age American: influence on ERB?
Hyde, Bob (Two for Thuria): Odyssey of a Tarzan FANatic Ch. LVII: 1989 events: Tarzana ECOF ~ Chicago Normal Beans 75th
Daley, Jack (Two for Thuria): Mailing Comments on #72:  Problems with Tarzan the Magnificent
Shellhorse, Brooks: The ERB Line: WB Tarzan impressions ~ Comments ~ Tarzan ceramic figurines from Italy: Epiphany cakes
Thompson, Jim: ECOF 2003 journal of activities ~ Recent publications of interest
Howell, Dorothy J.: Lord of Two Worlds: Jer'ok in Exile: Synopsis - Ch. V Into Exile - Post script ~  Comments
Wilcutt, Dennis: Review of La Ascendant ~ Cheetah pics & clips ~ Lubbers strips ~ Dum-Dum 2003 thoughts & pic ~ comments ~ WB Tarzan & McWhorter articles

ERBapa #80 ~ Winter 2004  ~ 20th Anniversary Issue
: Art by Shaun Hoadley: Front: Tarzan's Croc Fight ~ Back: Tarzan and the Golden Lion
CONTENTS: Page Count: 260 ~ Roster ~ Kaor ~ Farewell Report by O.E. Shawn Cavender
Waiting List: Shaun Hoadley, Bob Cook
Ferrier, Joe: Greystoke Gospel: Tarzan of the Apes and The Return of Tarzan ~ Illustrations by the author ~ Grunts & Groans comments
Hunton, Robert L.: The Meanderings of an Antiquarian Junkie: A Chance Encounter with Howard E. Green's The Tarzan Chronicles . . .
McGeeney, Bob: Fun Addict: WB Tarzan TV Trivia ~ Review of ERB's An Auto-Biography
Hanson, Alan: Henry Hardy Heins: A Retrospect ~ Photos ~ Letter ~ Mailing Comments
Menegazzo, Tony: Dum-Dum 2003 Photos ~ WB Tarzan articles ~ Trivia Quiz ~ Photos ~ Denny Miller at Oak Park Historical Society ~ Comments
McGeehan, Thomas and Mary McGeehan Wild: An Incomplete Listing of the Works of Otis Adelbert Kline
Ross, Bill: Burroughs Bibliophiles Dum-Dum 2003: Photo Gallery with captions ~ Group Photo of ERBapians
Brown, Ralph: Never Ending Story ~ Plans for ECOF 2004 in Sacramento ~ eBay Highlights ~ Johnny Weissmuller Kings of Sport Series
Dumont, Richard J.: Tarzan in the Great War: Influence of ERB's reference book, Marching On Tanga by Francis Brett Young ~ with map
Howell, D.J.: Lord of Two Worlds: Jer'ok in Exile: Ch. VI Exile ~ Postscript Comments
Richardson, Darrell C.: The Pulp Era reprint: Why I Wrote The Bantan Novels by Maurice B. Gardner ~ Dave Prosser art ~ Title List
Huckenpöhler, J.G.: Tarzan in Mouse Ears: Some Thoughts On The Disney Version ~ Listing of Disney Tarzan Books ~ Comments
Klasek, Terry Alan: The Papyrus Scroll of Erich von Harben: Text written for ERB display at the Saint Louis County Library, Nov. 2003 ~ Photos
Conran, Mike: Journal on Dum-Dum 2003, Louisville, Kentucky ~ Photos ~ Info on Guests, Awards, Souvenirs, Panel, Sites.
Two from Thuria: Bob Hyde, Jack Daley, Walter Albert: Hyde Odyssey  (1990) ~ Hogarth art ~ Daley's 20 Years After ~ Albert::  What Happened to Walt
Guidry, John H.: Chapter 80: Across Space ~ Looking back to how the author lauched ERBapa 20 years ago.
Cuthbert, Raymond A.: WB's Tarzan ~ Episode Summaries and Credits ~ Mailing Comments
Burrows, Robert J.: Precambrian Winter: Chapter 16 - Modern Interlude (fan fiction) ~ Apa Notes
Moody, James Michael: (Greystoke Chronologist)  Between Apes and Beast
Webber, Kenneth: Tarzan Sunday Pages - Part Two: Bob Lubbers ~ Art examples ~ The Far East Tarzan Films- Unauthorized Films #7 ~ Comments
Moody, James Michael: Greystoke Chronologist ~ "Kidnapped" ~ Beasts of Tarzan chrono Oct. 1, 1895 - Nov. 9, 1896 ~ APA Talk Comments
Zeuschner, Bob: ERB Reference Books: A Descriptive Appreciation: Heins, Zeuschner, Huckenpohler, McWhorter, Erardi, Bergan, Bohnett, Barrett
Dunn, Laurence G.: Tarzan. . . Warner Bros Style. . .  Review and Comments ~ Colour Photo of Stars ~ UK Antique Car Rallly tie-in with TA ~ Genevieve colour poster
Martin, John: Tarzan QSL Cards: illustrations ~ Farewell to a non-Tarzan (WB) ~ Tarzan Around the World: NZ, Texas, New Jersey, CA ~ Converging Trails
Franke, Henry G.: Shawn Cavender Visit ~ WB Tarzan's Short Life: comments ~ APA Bits: Related ERB books, art & memorabilia ~ ERB Ghostwriters?
Miller, Steve: Dancing Girl of Sidi Aissa: 50's OTR Tarzan series Intro: Synposis of six radio show episodes
Cavender, Shawn: John Carter and the Prince of Space: Part 4 ~ Facing the Prince: graphic novel series by Shawn
Denkena, Kurt S.: Fuwalda: Illustrated report on ERB comics, books and memorabilia in Germany
Gibbs, Murray: Savage Return after a four issue hiatus ~ Fighting Skills of Tarzan Pt. II illustrated ~ In Response comments
Hillman, Bill: All-Gory Pulp Parody the first 20 chapters of the Ratnaz Files (including summary of Tangor chapters) ~ ERBzine Index 651-700 ~ Home from ERB/Danton Burroughs archive
Shellhorse, Brooks: 20 Ann. of APA ~ Discussion of non-ERB Tarzan stories ~ Jane, Fa La-La ~ Request that ERBzine be backed up on CD
Thompson, Jim: ECOF 2003 - Day 2 ~ Items of ERB Interest: Playboy Nov 03, Movieline's Hollywood Life Jan 04, AARP The Magazine Jan 04
Myrhoj, Nels: ERB road trip of 19 days and 11000 kms ~ book shops, Hillmans in Brandon, Cuthbert in Winnipeg, Family, Pulpcon in Dayton, McGeeney, Lukes
Three Shells: Jen: My Picture of Frank Frazetta ~ Bill: Tarzan TV Series, "New" ERB Book SF Book Club, Movie Script Suggestions ~ Frazetta art
Wilcutt, Dennis: Comments on NASA direction ~ Williamson art ~ Tarzan Daily Stories by Bob Lubbers (cont) 4th Story #3511-3573 ~ Sample strips
Griffin, Scott Tracy: King of the Jungle Revisited ~ background, clippings of the 1927 serial
Morse, W.T.: On Safari: News on ERB, Inc. film projects and legal wins ~ Report on Dum-Dum 2003 and Vallejos ~Tarzan & Valley of Cain UK 1972 reprint & illos
OE Shawn Cavendar's Last Word comments and farewell from editor stint
ERBapa 81: Spring 2004

Covers: Front: Thomas Yeates art from the Henry Franke "Snowmen of Jupiter" Collection ~ Back: Dejah Thoris by Shaun Hoadley
Contents Page: ERBapa Roster ~ Page Count: 182 ~ Kaor from new OE, Henry Franke ~ Kaorspondence letters page ~ e-Mail addresses ~ Wait List: Bob Woodley & Bob Cook
Hoadley, Shaun Raymond: Beyond Thirty poem
Ferrier, Joe: Pearl Harbor Hero ~ a review of Max Allan Collins' The Pearl Harbor Murders (mystery novel featuring Ed and Hully Burroughs) ~ Grunts & Groans
Cavender, Shawn:  Thankyous from departing  OE ~ Review and covers: Adventure of the Peerless Peer ~ Mailing Comments
Brown, Ralph: England visit with L. Dunn ~ Frances Dee RIP & autograph ~ Dan Parsons Interview & Art & ECOF 04 Poster
Managazzo, Tony: ERB Corner with cartoons ~ JW photo ~ Graphic Novel cont. Tarzan: Where's Jane?, 7 art & story by Tony
Richardson, Darrell C.: Kline vs Burroughs Discussions by Sam Moskowitz, Frank Belknap Long, Richardson, Oakleaves ~Ralph Milne Farley pic & letter
Conran, Mike: Non-Tarzan Tarzan Comic Books discussion with sample pages
Ross, Bill: ERB Collector: Who's Who Behind the Comics: Dark Horse Part I biblio ~ 7 covers
Cuthbert, Raymond A.: Collecting ERBapas Pt. Two ~ 5 covers ~ Mailing Comments
Denkena, Kurt S.: Fowalda No. 61 ~ German Tarzan Brochures with much Hogarth and Foster art
Huckenpöhler, J. G.: And Then What Happened? The Sequels Burroughs Never Wrote: Comments on Issue 80 Submissions
Hyde, Bob and Walter Albert: Hyde Odyssey Ch. LIX 1991 ~ Photos with ERB artists/writers ~ Tarzan in Paris from 1950 French comic book Collection Tarzan: 4-page supplement to Foster's 1929 Tarzan
Webber, Kenneth: Bob Lubber's Tarzan Comic Strips - Part 3 (summaries and art) ~ ads for 2 foreign Tarzan films ~ cartoon ~ Comments
Guidry, John H.: The Two Kings: Book & Film Reviews of Stoneman's King of the Jungle and Mulvihill's Sands of the Kalahari
Hanson, Alan: The Talking Tarzan "...a man of few words" ~ A Quiet Dignity, Value of Silence, Useless Talk, Useful Talk
Van Hise, Jim: 2002 San Diego Con Interview: Mark Evanier, Julius Schwartz, Ray Bradbury, Al Feldstein ~ Planet Stories Jan. 1954 art
Franke, Henry G.: Visiting KY and TN ~ Reviews: John Dunning ~ Otto Binder discussion ~ Cheeta's painting with pic ~ apabits
Dunn, Laurence G.: Atheistic Bastards... a rebuttal ~ John Carter and the Gods of Mars (discussion of religion)
Shellhorse, Brooks: Lost Lands of ERB (preparing for the Lost Lands Summer Symposium) ~ JW photo & Manning art ~ Comments
Howell, D. J.: Jer'ok in Exile: Synopsis & Ch. VII Desolation ~ Comments: Hogarth Estate vs. ERB, Inc.: Appeal Aug. 29, 2003
McGeeney, Bob: Bursley Tarzan Club & '30s Tarzan radio show with radio ad copy
Three Shells: Jennifer's farewell from APA
Hillman, Bill: Excerpts from many letters from Yale 1886-87 by George and Harry Burroughs ~ New addresses ~ Archive issues 0701-0750
Wilcutt, Dennis: Bob Lubbers' Daily Tarzan Stories summarized with art from 7 strips ~ New Tarzan DVD releases ~ Comments
Morse, W. T.: News ~ Hogarth legal loss ~ Comments ~ Tarzan story reprint from British Annual 1977 with cover and art
Thompson, Jim: Brazilian book on eBay: A Primera Aventura De Tarzan Em Quadrinhos ~ 100 ann. of ERB
Franke, Henry: The Last Word: Comments on this issues contents by the OE.

ERBapa 82: Summer 2004 ~ Special Lost Lands Symposium Issue

Cover: David Burton's oil on canvas painting of A Princess of Mars (colour)
Contents Page: ERBapa Roster ~ Page Count: 266 ~ Kaor from OE, Henry Franke ~ Passing of Bill Shell ~ Kaorspondence letters page with tributes to Bill Shell ~ e-Mail addresses ~ Wait List:  Bob Cook ~ Princess of Mars Film Update ~ e-Mail addresses of APA Members (see )
Ferrier, Joe: Jackleg Logic commentary illustrated with sketches ~ Grunts and Groans
Dunn, Laurence: LaurenceCon VI account with Panthans Journal illos ~ Visit to Machu Piccu: Lost Andean City of ERB's Tales with photos
McGeeney, Bob: Lost Worlds: Tarzan and the Lost Empire discussion
Dumont, Richard J.: Index Dell / Gold Key  Tarzan Comics Back Covers with 10 illustrations
Menegazzo, Tony: Jungle cartoons ~ Mars Word Search ~ Obit: J.W. Widow ~ News Clips ~ "Hybrid of Horror" by JCB & JRB ~ 20 pp ~ 1940
Richardson, Darrell C.: Tribute to Paul C. Allen (Barsoomian) ~ "Burroughs Item" by Julian  Chambers reprint ~ Allen news clipping 1967
Guidry, John H.: Outlaw of Torn discussion ~ Gregory Walcott Interview bit: Film Fax 1998 (How he lost Tarzan role to Gordon Scott)
Cuthbert, Raymond A.: Hidden Lands of Virgil Finlay & J. Allen St. John ~ Chester D. Cuthbert and the pulps ~ 12 illos ~ Mailing  Comments
Huckenpöhler, J. G.: Pithecanthropus: From "DuBois to Burroughs ~ 3 illos (ERB notebook sketch, skullcap photos, Burian) ~ Submissions Comments
Klasek, Terry Alan: Lost City of Opar ~ 3 comparison illos of La ~ Ballantine ad 1965
Hanson, Alan: Plundering of Tarzan's Africa with 2 illos
Conran, Mike: Non-Tarzan Comic Books ~ Part 2: Sports Thrills: How J.W. Became a Champion Swimmer and Tarzan: 5 comic page illos.
Franke, Henry: Lost Lands ~ Visit to Moskowitz Papers at Texas A&M ~ Jules Verne Society ~ Tarzana Visit ~ Going APA Bits ~
Hillman, Bill: Back to ERB's Tarzana Ranch 1921: Docu-Novelette  ~ Text adaptation of illustrated feature in ERBzine 1041  ERBzine Index for Nos. 0751-0800 ~ Preview of ERB Library Project: September 2004 Release in ERBzine (1,100 titles ~ 60 Webpages)
Van Hise, James: "Palos of the Dog Star Pack by J.U." Giesy 1918 plus "...Zitu" "Jason..." ~ A Burroughs Imitator? ~ 4 illos by Frank R. Paul
Denkena, Kurt S.: Weissmuller 100-Year Exhibit in Germany with photos & bio ~ Pellucidar map from Dictionary of Imaginary Places
Webber, Ken: Tarzan Sunday Strips: The John Celardo Years - Part One with 6 illos
Burrows, Robert J. Precambrian Winter (fanfic): Ch. 17 - Action and Reaction ~ Ch. 18 - Back to the Lab ~ APA 81 Notes
Ross, Bill: Burroughs Bibliophiles 2004 Dum-Dum at Fort Collins, Colorado: Photos and report
Martin, John: Pellucidar: Lost but not least ~ Romania honors Tarzan, Weissmuller with plaque and postal collectibles (illustrated)
Cavender, Shawn: Tarzan DVDs: MGM Set, Platinum Set, Tarzan the Ape Man ~ Artist: Juan Jose Ryp with illos ~ "JC & Prince of Space 5" (fanfic graphic story)
Howell, Dorothy J.: Lord of Two Worlds: Jer'ok in Exile: Ch. 8 Tempest (fanfic) ~ Postscript Comments
Gibbs, Murray: Fighting Skills of Tarzan III ~ Gibbs Fold-Out Colour Art: "Tarzan vs Mr. Train"  and a 1-page b/w illo (Elmo Lincoln fight)
Miller, Steve: The Delirium: Report on Tarzan DVDs ~ Synopses of three 1951 Tarzan radio shows (Commodore)
Moody, James Michael: A Revision of Kidnapped submission in No. 80 ~ Chronology Oct 14, 1896 - Feb 27, 1897 ~ APA 81 Talk
Thompson, Jim: ECOF 2003 Day 3 report ~ OJT-ConII Washington DC  log ~ John Tyner's Collection
Hyde, Bob  Odyssey of a Tarzan FANatic Ch. LX 1992: Lukas & Denby in Toronto, Barrett in Wichita, Denver ECOF (McGuigan, Whites), Achievement Award, Dayton PulpCon, Hamilton monument to Symmes ~ 3 photos
Daley, Jack: Lost Land Discussion on Favourites with one sketch
Zeuschner, Bob: Lost Civilizations of ERB discussion with Art: Yeates, Whelan, Hoffman, St. John, Hogarth
Griffin, Scott Tracy: Tarzan Breaks the Comics Blockade ~ Discovering ERB through the years ~ Dorothy Hart LA Times obit article with photo
Shelhorse, Brooks: Lost Lands of ERB: My Favorite ~ 4 illos
McGeehan Wild, Mary: Women in ERB Pt. 3: Burroughs' Best Girl -- The Girl from Hollywood ~ analysis ~ 3 Girls (Burke, Lathrop, Sackett)
Three Shells Farewell: Farewell to father, Bill Shell, and membership.
THE LAST WORD by OE Henry Franke: Observations on this issues submissions ~ Departure for Iraq in January 2005
ERBapa 83: Fall 2004

Cover: Panther Girl cover by Thomas Floyd
Contents Page: ERBapa Roster ~ Page Count: 201 ~ Kaor from OE, Henry Franke ~ Explanation of late mailing ~  Kaorspondence letters page ~ e-Mail addresses ~ Wait List:  Bob Cook, S. Bradleigh Vinson, Peter Geissler  ~ e-Mail addresses of APA Members (see )
Ferrier, Joe: "On the Bosom of Barsoom" poem with illustrations by the author ~ Grunts & Groans
Richardson, Darrell C.: Foreign Comics On The Tarzan Theme: covers & comments ~ Those Macabre Pulps
Hoadley, Shaun Raymond: Flashing Blade and Copper Princess (ERB influences) ~ ERB portrait & JC art by the author
Menegazzo, Tony: Dum-Dum 2004 photos ~ "He, Tarzan" Coloradoan news article ~ Mailing Comments
Dumont, Richard J.: Tarzan and "The Foreign Legion" article with maps of routes
Webber, Ken: John Celardo Tarzan Sunday Strips - Part II ~ sample art
Huckenpöhler, J. G.: A Retrospective: Ten Years of Dime Lectures ~ list of articles~ WordCon Report ~ ERB Achievement Award ~ Comments
Ross, Bill: ECOF 2004 Sacramento ~ Report and photos
Moody, James Michael: Tarzan on Jungle Island chronology
Hanson, Alan: A Basic Burroughs Reference Library: i.e. Porges, Heins, GT McWhorter, letters, fanzines, Hanson.
Dunn, Laurence G.: Disney Madness Strikes Again: 3 pages of Disney merchandise in colour ~ Comments
Guidry, John: Four "TAPCAP" summaries ~ Recommendation of "A Princess of Earth" by Mike Resnick (Asimov SF, Dec. 2004).
McGeeney, Bob: Fun Addict finds ~ Comments about Grunts and Groans ~ Joe's Dope Sheet ads with Jazzan comic pages.
Denkena, Kurt: Tarzan-related news items and comic art from Germany
Conran, Mike: Dum-Dum 2004 report with photos ~ another in the "facts" series: sites, guests, awards, souvenirs, panel, events.
Howell, D.J.: Lord of Two Worlds: Jer'ok in Exile ~ Synopsis ~ Ch. IX Captured ~ Postscript
Brown, Ralph: ECOF 2004 report & photos ~ Conventions past ~ Photo: Amanda Brown with Bill Ross ~ Westwood 1989 letter.
Thompson, Jim: Scandals of Tarzan ~ Tarzan in erotica (10 items) ~ Recent pubs of interest: Cinefantastique & Natural History
Cuthbert, Raymond A.: Mark Schultz - The New Scribe of Prince Valiant ~ art illustrations ~ Mailing Comments
Hillman, Bill: The ERB Personal Library: 1875-1950 Collated by Themes ~ Part I with article excerpt by ERB from ~ ERBzine Archive Volumes 0801-0850
Burrows, Robert: Precambrian Winter: Ch. 19: Never A Time To Sleep ~ Comments
Miller, Steve: On the Balcony: ERB films on DVD: Tarzan Commodore OTR March 8, 1951 summary.
Hyde, Bob (Two From Thuria): Odyssey of a Tarzan FANatic Ch. LX, Pt. 2 ~ 1992 African Safari with photos ~ comments
Albert, Walter (Two From Thuria): La Tribune des amis d'ERB: contents No. 47 Dec. 2002 ~ No. 48 March 2003 with 3 illos
Franke, Henry G.: 2004 ECOF observations ~ Hillman Tarzana Ranch 1921 letter ~ Going APA & apabits new collectibles ~ cartoons
Hardy, David: How I met the Ape Man ~ memories of discovering Tarzan as a youth
Cavender, Shawn: New Tarzan DVDs: Greystoke, The Fearless, The Trappers ~ Comments
Morse, Bill: News ~ Comments ~ British Tarzan Annual 1977-78, Pt. II Castle of Fear Ch. 4 ~ Archer of Mons Ch. 5 ~ Duel at World's End Ch. 6 ~ illos
Shellhorse, Brooks: ERB: Businessman article
Woodley, Bob: ERB, Reality, and Modern Fiction ~ absurdities in fiction ~ ERB "grandfather of reality"
O.E. Last Word by Henry Franke: Comments on articles featured in issue #83.
ERBapa 84: Winter 2005
Cover Art
: Joe Ferrier's Tarzan at Safari Camp ~ Back Cover Art: Tarzan by Thomas Floyd
Contents Page: ERBapa Roster ~ Page Count: 224 ~ Kaor from OEs Henry Franke and Shawn Cavender ~ OE Franke deployed to Iraq ~ Kaorspondence letters page: Voice of Disney Tarzan II - Bob Cook's health - Mary McGeehan Wild's resignation ~ e-Mail addresses ~ Wait List:  Bob Cook, Brad Vinson, Phil Normand, Peter Geissler ~  Rules for ERBapa ~  e-Mail addresses of APA Members (see )
Martin, John: Tarzan rides mailstream on Great ACE Day (Art Cover Exchange): 26 illustrated envelopes by mail
Ross, Bill: Who's Who Behind the Comics: Dark Horse Comics Part 2 ~ June 6, 1995 - May 2002 ~ 9 cover illos
Ferrier, Joe: Thelma, Barmaid of Bismarck by "Jay Gryfalken" with illos ~ Grunts & Groans comments on submissions
Dumont, Richard: Burne Hogarth Sparkler Comic Covers ~ Intro with 12 covers b/w
Menegazzo, Tony: Tarzan and the Lost City of Durad: Story and artwork by Tony (5 pages) ~ ERB Corner: clippings, cartoons, pics, Ape House zoo pics
Dunn, Laurence: Eleanor Holm -- destined never to be Jane. . .6 pics ~ 25 comics covers in colour ~ cartoon ~ Mailing Comments
Richardson, Darrell: Oakland Tribune clippings: Greetings from its featured artists and writers: ERB greetings and his drawn image
Conran, Mike: ECOF 2004 Sacramento report with many pics ~ ECOF credits: sites, guests, souvenirs, panels, points of interest
Webber, Ken: John Celardo Tarzan Sunday Strips III: Feb 3, 1957 - Nov 16, 1958 with 5 illos ~ 2 cartoons ~ Mailing Comments
Franke, Henry: Farewell: departure for Iraq ~ 10 pages of colour photos ~ visits to David Hardy, Laurence Dunn, Bill Ross ~ ERB-related pubs
Brown, Ralph: Acapulco visit to Weissmuller gravesite ~ 10 photos ~ Newspaper article (1 page with 2 photos)
Hanson, Alan: Clash of Cultures: A Look at the Role of Arabs in the Fiction of Edgar Rice Burroughs I: 8 pages with art by St. John, JCB, Maxon
Huckenpöhler, J. G.: ERB's First "Lost Race": The Mangani ~ 4 illos and 1 page Africa map ~ Mailing Comments
Thompson, Jim: OJT-Con III, Dayton, Ohio, Dec 29, 2004-Jan2, 2005 visit to Spargurs
Burrows, Robert: Precambrian Winter (fan fic): Ch. 20 - Refreshment of Interest ~ Mailing Notes on Nol 83
Van Hise, Jim: Pete Ogden's ERBANIA: Checklist of oldest ERB fanzine ~ 89 issues: April 1956-Summer 2004 ~ 5 covers
Guidry, John: TAPCAP reviews of Tarzan TV series: Jewel of Justice ~ Night of Horrors
Wilcutt, Dennis: Update ~ Bob Lubbers daily Tarzan strips ~ MGM DVD set reviews ~ obits ~ many strip illos ~ Mailing Comments
Cuthbert, Raymond: Neal Adams: Tarzan Artist: bio, 2 art illos, autograph ~ Mailing Comments
Gibbs, Murray: The Fighting Skills of Tarzan in the Movies II - the talkies ~ Murray art ~ Pierce, O'Sullivan, Hart stills ~ In Response comments
Hillman, Bill: ERB's Remarkable Summer of '93 (docu-fiction) Ch. 8: Ed and His Electric Flier ~ 3 illos ~ ERB Library: Themes Collation II ~ ERBzine Archive nos. 851-900 ~ Nevada News clipping 1939: "Fake Tarzans are Warned by Famed Author"
Howell, D. J.: Lord of Two Worlds: Jer'ok in Exile: Synopsis ~ Ch. IX Captured (cont.) ~ Postscript comments
Hyde, Bob: Odyssey of a Tarzan FANatic Ch LXI flashbacks: 1993: Gray Morrow & Denny Miller photos ~ Dum Dum Poster ~ Lubbers art ~ Safari map
Daley, Jack: (Two from Thuria)  Dancing at the Dum Dum ~ Comments on the success of Bob Hyde's 1993 Dum-Dum
Moody, James Michael: Greystoke Chronology: A Jungle Chase Begins Feb 13 - 23, 1897 ~ Comments to three contributors
Denkena, Kurt: Tarzan-related news items and comic art from Germany ~ cartoons ~ Weissmuller info
Cavender, Shawn: Updates ~ Franke visit ~ 4 photos ~ Suggestions for casting John Carter: The Movie ~ Mailing Comments
Griffin, Scott Tracy: Tarzan and Hollywood: Another Shelf in the Completist's Library: Part I: Leading Men and Ladies, Firsthand ~ Periodical refs
Miller, Steve: Lamont Johnson short bio & photo ~ Tarzan OTR: Mar 22, 1951 Jungle Legacy synopsis
The Last Word: Issue comments by Henry Franke and Shawn Cavendar ~ ERB Fan & Writer, Bill  Tredinnick dies
ERBapa 85: Spring 2005 
Cover Art:
Joe Ferrier
Contents Page: ERBapa Roster ~ Page Count: 190 ~ Kaor from OE Shawn Cavender ~ Wait List: Bob Cook, Brad Vinson, Peter Geissler ~   e-Mail addresses of APA Members (see )
Ferrier, Joe: ERB Gun Battery ~ Crossed Words and Crossed Swords ~ Grading of Apa Submissions ~ Grunts & Groans ~ sketches
Webber, Ken: John Celardo Tarzan Strips IV: (1958-61) ~ Philippine Tarzan Movie ~ Comic art illos ~ Comments
Dunn, Laurence: Mangani Zugor ~ Chicago or Bust colour cartoon ~ LaurenceCon 7 journal ~ Spannraft collection photos ~ illos
Menegazzo, Tony: Dum-Dum 2005 newspaper article ~ Original graphic novel: Ch. 2: Tarzan: Lost City of Darud ~ Elmo article ~ news clips & carts
Richardson, Darrell: Fantasy Bookman reprint: St. John refs ~ order form for the new Life & Work of St. John by Richardson
Howell, Dorothy: Original FanFic: Jer'ok in Exile: Synopsis ~ Ch. XI: Interlude ~ Post Script Comments
Huckenpöhler, J. G.: ERB on the Web: Search Engines ~ Listservs ~ Publishers ~ Dealers ~ Fans   Comments
Denkena, Kurt: Tarzan-related news items and comic art from Germany ~ Photos of actors and actresses
Conran, Mike: Non-Tarzan Tarzan Comic Books III: True Comics ~ Tarzan's Secret Treasure ads and comments
Cuthbert, Raymon: Review of Grand Master of Adventure -- Drawings of J. Allen St. John by Spurlock and Zeuschner ~ Mailing Comments
Dumont, Richard: Ray Harryhausen: An Animated Life: Commentary and many dinosaur illos ~ Windy City Pulp and Paperback Convention
Guidry, John: Reviews of Tarzan TV series: TAPCAP: Russian Invasion and Rock Star episodes ~ Ray Bradbury quotes oo ERB
Hillman, Bill: ERB / Jack London Connection adapted from the ERBzine series ~ ERBzine Archives: 0901-0908
McGeeney, Bob: Fun Finds: Unauthorized Tarzan films on DVD ~ Random Thoughts: date discrepancies ~ Lupoff & Hully Corresp
Hardy, David: Two Book Reviews: Houdini, Tarzan and Perfect Man by Kasson & Disney War by Stewart
Klasek, Terry Alan: Mad King and the Prisoner of Zenda ~ Cover art: St. John and Classics Illustrated
Normand, Phil: A Zut-Ul Jad-In-Lul: debut submission ~ Introductory bio
Hyde, Bob (Two from Thuria): Odyssey of an ERB FANatic Ch. LXII 1994 ~ photo of St. John's Lord of the Jungle art with Pete Ogden
Albert, Walter and Jack Daley (Two from Thuria): La Tribune des amis d'ERB nos. 49 & 50 desc. ~ Mailing Comments
Woodley, Robert: Commentary on Tarzan and the City of Gold
Franke, Henry: Greetings from Iraq ~ Life on a Base Camp ~ ERB in War Zone ~ Reading List ~ Iraq DVDs ~ Correspondence: Lupoff, Yeates, Hoover, Burton, Cook, Kaluta, Wheatley, Hillman, Dunn, 3 Wise Monks owner James, Serial Squadron, Hoadley ~ art illos
Hoadley, Shaun: 4 original art pieces
Hanson, Alan: Clash of Cultures: Arabs & ERB Fiction Pt. II with art illustrations
Shelhorse, Brooks: What's in a Title? Commentary and cover art: ACE, etc. by Frazetta, Krenkel, Kane
Thompson, James: The Cathne Courier: Visit with Darrell Richardson ~ New ERB editions: St. John, ERBville, etc.
Myrhoj, Nels: ERB Quest: Sacramento ECOF 2004 Report
Zeuschner, Bob: Grand Master of Adventure: The Drawings of J. Allen St. John report ~ illos ~  Paramount film news ~ Jeff Jones art
Cavender, Sean: The Last Word: OE's comments on this edition's submissions

ERBapa 86: Summer 2005
Cover Art:
Dan Parsons: Tarzan Battles Histah
Contents Page: Summer Symposium Issue: Beyond Thirty ~ ERBapa Roster ~ Page Count: 241 ~ Wait List: Bob Cook, Brad Vinson, Peter Geissler ~   e-Mail addresses of APA Members (see )
Hoadley, Shaun Raymond: Coldwater & Grabritin: Shaun's connection to Coldwater, Michigan and WWII England ~ Full-page Hoadley art
Ferrier, Joe: Reminiscences on collecting with Beyond 30 emphasis ~ Events and authors of 1888.
Webber, Kenneth: John Celardo, Artist & Writer: Tarzan Sunday Newspaper Strip ~ Story synopses, sample strip art, photo, mailing comments ~ Cardy sketch.
Menegazzo, Tony: Tarzan & the Lost City of Darud Ch. 3 original comic story ~ Clippings ~ Cartoons ~ APA 84 Comments ~ Tarzan cartoon by Tony
Cuthbert, Raymond A.: Reviews of new J. Allen St. John books by Darrell Richardson and David Spurlock ~ St. John articles from 1898 & 1950 ~ Comments
Hanson, Alan: 20th Century History Relived ~ Review of Brother Men: Correspondence of ERB & Bert Weston edited by Matt Cohen
Brown, Ralph: Visit with David Hardy ~ Wondercon Pics: Neal Adams, William Stout, Arthur Suydam ~ ERB letter to Joan 41.03.27
Richardson, Darrell C.: Tarzan newspaper clippings and pics
Huckenpöhler, J. G.: Dime Lecture Series: Beyond Thirty and Other Futures That Never Were ~ Review of Richardson's St. John ~ Comments
Van Hise, Jim: The Princess of Mars poem by Charles Tanner ~ Book Reviews: Weinbaum, Chandler, St. John books by Richardson & Spurlock ~ Al Williamson by Tom Yeates ~ Adventure Tales & Foul Play books ~ Contents of Blood 'n' Thunder pulp fanzine ~ Contents of Hise's Burroughs Newsbeat Nos. 48-64 ~ Argosy bio of Ralph Milne Farley ~ Review of RMF's Radio Man ~ JC art
Hillman, Bill: ERB/Jack London Connection Part II ~ Guide to other ERB Connection features in ERBzine ~ ERBzine Contents: Nos. 0919-0950.
Martin, John: Venturing Into The Great Beyond: The Lost Continent analysis -- many topics.
Denkena, Kurt S.: Kesterton art ~ reprint Maxon & Hogarth from German comics ~ Blaar zebra art ~ Mondial Tarzan folder of '50s
Dunn, Laurence G.: ECOF 2005 - Unionville, Ontario report with photos and Doug Denby history of Unionville RR station.
Conran, Mike: Elephants In Pittsburgh? ~ Visit with Bob Hyde in Pittsburgh ~ Photos: elephants, Buscema, Friedlander.
Ross, Bill: Who's Who Behind the Comics: Dark Horse Comics Pt. 3: Graphic Novels ~ June 1996 - June 2002 ~ Contents & Cover illustrations
Klasek, Terry Alan: Seeking New Paths Collecting ERB & Becoming Hopelessly Lost! with Beyond 30 emphasis ~ Photo ERB Book Display '30s
Dumont, Richard J.: Kline on Burroughs by Frank Belknap Long
Howell, Dorothy J.: Fiction: Jer'ok in Exile: Synopsis, Ch. XII: Temptation of Reyn ~ Postscript: Tarzan, Native Americans, and Identity in Exile
Guidry, John H.: Review:Brother Men: Correspondence of ERB & Herbert Weston
Franke III, Henry G.: Greetings from Iraq ~ Major analysis of Beyond 30 with many topics ~ 3 Wise Monks update & corresondence ~ Reprint of article on Glenn Close from More Magazine, June 2004 ~ Art: Tarzan and La by Thomas Yeates, coloured by Damon Willis
Burrows, Robert J.: Fiction: Precambrian Winter - Chapter 21: Plans ~ APA Notes for #85
Griffin, Scott Tracy: Tarzan and Hollywood: Another Shelf in the Completist's Library - Pt. 2: Leading Men and Ladies, Secondhand - nine book reviews ~ Tarzan the Despoiler commentary.
Hyde, Bob with Jack Daley and Walter Albert: Odyssey of a Tarzan FANatic Ch. LXIII - 1995 ~ Pics: O'Sullivan, Jusko ~ Contents of La Tribune des amis d'ERB ~ mailing comments
Moody, James Michael: The Hunter Is The Hunted & Death of Rokoff chronologies 1897 ~ APA Talk comments
Normand, Phil: A Zut-Ul Jad-In-Lul ~ Bradford M. Day's Beyond Thirty and the Man Eater project ~ Gil Kane art
Shelhorse, Brooks: How Come? questions ~ Beyond Thirty and real history ~ Menelik II & Selassie photos
Wilcutt, Dennis: Recent thoughts ~ Continuation of the Tarzan Daily Strip synopses and comments: Bob Lubbers ~ Sample strips ~ APA Comments ~ e-mail correspondence ~ "Everything I Needed to Know, I Learned from ERB" by Bob Wallace ~ Foreign Tarzan strip reprint ~ Review on Tarzan II
Zeuschner, Bob: The Fantasy Realms of ERB ~ ERB and Asia ~ Two pages Beyond 30 art by Harry Borgman
Miller, Steve: Mystery of the Past: Radio Show synopsis: The Killer, March 22, 1951 ~ Jungle Orchids, March 29, 1951
Gibbs, Murray: Beyond 30 impressions ~ ACE edition Frazetta cover ~ Murray 1-page art: The Lost Continent ~ In Response to APA 86
Morse, William T.: News: Theater, Film, Legal ~ Mailing Comments
Cavender, Shawn: Alien Worlds of ERB ~ Visit with Mike Conran ~ Photo with collection ~ Japanese book cover art
ERBapa 87: Fall 2005
Cover Art:
Tarzan Battles on front and back by Tony Menegazzo
Intro: Contents Page ~ ERBapa Roster ~ Page Count: 187 ~ Wait List: None ~  e-Mail addresses of APA Members (see )
Howell, Dorothy J.: Fan Fic: Lord of Two Worlds: Jer'ok in Exile: Synopsis, Ch. XIII At the Royal Pleasure ~ Brother Men Review ~ Post Script
Ferrier, Joe: African Queens ~ Illustrations ~ Art ~ Grunts and Groans
Menegazzo, Tony: News Clippings & Cartoons ~ Fan Comic: Tarzan & Lost City of Darud ~ "Jungle Fever" article Chicago Tribune ~ Dum-Dum Pics
Conran, Mike: Mangani Zugor: ECOF 2005 at Denbys, Unionville ON ~ Journal & Photos ~ Sites, Panels, Souvenirs
Dunn, Laurence G.: Dum-Dum 2005 Oak Park, Illinois Report ~ Photos
Ferrier, Joe: The One-Gun Man ~ models used by ERB heroes and famous gunmen ~ Ferrier art
Denkena, Kurt S.: Fuwalda ~ Report from Germany ~ Products: Mission Mars, Superman Comics Compilation ~ Tarzan strip compilations
Hanson, Alan: Dum-Dum Diaries: Oak Park 2005 ~ August 10-14: Intro, Good, Bad, Ugly, Wrapping Up
Webber, Kenneth: ERB-ETC: Tarzan Sunday Newspaper Strip - John Celardo, Artist & Writer, cont . . .1963.05.12-1964.04.05 Reviews & Illos. ~ ComicCon 2004 Art
Thompson, James F.: The Cathne Courier: Scotland Visit ~ UK Editions Commentary ~ Peter Ogden & UK Bookseller e-Mails
Richardson, Darrell C.: Hoban pulp art ~ ERB clippings from the Richardson scrapbook ~ St. John art
Guidry, John H.: Lost Fanzine of Jasoom: "I Still Live" ~ Hurricane Rita disaster in New Orleans: Personal loss and loss of ERBapas & ERB reference material
Cuthbert, Raymond A.: Collecting ERBapas Part 3 ~ Manning in Alter Ego ~ Recent ERB art ~ Comments ~ APA cover art ~ Dejah sketch by Adam Hughes
Huckenpöhler, J. G.: Attack of the Pod People: Increase in Print-On-Demand as a Proportion of New Releases ~ R.W. Kilpatrick RIP ~ Comments ~ Twins cover
Ross, Bill: Burroughs Bibliophiles Dum-Dum 2005 Photo Gallery: 65 photos
Dumont, Richard J.: How I Discovered ERB: Dell Marsh Tarzan art
Hyde, Bob, Jack Daley, Walter Albert: Odyssey of a Tarzan FANatic: Ch. LXIV 1996, photos ~ Stilson's alternate ending to Tarzan of the Apes
Normand, Phil: A Zut-Ul Jad-In-Lui: The Making of a Replica DJ: Preparing, Print Run, art & photos.
Hillman, Bill: ERBzine 1294-1297 - ERB / Zane Grey Connection ~ ERBzine Archive Contents Centennium X: Volumes 0952-1000
Griffin, Scott Tracy: Kaspa, the Baer-Man?: Max Baer Tribute
Cavender, Shawn: Tarzan DVDs Pt. 3: Disney Tarzan Sp. Ed. & Tarzan II plus Fearless & Revenge: Fan Comic: JC & Prince of Space Pt. 6 Fading Hope
Franke, Henry G.: 41 pages: From Iraq ~ R&R Leave: Journal of ERB Search in Aust. & NZ ~ Tarzan Presley ~ 3 Wise Monks update
Hardy, David: 3 Reviews: Comics Journal Library 5 - Illustrators ~ Frazetta Painting with Fire DVD ~ Brother Men
The Last Word by OE Shawn Cavender
ERBapa 88: Winter 2006
Cover Art by Joe Ferrier

Intro: Contents Page ~ ERBapa Roster ~ Page Count: 221 ~ OE Intro ~ Wait List: None ~ New Member: Peter Geissier from Austria ~  Rules
Ferrier, Joe: Alone on Venus ~ Board Game with descriptions ~ Ferrier Art ~ Grunts and Groans Comments
Geissler, Peter: Munango-Keewati ~ Devil God of the Vienna Jungle ~ My Life and Times as a Tarzan Fan ~ German Cover Art ~ Collectibles: 3 Belgian 1937 pulp covers ~ Austrian comic version of Beasts of Tarzan (5 pages)
Brown, Ralph: Dum-Dum 2005 pics with Collins, Gianni, Cohen ~ Dorothy Hart at Flagstaff Station ~ Superman's Song ~ Review: Tarzan and Hollywood book with pics
Menegazzo, Tony: Mars clipping ~ Cartoons ~ Strip by Tony: Tarzan - The Lost City of Darud - Ch. 5 (4 comic pages) ~ Comments
Webber, Ken: John Celardo Tarzan Sunday Strips (cont.): Aug 19, 1964 through Jan 23, 1966: Summaries, Reviews Illustrations.
Martin, John: St. John with 3 Dust Jackets for Brian Kent novels by Harold Bell Wright ~ Colour illustrations
Ross, Bill: Thoughts on ERB collecting over the years ~ Photo in front of collection with three cover variations of Tarzan in the Forbidden City.
Conran, Mike: Dum-Dum 2005: Oak Park, Illinois ~ Report and Photos ~ Info:Sites, Guests, Awards, Souvenirs, Points of Interest, Panels.
Thompson, James F.: Cathne Courier: A Visit with Bob Barret, Wichita, Kansas, July 8, 2001 - Pt. 2: Description of house and ERB art collection ~ New pubs.
Richardson, Darrell: ERB-related clipping: The Reichenbach Saga by Howard Dietz
Van Hise, Jim: Resurrection of Jimber-Jaw - Review and Pulp Art  ~ Danton's amazing Kerry Conran demo footage for John Carter film project (rejected by Paramount) ~ Barsoomian Times page by Herman Von Tokken from Science-Fiction Times of January 1964.
Dumont, Richard J.: Apes, Martians and Dinosaurs aka King Kong, War of the Worlds and The Lost World reviews ~ Merian C. Cooper pic ~ Maps
Guidry, John H.: John's horrific loss of entire ERBapa collection and other ERB collectibles due to Hurricane Katrina ~ Wizardy & Wild Romance by Moorcock
Denkena, Kurt: Fuwalda: Hogarth and Kubert German comic pages and covers ~ cartoon
Dunn, Laurence G.: Encouners with the Elders of Barsoom ~ Illustrations ~ Colour UK PB cover art
Huckenpohler, J.G.: Dejah View All Over Again: Repetition of Illustrations by Different Artists in many editions ~ Artist, Publisher, Caption Text ~ Comments
Burrows, Robert J.: Precambrian Winter - Ch. 24: Implications ~ Ch. 25: Into the Fire ~ Ch. 26: Back to the Vortex Pt. 1 ~ Ch. 27: Pt. 2 ~APA notes
Hanson, Alan: Dreadnaught of the Jungle Part I: Tarzan's long relationship with Tantor ~ St. John art (3 illos)
Albert, Walter: (Two from Thuria)(Bob Hyde recovering from heart surgery): La Tribune des amis d'ERB: Nos. 53, 54, 55.
Daley, Jack: (Two from Thuria) The Nine Unknown Code: 9 enemies of Tarzan in pop culture.
Hillman, Bill: ERB Bio Timeline: Pt. I: Up to 1900 (8 pages of landmark events in the life of ERB) ~ ERBzine Webpage contents Nos. 1001-1050 ~ Tarzana Chamber of Commerce Booklet back cover with all ERB titles and St. John's Tarzan and the Golden Lion.
Miller, Steve: Growing Danger: Summaries of Tarzan 1951 radio shows: Gold Coast Robbery and Life or Death ~ Bit on Lamont Johnson
Wilcutt, Dennis: King Kong 2005 review ("Tarzan on the big screen"): poster, stills ~ Col. Henry Franke in Iraq pic ~ Tom Yeates art
Moody, James Michael: APA #87 Greystoke Chronologist: London, Here We Come 1897 plus APA #88 Intro to Son ~ APA Talks
Howell, Dorothy J.: Lord of Two Worlds: Jer'ok in Exile: Synopsis ~ XIV Escape ~ injury ~ Goodbye Rita Coriell
Shelhorse, Brooks: ERB Line: Commentary on the Dell Tarzan comics story ~ APA Comments
Zeuschner, Bob: Collecting ERB Pulps and A Question: Journey Back 50 Years Into the Past ~ Why aren't pulps worth more? PM movie talk
Cuthbert, Raymond A.: Update: Manning in Alter Ego ~ Early Manning fan art for Fantasy Advertiser Jan 1948 ~ Collecting ERBapa ~ APA Comments
Gibbs, Murray: Hand-printed submission ~ 2-page spread of original Tarzan art ~ APA Comments
Franke, Henry G.: Back in N. Carolina from Iraq duty ~ Arrival photos & trip account ~ Ace Tarzan the Invincible in-depth review with history, pics & maps ~ "Three Wise Monks" update ~ Tarzan Presley by Nigel Cox reviews ~ Cover artist Rodney Smith's evolution of the cover art ~ Tarzan II art ~ Photos of Henry & Father & Grandfather.
Normand, Phil: Typography in the McClurg Editions of ERB Pt. 1 ~ Clippings from Editor & Publisher of March 12, 1932 ~ Tarzan Color Page 1st Ann. ~ New Year card with Tarzan silhouette.

ERBapa 89: Spring 2006
Cover Art
by Rafael Palacios from the Grosset & Dunlap "Books for Boys and Girls" series of Tarzan books.
Intro: Contents Page ~ ERBapa Roster ~ Page Count: 187 ~ OE Intro ~ Bob Hyde Memorials ~ Wait List: None ~ New Member: Matthew Moring ~  Rules
Kaorspondence: Walter Albert letters concerning the passing of Burroughs Bibliophile president, Bob Hyde
Bob Hyde Obituary with references to the ERBzine Tribute:
Hillman, Bill: ERB Timeline Biography Part 2: 1900-1909 ~ "The Formative Years" ~ First Citizen of Tarzana illo ~ Archive Volumes 1051-1100
Cavender, Shawn: Diamonds of Kilimanjaro DVD review ~ 5 photos and cover ~ Mailing comments ~ JC & Prince of Space strip 7: Challenge!
Richardson, Darrell C.: ERB clippings: Tarzans Reunion 1975 ~ Swings to TV 1966 ~ Fades from TV 1964 ~ Janeless Tarzan on TV 1963
Ferrier, Joseph W: Tarzan Tryst Theory ~ Ferrier sketches ~ The Enfield Rifle ~ Jack the Nipper ~ Grunts and Groans
Cuthbert, Raymond A.: Max Allan Collins ~ Ms. Tree comic series ~ Glenn L. Barr, Jr. & Terry Beatty art ~ Collins & Beatty interview by Peter Gillis
Hanson, Alan: Tantor: Dreadnaught of the Jungle Part 2 ~ Tantor art by Mortelmans & St. John ~ Mailing Comments
Webber, Ken: John Celardo's Last Tarzan Sunday Strips summaries & representative art 1966 May 1 - 1968 January 7.
Menegazzo, Tony: Time-Life Books 1975: photo of Barker & Lincoln ~ Tarzan strip: Ch. 6 Destination Barsoom ~ Cartoons ~ Elephant clipping ~ Comments
Geissler, Peter: Tarzan / Land of Foreign Books Pt. 2: 1950-1965 (German/Austrian cover art & print info) ~ Austrian comic reprint: Beasts of Tarzan 6-10
Conran, Mike: Laurence Con VIII report - button art - 5 photos
Klasek, Terry Alan: My Sojurns on Mars ~ Warlord of Mars cover by St. John
Dunn, Laurence G.: Passing of a Legend: Bob Hyde ~ LaurenceCon 8 report - Rich Larson cover art for Panthans Journal no. 112
Guidry, John H.: Tarzan the Tiger & DVD set ~ Golden Dawn film comments ~ RIP: Rita Coriell 1914-2005 ~ Bob Hyde 1925-2006.
Burrows, Robert J.: FanFic: The Case Files of Dotar Wat - Introduction & colour pulp illo by Robert Graef
Denkena, Kurt S.: Fuwalda #29 ~ German Tarzan comic art and reports ~ Bob Hyde tribute
Moody, James Michael: Poem: Tarzan of the Apes ~ Mailing and The Tarzan Papers Comments
Huckenpöhler, J. G.: In Memoriam: Clarence B. Hyde with 3 photos ~ Comments on submissions
Shellhorse, Brooks: The Outlaw of Torn discussion ~ McClurg ad
Hoadly, Shaun: Tarzan's Women - 4 original illustrations
Griffin, Scott Tracy: Tarzan and Hollywood: Another Shelf in the Completist's Library: Pt. 2: Leading Men and Ladies, Secondhand (cont) ~ Feedback
Howell, Dorothy J.: Lord of Two Worlds: Jer'ok in Exile: Synopsis - Ch. XV First Encounter ~ Postscript: Bob Hyde Tribute
Thompson, James F.: In Memorium: Clarence B. "Bob" Hyde (1925-2006) - 5 photos ~ memorium quotes
Moring, Matthew: ERB's Last First Edition: Tales of Four Planets bound by Moring: Pirate Blood, Ferris's, Beware!, Tarzan Jr. ~ 5 illos.
Normand, Phil: Typography in the McClurg Editions of ERB pt. 2: Tarzan of the Apes ~ Comments
Ross, Bill: LaurenceCon VIII report and 21 photos
Two from Thuria: Jack Daley & Walter Albert tribute to Bob Hyde: His Odyssey Ends & Pittsburgh Browsers ~ Photo of Bob & Alice as Tarzan & Jane
Franke, Henry G.: Bob Hyde Tribute ~ Tarzan the Untamed long review with quotes & refs ~ Going apa: ERB refs in publications ~ Cheeta birthday clip
Hardy, David: Kodiak: Ch. 1  fanfic
The Last Word by OE Shawn Cavender
ERBapa 90: Summer 2006
Cover Art ~ Pirate Blood by Mark Wheatley

Intro: Contents Page ~ ERBapa Roster ~ Page Count: 243 ~ OE Intro ~ Bob Cook R.I.P. ( July 20, 1928 - June 12, 2006) ~ Dum-Dum/ECOF Rockville Notes ~ Pirate Blood Summer Symposium Issue ~ OE Nominations ~ Wait List: Dave Hoover, Robert Woodley, Bill Morse, Jim Hadac ~ Treasury Report
Kaorspondence: Darrell C. Richardson
Richardson, Darrell: Tarzana For Sale ad in Script ~ Collector's Buttons ~ Those Macabre Pulps book ad ~ Tarzan the Mighty synopsis with 4 photos
Ferrier, Joe: The Road Rager ~ Love Long Lost ~ Grunts & Groans
Geissler, Peter: Tarzan in the Land of Foreign Books: Part 3A  1970-1971 - many interior illos
Menegazzo, Tony: Cartoons ~ Barsoom Strip Ch. 7: story and artwork by Tony Menegazzo ~ News clippings ~ Pirate Blood notes
Dunn, Laurence G.: Jane the First: Enid Markey - bio - photo - filmography
Dumont, Richard: Lost in Pal-ul-don: The Pal-ul-don of Gaylord Dubois - biblio - Jungle World Map - 9 Jungle World pages from Dell Tarzan Comics
Brown, Ralph: Tarzan mural in Trader Joe's Las Vegas - Tarzan Tree House pics in Walt Disney World ~ Elmo Lincoln location in Hollywood Forever Cemetery: map & pics
Hanson, Alan: The Role of Jews in ERB's Fiction Part I
Conran, Mike: Memories of Bob Hyde with 11 photos
Huckenpöhler, J. G.: Dejah View All Over Again ~ Pt. Two: The Gods of Mars - two covers ~ Robert B. Cook, Sr. Memorium ~ Comments on APA 89 Submissions
Martin, John: Colour pulp cover art of pirates ~ Colour pics of girls in pirate costumes ~ Requiem for a Second Banana ~ ERBzine ref for proposed cover painting
Guidry, John H.: Research on 1930 film Golden Dawn with Tarzan the Tiger reference in music ~ Link to IDW Princess of Mars art ~ Bob Cook RIP
Webber, Ken: Thoughts on ERB's Pirate Blood ~ Salute to Bob Hyde and Bob Cook ~ News on IDW Princess & Dark Horse Kubert Tarzans ~ Comments ~ Illos
Denkena, Kurt S.: Fuwalda No. 70: Strips, ads, articles, news from Germany
Two From Thuria: Jack Daley & Walt Albert: Support the Bob Hyde Collection ~ Bob Hyde's Last Dum-Dum: Collection moves to U of Louisville
Van Hise, James: Modern Day Adventures in Weird Worlds: Works of James Rollins ~ Review of J. Allen St. John High Adventure by Richardson & McHaney - illos
Cuthbert, Raymond A: Pirate Blood -- Nature Vs. Nurture ~ Krenkel unpublished art ~ Illos by Alex Raymond & Jim Silke & Frank Cho ~ Comments
Hillman, Bill: ERB Bio Timeline Part 3: 1910-1919 ~ ERBzine Archive Contents: Centennium XII - Nos. 1100-1150
Moodey, James Michael: What I See Wrong With Joe Ferrier's Theory: Chronological info ~ 1872 Chronology of The Son of Tarzan ~ Comments
Burrows, Robert J.: Case Files of Dotar Wat: Case of the Purloined Prince ~ Pulp Art illo ~ Comments
Franke, Henry G.: Bob Cook Farewell ~ Pirate Blood notes ~ Illos: Krenkel, Suydam, Ian Holm pic ~ Tarzan the Untamed II ~ Visits to: Thompson, McWhorter, Frazetta, Hoover, Jules Verne Convention, Matt Cohen, David Hardy ~ APA Bits ~ Comments ~ Art: Krenkel (Wizard), Floyd (Pirates of Venus), Norris/Royer (Gold Key LE), mystery Tarzan art
Thompson, Jim: Bob Cook Memorium ~ Correspondence with Bob Cook, Jr. ~ Photo of Bob "Wazirian" Cook with Tarzan Father's Day Cards ~ Obituary ~ 64 Tarzan dailies featuring "Bob Cook."
Normand, Phil: And he was cursed with Pirate Blood: ~ Daisy ukes was Duped! ~ Article reprints on airships ~ Comments
Howell, D.J.: Lord of Two Worlds: Jer'ok in Exile: Synopsis ~ XV: First Encounter (cont) ~ Postscript comments
Wilcutt, Dennis: Update on comics collecting ~ Warren Tufts' Lance ~ RIP: Hyde, Cook, Resitoffer ~ Reprints of Broadway Tarzan reviews & pics ~ Tarzan strip synopsis
Shelhorse, Brooks: The Outlaw of Torn part 2 ~ commentary ~ ACE edition cover by Frazetta
Miller, Steve: The City of Rats ~ Tarzan radio shows: D for Diamonds and Death & Pirates of Cape Bandera
Cavender, Shawn: Sean Shaw art ~ Wrestling Match: ERB & Pro Wrestling (many ERBzine refs) ~ Joe Stecher and Gorgeous George photos ~ Fake Tarzans clipping ~ Pirate Blood notes and three covers ~ Tarzan DVD Review ( Fearless, Revenge, Trappers, New Adventures ) illo
Gibbs, Murray: Pirate Blood Notes ~ 2 art pages by Murray ~ Comments
Ross, Bill: 2006 Dum-Dum/ECOF photos: APA members and 45 photos of convention highlights

ERBapa 91: Autumn   2006
Cover Art ~ Foreign Movie Poster for Tarzan's Greatest Adventure

Intro: Contents Page ~ ERBapa Roster ~ Page Count: 185 ~ OE Intro ~ Farewell to Darrell C. Richardson (May 17, 1918 - September 19, 2006) ~ OE Nominations ~ New Members Jim Hadac and Fredrik Ekman ~ David Hardy exits.
Kaorspondence: David Hardy
Ferrier, Joe: Plagiarism ~ Grunts & Groans ~ ERB Games (Ferrier ERB Board Games) ~ Greystoke 3: Havoc in Havatoo ~ More ERB Games with art
Brown, Ralph: Report with photos on ERB gathering at John Martin's in Centralia, Washington ~ Old letters from Bob Barrett and J. Miers
Menegazzo, Tony: Clippings, cartoons, newspaper articles ~ Tarzan strip art & story by Menegazzo: Ch. 8 Barsoom (9 pages) ~ Comments
Webber, Ken: Review: The Kubert Tarzan Archive Books from Dark Horse with Kubert covers and art
Hanson, Alan: Letters from Bob Hyde over 35 years with three photos ~ Comment on Pirate Blood issue #90
Geissler, Peter: Tarzan in the Land of Foreign Books: Part 3B  1970 - many illos & covers ~ 12 art interiors by Gerd Werner ~ Austrian Beasts of Tarzan strip 11-16
Dumont, Ricard: Lost in Pal-ul-don - Ancient Southwest book by Michael H. Pierce of dino strip reprints by George E. Turner ~ Old BB #15 reprint - illos
Conran, Mike: ECOF/Dum-Dum 2006 report with 16 photos ~ sites, guest (Cohen), awards (Hanson, Cohen), Souvenirs, Panels
Dunkena, Kurt S.: Fuwalda: German clippings and art - Abend-Zeitung 1833
Ross, Bill: A Tribute to Dr. Darrell C. Richardson with three photos and Richardson's rare Beyond Thirty cover (5 copies - 1944)
Huckenpöhler, J. G.: Movie and Television Janes: Part 1 - The history with 16 photos ~ Darrell Richardson Tribute with photo ~ Comments on #90 submissions
Miller, Steve: Down to the Sea - Discussion of John Scott's movie score for The People That Time Forgot ~ Scott photo and CD label art
Dunn, Laurence: ECOF/Dum-Dum 2006 report with three photos by Wayne & Edie James ~ PC illo ~ Comments ~ Farewell to the Old Tiger, Darrell Richardson
Cuthbert, Raymond A.: Why ERBapa? ~ Plea for more "Comments" ~ "amateurs" ~ Love for ERB ~ 2 APA covers ~ Comments
Hadac, Jim: Introducing Me, The Red Hawk ~ Intro Auto Bio
Thompson, James F.: The Cathne-Courier: Darrell Richarson Memorial: Listing and reprinting of Richardson articles and blurbs ~ photo with the author
Martin, John: Edgardemain - ERB West Fest in Washington State: report and 5 colour photos: Martins, Browns, Bergen, Myrhoj, Du Bois, Beardons, Hanson
Franke, Henry G: Richardson Memoriam ~ Lozano Memoriam ~ ECOF2006 ~ Frank Cho ~ Calif Travel Log: many ERBites ~ Norris ~ 3 Wise Monks ~ News & Photos
Ekman, Fredrik: Column 1: Intro & Bio ~ Biblio of Appearances on Web: ERBzines 0296, 0438, 0507, 0604, 0853, 0867, 1630, 1631
Guidry, John H.: Rev. Darrell C. Richardson: My Lord the Tiger
Griffin, Scott Tracy: Tarzan and Hollywood: Another Shelf in the Completist's Library: Part 3: Supporting Actors and Other Contributors to the Tarzan Film Legacy
Moody, Michael James: An 1892 Chronology of The Son of Tarzan ~ Chapter 2: Alexis Paulvitch ~ APA Talk
Two From Thuria: Walter Albert & Jack Daley: Confessions of a Burroughs Reader & Collector ~ Mailing Comments
Howell, Dorothy J.: Fiction: Lord of Two Worlds: Jer'ok in Exile: Synopsis & Ch. 16: Retribution Promised ~ Postscript
Hillman, Bill: ERB Bio Timeline Part 4: 1920-1929 ~ 1929 letter to Ettrick in England from Danton's files ~ ERBzine Archive Contents: 1201-1250

ERBapa 92: Winter 2007
Cover Art ~ by Bruce Bozarth

Intro: Contents Page ~ ERBapa Roster ~ Page Count: 199 ~
Kaor: Welcome to next issues OE: Raymond Cuthbert, Winnipeg, MB ~ Custom Declaration Instructions ~ Henry Franke's address in Afghanistan ~ Members departing: Phil Normand, Murray Gibbs and "Two from Thuria"  (Walter Albert and Jack Daley) ~ ERBapa Rules Page
Ferrier, Joe: Six-Gun-Men article with illustrations
Franke, Henry: To Afghanistan ~ Glanzman pic & art ~ Richardson award ~ WWI Africa refs ~ APA news notes & media appearances ~ Comments ~ Abbett ~ covers
Cavender, Shawn: John Carter & Prince of Space Pt. 8 strip art by author ~ DVD cover art
Ross, Bill: Bibliography: National Capital Panthan Newsletter with remarks
Denkena, Kurt S.: Fuwalda: German Tarzan Piccolos art ~ Disney Tarzan in chocolate eggs
Webber, Kenneth: Misc. items: French Radio Show with Tarzan character ~ Argentinian Tarzan Novels ~ Wold-Newton Universe & PJF discussion ~ Comments
Menegazzo, Tony: cartoons ~ Article on honouring Hal Foster in Life-Times 2006 ~ Barsoom Strip Ch. 9 (7 pages art/text by author)
Dumont, Richard: The Mars Trilogy favourite quotes and events ~ Woola illo by Marsh
Robert J. Burrows: Case Files of Dotar Wat: Case of the Purloined Prince Ch. 2 ~ (fan fic) ~ Apa Notes
Hanson, Alan: Letters from Darrell Richardson and intro with photo (Louisville 1990: Hanson, Burne Hogarth, Richardson, Sam Moskowitz) ~ comments
Conran, Mike: Current Adventures: Steve Hamilton book signing in Grand Rapids ~ Visit Muckers in Oak Park ~ 6 photos ~ Mucker Mag ~ Hardcover Theatre JC props
Huckenpöhler, J. G.: Movie and Television Janes Part 2 with 9 photos ~ Comments
Guidry, John: Came Tarzan: Haunted Bookshop by Christopher Morley review notes
Cuthbert, Raymond: Darrell C. Richardson & Chester D. Cuthbert ~ Fabulous Faust Fan-Zine cover (Max Brand fanzine) Illos: zine covers & DCR photo ~ comments
Ekman, Fredrik: Some Thoughts about Jetan: Burroughs' Purpose, Variants, Reconstruction a Play to the Death, Picking Up the Pieces ~ Other Rules - 2 boards
Hoadley, Shaun: Two Burroughs Babes art by Shaun Hoadley
Geissler, Peter: Munango-Keewati - Devil God of the Vienna Jungle - Tarzan Austrian Card Game illos (5 pages) ~ Austrian Beasts of Tarzan strip (4 pages)
Dunn, Laurence G.: My First Thanksgiving Day: another American visit ~ Book and DVD Tarzan cover art ~ French Tarzan poster for Philippe Badre exhibition
Hadac, Jim: Cry of the Red Hawk: Report on ECOF Aug. 3-6, 2006, Rockville, MD with 10 photos and visit to Forest Park Cemetery
Martin, John: Tarzan of the Apes: Historical Fiction? ~ TA 1st ed cover art and Leopold II pic ~ Converging Trails comments ~ TA MGM foreign poster
James Van Hise: Wizard of Venus play by Scheherazade Players (Orange County, CA) - Posters, cast photos, playbill, script
Hillman, Bill: ERB Bio Timeline Part 5 The '30s (1st half): 1930-1934 (continued next issue)
Miller, Steve: Dead Men Who Spoke: 1951 radio show review: Contraband
Wilcutt, Dennis: Intro talk ~ New Disney John Carter film in the works news release ~ Wispy Clouds over Mars photo ~ Guillermo Del Torro: new live-action Tarzan director items from the Web plus Pan's Labyrinth poster
Howell, Dorothy: Lord of Two Worlds: Jer'ok in Exile Chapter XVI ~ Postscript: Jane Goodall
Franke, Henry: Addendum - In Afghanistan: photo and journal entry
Griffin, Scott Tracy: Tarzan and Hollywood: Another Shelf in the Completist's Library: Part 4: Animal Co-stars: 6 book reviews
Moody, James Michael: An 1872 Chronology of The Son of Tarzan: Chapter 3: Jack Clayton ~ Ape Talk
Shellhorse, Brooks: The ERB Line ~ Coincidence: No Clone is an Island (examples in ERB books) ~ Discovering other authors: Cussler, Darnton
Two From Thuria: Remembering Darryl Richardson by Jack Daley ~ The Final Chapter by Walter Albert ~ The Short Goodbye by Jack Daley
Thompson, James F.: Description of Dover Publications

ERBapa 93 ~ Spring 2007
Cover art:
Shane Glines front and back covers
Shane Glines: ERB Artist of the Mailing ~ Thumbnail Bio by Raymond A. Cuthbert
Intro: Contents ~ Kaor ~ Letters ~ Summer Issue Symposium Topic: Memories of First ERB Novel ~ Early Mailer Awards: Ferrier, Brown, Hanson, Howell, Hillman, Dunn, Manegazzo ~ Kreegah ~ APA Rules ~ Many mail-in greetings to new OE: Ray Cuthbert
Cuthbert, Raymond A.: A Tale of Two APAs: Comparision of ERBapa and the Comic and Fantasy Art APA ~ 2 cover illos ~ Mailing Comments
Ferrier, Joe: Chronology: Ongoing discussion on Tarzan timeline ~ Zoodokoo puzzle
Brown, Ralph: Notes on Mark Phillips' Tarzan and Jane's Guide to Grammar
Hanson, Alan: The Role of Jews in ERB's Fiction - Part II ~ Mailing Comments
Howell, D.J.: Fan Fiction: Lord of Two Worlds: Jer'ok in Exile - Synopsis - Ch. XVII Preparation ~ Postscript: Superman TV documentary commentary
Hillman, Bill: ERB Bio Timeline Part V: 1930-1939 (conc.) ~ ERB Letters
Dunn, Laurence: LaurenceCon IX - visit with the Muckers and Panthans 1 ~ Larson colour illo ~ Temple of the Sun illos & notes
Menegazzo, Tony: Cartoons & Clippings ~ Tarzan Strip by Menegazzo: Ch. 9 Barsoom ~ 11 pages
Geissler, Peter: Tarzan in the Land of Foreign Books - Part 3 C - 1970: art from Vols. 2-4 of the Tessloff Tarzan series (41 illos)
Webber, Ken: Some Burroughs Comics Never Published: Discussion and 5 illos
Ross, Bill: ERB Collector: LaurenceCon IX - Journal & 13 pics
Martin, John: The Man-Eater: ERB Light - Story behind the story - Just for Fun: Comedy typos in ERB titles
Denkena, Kurt: Fuwalda news from Germany - Bomba covers - Jane book - Weissmuller and Cheetah clipping
Burrows, Robert: Dotar Wat Takes a Break - Visit with Gordon Scott - Scott Bio
Conran, Mike: LaurenceCon IX report - 14 photos - 2 art illos
Franke, Henry: 3 Months in Afghanistan - Tarzan DVDs from Far East - Gordon Scott & Bruce Bennett comments - Story of Jean Lafitte - Illos
Guidry, John: Lost Fanzine of Jasoom: Ch. 93 The Map - New Tarzan film discussion
Huckenpöhler, J. G.: Burroughs Unbound Revisited: Notes on the Unpublished Works of ERB - Comments on submissions in #92
Moody, James Michael: 1872 Chronology of The Son of Tarzan: Ch. 4 - Into the Jungle ~ APA Talk
Thompson, James: Farewell to the Two from Thuria, Jack Daley and Walter Albert - Bibliography & Story of the Amereon Editions - New Yorker Cartoon Caption illo - Tarzana in Believe It or Not
Wilcutt, Dennis: Continuation of the Tarzan Daily Synopsis: #3801-3861 - 5 strip illos - Comments - Clippings
Cuthbert, Raymond (OE): Last Word for ERBapa #93 - Comments on contents - ERBapa Roster
Gordon Scott Memoriam: August 3, 1927 - April 30, 2007 - Photo: Tarzan and the Lost Safari cover

ERBapa 94 ~ Summer 2007

Cover art: Tarzan ala Foster by Frank Frazetta (from the collection of R.A. Cuthbert)
Inside Front Cover — The Mahar by Frank Frazetta
Intro: Contents ~ Kaor ~ Letters ~ OE Report ~ Rules of the ERB Amateur Press Association ~ Membership Roster ~ Page Count 187
Martin, John: Edgardemain — But it was better the second time around
Ferrier, Joe: Gridley’s Guns/Discovering ERB / Letters between OE & Joe W. Ferrier (6)
Griffin, Scott Tracy: Tarzan & Hollywood — Part 3 / ERBapa #100 / Feedback Apa #92 (4)
Hillman, Bill: Edgar Rice Burroughs Bio Timeline Part 5 ~ Letters ~ ERBzine Index
Hanson, Alan: A Gift My Grandmother Gave Me / Comments on Mailing #93
Moody, Mike: An 1872 Chronology of The Son of Tarzan — Chapter Five
Ross, Bill: ERB Collector #75, April 2007 — Memories / I Read / ECOF 2007
Cavender, Shawn: The Alien Worlds of Edgar Rice Burroughs - Scott & Brix / DVD / Mailing Notes
Dumont, Richard: Lost In Pal-Ul-Don — The Dell Tarzan Comic Animal Covers
Menegazzo, Tony: The ERB Corner for ERBapa #94 (12)
Howell, DJ: Lord of Two Worlds: Jer’ok in Exile
Brown, Ralph J.: Neverending Story
Conran, Mike: Mangani Zugor — ECOF 2007
Van Hise, James: Avenue of Ancestors #45 - The Wizard of Venus Adapted Part 2
Denkena, Kurt S.: Fuwalda #74 — Norbert Hethke 1943-2007
Dunn, Laurence: … beyond 30 for ERBapa No. 94
Huckenpöhler, J. G.: Professor Porter’s Dime Lecture Series - Further Info on Argentine Tarzans
Thompson, James F.: The Cathne Courier #93 — Updated Amereon ERB Bibliography
Shelhorse, Brooks: My First ERB Book (Summer Symposium)
Webber, Ken: ERB, Etc. — Symposium: Memory of My First ERB Novel
Hadac, Jim: The Cry of the Red Hawk: At the Howard Days, and ERB
Guidry, John H.: The Lost Fanzine of Jasoom — Chapter 93: Heredity
Burrows, Robert J.: Contribution #23 - The Case of the Purloined Prince / APA Notes
Franke, Henry: ERBapa Rap — Six Months in Afghanistan (20)
Geissler, Peter: Tarzan in the Land of Foreign Books — Part 3 D — 1970
Hoadley, Shaun: My First Edgar Rice Burroughs’ Book
Ekman, Fredrik: The Rules of Jetan, or Martian Chess by ERB / Mailing Comments for 92-93
Cuthert, Raymond A.: My First Edgar Rice Burroughs
OE Raymond Cuthbert: The Last Word — at least for this mailing...
Inside Back Cover — David Innes by Frank Frazetta
Back Cover — John Carter of Mars by Frank Frazetta

ERBapa 95 ~ Fall 2007

Cover art (front/back/interiors): Four illos by Frank Cho: La ~ Mars Princess and Thark ~ Tarzan & Killed Lion ~ Tarzan & Jane
Intro: Contents ~ Kaor ~ Roster ~ Letters ~ OE Report ~ Rules of the ERBapa ~ OE Ballot ~ Page Count 186
Hanson, Alan: Reflections on Gordon Scott with 2 photos ~ Review of author's book: Elvis: The Man and His Music - Orders:
Ferrier, Joe: Son of a Gun - discussion of guns used in the Tarzan books up to Tarzan at the Earth's Core
Ekman, Fredrik: Chronology for Marvel's John Carter - companion chart to the Princess of Mars Chrono in his ERBzine 0507 feature - notes - comments
Menegazzo, Tony: "Tarzan Gets Tangled" 9-page strip by author ~ Clippings: Mars & Tarzan
Ross, Bill: The Land That Time Forgot: A new BB Auction tradition - the "book that time forgot" - photo of sigs - note about the Normal Beans
Geissler, Peter: Tarzan in the Land of Foreign Books - Part 3E - 1971-1972: 14 cover illos ~ 1975 Tarzan rub-on-sheets by Gillette 6 illos
Denkena, Kurt: Fuwalda #75 - N. Hethke subjects - German Translated PD titles
Brown, Ralph: San Diego Comic-Con report: Met Yeates, Angelic director, Suydam, Jusko, Ploog, Stout, Gianni, Miller, Cassidy, Elvira, Bonaduci - 2 photos
Klasek, Terry: Papyrus Scroll: Thuvia & Chessmen Collecting Comics - BB Thuvia cover - Dell Tarzan's Africa Map
Thompson, James: Tale of Serial Ownership of Tarzan in [sic] the Forbidden City - Bill Ross & Whites holding Bantam Paperbacks
Huckenpöhler, J. G.: The Argentine Tarzans: Addenda and Errata ~ 2 ERB, Inc. documents ~ Dinner with Denny Miller ~ Comments
Griffin, Scott Tracy: Tarzan and Hollywood: Another Shelf in the Completist's Library - Part 3 - Supporting Actors & Other Contributors
Hadac, Jim: "Cry of the Red Hawk" - Dum-Dum 2007 Louisville Report - 6 photos - Mailing Comments
Howell, Dorothy J.: Lord of Two Worlds: Jer'ok in Exile: Synopsis - Ch. XVIII Ambush ~ Postscript Comments
Conran, Mike: Dum-Dum 2007 Report ~ 11 photos ~ Sites, Guests, Awards, Souvenirs, Panels, Social Events, Reports
Guidry, John: Lost Fanzine of Jasoom: Notes on collecting fanzines and collectibles ~ DragonCon report
Dunn, Laurence: Dum-Dum2007 Louisville Report - 5 photos including APA members attending
Burrows, Robert J.: Case Files of Dotar Wat: Case of the Purloined Prince - Ch. 4
Hillman, Bill: War Years Events of ERB: Dec 1941-1945 ~ JCB painting of ERB ~ ERBzine Archive Index 1251-1300 ~ Frazetta art
Hoadley, Shaun Raymond: ERB and the "JC's" - Hoadley art ~ Hogarth 1-page art
Dumont, Richard: Tarzan Comic Animal Covers - Pt. 2 ~ Chart of number & kind of animal appearances
Franke, Henry G.: Nine Months in Afghanistan ~ Tarzan viewing on DVD ~ New ERB-related books ~ McCulley's Zorro ~ Crichton
Wilcutt, Dennis: First ERB Experience ~ Cartoon ~ Dum07 ~ Jane Killed ~ Peck ~ Comments ~ Scott Tribute ~ PM Review in SF Weekly ~ Top 100 SF Books ~ Planetary Society Letter and Article on Mars ~ Tribute to Tarak Woodley
Webber, Ken: Remember Dell & Tarzan ~ 2 Jesse Marsh Illos ~ Mailing Comments
Van Hise, Jim: Back to Barsoom article ~ Two Reed Crandall art pages ~ Krenkel illo
Moody, James Michael: 1872 Chronology of The Son of Tarzan: Chapter 5 - Korak Rescues Meriem ~ APA Talk
Cuthbert, Raymond A.: How ERB Inspired My Father To Collect 45 Tons Of Books ~ CBC Interview ~  8 Cho Art pieces ~ One Fan's Beginnings by Chester D. Cuthbert ~ Cuthbert Collection by Randy Reichardt ~ CBC: 1$ Collection Donated ~ 4 photos ~ Winnipeg Free Press: Donation Article ~ Winnipeg Sun: Donation article (See ERBzine News)
OE Cuthbert's Last Word: Shultz' Conan art ~ Caricature of Sketch OE Ray ~ Comments on all articles in issue #95
ERBapa 96 ~ Winter 2008

Cover art (front/back/interiors): Four illos by Roy G. Krenkel: Wizard of Venus ~ Nadara ~ Land of Terror ~ Golden Opar
Intro: Contents ~ Kaor ~ Roster ~ Letters ~ OE Report ~  ~ Page Count 114 ~ OE Ray Cuthbert welcomes new editor, Tracy Griffin
Ferrier, Joe: Guns of ERB: The Shotgun ~ Article and 6 illos
Howell, D.J.: Lord of Two Worlds: Jer'ok in Exile: Synopsis ~ XVIII: Ambush (cont) ~ Postscript
Cavender, Shawn: Alien Worlds of ERB: Comments ~ DVD Review: Golden Temple Amazons ~ 10 illos
Hanson, Alan: The Musical ERB, Pt. I
Ross, Bill: ERB Collector 77 ~ Norb's Notes Bibliography and Notes ~ 100 issues
Conran, Mike: The Chicago Muckers: 1 photo and 5 covers of the Mucker Magazine
Ekman, Fredrik: Barsoomian 101, Pt. 1: Intro to the language ~ ERB's Inspiration ~ Learning Barsoomian ~ Other Languages ~ Conclusion | Mailing Comments
Menegazzo, Tony: Art, Photos, Cartoons ~ Fan Fic: Where's Nkima
Denkena, Kurt S.: Fuwalda ~ Progess report on the staging of Tarzan the Musical in Hamburg in Autumn 2008
Webber, Ken: The Dell/Western Tarzan Artists I: Marsh, McLeod, Sgroi, Arens, Edson, Ushler, Gollub
Shelhorse, Brooks: Tarzan vs. the Ethical Treatment of Animals ~ 4 Mike Peters cartoons ~ SO Burroughs cover art ~ Pulp Illo ~ Comments
Geissler, Peter: Tarzan in the Land of Foreign Books: Tarzan and the Strange Picture & The Call of Tarzan ~ Cover and promo art by Hogarth and Bonne
Dunn, Laurence G.: Life and Times of a Good Little Girl: Discussion of The Efficiency Expert
Dumont, Richard: Pulps, Pulp Fanzines and Related with ERB articles: Titles, Contents and 13 covers
Franke, Henry G.: 12 Months in Afghanistan ~ Film Reviews: People. . .Land Time Forgot ~ Movie still ~ Mike Henry sketch ~ Ace Times Abyss cover art
Hillman, Bill: Gaylord DuBois Pt. 1: Memories of Grandpa Gay by Granddaughter ~ DuBois Speaks ~ Bio ~ 3 family photos ~ Lone Ranger cover art ~ ERBzine Archive XIV
Hadac, Jim: I Am A German Askari: The Enemy of "Tarzan the Untamed" Pt. 1 ~ Jusko art ~ E. Africa Map ~ Von Lettow Photo
Guidry, John H.: Across Space: A List of Recent Acquisitions from Rick Norwood
Huckenpöhler, J. G.: Tarzan in Comics Revue, Part I: The Manning Sunday Strips ~ Dinner with Tarzan, Part 2: Photos with Denny Miller in Washington ~ Comments
Martin, John: Tarzan's Movie Words ~ 2 Tarzan the Ape Man posters ~ Weissmuller/O'Sullivan Movie Still ~ Tarzan words from the Weissmuller films
Moody, James Michael: 1872 Chronology of The Son of Tarzan: Ch. 6: The Separation ~ July 31-August 14, 1911
Thompson, James: A Burroughs Barnes & Noble Bibliography and a Few Other Bibliographic Annotations
Cuthbert, Raymond A: My Term As OE for the ERB Amateur Press Association ~ 2 full-page art pieces by R.G. Krenkel
OE's Last Word ~ Original REH Conan story sketch by Mark Schultz ~ Caricature sketch of OE

ERBapa 97 ~  Spring 2008

Cover Art by Joe Ferrier
Contents/Roster 2 pp
Kaor! by the OE  4 pp
Joe Ferrier: You Can Jetan  4 pp
David Critchfield: Korak at the Earth’s Core  8 pp
Joe Ferrier: R.E.A.P.E.R.  10 pp
Shawn Cavender: The Alien Worlds of Edgar Rice Burroughs  2 pp
Laurence G. Dunn: Beyond 30°W  6 pp
Ken Webber: ERB ETC.  6 pp
Shaun Hoadley: Great ERB Illustrators #1 Zdenek Burian  1 pp
Tony Menegazzo: The ERB Corner  8 pp
Alan Hanson: The Musical Edgar Rice Burroughs Part Two  6 pp
D.J. Howell: Lord of Two Worlds: Jer’ok in Exile, Chapter XIX  6 pp
James Michael Moody: An 1872 Chronology of The Son of Tarzan  4 pp
Raymond A. Cuthbert: A Sad Farewell to Dave Stevens  10 pp
Ralph Brown: Neverending Story  4 pp
Bill Ross: ERB Collector 2 pp
Mike Conran: Mangani Zugor #97: Laurence Con X (minus Laurence) 4 pp
J.G. Huckenpöhler: Professor Porter’s Dime Lecture Series: Tarzan’s Taxes  4 pp
John Martin: Edgardemain  4 pp
Jim Hadac: The Cry of the Red Hawk  5 pp
Richard C. Spargur: Edgar Rice Burroughs in My Life, Part I  8 pp
Bob Burrows: The Case Files of Dotar Wat, Chapter 5  13 pp
Kurt Denkena: Fuwalda #77  4 pp
John H. Guidry: The Lost Fanzine of Jasoom  2 pp
James F. Thompson: The Cathne Courier  4 pp
Dennis Wilcutt: ERB-APA #97: A Little Bit of This and A Little Bit Of That  8 pp
Fredrik Ekman: Barsoomian 101, Part 2: Evolution  2 pp
James Van Hise: Avenue of Ancestors #47   4 pp
Henry Franke: ERBAPA Rap  20 pp
Bill Hillman: ~ Archive Centennium XIV  4 pp
Scott Tracy Griffin: Edgar Rice Burroughs References in Genre Periodicals   4 pp
The Last Word by the OE  4 pp
Total Pages This Mailing:  177 pp

ERBapa 98 ~  Summer 2008

Front Cover Art: Tracy & Lisi by Thomas Yeates ~ Back Cover Art: Lisi by Dave Hoover
Contents ~ Page Total = 159
Kaor by OE Tracy Griffin: Back Issues for Sale ~ Future Ballot Amendments ~ Summer Symposium ~ Membership & Treasury Reports ~ Early Mailer Awards ~ Dues Due ~ Kaorospondence: Brooks Shellhorse medical condition.
David Critchfield: Deep Movies: Reviews of 13 subterranean films with colour poster art.
Joe Ferrier: Overlooked items and themes over the years ~ self illustrated
Fredrik Ekman: Barsoomian 101, Part 3: Names (Vocabulary, Green Men, Red Men, Black Men) charts and sources ~ Tarzan - An Early Swedish Opinion
Ralph Brown: Tarzan Japanese Paper Board Game with illustration ~ Two Puzzles: ERB Literary Words ~ New Adventures of Tarzan ad illo
James Michael Moody: 1872 Chronology of The Son of Tarzan: Ch. 7 The Bait and Switch
Ken Webber: Russ Manning - The Beginning with 6 art illos and one photo ~ Mailing Comments ~ RIP Danton Burroughs & Wayne James
Alan Hanson: The Musical Edgar Rice Burroughs Part 3: Mars, Venus, Pellucidar with quotes ~ Comment on ERB's Non-Fiction
Tony Menegazzo: Cartoons & Clippings ~ Tarzan and Evil 3 Part 2 comic: Story & Artwork by Menegazzo
Bill Ross: ECOF Gathering 2008, Groton, Connecticut - June 5-8 - Hosts: Dorothy Howell and Phyllis Evanuk ~ Text & 19 photos ~ ERBapa Members photo
Raymond A. Cuthbert: Diary of an Automobile Camping Tour Undertaken in 1916 by ERB: Title & First Page of Diary ~ Intro ~ Comments ~ An Auto-Biography cover
Peter Geissler: Tarzan in the Land of Foreign Books Part 3 1995-2007 - Many covers of German editions ~ 8 Days in the Pearl of Africa diary
Mike Conran: ECOF 2008: Commentary and 16 photos ~ Convention Sites, Panels, Guests, Awards, Souvenirs
John Martin: ERB and His Life-Long Penpal: Bert Weston: Brother Men book commentary & cover ~ Wally Wood art: Green Man
Richard C. Spargur: ERB in My Life, Part II: Long Sword fanzine descriptions with five cover illos ~ Texas Pete's Song original sheet music ~ Long Sword editors today ~ Dum-Dum 65 Program Book
Bill Hillman: Memorial Booklet from the Danton Burroughs Celebration of Life: Photos & Tribute by Hillman ~ Art by Thomas Yeates ~ Eulogy ~ LA Times Obituary ~ ERBzine Archive Issues 1401-1450 ~ Official Press Release Announcing Danton's Death
Laurence G. Dunn: ~ End of the Line: Tribute and Memories of Danton Burroughs
Kurt S. Denkena: Frazetta art for Fuwalda cover ~ Photo: Casting for Tarzan Musical in Hamburg October 18, 2008 ~ Nimbus Collector's Card Album art ~ Tarzan postcard
Robert J. Burrows: The Case of the Purloined Prince - Chapter 6 (fan fiction) ~ Apa Notes
Richard Dumont: Movie, Monster, and Miscellaneous Magazines with ERB Articles (5 pages) ~ Famous Fantastic Mysteries - October 1948: Masters of Fantasy: ERB with art
J.G. Huckenpöhler: The Oldest War Correspondent: List of articles ~ Comments of Apa 97 Submissions ~ Article: Tarzan's Boss Meets King Ueg on Primitive South Sea Atoll - 1945
John H. Guidry: Death of Danton Burroughs ~ Entering ERB names in search engines
Dorothy J. Howell: Lord of Two Worlds: Jer'ok in Exile: Ch. XX Final Encounter ~ Article: Apes' Rights ~ Postscript comments ~ Danton Tribute
Henry G. Franke III: Farewell to Danton Burroughs with 10 photos ~ Bob Lubbers art ~ Waterloo 2008 Dum-Dum report with 20 colour photos
James Van Hise: Crandall & JCB Mars art ~ Danton Burroughs Remembered (revised article from ERBapa 49) ~ 2 JCB Pellucidar illos
James F. Thompson: Report on the business visit to University of Louisville, Rare Books, ERB Library: The Future of the Collection
Dennis Wilcutt: A Simple Sketch: Trip to University of Louisville ~ Tarzan sketch by Thomas Yeates
Scott Tracy Griffin: Edgar Rice Burroughs Court Reporter: ERB's reporting of the William Edward Hickman murder case 1928 ~ Hickman References (ERBzine 1767) ~ Tarzan and Hollywood Reference Library Pt. 3: Supporting Actors and Other Contributors to the Tarzan Film Legacy (cont.)
OE Tracy Griffin: The Last Word - Comments this issues articles ~ Self sketch
Inside Back Cover: The Hollow Earth: Fact or Fiction by Danish artist Max Fyfield
ERBapa 99 ~  Fall 2008
Front Cover Art
: Tarzan by Thomas Yeates (Dennis Wilcutt Collection)
Contents ~ Page Total = 198
Kaor by OE Tracy Griffin: ERBapa Roster ~ Back Issues for Sale ~ Early Mailer Awards ~ Membership Report ~ Treasury Report ~ Election & Survey ~ APA Rules
Kaorospondence: Ken Webber ~ Shawn Cavender ~ Brooks
Griffin, Scott Tracy: Tarzan, Lord of the Jungle Filmation-Style! ~ Comments on the animated series
Ferrier, Joe: Cats & Dogs (in ERB's World) ~ 3 sketches by author
Critchfield, David: Hollow Earth or Hollow Heads? - Listing of Hollow Earth "Non-Fiction" Books" ~ Colour collage of covers & authors and 6 illos ~ Mailing Comments
Webber, Ken: Russ Manning, Premiere Comic Artist ~ 6 art pieces & 2 photos ~ Article by Manning: Origin of Magnus, Robot Fighter ~ Mailing Comments
Manson, Ken: Jodades - Ich Bin Ein Tarzaner ~ Intro Bio & photo ~ Article: Home To Four Diverse Personalities with ERB's 700 N Lindon home photo ~ Mailing Comments
Menegazzo, Tony: ERB Corner: Resurrection Jimber-Jaw intro and pulp reprint plus 2 article reprints with 5 illos
Hanson, Alan: ERB, Inc. vs. Pirated Tarzan Films - and How "The Death of Tarzan" Slipped Through the Cracks - Ref: 2 Variety articles ~ Mailing Comments
Cutherbert, Raymond A.: Alex Nino: 6-page tribute with 2 Nino art pages ~ Caricature of author illo ~ Mailing Comments
Ekman, Fredrik: Barsoomian 101, Part 4: Numbers -- 5-page article on Mars number systems  with Sources and Appendix  ~ Illo Neal McDonald's Yano set ~ Comments
Dunn, Laurence G.: Dum-Dum 2008 - Waterloo, Iowa report ~ Colour cover art: National Capital Panthans Journal Issue 142 by Rick Larson
Denkena, Kurt S.: Fuwalda #79 ~ German comic artist Helmut Nickel tribute: 2 photos & 5 art illos
Conran, Mike: Dum-Dum 2008, Waterloo, Iowa report ~ 13 photos & poster illo: Info on Sites, Guests, Awards, Souvenirs, Panel, Special Events
Ross, Bill: Highlights of the 2008 Burroughs Bibliophiles Dum-Dum, July 24-27, 2008 Waterloo, Iowa with 18 photos
Guidry, John H.: Ch. 88: Search Party: Real-world uses of names invented by ERB: Cadj, Calot, Caprona, Caspak
J.G. Huckenpöhler: Professor Porter's Dime Lecture Series presents WorldCon Report: Denvention 3 ~ Photo of BB table ~ Mailing Comments
Brown, Ralph: Neverending Story: Hollywood Walk of Fame Star for Cheeta? ~ Elmo Lincoln photo and clipping ~ Crossword Puzzle ~ ReelArt Studios Tarzan Statue
Klasek, Terry Alan: ERB Imitators: Otis Adelbert Kline's Jan of the Jungle ~ Stilson's Polarisof the Snows Trilogy ~ Pulp cover
Spargur, Richard C.: How I Shared a Copyright with Edgar Rice Burroughs: Texas Pete's Song ~ 5 ERB, Inc. Letters (Hulbert & Mildred Jensen), Copyright Documents
Franke III, Henry G.: ERBapa Rap: military retirement plans ~ Foreign Comics ~ LA visits ~ Dan Westfall & Cheeta visit ~ Groton ECOF ~ Tarzana & ERB, Inc.,   21 colour photos, art by Lubbers, Cheeta, Bender, Cho, Manning, Frazetta, Young ~ Mailing Comments
Geissler, Peter: Munango-Keewati: Tarzan in the Land of Foreign Books Part 3G 1995-2007 Biblio ~ Translating Comparisons Good and Bad
Hillman, Bill: My Friend Dan: Danton Burroughs Tribute ~ ERBzine Archive with URLs: Volumes 1451 - 1500
Moody, James Michael: An 1872 Chronology of The Son of Tarzan: Chapter 8: Jeanne's Double Escape ~ APA Talk with sketch
Howell, Dorothy J.: Fiction: Lord of Two Worlds: Jer'ok in Exile ~ Synopsis ~ Ch. XX Final Encounter (cont.) ~ Postscript: Mars, Cheeta, Review of Vernon's ON TARZAN
Thompson, James F.: Cathne-Courier: Visit with George McWhorter at University of Louisville ~ BB Business ~ UofL Tribute to McWhorter
Burrows, Robert J.: Fiction: Case Files of Dotar Wat: Ch. 7 The Case of teh Purloined Prince ~ APA Notes
Dumont, Richard: Lost in Pal-Ul-Don: Comic Magazines, Comic Fanzines and Related with ERB Articles ~ 3 pages of Barsoom art
Hadac, Jim: Cry of the Red Hawk: Meeting Frerik Ekman in Sweden - travel journal ~ 2 colour phots, map, 3 Scandinavian cover art illos ~ Comments
Wilcutt, Dennis: Louisville visit, new granddaughter Lily Ann Wilcutt, reading activities, 2 1-page Thomas Yeates illos, Sheena art by Joe Jusko
LAST WORD by OE Tracy Griffin: Comments of this issue's submissions ~ Photo of film actor Griffin in FBI commando gear

ERBapa 100 ~  Winter 2009
Silver Anniversary Issue - Celebrating 25 Years of Fan Publishing: 1984-2009
Front Cover and Frontispiece Art: Joe Ferrier

Inside Front Cover Art: Reprint of ERBapa #1 cover from March 1984 by Doug Wirth
Back Cover Art: Murray Gibbs
Inside Back Cover Art: Reprint ad for Tarzan the Police Dog serial from Film Daily - April 19, 1934

"This volume is dedicated to those former members of the Edgar Rice Burroughs Amateur Press Association who have taken their final voyage down the River Iss: John Flint Roy, Hamilton Johnson, Oswald Train, Fred Cook, Bob Hyde, Bob Cook, Darrell Richardson, Willis Potthoff, Bill Shell, and Bobbie Rucker ~ Honorary Members Vern Coriell, Jim Pierce, Frank Shonfeld, and Danton Burroughs; and guest artist Dr. Enrique Lozano, who provided several covers for the ERBapa. Their fellowship and contribution to ERB's legacy are missed. Their spirit, however, lives on in their writings and in the bonds of friendship with their fellow fans, who won't forget them."

Kaor! by OE: Tracy Scott Griffin
Welcome to the Silver Anniversary Issue ~ Membership Report: New members are Bob McGeeney, Rick Norwood, Joe Lukes, Heath Row ~ Welcome Guest Contributors. . . and Visitors!: former members Ward Orndoff, Bob Hunton, and Joan Bledig plus Honorary Members George McWhorter and Pete Ogden. ~ Former Member Outreach ~ Back Issues: $20 each for Nos. 87, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98,  and 99 (see contents of each on this page). ~ Standing on the Shoulders of Giants: Acknowledgement of special contributors in this issue ~ Farewell: Bobbie Rucker, Jim Cawthorn, Forry Ackerman, and Francis Lacassin. Membership Dues: Reminder $25 ~ Early Mailer Awards ~ Tand Kreegah!: Every member contributed to this issue ~ Election Report: Tracy Griffin re-elected for another term ~ ERBapa Bible Update: Compilation of previous Kaor, Roster, Rules, and Kaorospondence. ~ Treasury Report ~ Summer Symposium: "What is your favorite piece of ERB-related art?" ERBapa History: Recap of 25 years of history. ~ Member Surveys with vintage art.
Next Issue: April 30 ~ 50 issues 

Congratulations from Mike Resnick, Dick Dumont, Murray Gibbs, Bob O'Malley, Kevin Toelle, Jack Daley, Walter Albert, Tom Lindgren, Mary McGeehan Wild, Phil Normand,  Louis Thomas Verardo, Bob Zeuschner and a poem from Joseph Marcello (A Dream of Kings), Joe Lukes
Congratulations from Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc.: Jim Sullos, Ron Kulek, John Burroughs, Willie Jones, Janet Mann, Cathy Wilbanks.
ERBapa Highlights: From issues 1-100
ERBapa by the Members
Roll Call: Names of all past and present members (total of 105) ~ Stint ~ Total Mailings ~ Official Editors ~ Perfect Attendance ~ Honorable Mention ~ Individual Page Counts ~ Notable Lengthy Submissions
ERBapa by the Numbers
Page Count by Issue ~ Symposiums
Rules of the Edgar Rice Burroughs Amateur Press Association
ERBapa Roster:
Name ~ Dues Date ~ Fanzine ~ Address ~ Phone Number ~ E-mail
ERBapa Member Surveys:
Ralph James Brown, Jr. ~ Robert Jonathan Burrows ~ Shawn Allan Cavender ~ Michael Conran ~ David Critchfield ~ Raymond Arthur Cuthbert ~ Richard Dumont ~ Laurence Geoffrey Dunn ~ Per Otto Fredrik Ekman ~ Henry G. Franke III ~ Peter Geissler ~ Scott Tracy Griffin ~ James Edward Hadac ~ Alan Hanson ~ William Gerald Hillman ~ Dorothy J. Howell ~ J.G. Huckenpohler ~ Terry Alan Klasek ~ Bruno Joseph Lukes ~ Kenneth Manson ~ John F. Martin ~ Tony Menegazzo ~ Rick Norwood ~ William H. Ross, Jr. ~ Heath Row ~ Brooks Shelhorse ~ Richard Spargur ~ James F. Thompson ~ James Van Hise ~ Kenneth Lee Webber ~ Dennis Keith Wilcutt 
Ferrier, Joe: Jack the Ripper ~ 8 sketches by author
Critchfield, David: A book review of The Digging Leviathan by James P. Blaylock including the books mentions of Pellucidar ~ Publishing History & book covers ~ Books by Blaylock ~ Short Blaylock biography and letter from Blaylock with photo ~ Mailing comments on 5 contributors ~ Promo for The Gilak's Guide to Pellucidar by David Critchfield ~ Pellucidar Crossword Puzzle ~ 2 Harry Roland illos and 1 Frank Frazetta illo
Ross, Bill: 25 Years of Contributions to the ERBapa ~ Descriptions of Ross submissions and naming of OEs: Guidry, Homel, McWhorter, Martin, Hanson, Franke, Martin, Miller, Webber, Cavender, Franke, Cavender, Cuthbert, Griffin ~ 1 Cho illo ~ Original membership letter from John Guidry with Rules ~ St. John illo.
Ogden, D. Peter: Fred Leist: The First UK Tarzan Artist ~ 3 colour covers ~ Portrait of Leist by George Coates
Webber, Kenneth: Charlton Comics and The Jungle Tales of Tarzan ~ 4 colour covers ~ 5 comics panels ~ Artist Sam Glanzman photo ~ Mailing Comments
Brown, Ralph: Neverending Story: APA memories ~ Cover art: The Paintings of J. Allen St. John by Stephen Korshak ~ 9 pictures of Tarzan Toys and Products
Orndoff, Ward: A Layman's Review of The Red Swordsman of Mars
Ekman, Fredrik: John Carter and the Emperor - Carter's history before the Civil War - Descriptions and photos of 6 famous emperors and leaders ~ Cross-Index for ERB Books and ERBapa ~ Mailing Comments of APAs 1 and 99
Moody, James Michael: Greystoke Chronology ~ My First 13 Issues of the ERBapa
Hanson, Alan: The Feral Sounds of Tarzan of the Apes with 3 comics panel illos ~ My 25 Years in ERBapa
Geissler, Peter: John Carter, Carson Napier & the Rest: Non-Tarzan Books in Germany and Austria ~ Many pages of colour illos plus 5 pages of art by Williams Verlag
Norwood, Rick: Tarzan and Me - Association with Tarzan and the works of ERB including editing Comics Revue featuring Manning and Lubbers
Cuthbert, Raymond A.: Facing Front - Covering ERBapa: reflections on 25 years ~ Official Editors list with covers and info on each of the 100 ERBapa issues ~ 2 Reed Crandall illos (one original from Cuthbert collection) ~ Mailing Comments
McGeeney, Bob: The Funaddict Returns ~ Fond memories and congratulations ~ Collecting and finding new ERB items ~ "Open Road" mag with Johnny Sheffield cover
Menegazzo, Tony: 25th Celebration ~ Reflections on Tarzan & ERB ~ 3 cartoons ~ Elmo photo ~ Comments
Conran, Mike: Fall Travels: Geppi Museum, Edgar Allen Poe grave, Fort Henry, Wonder Books store, George Washington tower monument on South Mountain, Frank Frazetta Museum, John McGuigan, Bill Wagner, Panthans Meeting at Huckenpohlers, National Monuments ~ 13 photos ~ Mangani Zugor Index: Chart of 100 Conran contributions in ERBapa.
Spargur, Richard C.: "Tarzan, My Jungle King" words and music from early 1920s ~ Sheet music cover art ~ Son of Tarzan Poster ~ CD insert featuring the song's melody line in MIDI created by Dick who inserted each note into a computer program.
Hunton, Robert L.: Tree Adventures ~ climbing adventures with two photos and Frazetta art ~ The Prank: fan fiction ~ Congrats and ERB fandom memories
McWhorter, George T.: A Silver Anniversary Tribute: ERB connections: "The Ballad of Baby Doe" by Douglas Moore ~ "silver aria" with Beverly Sills and "The Four Faces of Siva" by Rober J. Casey ~  Heins acronyms ~ 1 Sills photo and 4 ERBapa covers
Row, Heath: Jungle Radio #1 ~ First Impressions of Tarzan of the Apes ~ Tarzan the Fearless Scene by Scene synopsis ~ Song discussion: "Me Tarzan, You Jame" by Intruders on Gamble Records ~ "John Carter on the Silver Screen" article in Scary Monsters Magazine #69 ~ Comments on ERBapa 99
Guidry, John H.: Reflections on the origin, history and longevity of ERBapa ~ Tarzan ASCII art ~ The Masses - Nov 1914 magazine cover: Apes: "Mother, Never let me hear you tell the children that these humans are descendants of ours."
Huckenpöhler, J.G.: In the Treasure Vaults of Opar Memphis: visit to the Richardson ERB collection ~ 2 photos: Cole, Kathy, Sandy and JGH ~ In Memorium: Bobbie and Forry ~ Comments on APA 99 ~ Sorak kitten photo
Denkena, Kurt: Fulwalda #90 ~ Review: Tarzans Gluck und Ende by Emil Rudolf Greulich with cover and interior illustrations by Karl Fischer.
Shelhorse, Brooks: Tarzan was a  . . . Horse! ~ Discussion of Ken Maynard's horse and film Come On, Tarzan ~ Goodby, Danton
Hillman, Bill: Description of Hillman ERBapa Articles: Nos. 68-100 illustrated with APA covers ~ ERBzine Index Volumes 1500-1550 ~ Ratnaz Files Parody: Book II: Chapters 21-37, continued from ERBapa #80.
Hadac, Jim: Meeting Princess Dia: photo with Caroline Munro at the Hollywood Celebrities & Collectibles Convention in Chicago, March 15, 2008 - Bio of "Bond girl" actress who appeared in "At the Earth's Core" ~ 6 autographed publiciity photos ~ Greg Phillips art: "The Coming of the O-220" Mucker Magazine #9 cover ~ Philips photo ~ 11 Mailing Comments
Manson, Ken: Jodades ~ Review of The Paintings of J. Allen St. John by Stephen D.Korshak ~ My Favourite ERB Covers & Titles ~ Letter and Press Release from Duke University re: Matt Cohen's Brother Men ~ Flier and Letter re: James A. Bergen's A Price and Reference Guide to Books Written by ERB ~ 8 Mailing Comments
Bledig, Joan: A Photo Tour: The Land of Grand Avenoo, Part I - A mulitude of colour photos (70) and description of the Chicago area frequented by Billy Byrne in The Mucker ~ with street and Google satellite maps
Dumont, Richard: The Search for the Flying Stegosaurus (as described in Tarzan at the Earth's Core) - Illustrations: Blue Book cover and interior illo, Gold Key page by Doug Wildey ~ Jana art by Frazetta ~ Stegosaurus comparision: Upper Earth & Pellucidarian ~ Turok Dell comic cover ~ Stegosaurus art by Kathy Dumont.
Martin, John: More Postal Tributes to ERB with 16 colour illustrations of Tarzan postal covers.
Van Hise, James: Facsimile of Wendy Ackerman's manuscript of the translation of the 1925 essay: "Tarzan the German-Eater" by Stefan Sorel: A study about the incitementleading to national hatred. 3-page intro letter to Darrell Richardson ~ 30 pages of translation photocopy
Dunn, Laurence G.: John Carter of Mars - Heritage Style: 60 colour photos of Barsoom action figures issued by Heritage Models, Inc. of 30 years ago.
Thompson, James F.: In Memoriam: Bobbie M. Rucker ~ Tribute to Bobbie's contribution to ERB fandom ~ Photo: Celebration of George McWhorter's 35 years at U of Louisville
Van Hise, James: A Tribute to James Cawthorne (1929-2008) with discussion and review of his artistic achievements ~ 1978 Interview ~ Online Obituary ~ 10 Cawthorn illos
Wilcutt, Dennis: Congratulations and Memories of 1988 ~ recent reads ~ 4 large illos: Weissmuller & O'Sullivan - Jungle Girl & Elephant - Thomas Yeates art - Tarzan with Gorillas
Howell, Dorothy J.: Lord of Two Worlds: Jer'ok in Exile fiction: Synopsis and Ch. XXI: Return from Exile ~ Postscript ~ Reluctant Addendum: scathing review of Alex Vernon's On Tarzan ~ CHART: "Vernon's On Tarzan: A Fan's Report Cum Review" Chapters 1 and 2: HEADINGS: Premise ~ Representative Passages ~ Response
Burroughs, Robert J.: The Case Files of Dotar Wat fiction: Chapter 8 ~ Precambrian Winter and The Case Files of Dotar Wat Indexes ~ #99 Notes
Franke III, Henry G.: 36-page report: Future plans after retirement from military ~ Tarzana Visit: John Coleman Burroughs research at Danton's house ~ Who Was Bowen Tyler?: Early Submarines and World War I illustrated with many sub diagrams, photos and maps ~ Colour photo with Danton and Llana Jane's Jewelry Creations
Griffin, Scott Tracy: The Guy From Hollywood: A Return ~ Alone: Stranded on a Desert Island with colour map and ape illo ~ Tarzan and Olympia: More Tarzan Actor Book Reviews (3) ~ Who's That Slave Girl?: Burroughs Babe Mona Knox with 11 photos and covers (most in colour).
Klasek, Terry Alan: Tarzan of the Apes - My Oldest ERB Friend - A lifelong relationship with ERB's creation ~ Colour Illo by Kenkel: Tarzan Triumphant, Ace edition
The Last Word by OE Tracy Griffin: Comments on each of this issues submissions ~ Colour photo of OE in Hollywood costume and make-up


Front Cover
Artist: Joe Ferrier

Back Cover
Artist: Murray Gibbs

Inside Front Cover
Artist: Doug Wirth

Inside Back Cover
1934 Serial Ad



We need YOUR help to compile content descriptions of each issue.
APA members are also invited to submit previous articles for worldwide presentation
in our weekly online fanzine: ERBzine ~ The ERBapa Archives

Bill Hillman ~ APA Member and Booster

Edgar Rice Burroughs Amateur Press Association
Navigation Chart
ERBapa:  Edgar Rice Burroughs
Amateur Press Association
Intro: Guidelines ~ HiLites ~ Bylines
Members ~ Reprints in ERBzine
ERBapa Cover Gallery
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ERBapa Cover Gallery
51 - 100
ERBapa Contents First 47
ERBapa Contents 41-59
ERBapa Contents 60-74
ERBapa Contents 75 -100
ERBapa Contents 101-125
.ERBapa Contents 126-150
ERBapa Contents 151-175
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Beyond 100
ERBapa Index Nos. 1-24: Pt. 1
ERBapa Index Nos. 1-24: Pt. 2

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Issue 0645

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ERB Text, ERB Images and Tarzan® are ©Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc.- All Rights Reserved.
All Original Work ©1996-2002/2010/2024 by Bill Hillman and/or Contributing Authors/Owners
No part of this web site may be reproduced without permission from the respective owners.