Edgar Rice Burroughs Tribute and Weekly Webzine Site
1996 ~ Over 15,000 Webpages in Archive
Collated by John Martin and
Bill Hillman
With Web Design, Added Events,
Illustrations and Photo Collages
by Bill Hillman
February 1 ~ Feb
2 ~ Feb 3 ~ Feb 4
~ Feb 5 ~ Feb 6 ~ Feb
Click for full-size images
Tarzan of the Apes Newspaper Ad ~ Karla Schramm
and Gene Pohlar: Jane and Tarzan:
Revenge of Tarzan ~ Stuart Whitman ~ Disney's
Animated Tarzan

*** 1891: Karla
Schramm (1891.02.01-1980.01.17) born on this date in Los Angeles,
spent half of her Hollywood career playing Jane, appearing in "The
Son of Tarzan" and "The
Revenge of Tarzan," both in 1920. She made just two other movies,
both with uncredited roles. She returned to private life after her jungle
"career cappers."
Schramm and her older sister
Paloma were child prodigies and concert pianists before Schramm caught
the acting bug. Karla and Paloma toured the world at ages 9 and 12, landing
in Chicago, where they continued their music education. Returning to Los
Angeles as an adult, Schramm appeared as an extra in the 1919 film “Broken
Blossoms” when director D.W. Griffith discovered her and gave her a small
role. After a few small parts and two turns as Jane, Schramm returned to
her first love, music, and began teaching piano at the studio of Thilo
Becker, her childhood instructor. Schramm died at her home in Los Angeles
on January 17, 1980, just short of her eighty-ninth birthday. She was cremated
and her remains were spread in the garden of her home.
The Karla Schramm Photo Gallery
"The Revenge of Tarzan": ERBzine Silver Screen Entry
"The Son of Tarzan": ERBzine Silver Screen Entry
Off-Site Reference
Karla in
*** 2000: Disney released its animated "Tarzan"
on VHS and DVD on this date. Today, in addition to positions on the shelves
of ERB collectors, they can be found most often at garage sales and second-hand
stores -- the fate of VHS tapes and DVDs as technology moves along.
The film stars the voices of Tony Goldwyn, Minnie Driver, Rosie O'Donnell,
Brian Blessed, Glenn Close, and Nigel Hawthorne with original songs by
Phil Collins. Collins' "You'll Be In My Heart" won and Oscar and Grammy
in 2000. The film won a long line of awards for its animation in 2000.
The animation in film is so fluid and fast-moving that
one has to view it in slow motion to really appreciate and/or actually
see some of the great images.
This large screen animated version is one the most faithful
cinematic adaptation of Burroughs' first published Tarzan work.
Sue-On and I were thrilled to be invited
to attend a pre-release screening of the film on the Disney lot. People
involved in the making of the film shared many inside stories with us.
Special pre-release screening on the Disney Lot
Tarak's Review
Off-Site Reference
*** 1943: War Correspondent ERB on Destroyer USS Shaw:
"General Quarters sounded at 4:15, and the men were kept at battle
stations until 5:15. All the water-tight doors and hatches were closed.
This hour before sunrise is considered the most likely time for submarine
attacks, and similar precautions were taken every morning.
I took a shower before breakfast.
Taking a shower on a rolling, pitching destroyer is an experience, especially
when standing on one foot trying to wash the other. Dropping the soap is
a catastrophe. One morning I conceived the brilliant idea of taking a shower
while everyone else was at battle stations during General Quarters, thus
achieving the one thing I missed most -- privacy. It was not a good idea.
Right after reveille at 4:00, I went down to the head. That was before
I had learned that during General Quarters all water and drains are shut
off and all the doors and hatches closed. I couldn't take a shower, nor
could I go back up the ladder to my cabin. I faced an hour of being locked
up below. But fortunately one of the officers happened to pass through
the corridor and saw my predicament. He let me out onto the main deck,
and I crawled up a ladder to the forecastle deck where Croft's cabin was
located. I was told that the men got a great kick out of it, seeing me
parading around on deck in my pajamas."
ERB: Wartime Journals - Illustrated Timeline of Events
ERB Sails on the USS Shaw
*** Actor Stuart Whitman, born Feb. 1 in 1928,
was originally picked to play the role of Bowen Tyler in "The
Land That Time Forgot." Doug McClure got it instead. Both got
stars on the Hollywood walk of Fame, Whitman being honored on his birthday
in 1998.
The Land That Time Forgot 1975 Film:
Land That Time Forgot II:
Off-Site Reference
*** 1919 I shared an Anderson, Indiana, Daily Bulletin
ad from this date in my ERBzine. The ad promoted the movie, "Tarzan
of the Apes."
The Starland Theatre ad described it, among other
glowing terms, as "Thrills for every human mood...romance
to feed the hunger of every moral heart that cries for the primitive."
It was undoubtedly talking about some of us today as
well as those who lived back then, when it said: "How
few of us have not longed for the realm of Tarzan? Man, woman, child, each
tug at the chains of convention, while the heart cries out for the wildwood."
It spoke of Tarzan as "He who leaped
from tree to tree, as did the Apes who were his sole companions -- Who
slew the Lion, and made Great Tusks his slave-- Who spoke no tongue save
that of those whose tails entwined the trees-- Who feared not the dread
gorrilla (sic) and who, with bare hands, ripped hides from skulking jaguar--
Who nestled at the breast of a mother ape-- but who, when first his primordial
eyes fell upon a white woman, smothered her with kisses."
That last part sounds a bit like the intro to the old
Superman radio and TV series, doesn't it? "Who could
change the course of mighty rivers, bend steel in his bare hands and who,
disguised as Clark Kent...."
Tarzan of the Apes: Credits, Ads, Reviews, Photos
Scott Tracy Griffin's Tarzan Centennial No. 3

Tarzan and the Ant Men: Mulford Argosy Cover
Art ~ Beardless Tarzan ~ "Native" Boris Karloff in
Golden Lion
Natalie Kingston: Tarzan:Tiger/Mighty ~ Morrow's
& Mokele Mbembe Sunday Strip ~ Privitera Art: ERB
*** 1943: War Correspondent ERB on Destroyer USS Shaw
- Feb 2: ERB was amazed at how sailors from such diverse backgrounds
and ethnic groups got along so well in such dark, cramped, and hot surroundings.
He was also impressed with the huge stock of good food in the ship's three
large refrigerating compartments. The Navy ate very well. Much of the crew
was seasick but Ed had the stomach of an old salt.
Ed spent much of the 5000 mile
voyage on the Shaw trying to spot something of interest on the endless
ocean: "I spent quite a little time on the bridge, looking for whales,
sharks and corpses. It is amazing how little one sees of all myriad life
we know to be in the ocean. During that almost 5000 mile voyage, I saw
only flying fish, one school of porpoises, and a hammer-head shark. Not
a whale nor a corpse. My interest in floating corpses has been almost lifelong.
It derives rom a story I read many years ago of a voyage on a windjammer
way down in the Antarctic in an area practically never travelled by ships,
where the narrator saw the body of a man floating. How did it get there?
Where had it floated from? The intensely cold water must have preserved
it. It may be floating around down there yet. What a life!"
ERB: Wartime Journals - Illustrated Timeline of Events
ERB Sails on the USS Shaw
*** Feb. 2 was a transitional day for "Tarzan
of the Apes." He was in the process of outfitting himself with
weapons and ornaments, to distinguish himself from his ape buddies, and
lacked only the loincloth. However, he acquired one later in the day by
killing a cannibal named Mirando and later tossed Mirando's dead body into
the village of Mbonga, scaring the devil out of the tribe!
Tarzan also probably gave himself a fresh shave that
day, as Chapter
XIII (His Own Kind) of "Apes" reveals his habit of scraping and
whittling his persistent whiskers to lessen any resemblance his face bore
to those of the hairy apes. (He didn't want to acquire a 5 o'clock shadow
like Nixon and have to go around saying, "I am not an ape!") This book
reference should put to rest all the doubters who won't believe that Tarzan
could have been clean shaven.
All of this was very good, since Tarzan
was about to experience another transition, seeing his first set of white
men and, in the process, meeting his future wife. It was fitting that he
be properly clothed and shorn for the occasion. Philip Jose Farmer's Chronology
believes that this date was February 2, 1909 although the date is in dispute.
Philip Jose Farmer's Chronology in Tarzan Alive
Tarzan of the Apes: ERBzine C.H.A.S.E.R Biblio including
full text of the book
Read Chapter VIII of Tarzan of the Apes: for Tarzan
XIII (His Own Kind) of "Apes"
Off-Site Reference
Chronology fixes the date at 1893
*** The first instalment of "Tarzan
and the Ant Men" appeared Feb. 2, 1924, in "Argosy
All-Story Weekly," with a cover illustration by Stockton Mulford
one black and white interior illustration for each instalment by Roger
B. Morrison. The story was serialized in All-Story across seven issues.
The first hardcover edition was released by A. C. McClurg & Co on September
30, 1924 with wrap-around J. Allen St. John art. The Mulford painting on
this edition shows a slightly older Tarzan with short hair and grey sideburns.
*** In the early '20s, Stockton
"Sox" Mulford and family lived above his art studio at 364 West 23rd Street,
in the Chelsea district of Manhattan. It was from here that he created
freelance pulp covers for Munsey's Magazine, Argosy, Over The Top, Excitement,
Five Novels Monthly, Fantastic Adventures, Amazing Stories, South Sea Stories,
Adventure, Western Aces, and Western Trails. As his career progressed he
began to receive regular assignments from the slick magazines, such as
Liberty, McCall's, The American Magazine, and The Saturday Evening Post.
*** In 1933 Stockton Mulford was
able to supplement his income by producing additional illustrations under
the the temporary pen-name "Ray Dean." He used this name when he illustrated
serialized chapters of "Tarzan And The Lion Man" by ERB in Liberty Magazine.
I have featured this art in ERBzine
0726a. In 1946 at the age of sixty Stockton Mulford retired from
illustration and instead concentrated on restoring his antique home at
Sandy Hook, CT. Stockton died at age seventy-four on September 20, 1960
Tarzan and the Ant Men: C.H.A.S.E.R.: History, Covers,
Ant Men covers in the ERBzine Pulp Bibliography: 1923-1928
Muford (Ray Dean) Art in Liberty
Read the e-Text Edition in ERBzine
*** In 1986 on this date, the Sunday
strip story: Tarzan and Mokele Mbembe started and ran for 12 weeks.
This was the work of Gray Morrow, artist, and Don Kraar, continuity.
Tarzan and Mokele Mbembe: 12 Morrow Sunday Strips
*** Vital Statistics: Michael
T. Weiss, voice of Tarzan on TV's The Legend of Tarzan, was
born in Chicago Feb. 1, 1962.
Two other ERB players died this date, Boris Karloff,
Owaza in "Tarzan and
the Golden Lion," in 1969, and Natalie
Kingston, who played Jane in "Tarzan
the Tiger" and Mary Trevor in "Tarzan
the Mighty," in 1991.
Disney's Legend of Tarzan TV Series (to Tarzan and
Jane Film)
and the Golden Lion film
Screen shots of Boris Karloff
Natalie Kingston Photo Gallery
Tarzan the Tiger
Tarzan the Mighty
Off-Site References
in Wikipedia
in Wikipedia
in Wikipedia
Fantastic Worlds of ERB art: Al Williamson and Reed
Crandall ~ Celardo at Work ~ Tarzan and his Coffee
Tarzan's letter to Jane ~ ERB Poem: "Nay, It
Hath Not Gone" and his garage man
1943: War Correspondent ERB on Destroyer USS Shaw
~ Docs at Suva, Capital of Fiji, on the Island of Viti Levu ~ Natives Paddle
Out to Sell Souvenirs, Fruit, Gifts and Trade Goods ~ Ed Buys Warclub for
Grandson Mike ~ Grand Pacific Hotel ~ Cricket ~ Suva Shoreleave ~ and Fiji
ERB'S 50-PAGE WWII JOURNAL: 1942-43 ~ Shared by Danton
Transcribed with added links and illustrations by
Bill Hillman
All 50 Pages Start at:
ERB: Wartime Journals - Summarized Illustrated Timeline
of Events
ERB Sails on the USS Shaw
*** 1909: Jane Porter
and party were marooned on a tiny beach where they had found a cabin belonging
to someone known as Tarzan
of the Apes. In Chapter
XVII, "Burials" she had written a letter
wasn't entirely sure of the date because so much had
happened so quickly the past several days, but she thought it was Feb.
3. Just to be safe, though, she put a question mark in parentheses after
the date she wrote on the letter she composed to her friend Hazel Strong
in Baltimore:
10X DEGREES SOUTH LATITUDE. (So Mr. Clayton says.) February 3 (?), 1909.
It seems foolish to write you
a letter that you may never see, but I simply must tell somebody of our
awful experiences since we sailed from Europe on the ill-fated Arrow.
If we never return to civilization,
as now seems only too likely, this will at least prove a brief record of
the events which led up to our final fate, whatever it may be. . . .
. . . But the strangest part
of it all is the wonderful creature who rescued us. I have not seen him,
but Mr. Clayton and papa and Mr. Philander have, and they say that he is
a perfectly god-like white man tanned to a dusky brown, with the strength
of a wild elephant, the agility of a monkey, and the bravery of a lion.
He speaks no English and vanishes as quickly and as mysteriously after
he has performed some valorous deed, as though he were a disembodied spirit.
Then we have another weird neighbor,
who printed a beautiful sign in English and tacked it on the door of his
cabin, which we have preempted, warning us to destroy none of his belongings,
and signing himself "Tarzan of the Apes." . . .
Lovingly, -- JANE PORTER.
To Hazel Strong, Baltimore, MD.
Tarzan, who had been watching her through the
window, sneaked in later and stole her letter. He read it in the next chapter,
Jungle Toll," and learned, among many other things, that the newcomers
had not made the connection between him and the owner of the cabin. So,
he decided to write a letter back to Jane to tell her and the others, in
simple language: "I am Tarzan of the Apes."
Tarzan of the Apes ~ ERBzine C.H.A.S.E.R. Entry
Tarzan of the Apes: Chapter XVII, "Burials"
Tarzan of the Apes: Chapter XVIII: "The Jungle Toll"
It was Feb. 3...but was it actually 1909?
Farmer's chronology agrees:
Tarzan's Symbolic Home
Off-Site Reference:
Michael Moody's Chronology believes it was 1893
*** Also on Feb. 3, this time in 1957,
Celardo, illustrator, and Dick Van Buren, writer, began
a 20-week Sunday comics story, "Tarzan and the Coffee Planter."
Alongside Tarzan titles that include such words as "Terrible," "Untamed"
and "Leopard Men," the title of "Coffee Planter" doesn't exactly get one's
blood stirring. Yet, where Tarzan is concerned, one can always count on
a yarn that will induce something equivalent to a caffeine high!
John Celardo Bio and Guide to strips in ERBzine
List of Tarzan Sundays start and stop dates are at:
*** ERB had another of his poems
published Feb. 3, 1914, in the "Chicago
Daily Tribune." and repeated in the ERBzine ERB Poetry Section.
Oh, who hath copped the Wailing Place
I ask you, dear old pal.
No Place they keep where one may weep
In sunny southern Cal.
The butcher man he robs me blind;
Robs me the grocer deft;
The brigand cruel who sells me fuel
He taketh what is left.
The garage man (accent the gar),
Unmindful of my groans,
He wrecks my car with loud Har! Har!
And later picks my bones.
And now the Wailing Place is gone
Where shall we find us rest?
Unless you say: “Come hither pray,
And weep upon my vest.”
ERB's NAY, IT HATH NOT GONE posted at:
More ERB poems at:
*** 1934: Edgar Rice Burroughs picked
up the plane he purchased at Santa Monica Airport, Calif.
Photo of ERB and his new plane
ERB Photo Gallery 2
"Huck" Huckenpohler and Bill Hillman ~ Huck's Writings:
Checklist, Panthan's ERB Second Century,
Mad King Article, Barsoom Glossary/Gazetteer
~ Celardo and Manning Tarzan Strips
*** Several years ago, J.G. "Huck" Huckenpohler, an
active ERB fan who gets around in the Dum-Dum and ECOF gatherings
as well in Facebook and Listservs on the Web ERB groups on facebook did
one of his many tremendous services for ERB fandom when he, with an assist
by several others, made a comprehensive list of the dates that various
Tarzan stories started -- and stopped -- in the daily and Sunday comic
strips. His list also includes notations of where those strips have been
reprinted with access links in ERBzine and some references to the
magazine "Comics Revue" and other publications. Huck likes lists, and has
also published an Edgar Rice Burroughs Checklist of books, by which
one can keep track of which editions they own, and an online Barsoom glossary
in ERBzine.
Huck not only goes by the shortened
nickname of "Huck" but also is known in some places, such as the
quarterly ERBapa publication and the online email discussion lists, as
A.Q. Porter. And Huck does appear to bear a resemblance to the esteemed
Huck is also the author of "Professor
Porter's Dime Lecture Series," which appears in both ERBapa and in
ERBzine. In it, he explores various topics of interest to ERB fans. In
addition, he is one of several well-known ERB fans and artists who contributed
to "Edgar Rice Burroughs
the Second Century," a publication put together by the National
Capital Panthans. Huck's "Biker Babes of Mars" is one of several
pastiches and essays in the book, which is available at Amazon. Huck's
King article: "Outline of Luanian History" and Barsoom Glossary/Gazetteer
are featured in ERBzine
Those given credit, at the ERBzine
website, for assisting Huck in compiling his lists of comics were Bob
Barrett, Bill Hillman, Rick Norwood, Ken Webber and Wayne James. Even
with the efforts of all of these studious stalwarts, there are still a
few dates that are not known. If you happen to look at any of these lists
and spot a gap that you can fill, you can let Huck know via ERBzine.
Thanks to the efforts of Huck and his dedicated team,
our ERB Life and Legacy Events Project is able to acquaint readers
with many of the dates in this daily feature. And thanks to our Bill
Hillman's ERBzine website, we are also able to link to some of them
so you can read them for yourselves.
Huck and Friends
More about ERB the Second Century and the Panthans
More about the book in the Gridley Wave
Read an ERBzine excerpt: ERB In Cyberspace
Huck's Mad King Article
Huck's Barsoom Glossary and Gazetteer
*** In 1934, on Feb. 4, Harold
Foster's Egyptian Saga continued with the opening of part 6, "The
Pharoah's Command." with "In
the Ravine." That particular part of the story ran for 19 Sundays.
Carlin was the writer.
Tarzan: In the Ravine
Summaries start at:
(These Hillman summaries are also featured at the
top of every Sunday Page Reprint"
Foster Tarzan and Prince Valiant Reprints
Egyptian Saga Reprinted in Comic Book format
*** On Feb. 4, 1966,
the daily strips saw a new story, "Tarzan
and the Captive Princess." It was illustrated and scripted by John
Celardo and ran for 74 days.
Finally, in 1979, another Sunday
story started on this date. It was "Tarzan
and the Games of Ibizzia," and ran for 21 weeks. The artwork was
by Russ Manning, and the story was a team effort of Manning and
Royer. Read them in ERBzine.
Tarzan and the Captive Princess
Tarzan and the Games of Ibizzia
ERBzine Comics Compendium
Huck's lists of Tarzan daily and Sunday start and
stop dates
with added links to the reprints in ERBzine:
John Celardo: Bio and All of his Daily Tarzan Strips
Reprinted in ERBzine
Russ Manning: Bio and All of his Sunday and Daily
Strips Reprinted in ERBzine
Huck's Barsoom Gazetteer:
Huck's Barsoom glossary:
Huck's "Outline of Luthanian History"
Off-Site Reference:
Porter's Dime Lectures
*** 1939: Argosy Weekly Pulp
magazine released Part 5 of 6 of ERB's Synthetic
Men of Mars on this date. Just over a year later on March 15,
1940, Burroughs-ERB, Inc., Tarzana, published the first edition hardcover
with cover and 5 interior art pieces by John Coleman Burroughs.
2019: Writer and ERB Researcher Robert Allen
Lupton was inspired on this date in 2019 to write one of his famous
100-word drabbles around this story:
"The Headless Homad."
Tor-dur-bar, a Homad, was beheaded when fighting John
Carter and Vor Daj. The Heliumites kept the severed head.
Tor-dur-bar’s head said, “Vor Daj, would you mind
turning me around so I can see. May I hang from your saddle instead of
under your thoat’s tail? Back here, the scenery never changes. Smells bad
“Your head survives without your body?”
“Yes, Ras Thavas made us to never die. I’m thirsty.”
Vor Daj filled Tor-dur-bar’s mouth with water. It
poured from the Homad’s neck and drenched Vor Daj's boots.
“I’m sorry.”
"It’s okay. I’m thankful it wasn’t filtered through
your kidneys.”
ERB Pulp Bibliography: 1930s Pt. 3
Synthetic Men of Mars: 1st. Ed. in C.H.A.S.E.R
ERB 100-Word Drabbles by Robert Allen Lupton
Lex Barker Tarzan Films Collage ~ Barker and Elmo
in Tarzan's Magic Fountain ~ Doug McClure:
Land That Time Forgot, Headstone ~ Lad and
the Lion: JCB art ~ Celardo and Manning Strips
*** 2019 Chinese New year on this date ushered in the Year
of the Pig. This has a double meaning for followers of the events of
ERB-World. Edgar Rice Burroughs, was born under the sign of the Pig or
Boar sign in 1875.
For some reason, after ERB gained
fame and income as a writer in his thirties, he became fascinated with
Berhshire hogs and one of the major reasons for his purchasing the 540
acre General Otis country estate in the San Fernando Valley in 1919 was
to become a gentleman hog farmer. This decision made Burroughs the butt
of many jokes from friends and fellow writers. The program booklet for
ERB's send-off banquet put on by his Chicago author and journalist friends
-- The White Paper Club -- had included a number of pig jokes. The cover
art by St. John depicted a monkey riding a winged pig flying west. Another
illustration inside the booklet showed a pig playing harp followed by an
humorous poem with pig references.
Upon his arrival at the estate he
wouid later name Tarzana Ranch, he immediately made plans for building
up a herd of the finest Berkshire and Hampshire stock that he could secure.
His preposterous attempt to make a fortune as a hog farmer ended in disaster.
Rather than making money on his grade Duroc Berkshires he lost as much
as thirty-nine thousand dollars in a single year. He eventually had to
sell off the prize winning herd in 1921.
Hillman Chinese New Year: Year of the Pig
Tarzana Ranch
Tarzana Ranch Articles and Hog Sell-Off.
The White Paper Club Farewell to ERB
*** 1938: An ad for ERB's book "The
Lad and the Lion" was featured this date, Feb. 5, 1938, in "Publishers
Weekly." The ad and more can be seen in ERBzine 0450.
Actually, The Lad and the Lion (1917) was the
first film made of a Burroughs story and the Selig Polyscope Company paid
ERB $100 per reel for this five-reeler. Despite his considerable efforts
to get film companies interested in his stories, this was the only success
he had until Tarzan of the Apes was filmed the next year. The
Lad and the Lion had the distinction of having its premiere (May 14,
1917) coincide with the print release of the story in All-Story Weekly.
The film story was loosely remade in 1937 under the title The Lion
Man. Bob Hyde had a couple of unpublished illustrations
by JCB for "The Lad." That and other neat stuff from Bob's collection are
featured in ERBzine 0971.
"Men and Beasts" was ERB's original
working title for The Lad and the Lion which he wrote in 1914 in three
weeks time: February 12-March 4. Twenty-three years later he added another
21,000 words for hardback publication, framing the story in a mythical
European kingdom (a device used for "Lutha" in The Mad King and "Karlova"
in The Rider). The short version in the original pulp serial begins with
chapter two of the revised version, while several of the closing paragraphs
of the pulp version were shifted to the beginning of the rewrite. The revision
was accomplished in twelve days, August 20-31, 1937. I've included more
publishing information and, of course, much more including John Coleman
Burroughs art, in my
ERB C.H.A.S.E.R. ERBzine 0760.
Hillman Response to Brazilian author Moacyr Scliar's
accusation that
Montreal's Yann Martel stole the premise from him
for his Life of Pi book.
My 2002 e-mail to the editors of the National Post, Canada's
national newspaper, dragged my observations on the influence of Edgar Rice
Burroughs into a dispute that had been making international headlines.
I received numerous follow-up phone calls from Toronto at my university
office. They requested book cover illustrations and more info on ERB's
stories. I immediately e-mailed art from The Lad and the Lion and
Beasts of Tarzan as well as contact information for George McWhorter
- curator for the ERB Memorial Collection in Louisville. This resulted
in a front page story in the Saturday, November 9, 2002 edition of the
Post: The headline:
"Boy and beast on a boat? Oldest idea in the world"
was accompanied by a colour reproduction of John Coleman
Burroughs' dust jacket painting for THE LAD AND THE LION lifted from our
ERB C.H.A.S.E.R. Online Encyclopedia.
The story also went on to quote Bill Hillman of Brandon
University and George McWhorter of the University of Louisville and authorities
on literature and copyright.
The Lad and the Lion" book with John Coleman
Burroughs Art
The Lad and the Lion: Ad
Burroughs Bulletin #14: Lad and Lion Issue
Bob Hyde art collection
The Lad and the Lion Article by Nkima
*** 1995: Doug McClure
is endeared to ERB fans for bringing two of ERB's other major characters
-- Bowen Tyler and David Innes -- to the silver screen. McClure passed
away this date, Feb. 5, 1995, in Sherman Oaks, Calif., and is buried in
Santa Monica, Calif., near to the place where many ECOFs and Dum-Dums have
been held and likely will take place in the future.
Many remember him for his role as Trampas during the
long run of “The Virginian,” but he appeared as several characters on different
episodes of “Death Valley Days,” 70 episodes as Jed Sills on the 1960s
television series, “Checkmate,” and co-starred with William Shatner in
“The Barbary Coast.”
He played David Innes in At the Earth's Core:
And Bowen Tyler in The Land That Time Forgot. . .
...and The People That Time Forgot...
Off-Site References:
in Wikipedia
*** 1949 Lex Barker's first Tarzan
film, "Tarzan's Magic Fountain" was released on this date.This
film had two Tarzans: Elmo Lincoln had an uncredited role as a fisherman.
Producer Sol Lesser interviewed more than 1,000 actors to replace Johnny
Weissmuller in the role of Tarzan. Barker turned out to be one of the better
film Tarzans, even though Weissmuller was obviously a hard act to follow
after his 16 years and 12 films at MGM and RKO studios. Barker went on
to be featured in five Tarzan. Magic Fountain is Brenda Joyce's
last appearance as Jane (making her the only Jane ever to appear opposite
two different Tarzans). The 73-minute b/w film was shot on the RKO
Culver City 40 Acres backlot.
Tarzan's Magic Fountain
Our Magic Mountain Lobby Display
Off-Site References
in Wikipedia
Barker Bio
*** On Feb. 5, 1962, "Tarzan
Rescues Ito" ran in newspapers for 42 days, illustrated and written
by John Celardo
Tarzan Rescues Ito: 42 Strips by Celardo
*** Russ Manning wrote and
illustrated "Dead Moon
of Pellucidar" which began Feb. 5, 1978, and ran for 52 Sundays.
It was reprinted in Comic Strip Preserves #3 and ERBzine 2137:
Dead Moon of Pellucidar: 52 Tarzan strips by Manning
Elmo Lincoln: First Tarzan Actor 1918 ~ Moon Maid:
St. John 1st Ed. art ~ ERBzille Edition with
Emshwiller ACE cover art ~ Celardo's Tarzan Strips:
of Bobby Barnes: ERBzine Reprint
*** 1889: Otto Elmo Linkenhelt (1889.02.06-1952.06.27)
was born on this date in Rochester, Indiana. He was the first actor billed
as Tarzan in 1918's "Tarzan of the Apes."
Elmo was honored
with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame at 7042 Hollywood Boulevard.
A few of the memories that Elmo's
daughter, Marcia, shared in her book: I was born March 13, 1936 to
Elmo and Ida Linkenhelt. Elmo was 47 years old. I was the apple of his
eye. He built tracks on the stairs of our house so I was not bounced around
going up and down in my carriage. He also built a draft release that was
placed in my bedroom window so fresh air could come in without a chance
of me catching cold. I remember the times dad and I shared when I was a
young girl of five or six with much love. Dad would take me to the pony
rides on the Venice Pier. We would go on the Merry Go Round and a few other
rides, but the ponies were my favorite. When Venice Pier stopped giving
rides we went to Santa Monica Pier Dad was so patient with me. We spent
a lot of time picnicking in the Palisades Park, just sharing time together,
taking pictures and I remember climbing up on the cannon in the park.
I got so excited on holidays, because I would get to
spend Christmas Easter and Thanksgiving with my dad. He made my holidays
a dream. Dad was a great cook and he cooked such different things than
I had living at home with my mother and grandparents. Dad realized I was
a bit of a tomboy so he manicured my nails and told me how important it
was to take care of myself. He would check my clothes to see if anything
was torn or had a button missing. He explained to me, that I should not
be embarrassed to be tall. I should walk with pride and when I entered
a room to enter as though I owned it.
(One day when I visited) my dad's
place on Van Ness I saw the front door open, which was strange and there
were a lot of people around. When I went in I saw Mrs. Sheriff, who
lived below my dad and was a long time neighbor and the manager of the
building. I asked where my dad was and she told me my father had died and
had been taken away in the ambulance a couple of hours ago. I was shocked
and in disbelief. There were people milling around. I noticed they were
taking his personal belongings. . . .
Marcia Lincoln Rudolph tells her father's story:
Elmo: Tarzan of the Apes Lobby Display and Promo Booklet
Tarzan of the Apes: 1918 Silent Film
Elmo Photo Collage
Off-Site Reference
*** 1926: "The
Moon Maid" -- with three parts originally published in pulp
magazines -- was released as a book this date. Unfortunately, parts
of the story were cut -- including key passages in the middle section,
"The Moon Men." The Ace paperback edition of "Moon Men" uses
the text from the original pulp and is, therefore, complete, as are several
other later published versions.
ERB started to write this SF trilogy
in 1918. His inspiration for the tale was the recent Bolshevik revolution
in Russia. In the first novelette,"Under the Red Flag," he expressed
his profound distrust of Russian Communism. Set two hundred years in the
future, around 2125, it portrayed his prediction of what might happen if
the Soviet Bolshevik communists actually achieved world domination.
Three years later, he got he idea
to change the Soviet Bolsheviks to Kalkars, invaders from the Moon who
conquer a peaceful and disarmed earth and set up a totalitarian communistic
regime. To make it work, in 1922 Ed wrote a prequel to set the stage, and
produced "The Moon Maid" which describes the events leading up to
the anti-communist morality tale.
Finally, Burroughs returned to the
stories of the Kalkars from the moon and in 1925 he wrote "The Red Hawk,"
the third part of the trilogy which brings the tale of the Julians to a
conclusion. In it the humans have reverted to the life style of the American
Indians, and have slowly battled and pushed the Kalkars into the Pacific
Ocean through the San Fernando Valley area of southern California.
Ed Burroughs' (OB - Other Burroughs)
described his "personal involvement" in his futuristic Moon Maid saga in
ERBzine 0051.
~ 1967 [THE MOON MAID] OB (age 112) who
has been head of the US Bureau of Communications for many years, takes
an airliner to Paris on undisclosed business. This is at the end of the
great conflict that has been raging, on and off, since 1914 and the masses
are celebrating the peace while governments are trying to bring affairs
back to normal.
~ 1968 [THE MOON MEN (in Argosy)] OB went on a
hunting expedition to Herschel Island in the Arctic to hunt polar bears.
~ 1969 March [THE MOON MEN (in Argosy)]
OB was rescued from an ice flow and a wounded polar bear by a cruiser of
the newly-formed International Peace Fleet. The ship had been instructed
to find OB by the President of the United States as the Secretary of Commerce
had died suddenly and Edgar Rice Burroughs had been offered the post. The
114-year-old Burroughs accepted the position.
A special limited edition
of The Moon Maid was published in conjunction with Jim Thompson's
2000 ECOF. This was the first hardcover volume ever to contain the original
story in its entirety as it appeared in the initial three installments
from the Argosy All-Story Weekly.
A much later entry is the officially
authorized Moon saga is "Swords Against the Moon Men" by Christopher
Paul Carey. Read Andy Nunez' review and interview with author Carey
and artist Mark Wheatley -- plus see interior art in ERBzine
The Moon Maid - History- Art - e-Text - Articles
- Missing Text:
The Moon Maid Original Pulp Covers
Moon Maid Glossary I
Moon Maid Glossary II
Conquest of the Moon - Early pulp art
A review of The Moon Maid:
Swords Against the Moon Men by Carey: Review, Interview
Adventures of The Other Burroughs (OB)
Moon Maid: Burroughs Bulletin Edition #27
Off-Site Reference
Bridge's article on
Wobbly connection
Maid Summary
*** "The
Rescue of Bobby Barnes" began in the Tarzan daily strip this date
in 1956. The story, illustrated by John Celardo and written by Dick
Van Buren, ran for 84 days.
Rescue of Bobby Barnes: 84 Tarzan strips by Celardo
*** 1994: Jack "King" Kirby (1917.08.28-1994.02.06)
died on this date. Jack was an American comic book artist, writer, and
editor, widely regarded as one of the medium's major innovators and one
of its most prolific and influential creators. His contributions to the
comic book form, including the many characters he created or co-created
and the many genres he worked on have led to him being referred to as the
definitive comic book artist. Given the number of places Kirby's artwork
can now be found, the toys based on his designs and the success of the
movies based upon his work, he has been declared "one of the chief architects
of the American imagination." He was regarded as a hard working artist,
and it has been calculated that he drew at least 20,318 pages of published
art and a further 1,385 covers in his career. Kirby defined comics
in two periods. His work in the early 1940s with Joe Simon on the Captain
America strip, and then his superhero comics of the 1960s with Stan Lee
at Marvel Comics and on his own at DC Comics. Kirby has also created stories
in almost every genre of comics, from the autobiographical Street Code
to the apocalyptic science fiction fantasy of Kamandi.
It was a thrill in 1958 when I discovered
SKY MASTERS by Jack Kirby and Wally Wood. I was such a packrat that even
though we didn't subscribe to the daily newspaper that featured the strip,
I made regular trips to the local "nuisance grounds" (town garbage dump)
and tore out the daily MASTERS strips, as well as Tarzan, Li'l Abner, Peanuts,
Russ Heath and a few more. I carefully trimmed these strips and stored
them in metal containers. My collection was by no means complete -- some
of the papers were mutilated or hadn't even made it to the dump, but I
salvaged enough of the strips to partially whet my appetite for SF and
Wood. The strips that survived in my eclectic collection should provide
enough of an overview to convince ERBzine readers that my enthusiasm was
Sky Masters by Jack Kirby and Wally Wood (14 Pages)
ERB: Wartime Correspondent ~ Buster Crabbe with Numa
and Jock Mahoney ~ ERB's Apache Novels
in All-Story Pulps ~ Hal Foster's Tarzan: "Hulvia,
The Beautiful" ~ John Celardo daily Tarzan Strip
*** 1943: One thing ERB did want was for his chauffeur to
drive a little slower past the naked girl. On Feb. 7, 1943, ERB climbed
an iron ladder to board the McKean for dinner followed by a trip ashore
in the landing barge. Ed and a fellow named Ramey made a 30-mile sightseeing
tour via taxi through hills, jungles and villages.
"They would have been a disappointment
to Tarzan. We saw a young girl getting a bath by the roadside. She was
no child, and she was entirely naked. Several natives were bathing her
as she stood smiling as we passed within a few feet of her. I was highly
incensed. It was shocking, the speed with which our driver drove past."
For more of ERB's events of early 1943, and a thumbnail
picture of some other National Geographic-style naked women, see: Bill
Hillman's Illustrated Time Line of Events: 1943 The War Years
ERB Wartime Timeline: 1943
*** Jock Mahoney aka
Jacques O'Mahoney was born on this date. (1919.02.07 Chicago ~ 1989.12.14
(stroke) Bremerton, WA)
Jock played villainous Coy Banton in Gordon Scott's
the Magnificent before becoming the ape-man himself for Tarzan Goes
to India. He was also in four episodes of Ron Ely's TV Tarzan
both parts I and II of "The Deadly Silence," "Mask of Rona"
and "The Ultimate Weapon." He also served as the stunt coordinator
for the Dereks' "Tarzan the Ape Man" 1981, listed in the credits
as Jack O'Mahoney,
* Jock was a pilot in USMC WWII and attended the University
of Iowa
* In THE ADVENTURES OF DON JUAN (1948) Jock doubled for
star Errol Flynn, leaping down a giant staircase to tackle the movie's
* He was married to Lorraine O'Donnell, Margaret Field
(1952) and Autumn Russell (1967)
* Jock Mahoney was film Tarzan number 13.
* Mahoney at age 42 was the oldest actor to be hired
for the Tarzan role (Weissmuller was 43 when he retired from the role)
* Mahoney had auditioned for the Tarzan role after Weissmuller's
retirement. He lost out to Lex Barker.
* The film was a great commercial success, becoming the
highest grossing film in the series.
* During the filming of Tarzan's Three Challenges,
Jock Mahoney contracted amoebic dysentery and dengue fever, and finally
pneumonia, dropping from 220 to 175 pounds by the time the film finished.
Although I never met Jock, I followed
his long and varied career for years and have many of his films in my extensive
video collection. We made a point of visiting some of the sites in Thailand
where he filmed Tarzan's Three Challenges. We even did a
solo ride on an elephant through winding jungle trails. . . and of course
did a number of Tarzan yells and chest beatings while holding on to the
elephant's neck behind the ears and steering with my knees :) This I had
to do to make up for Tarzan's ape yell not being used in the film . . .
admitedly a poor substitute.
"Tarzan the Magnificent"
"Tarzan Goes to India":
"Tarzan's Three Challenges"
Ron Ely's TV Tarzan
"Tarzan the Ape Man."
Tarzan in Thailand: LIFE Magazine
Hillman Thailand Adventure
in Wikipedia
*** 1908: Larry "Buster" Crabbe(Clarence
Linden Crabbe) (1908.02.07-1983.04.23) was born this date in Oakland,
CA and was raised in Hawaii.
Graduated from University of Southern California and
did bit parts in Hollywood films
In 1931, while working on That's My Boy for Columbia
he was tested by MGM for Tarzan
Lost out to Johnny Weissmuller for the role of Tarzan
in Tarzan the Ape Man
Won an Olympic Gold Medal in 1932 for the 400-metre freestyle
Starred as Kaspa, the Lion Man in Paramount Studio's
of the Jungle in 1932
Married to college sweetheart Adah Virginia Held from
1933 until his death in 1983
Signed by Paramount Studios in 1933 to play Tarzan in
the Fearless
Tarzan the Fearless was released in both feature
and serial versions - neither was a success
In 1933 he starred in the first of what came to be a
long string of western movies,
Many of his westerns were Zane Grey and Billy the Kid
Starred as Flash Gordon in three Universal serials:
~ Flash
Gordon (1936)
~ Flash
Gordon's Trip to Mars (1938)
~ Flash
Gordon Conquers the Universe (1940)
In the '50s he promoted a line of swimming pools: "Buster
Crabbe Swimming Pools"
He devoted much of his time to the operation of a boys'
camp in New York.
In the early '50s he hosted the kiddie show, "Buster's
'1955-57: Starred in the syndicated TV series: Captain
Gallant and the Foreign Legion
In the '60s through the '80s he worked in a many TV shows
(Buck Rogers, etc.),
Also made a string of low-budget movies - mainly westerns
(Alien Dead, 1980)
He died from heart problems at the age of 76 on April
23, 1983 in Scottsdale Arizona
Last movies: Alien Dead (1980) and Comeback Trail
*** During our visit with James and Joan
Burroughs Pierce in Tarzana in 1971, Jim shared some interesting memories
about the years he played Tarzan in Tarzan and the Golden Lion followed
by the Tarzan radio series. He admitted some bitterness over losing out
to Buster Crabbe for the role of Tarzan in the follow-up Tarzan the
Fearless. Jim felt that he was passed over for later roles due to being
typecast as Tarzan. Eventually he was hired for a role which called for
him to wear a phony beard. Following this he was again typecast for bearded
roles, including the part of lion man in Buster Crabbe's Flash Gordon serial.
Tarzan the Fearless: 8 Pages
*** 1930: One thing ERB didn't want
was ugly red men. On Feb. 7, 1930, ERB wrote to the editor of "Blue
Book," saying,
"Will you tell your artist if
it is not too late, that the red men of Mars are supposed to be an unusually
handsome race, as masculine looks are judged by our standards. They should
have strong, regular features."
For that and other ERB eclectica, including Tarzan
the Wonder Horse, see ERBzine 0259.
ERBzine Eclectica Issue: January 21, 2000
*** Feb. 7 start dates for Tarzan
comic strips reprinted in ERBzine:
-- 1944, "The Fury of the Volcano" 24 days,
illustrated and written by Maxon.
-- 1947, "The Rage of Tantor" 56 days, illustrated
and written by Maxon
-- 1949, "Tarzan and the Fires of Tohr," 54 days,
illustrated by Paul Reinman and written by Rob Thompson.
-- 1932, "Hulvia the Beautiful" Hal Foster,
artist; George Carlin, continuity, 11 weeks
The following two as listed in the ERBzine
List of Sunday Strips compiled by J.G. "Huck" Huckenpohler
-- 1999, "Jane's Quest" drawn by Gray Morrow;
written by Allan Gross; reprinted as a souvenir of ECOF 2003.
Jane's Quest: 16 Tarzan strips by Morrow
-- 1965, "Tarzan's Fever," John Celardo, artist
and writer, 21 weeks. ERBzine reprints pending

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