Edgar Rice Burroughs Tribute and Weekly Webzine Site
1996 ~ Over 15,000 Webpages in Archive
Collated by John Martin and
Bill Hillman
With Web Design, Added Events,
Illustrations and Photo Collages
by Bill Hillman
Apr 22 ~ Apr
23 ~ Apr 24 ~ Apr 25
Apr 26 ~ Apr
27 ~ Apr 28 ~ Apr 29
~ Apr 30
Click for full-size images
Studley Oldham Burroughs, ERB's artist nephew: Photo,
Tarzana/El Caballero Booklet,
his Golf Course design, ERB's Bookplate ~ POOP Certificate,
Police Reporter ~ Mary Miles Minter
*** 1919: ERB's nephew, Studley Oldham Burroughs'
wife, Mary, died in childbirth. A broken Studley moved to Tarzana. While
at Tarzana he laid out a nine-hole golf course and designed a special golf
scorecard. Previously he had used his artistic skill to create a bookplate
for Ed's personal books. Today that golf course created by SOB and ERB
is one of the world's top Golf and Country Clubs: EL CABALLERO.
A few years later, ERB's mounting
debts from bad investments, high overhead, and extravagant lifestyle plunged
him deeply in debt. In desperation, he sold 120 acres of the Tarzana Ranch
in early 1924. The property sale included the main house and grounds. Investors
planned to turn the property into an exclusive country club called the
El Caballero. Ed, in his role as managing director of the Club, was very
involved in membership drives, building plans and the running of the Club.
He seemed surprisingly contented with this turn of events, as it lessened
his financial difficulties and family pressures... temporarily, at least.
Burroughs severed all official connections with the foundering club in
late 1925.
Although not a great financial
success, the El Caballero golf was highly respected and the course played
host to the Los Angeles Open Golf Tournament in 1927. A booklet was produced
for the event. Danton Burroughs and I scanned this rare booklet for release
on our Websites and the scans are featured in ERBzines 1091, 1092 and 1093.
While I was in Tarzana to deliver
the eulogy for Danton Burroughs' Memorial Service, Ralph Herman -- one-time
owner of the Tarzana Mansion and a major investor in the El Cab -- drove
me all around the course in a golf car. It was a thrilling experience to
see so many of the landmarks that have been associated with ERB through
the years. We ended the day by dining in the Members' exclusive dining
room and were joined by Ralph's son who is a fire chief. El Cab has certainly
gone through many changes from when Studley designed it and shown in the
photos and artwork I've displayed in the ERBzine coverage.
ERB and Studley's El Caballero Golf Club ~ Tarzana
Studley Oldham Burroughs Tribute and Art
*** 1933: You
know you're in tight with the local constabulary when they give you the
straight POOP. The Los Angeles Police Department felt like honoring
ERB back on April 22 of 1933, and so they issued him an official POOP certificate,
so he would have documentation that he was definitely on the department's
POOP List.
POOP -- as every schoolboy knows --
stands for Protective Order Of Police. That ERB's membership was official
there can be no doubt, as his certificate carries the names of POOP's grand
poobahs, including the grand commander, assistant grand commander, grand
recording secretary, the grand senior guard and the grand junior guard,
among other lesser lights.
True, the signatures are printed, not original, as they're
in the same font and size, but the document does include an official gold
foil seal and ribbon, which obviously had to be applied by hand with TLC
for the recipient of the POOP paper.
Today there is an organization known
as the Los Angeles Police Protective League. Perhaps it is a successor
to the original organization. They may have changed the name for some reason.
The POOP certificate can be found at ERBzine 1944
Perhap's ERB's inclusion in this august organization
came about because he wrote an article, "The Citizen and the Police,"
which was published in The Police Reporter in May of 1929:
It's possible that ERB may have eventually
discovered that Protective Order Of Police had a suggestive acronym, and
he wrote at least one later article that was not so favorable to the police.
It was headlined "Shooting Citizens"
The Citizen and the Police by ERB
Poop Certificate
"Shooting Citizens"
Edgar Rice Burroughs Tells All
Off-Site Reference
ERBville Press
*** 1916: The American Film Company
turned down the rights to make a movie of "Tarzan of the Apes."
The company went out of business in 1921.
The American Film Company, aka American
Film Manufacturing Company and Flying "A" Studios, made over 150 films,
mainly westerns and comedies. One of their feature stars was pretty light-haired
Miles Minter (1902.04.25-1984.08.04) who would
have made a great Jane. She was groomed to be "the next Mary Pickford.
Ms Minter made 50 movies in eight years and has a star on the Hollywood
Walk of Fame but only six of her movies survive today.
Her life had its share of tragedy.
She was implicated in the murder of Director William Desmond Taylor, with
whom she claimed a romantic relationship in spite of the 30 year age difference.
The murder was never solved, but Minter’s career didn’t survive the scandal.
Insiders believed that Minter’s mother, Charlotte Shelby, was actually
Taylor’s lover and murderer. In 1981, Minter was severely beaten in a burglary
at her home in which more than $300,000 worth of antiques, china and jewelry
were taken. A former live-in companion and three other people were charged
with attempted murder and burglary. The police described her as a frail,
old woman, and people often were shocked to learn she had been a famous
movie star.
The American Film Company is mentioned
briefly in ERBzine
1654, right below the four-photo block of Lincoln, Searle, Pollar
and Pierce:
American Film Company Mention
Off-Site References:
Miles Minter: Wikipedia
Film Co.
Frederick Peters as Esteban Miranda in Tarzan and
the Golden Lion ~ Buster Crabbe in King of the Jungle and
Tarzan the Fearless ~ Casper Van Dien in Tarzan
and the Lost City ~ ERB and Bert and Margaret Weston
*** Both Tarzan and his lookalike, Esteban
Miranda, died on this date -- April 23 ***
*** 1983: Buster Crabbe (Clarence Linden Crabbe II
~ 1908.02.07-1983.04.23) died on this date in Scottsdale, Arizona. Buster
was born in Oakland, California. By age 1, he was living in Honolulu. Although
he spent most of his childhood on O‘ahu, he resided on Maui and the Big
Island at times. He attended the Honolulu Military Academy and, in 1927,
graduated from Punahou Academy, where he lettered 16 times.
Crabbe received a scholarship to Yale,
but ended up studying law at the University of Southern California, graduating
in 1931. The following year, he won the Olympic Gold in the 400-meter freestyle,
coming from behind to beat world record-holder Jean Taris by a tenth of
a second. For the rest of his life, Crabbe said his career and fame hinged
on that tenth of a second. Hollywood took immediate notice of the handsome,
brawny Olympian, which it immediately cast in the starring role of Kaspa
in "King of the Jungle," pitting him against Weissmuller, who was
already famous as Tarzan.
He was signed by Paramount Studios in 1933 to play Tarzan
in Tarzan the Fearless. The film was released in both feature and
serial versions - neither was a success. In 1933 he starred in the first
of what came to be a long string of western movies, many of them Zane Grey
and Billy the Kid titles. He is perhaps best known by many for his roles
as Buck Rogers, Flash Gordon and Captain Gallant.
The Flash Gordon serials were: Flash Gordon
(1936) ~ Flash Gordon's Trip to Mars (1938) ~ Flash Gordon Conquers
the Universe (1940). ERB's son-in-law James
"Tarzan" Pierce played the bearded Lion Man with Buster Crabbe
in the original Flash Gordon Serial. Buster was married to college sweetheart
Adah Virginia Held from 1933 until his death in 1983.
Buster Crabbe Photos starting at:
Off-Site References:
Crabbe in IMDB
in GoComics Quiz
*** 1963: Frederick Peters (1884.06.30-1963.04.23),
who played the Tarzan imposter Esteban Miranda in Tarzan and the Golden
Lion (1927), passed away in Hollywood on this date. Prior to
getting the job as a Tarzan imitator, Peters had a zinger of a role as
Zeda the Zulu in Miracles of the Jungle (1821). Peters is perhaps best
remembered for his portrayal of the burly -- yet goofy-looking -- zombie,
Chauvin, in the Bela Lugosi cult favorite, White Zombie (1932). He was
married to Lillian B. Filer Stephens.
Peters as Miranda: Gold Lion Screen Captures
Tarzan and the Golden Lion
Off-Site References:
Peters in IMDB
Peters in Wikipedia
*** 1998: On
this date the L.A. Times reported the lengths to which Casper Van Dien
was going in psyching himself up for his role as the ape man in "Tarzan
and the Lost City."
Casper Van Dien's breakthrough role was as the lead in
Paul Verhoeven's sci-fi film Starship Troopers (1997). Still one of the
most talked about films of 1997 that has one of the largest cult followings
in film history. He was also in Tim Burton's critically acclaimed film
Sleepy Hollow (1999), as Brom Bones. He was the 20th Tarzan and the only
one to ever film entirely in Africa and ride an African elephant
FILM TRIVIA: Jebba the chimp bit Casper Van Dien
on the Chin during a photo shoot. Van Dien had to get tetanus shot but
was apparently okay. ~ The baby elephant charged Casper Van Dien and Jane
March and lifted Van Dien with his tusks. ~ The film was edited to remove
some of the violence so that more children could see it.
Casper Van Dien: Photo Displays as Tarzan
Tarzan and the Lost City
Off-Site Reference
Times Announcement
*** 1930: Ed visited the Brody Syndicate
offices, then family friend, actor Rex Lease, and over to Ashton
Dearholt's to talk production business for the Tarzan Film Enterprises.
Jack and Hulbert were both home -- they hiked to Jacknife Canyon
and then played "Michigan" with Bill Corwin.
*** 1931: Old friends Bert and Margaret Westonvisited
Bert Weston / Beatrice Connection
ERB Bio Timeline
ERB in uniform in wartime Hawaii ~ Hillmans visit
ERB's old home at Kailula Bay
Tarzan and the Lost City: Casper Van Dien ~
Lex Barker and Virginia Huston ~ Foster Tarzan Sunday Page
*** 1998: "Tarzan and the Lost City" was released
on this date and it was an exciting time because it was the first Tarzan
movie since 1984! Although the magic in the movie (Tarzan seeing scenes
of Africa in the fireplace and a swarm of bees turning into Mugambe [sic])
had some fans scratching their heads, it was, overall, a pretty good Tarzan
movie. We probably all said a mental "Finally!" when Tarzan got outfitted
with a loin cloth rather than his cutoffs, although we probably wondered
a bit at the way he got that loincloth!
PLOT: In 1913, on the night
before Jane Porter's wedding to John Clayton (also known as Tarzan), her
bridegroom receives a disturbing vision of his childhood homeland in peril.
Much to Jane's distress, Clayton leaves for Africa to help. The educated
explorer Nigel Ravens is seeking the legendary city of Opar, to plunder
its ancient treasures. But then Jane decides to follow her fiancé,
and he must protect her while trying to stop Ravens and his men.
According to Wikipedia, the film had
negative reviews, but the New York Times gave it a positive recommendation,
calling it "A throwback to the days of Saturday afternoon adventures in
exotic locales that were usually Hollywood back lots" and that it "zips
along past the ritual lions, elephants and cobras to the city of Opar and
its temple of illusions, tunnels and traps, and right to the inevitable
satisfying showdown." The film was shot in South Africa.
Tarzan and the Lost City: Credits ~ Reviews ~ Trailer
Tarzan and the Lost City: Photos
Off-Site References:
Lost City
City in Wikipedia
*** 1925:Virginia Huston, Jane
in "Tarzan's Peril," was born this date in 1925 in Wisner, Nebraska,
just about 150 miles north of Beatrice, where ERB's longtime friends Bert
and Margaret Weston lived.
Virginia Huston: Photos in "Peril"
Tarzan's Peril: Credits ~ Trivia ~ Posters
~ Stills
Tarzan's Peril: Lobby card gallery:
Off-Site Reference:
Peril in IMDB
*** "Lenida the Lion Tamer," drawn by Hal Foster
and scripted by George Carlin, began April 24, 1932, in Sunday newspapers
and ran for a total of seven weeks.
Tarzan and the Lion Tamer: Text and Full Sunday Strip
*** 1940: ERB Rented out his
Hills home and left for Hawaii on S.S.Monterey - to live in
a Kailula Bay beachhouse
ERB Bio Timeline
*** 1944: ERB Ed returned to Honolulu on a 4-engine
hospital plane after having completed a 7,000 mile mission in C-47s,
C-54s, and B-24s. Ed chose to lie in an unoccupied bottom litter of one
the 4-litter tiers rather than sit in "the gosh-awful tin bucket seats."
*** 1917: Ed was anxious to serve in the war effort.
His age and family opposition prevented him from enlisting in the regular
army so he made plans to join the reserves. In response to his request
for recommendation from one of his old commandants at Michigan Military
Academy, Ed received a letter from William H. Butts, Assistant. Dean, University
of Michigan “I recommend Mr. Edgar Rice Burroughs
as a member of the Officers' Reserve Corps. Mr. Burroughs has all the qualifications
of a graduate of the Michigan Military Academy, Orchard Lake, Michigan.
He left the school one week before graduation on account of ill health.
Otherwise, he would now have a diploma from that institution. The school
has disbanded and for that reason it does not seem possible to give him
a diploma at this date. However, I can recommend him as fully equipped
and able to do entirely satisfactory work as an officer. He showed himself
very capable as a commissioned officer in the Academy."
ERB Bio Timeline: Years 1910-1919
A Time Line of Events 1940-1942: The War Years
A Time Line of Events 1943-1945: The War Years
Denny Miller: Tarzan the Ape Man, Photos, with
wife Nancy ~ ERB's You Lucky Girl! and
Palmdale Playhouse Players ~ Bob Hibbard: Master Leather
Craftsman: ERB Memorabilia, Badges, etc.
(1931.05.10 - 2020.04.25) George McWhorter passed away on this day after
a full and remarkable life and many careers. We have visited George many
times in Louisville, Kentucky and we were always amazed at his warmth and
knowledge. The highlights of our visits were the memorable stories he shared
as he pointed out his favourite city attractions, eateries, church, apartment
and the sprawling University campus. George was a longtime professor and
the curator of his Nell Dismukes McWhorter Edgar Rice Burroughs Memorial
Collection in the Ekstrom Rare Books Department, University of Louisville.
He always had new treasures from this huge collection to share with us
during every visit. Sue-On and I took countless photos of artifacts in
the collection which we have shared across many ERBzine Webpages. We've
also shared many of the articles written by, George including reprints
of scores of issues of the ERB publications that he created to pay tribute
to the writer and to promote his legacy. It is impossible to even hint
at all the lifetime events and achievements in this paragraph. but the
massive tribute we have compiled in George's honour has been featured in
ERBzine for almost 20 years. A perusal of the links below will showcase
many of the accomplishments of this dedicated and beloved man. "ERB bard",
John Martin. has shared a poem dedicated to George which we feature in
the tribute and which is also included below.
George hosted a number of Dum-Dum
gatherings in Louisville through the years - held at both the University
Rare Books Library & campus and at the Galt House Hotel. The event
that holds a special memory for me was the 2003 Dum-Dum banquet. Sue-On
and I were seated with Danton at the Burroughs table when George called
Dan to the podium. Suddenly, I was shocked and a little embarrassed when
they then called me to join them. I was totally surprised . . . and felt
very honoured, when they presented me with the BB Lifetime Achievement
Award. Now that George and Dan are no longer with us, memories of that
evening are so bitter sweet.
The George T. McWhorter Tribute in ERBzine
George T. McWhorter Autobiography: Reminincences
A Sunday With George McWhorter ~ The Spiritual Side
of George
McWhorter ERB Library: Virtual Tour I
McWhorter ERB Library: Virtual Tour II
Burroughs Bulletin Reprints: GTM Editor
Gridley Wave Reprints: GTM Editor
George McWhorter's mother, Nell,
Taught him how to read so well
That he devoured many books,
And best of all he got his hooks
Into the tales by Edgar Rice,
Which tales did his young mind entice
To read each one that he could find
To feed and grow his yearning mind.
He read of Tarzan, tall and strong,
Jungle Lord, knew right from wrong.
He traversed over Planet Mars
With he who wore a captain's bars;
He went to Venus on a ship
That left for Mars then did a flip;
He roamed the Arizona West
With Shoz-Dijiji, on a quest;
He hiked with Bridge and Billy Byrne,
Then to the Inner World did turn;
He ne'er forgot that Caspak land
And rode herd on the Bar Y brand.
And when they thought he'd done it all,
He'd just begun to have a ball:
Setting up at Louisville
For other fans, the wondrous thrill |
Of seeing books in jackets, fine,
And scenes of Tarzan on a vine,
Magazines and lobby cards
With tales of jeds and jungle guards;
Toys and games and photographs,
Figurines of tall giraffes.
And more, and more, and more, and more,
Enough to fill the Earth's huge core!
Burroughs' heroes all became
Kings or lords with lasting fame.
And likewise, George, the Super Fan
Has earned the kudos: "You da man!"
And all the fans from East to West,
Give George a hand, for he's the best.
Ed Burroughs said, if after this,
Awaits another life of bliss,
I want to go through outer space
And see the worlds in every place;
And surely George desired, too,
A sim’lar happy rendezvous;
So may they both traverse the stars,
Poloda, Amtor, and on Mars.
--John "Bridge" Martin |
BIRTHDAY LEATHER MEISTER: ERB fandom is populated with creative and
generous people and one of them is
Bob Hibbard, who sometimes goes
by the persona of Waldo, stalwart hero of "The Cave Girl." Besides being
a fan of ERB's stories and a collector of his books, Bob is also a leather
craftsman and regularly employs his talents to make unique accessories
for those adventuring in the ERBiverse.
These items include breathtaking book covers, striking
sheaths and notable name badges. Bob has crafted a top hat suitable for
wearing aboard the 0-220, keychain fobs for those using more conventional
modes of transportation, and leather cup and bottle holders for those who
get thirsty along the way.
Bob has given some of his efforts
away to fans. For instance, he made over 100 personalized name badges for
attendees of the 2012 ECOF and just gave them away. Some of Bob's more
elaborate creations are donated to auctions at ECOFs and Dum-Dums to help
fund the fan gatherings.
Why does he do it? "My greatest reward
is the approval of my fellow fans," says Bob.
Bob's leather creations have an honoured
and prominent place the Hillman ERB Library -- what makes each item so
special is an embedded ERB reference: my personal guitar strap, book cover,
key fobs, leather clock, fortune cookie key fob, personalized badges, award
plaque, etc.
Mere words fail to adequately describe
Bob's creations, so start on ERBzine
5831 and follow the links at the bottom to see many of Bob's leather
treasures in all of their glory. And by the way, today, April 25, is Bob's
birthday, so be sure to wish him a happy one!
Bob Hibbard: Leathermaster - A Series of 5
How to Make a Leather Badge
*** 1934: DENNY MILLER (1934.04.25-2014.09.09):
date heralds another special birthday, one which brings both a smile and
a tear, for it is of a Tarzan actor who was personally known and a friend
to many fans -- Denny Miller.
Twenty-five was a significant number for Denny, since
that was his age when he played the role of the jungle hero in 1959's "Tarzan
the Ape Man." That particular version of the story was so good that
the producers knew they would not be able to improve on perfection, so
they made no sequels, and Denny went on to travel West with "Wagon Train,"
headline a situation comedy, "Mona McCluskey," with Juliet Prowse,
and appear in 120 other movie and television roles, including his favorite
film, "The Party," with Peter Sellers, who he called "a comic genius."
Denny is also the reason a stamp was issued in 2012 to
honor Edgar Rice Burroughs, the man he credited with stopping sharpening
pencils to instead sharpen minds.
Our Tribute Page has links to many other Denny Miller
sections of ERBzine including his many career flashbacks:
Denny Miller Tribute
Denny Miller: Video tribute and more:
Denny Miller Series of Career Flashbacks Starting
Tarzan the Ape Man: ERBzine Silver Screen Series
How the Commemorative ERB Stamp Came About
Off-Site References
Denny Miller:
the Ape-Man at IMDB
*** 1997: The World Premiere
of ERB's 1927 play, "You Lucky Girl!", was 70 years later, on April
25, 1997, at The Palmdale Playhouse in Palmdale, Calif.
Read the story of the play, and how its very existence
was discovered, at:
You Lucky Girl!: The Play by ERB
ERB: Playright and Actor
*** 1893: Ed sends a letter home from MMA describing
pranks followed by an appeal for money to buy a fiery cavalry horse
1919: The Editor magazine requests and
later receives an ERB article giving advice to young writers.
1927: There are plans for a possible
monkey farm to be located at Tarzana -- patterned after Gay's
Lion Farm. "Since the matter has come
up, I have been making the personal acquaintance of a various assortment
of monkeys. Yesterday, I called on quite a bunch of them over at
the Selig Zoo, meeting for the first time three or four orang-outangs who
arrived from Singapore Saturday or Sunday. One of them was filled with
vast content if I merely stood and held his hand. Joan wanted me
to buy him, but when I told her that I thought they cost from five hundred
to one thousand dollars, she changed her mind."
1939: Ed started a fourth expansion of a story
he started in 1914 - Angel's Serenade. All magazine submissions
were rejected and it remains unpublished.
In 1921 Ed sent an outline of the
story to the Century Film Corporation in Hollywood. It was rejected. Ed
put the story aside until 1936 when he reworked it. Three years later expanded
it into a 24,000-word story. The protagonist, Dick Crode, grows up in the
rough and tumble slum streets of an unnamed big city. His life of petty
crime leads to bigger and better (or worse) things and he becomes the head
of a crime syndicate. The title "Angel's Serenade" refers to a haunting
song his mother had played on a violin.
Burroughs had originally conceived
the story, in outline form, as the basis for a motion picture and hoped
Lon Chaney Senior would be cast in the lead. On May 15, 1921, he sent two
copies of his rough draft of" Angel's Serenade," to Lewis Jacobs of the
Century Film Corporation in Hollywood. A month before, Burroughs had contracted
with Jacobs for the production of ten stories, five Tarzan and five non-Tarzan,
to be filmed within six years. In offering "Angel's Serenade," Burroughs
explained the title:
"If you do not happen to recall “Angel's
Serenade,” I may say that it is one of the beautiful old compositions that
has survived the ravages of time and the onslaught of many years of popular
songs and modern jazz. It was suggested by Mrs. Burroughs, who says that
it makes an especially beautiful violin solo." The story was rejected by
Gaetano Braga, an Italian composer
and cellist, wrote "Angel's Serenade" around 1883. The piece is a dialogue
between a worried mother and a girl who hears an angel's voice calling
her; in the end the girl follows the voice. It is mentioned in Anton Chekhov's
short story "The Black Monk." As composed, the narrator sings the voice
of the mother and girl, while the angel's voice is portrayed through the
violin or cello. In the original sheet music printing, the string player
was instructed to play from an adjoining room from the pianist and singer,
in order to create the effect of a distant angelic voice.
ERBzine Events May 15, 1921
ERB Bio Timeline Entries
ERB: Playright and Actor
1940: The arrival of "Mrs. Tarzan" and children
was reported in LaSelle Gilman's "Port and Off Port" column in the
1945: In his letter to Dorothy Dahlberg, Ed expresses
his love and desire to return home to California.
"Port and Off Port" Column: Honolulu Advertiser
and Ed
ERB's Letter to Dorothy Dahlberg
25, 1945
Tarzan and the Lost Empire: Armstrong Wells
Sperry art and photo ~ Tarzan the Invincible:
Studley Burroughs art ~ ERB: US Cavalry ~ Weissmuller
and Jack Dempsey ~ Tarzan and the Huntress
*** Of all the first-edition dust jackets for ERB's Tarzan
books, there are three which depart from the traditional image of Tarzan
in an action scene. One is "Tarzan and the Forbidden City," which
doesn't even have Tarzan in the cover art; one is "Tarzan and the Lion
Man," which has an unusual design with a small rendering of Tarzan
and his lookalike, and the third is the first Tarzan to appear on the cover
of an ERB book with an over-the-shoulder loin cloth, against a solid blue
The front and back jacket illustrations for that book,
"Tarzan and the Lost Empire," were done by Armstrong Wells Sperry,
who passed away April 26, 1976. He also created the frontispiece, the book's
only interior illustration.
While this was the first dust jacket to show Tarzan in
over-the-shoulder jungle garb, it wasn't the last. Studley O. Burroughs
also depicted the ape man in such attire in his cover painting for "Tarzan
the Invincible."
"Tarzan and the Lost Empire" was the first ERB book published
by Metropolitan. It used two different artists for two other ERB
volumes -- "A Fighting Man of Mars" and "Tanar of Pellucidar"
-- and went back to traditional ERB cover artist J. Allen St. John
for its last ERB volume, "Tarzan at the Earth's Core."
Sperry had the distinction of both writing and illustrating
a number of books, most of them directed at children. One of his books,
"Call It Courage," about the coming of age of a young islander,
won a prestigious award. Sperry also wrote a book about a native boy on
Bora Bora, an island on which he himself had spent some time. It was titled
"One Day with Manu." Manu, of course, was the same name that
the great apes in ERB's Tarzan stories used to speak of the small monkeys
which scampered about in the jungle. Apparently, "Manu" was also a common
name for people in Bora Bora.
The word "manu" itself is found in other languages. ERB
may have picked it up in some of his reading or he may simply have coined
the word independently of other sources. According to Hindu mythology,
"Manu" was the progenitor of the human race and giver of the religious
'laws of Manu.' " The word was also found in the Latin language and was
a root word meaning "hand." Many modern words that speak of use of the
hand are descended from "manu," including "manual," "manuscript," "manufacture"
and "manicure."
It is possible that Sperry's book on "Manu," as well
as some others along similar veins, contain some passages that today would
be considered politically incorrect. This conclusion can be reached from
an advisory carried by wikipedia on its website concerning Sperry. It quotes
Critic Joan McGrath, who cautions modern readers to take his depictions
of other cultures in context, stating:
"His early work, such as the tales
of Manu, Jambi, and Tuktu, are unlikely to be found in library collections
of today, in an era rendered more sensitive to the feelings of minority
cultures and racial pride than in the 1930s. Coloured as they were by the
prevailing attitudes of his day, Sperry's ethnological works for young
readers would by critics of today be stigmatized as condescending in their
approach: It is all too easy to lose the historical perspective that would
credit him with enlightenment and objectivity, given their date of publication."
ERB, too, has sometimes been judged for passages in his
books that were written in a "less enlightened" time. But it would be good
if the attitude of some of his critics were also tempered by the understanding
that he wrote in time of less sensitivity and more uninformed attitudes.
R. Barrett, who has done extensive research on ERB illustrators, wrote
a detailed article about Sperry for The
Burroughs Bulletin No. 11, published in July, 1992. That article
is available to read in ERBzine in the link below.
The Story of Armstrong W. Sperry
Burroughs Bulletin 11: First appearance of the Barrett/Sperry
Tarzan and the Lost Empire: In ERBzine C.H.A.S.E.R.
Art: Cover, Interior, Pulp ~ Publishing History ~
Review ~ Maxon Strip
Tarzan and the Lost Empire: Complete Text of
the Book
Tarzan the Invincible: Cover by Studley Burroughs
Off-Site References:
Perry Article
Armstrong Perry
Perry: Wikipedia
*** 1898: Seeking army
employment, Ed writes Colonel Rogers for assistance
1927: Ed decides to not go through with a purchase of
a new Lincoln through Weston who can get a good deal on it
and decides instead to fix his old car up for $300 and use the money saved
to make improvements on Tarzana. Ed, a Jack Dempsey fan,
does not share Weston's admiration of boxer Gene Tunney (the Westons
had met Tunney on a train trip from Grand Canyon). He considers Dempsey
to be a true fighting machine.
*** The El Caballero hosted the 1927 Open
Golf Tournament.
*** 1947: Sends an inquiry to the LA Examiner
who reported ERB as being deceased in their review of Tarzan and the
ERB Bio Timeline and Annotated April Calendar
Tarzan and the Huntress
Tales of Three Planets: Wizard of Venus, Beyond
the Farthest Star, Resurrection of Jimber Jaw (Elmer)
JimberJaw: Argosy ~ Danton Burroughs with Elmer
the Shrunken Head ~ Monster Men
*** A book title such as "Tales of Three Planets"
tends to promise readers that it will contain weird and wonderful stories
of three exotic ERB-style orbs, and the reader is not disappointed, even
though one of those celestial spheroids turns out to be Earth. After all,
we who live upon this planet know that plenty of weird and wonderful things
happen here in every day life, as well as in the worlds of ERB that exist
on and inside our home turf.
*** "Tales of Three Planets" was published by
Press on April 27, 1964, as a handy way of putting together enough
ERB novelettes to make up a full-size book. So here for the fans' reading
pleasure was a story that took place on our own planet, "The Resurrection
of Jimber Jaw"; a story that happened on our sister planet, "The
Wizard of Venus," and a story, "Beyond the Farthest Star," that
took place on a planet, the existence of which was first revealed to earthlings
by ERB himself: Poloda.
As the one who has revealed the existence
of this planet to mankind, ERB could have named the planet after himself.
But such was the humility of the man that he has been content to call it
only by its native name. Note: Jimber Jaw, as presented in Three Planets,
is the version of ERB's story that was revised quite a bit by the pulp
editor. ERB's original version was titled "Elmer" and has been published
in ERBzine
I bought this when it came out in
1964 for US$3.50 cover price. . . actually a bit cheaper here in Canada
since our dollar was worth more than that of the US at that time. A good
investment as the book is worth a bit more today :)
The Wizard of Venus: ERB C.H.A.S.E.R.
The Wizard of Venus: Fan Art Comic
Beyond the Farthest Star: ERB C.H.A.S.E.R.
Resurrection of Jimber-Jaw: Art, History, e-Text,
Elmer by ERB: Original Short Story
Tales of Three Planets and other Canaveral
ERB Trilogy jackets with links to images of other
ERB jackets:
*** Cornell university was authorized
by the New York State Senate April 27, 1865, but classes did not actually
begin until Oct. 7, 1868.
One graduate was the distinguished Professor Arthur
Maxon, who was inspired by the research of Victor Frankenstein and
eventually relocated to a remote island to pursue his continuing studies
and experimentation. And in his laboratory, he succeeded in the creation
of anthropoids somewhat akin to human beings. Unfortunately, this was to
bring him a lot of grief, as chronicled by ERB in "The Monster Men."
He did have a good-looking daughter, though.
The Monster Men
*** In ERB comic strip history on
April 27:
1941 -- "Tarzan Against Dagga Ramba" started and
ran for a total of 53 Sundays. The Burne Hogarth-Don Garden story has been
reprinted in several book collections.
1958 -- "Tarzan and the Killer Whale" killed 'em
for nine Sundays, starting this date. Artist was John Celardo and writer
was Dick Van Buren.
Huck's list of comic start and stop dates at:
*^* 1942: Lee Ashton Dearholt
(1894.04.04 Milwaukee -1942.04.27 Los Angeles) died on this date. Dearholt
was ERB's film partner and ex-husband of Ed's second wife, Florence
Ashton Dearholt worked with Universal on a number of
melodramas during the 1910s but usually worked outside the studio system,
producing a series of "Pinto Pete" westerns during the 1920s in which he
starred himself. He occasionally acted under the name Richard Holt.
* Dearholt is best known to contemporary
popular culture, however, through his association with author Edgar Rice
Burroughs, whom he met and befriended in 1929. At that time Dearholt was
married to Florence Gilbert, a former stand-in for Mary Pickford and occasional
heroine of some of his own pictures before their marriage. Burroughs, who
was having marital difficulties and self-doubts at the time, found himself
attracted to Mrs. Dearholt at their first meeting, when Dearholt, accompanied
by Florence, visited Burroughs at his home to discuss making films of some
of Burroughs non-Tarzan novels and stories. Burroughs refused, being already
thoroughly discouraged with Hollywood's treatment of his "ape-man" character,
but developed a social relationship with Ashton and Florence.
* Then in 1934, while on a business
trip for RKO to Guatemala, Dearholt met and fell in love with a young American
competitive swimmer, returned home with her to California and installed
her in the Dearholt household. Florence Dearholt soon left and sought support
from Burroughs, whom she eventually married after divorcing Dearholt. Florence
took custody of her and Ashton's two children.
In 1935 Dearholt finally convinced
Burroughs to allow him to make a Tarzan film. The trick was turned by Dearholt's
offering, with two partners, to set up a single corporation under which
Burroughs could subsume and personally manage his various Tarzan franchises,
in exchange for allowing Dearholt to make a Tarzan serial, set in Guatemala,
with his new love appearing in the lead female role under the screen name
of Ula Holt (Birth Name: Florence Eugene Watson) -- a name contrived
by Dearholt--who, as already noted, used the name Holt for himself at times
and, additionally, adopted another screen name for himself, Don Costello,
for use in his role as chief villain in the planned Tarzan film). It is
unclear when (or if) he ever actually married Ms. Holt and, if so, how
long the marriage lasted.
* Dearholt selected Bruce Bennett--then
known as Herman Brix--to play Tarzan: Burroughs only briefly met Bennett
after his contract was signed, to pose for some publicity pictures. Dearholt
commissioned a script, hired a crew and arranged transit to Guatemala.
Burroughs entered the picture only briefly to co-sign a bank loan for production
costs when the necessary credit was denied Dearholt on the basis of some
of his rather unfavorable past bank experiences. The party eventually set
sail for Guatemala in November of 1934 and returned in March of 1935 with
the film only partly completed, due to cost overruns and numerous physical
mishaps in the Guatemalan jungles under Dearholt's leadership. The script
was almost entirely rewritten at least once: the pressbook, printed by
Dearholt's partners back in California from the original screen treatment,
barely resembles the finished film in its descriptions of the plot line.
The serial was completed within two months of the party's return to California
and faced release under threat from MGM to deny rentals on any of their
future Tarzan pictures with Johnny Weissmuller to any theaters that played
the Dearholt film. Although the film was fairly popular abroad, it was
unable to recoup its costs and none of the cast--including the star--or
crew were ever paid their salaries. Within a year, Burroughs-Tarzan Enterprises
went bankrupt and Dearholt never made or appeared in another motion picture.
However, he and Burroughs remained close friends until his (Dearholt's)
sudden death in 1942. Ref: IMDB
The New Adventures of Tarzan
ERB Film Producer: Burroughs Tarzan Pictues
ERB July Calendar
*** 1944: LETTER
home to Jack. He advises Jack to enlist in the Army or Navy rather
than to wait for the draft as there would be a better chance of becoming
an officer. He has ordered Ralph to take a raise of $100 a month. "Am
hoping to hear soon of my new grandchild." (Danton) "Wish
some nice girl would hook Hully, but I am commencing to believe that he
will never marry."
ERB Bio Timeline
Jesse Marsh: Tarzan and John Carter Comics Artist
~ Lad and the Lion: All-Story with film photo,
ERB, Inc. Edition, Canaveral DJs ~ TIME Tarzan article
~ Tarzan Cartoons
*** 1964: The Canaveral Press edition of "The
Lad and the Lion" was published on this date with a banner across the
front of the DJ announcing that it was "ERB's Rarest Book."
Bill Hillman Response to Brazilian author Moacyr Scliar's
accusation that Montreal's Yann Martel stole the premise from him for his
of Pi book.
"My 2002 e-mail to the editors of
the National Post, Canada's national newspaper, dragged my observations
on the influence of Edgar Rice Burroughs into a dispute that had been making
international headlines. I received numerous follow-up phone calls from
National Post in Toronto at my university office. They requested book cover
illustrations and more info on ERB's stories.
"I immediately e-mailed art from The
Lad and the Lion and The Beasts of Tarzan as well as contact
for George McWhorter - curator for the ERB Memorial Collection in Louisville.
This resulted in a front page story in the Saturday, November 9, 2002 edition
of the Post: The headline:
"Boy and beast on a boat? Oldest idea in the world"
. . . was accompanied by a colour reproduction of John Coleman
Burroughs' dust jacket painting for THE LAD AND THE LION lifted
from our ERB C.H.A.S.E.R. Online Encyclopedia.
The story also went on to quote Bill
Hillman of Brandon University and George McWhorter of the University of
Louisville and authorities on literature and copyright.
Sarah Schmidt ~ National Post: "It appears the
plot of a boy on a boat with a beast is nearly a century old."
Fans of Edgar Rice Burroughs are shaking
their heads at Brazilian author Moacyr Scliar's accusation this week that
Montreal's Yann Martel stole the premise from him for his Life of Pi book.
Burroughs, the famed creator of Tarzan, told a similar story in his The
Lad and the Lion in 1914.
Inspired by archetypal religious imagery
of people cast adrift with animals, most notably in the tale of Noah's
Ark, and the literary tradition of the special bond between child and beast,
as in Rudyard Kipling's The Jungle Book, Burroughs devoted a long chapter
of his book to the boy and the lion drifting for years aboard a derelict
Mr. Scliar's novel Max and the
Cats, the story of a Jewish boy and a panther on a lifeboat, was published
in 1981.
Mr. Martel's Life of Pi, the story
of an Indian boy and a tiger on a lifeboat, has won this year's Booker
Mr. Scliar this week accused Mr. Martel
of abusing his "intellectual property." He mused about taking legal action
but then decided against it.
Besides The Lad and the Lion,
Burroughs also wrote of a man-animal maritime adventure in his 1914 novel
Beasts of Tarzan. In this story, Tarzan, stranded on an island, survives
with the help of a panther and an ape before the group escapes on a boat.
Bill Hillman: "It's ridiculous to say you can
copyright ideas in literature. What hasn't been said? What hasn't been
recycled?" said Bill Hillman, a professor of education at Brandon University
and a Burroughs expert. "Certainly Burroughs came up with just about any
combination you could think of with man and beast."
Burroughs, author of more than 20
Tarzan novels, always maintained that the concept of an original literary
idea defied logic.
George McWhorter: "Burroughs himself said that
there's nothing new under the sun and the best we can to is put new clothes
on old ideas," said George McWhorter, curator of the Burroughs Memorial
Collection at the University of Louisville.
"His own blunt admission did not stop
the accusations of plagiarism levelled against Burroughs, whose Tarzan
books have been translated into more than 50 languages, have sold more
than 20 million copies and have served as the basis for many movies. Some
of his contemporaries accused him of 'stealing from Romulus and Kipling,'"
Dr. McWhorter said. "I guess we should also accuse Kipling of copying Romulus,"
Dr. McWhorter added mockingly.
Mowgli, Kipling's central character in The
Jungle Book, written in 1894, was raised in the wild by wolves, just like
the legendary founders of Rome, Romulus and Remus, who myth says were abandoned
as infants and saved by a female wolf.
in ERBzine 0760
~ John Martin: I have two Canaveral editions of
Lad. One is the Canaveral first, as described in Zeuschner's book. The
other is certainly a "rare" copy, since it may be the only one in existence
with rubber-stamped wording saying: "Wise County Public Library, Wise,
Virginia" on both the flyleaf and title page. In addition, this one-of-a-kinder
has yellow tape covering part of the book's tan exterior, and the front
flap of the original dust jacket is glued onto the inside front cover.
I bought this gem at a bargain specifically so I could decorate it with
a variant dust jacket crafted by Charlie Madison, with the DJ illustration
in full color without the "ERB's Rarest Book" banner.
The Lad and the Lion: Art ~ e-Text ~ Reviews
~ History
Pictorial list of Canaveral editions:
ERB's First Film: The Lad and the Lion 1917
The Lad and the Lion by Nkima
Read the e-Text edition in ERBzine
Off-Site Reference:
Madison's ERBgraphics
*** 1966: Jesse Marsh, longtime
illustrator of the Dell Tarzan comic books, with a few John Carters thrown
in for good measure, died on this date in the decade of the ERB revival.
According to Wikipedia, Jesse "was the first artist to
produce original Tarzan comic books. Up to that time, all Tarzan comics
were reprints from the newspaper strips. He also worked on the Gene Autry
comic book for many years.
"Prior to working for Western Publishing
[Dell, Gold Key], he had worked for the Walt Disney Company, doing
animation work for 'Make Mine Music' and some Pluto cartoons as well,"
Wikipedia reported. He turned the Tarzan series over to Russ Manning
in 1965 due to failing health. Read the more in-depth bio in the first
two links below.
Jesse Marsh: ERB Artist Bio by Caz
Guide to the Marsh-DuBois comics I:
Tarzan Art by Jesse Marsh in Dell
Tarzan Art by Jesse Marsh in Gold Key
John Carter of Mars in Dell
Brothers of the Spear: Art in Dell Tarzans Nos: 25-38
Off-Site Reference
in Cartoon Brew
*** Instead of reading the Russian classics,
the public was gobbling up Tarzan books, moaned a Moscow publisher. "Time
Magazine" reprinted his lament on April 28, 1924. Looks for "Tarzanism
vs. Marxism" at one of these websites:
Tarzan vs. Marxism
Off-Site Reference:
*** The "Me Tarzan" non-quote
will ever be haunting the hallways of the world of ERB. On April 28 in
two different years, "Me Tarzan" was in the headlines. In the New York
Times, April 28, 1985, was an article headlined, in part, "You Not Tarzan,
Me Not Jane." This article, at least, got it right, with an extensive
discussion of what Tarzan and Jane actually said to each other that long
ago day in the jungle:
But on another April 28, in 1992, The Washington Post
couldn't resist resurrecting the old theme in an article about ERB Inc.
suing Vogue magazine for its multi-page spread depicting a "Tarzan" and
"Jane" modeling various jungle clothes with the headline: "Me Tarzan,
You Lawyer."
Our ERBzine Cartoon Pages: Me Tarzan - You Jane
Off-Site References:
York Times
*** 1931: Ed, making plans to
publish his own books, asked Van Nuys High School principal, J. P. Inglis
to recommend someone who could proofread the galley proofs of Tarzan
the Invincible.
He hires teacher, Adele Bischoff. After this
Ed, Emma and boys went to Balboa to look at beach property.
*** 1940: In a letter home to Mike Pierce,
Ed described his last mission: "I flew about 7,000
miles this time - in C-47s, C-54s, and B-24s.". . . "I have flown about
15,000 miles since the war began, all over water. I am never air-sick,
nor do high altitudes affect me unpleasantly; but I still hate flying."
*** 1945: Hulbert wrote a letter to Ralph
Rothmund expressing concern over the possiblity of ERB marrying Dorothy
ERB Bio Timeline
ERB July Calendar
*** 2022: NEAL ADAMS
(1941.06.15 - 2022.04.28) was born in New York City and attended the School
of Industrial Art in Manhattan. He set his sights on comic books early,
and while he kept getting rejected from DC in the late ’50s, he did humour
gags for Archie Comics. He also worked in commercial advertising, bringing
a comics art style to his efforts, which would later influence his DC and
Marvel work and help him stand out. Adams also worked for several years
in the ’60s on a daily comic strip featuring Ben Casey. By the end of the
decade, he finally landed at DC, at first doing covers, then back-up stories,
then finally the main stories
Adams' biggest influence in the comic
book industry was as a key artist in the subtle shift from the Silver to
the Bronze Age, both at Marvel and DC (with key issues in the Avengers
and Green Lantern/Green Arrow). He was one of the first new Silver Age
artists to break into a stable of DC artists that had remained virtually
a closed shop for a decade or more prior to his arrival. Adams revamped
the look of superhero icons Superman, Batman, and Green Arrow at DC and
later the X-Men and Avengers at Marvel. He ushered in a dynamic photorealistic
style of illustration that revolutionized comic book art for the modern
era. He is also the co-founder of the graphic design studio Continuity
Associates and took an important stand alongside Jerry Robinson as a creators-rights
advocate who helped secure a pension and recognition for Superman creators
Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster.
“My father was a force,” son
Josh Adams said. “His career was defined by unparalleled artistic talent
and an unwavering character that drove him to constantly fight for his
peers and those in need. He would become known in the comics industry as
one of the most influential creators of all time and champion social and
creators’ rights. When he saw a problem, he wouldn’t hesitate. What would
become tales told and retold of the fights he fought were born out of my
father simply seeing something wrong as he walked through the halls of
Marvel or DC and deciding to do something about it right then and there.”
The artist also understood the value
of fan support and was a fixture on the convention scene, where he was
lovable, cantankerous and a repository of comic book history who loved
being a raconteur.
In addition to his wife of 45 years
and Josh, survivors include two other sons, Jason and Joel; daughters Kris
and Zeea; grandchildren Kelly, Kortney, Jade, Sebastian, Jane and Jaelyn;
and great-grandson Maximus. His three sons work as artists in the comic
book or fantasy field
Tarzan and the Amazons ~ Brenda Joyce with
Johnny Weissmuller ~ Beatrice Map Sketch
Tarzan in Blue Book ~ Honolulu Star-Bulletin Article
on ERB ~ Tarzan Strips: Maxon and Lubbers
*** 1945: "Tarzan and the Amazons" is the kind of
exotic title that you would expect for a Tarzan movie. Kind of like "Tarzan
and the Leopard Woman" or "Tarzan and the Mermaids." Certainly, it's a
lot better title than something like "Tarzan Escapes." Really hate the
latter one. You expect Tarzan to be in terrible trouble, locked in the
dungeon of a guarded fortress, not a simple, flimsy cage!
"Amazons" was released this date, April 29, in 1945.
Jane finally washed out the black dye in her hair and became a blonde again
in this one. Oh wait...that wasn't Maureen O'Sullivan, the brunette
Jane in the previous six Tarzan movies. This was Brenda Joyce, making
her debut in the role of Tarzan's squeeze.
These are, by the way, Amazons in Africa, not Amazons
on the Amazon, not the Amazons of "Swallows and Amazons" and not even the
Amazons shipping out books from a warehouse. Maria Ouspenskaya also
showed up in Africa to be in this movie, having just been in a pair of
movies in which Larry Talbot had died...twice.
While on his way to meet Jane returning from England,
Tarzan rescues an Amazon from a black panther. Jane arrives accompanied
Sir Guy Henderson's archeological expedition. The scientists have recognized
the bracelet worn by Jane as being of the design associated with a fabled
Amazon society rumoured to exist in a hidden African valley. Tarzan refuses
to help them but Boy, believing that he is aiding the cause of civilization,
leads them to the secret valley of the Palyrians. The safari is captured
by the Amazons but the Amazon that Tarzan had rescued agrees to help Boy
and the party escapes. They proceed to loot the tribe's treasure chamber
where Henderson is accidentally killed and the Amazon is stabbed, but is
able to alarm the other Amazons before she dies. The woman warriors kill
most of the party. They recapture Boy and sentence him to death. Cheetah
reports to Tarzan who leaves the two surviving safari members to die in
quicksand. He returns the stolen treasure in exchange for Boy's freedom.
~ Filming Locations in California: Baldwin Park Lodge,
Los Angeles ~ Lone Pine ~ Los Angeles County Arboretum and Botanic Garden
at 301 N. Baldwin Ave., Arcadia, California
~ The Amazon theme is a recurring one in Tarzan stories.
It has been used in the original ERB books as well as numerous Tarzan comics
and films.
~ The Hollywood Reporter in August 8, 1944 announced
that director Kurt Neumann was on the lookout for 48 tall, athletic women
to portray Amazons in the next Tarzan movie.
~ Jane had not appeared in the series since Maureen O'Sullvan's
departure. This film saw the reintroduction of Tarzan's mate, now played
by former model Brenda Joyce. She went on to make three more films with
Weissmuller and one film with Lex Barker before she retired from acting.
Tarzan and the Amazons: Credits ~ Reviews ~ Posters,
Ron de Laat's COOP Chocolat cards for Amazons:
Brenda Joyce Dies at 92: Gridley Wave Report
Lobby Display I: Stills ~ Posters ~ Candids
Lobby Display II: Stills ~ Posters ~ Candids
Off-Site References:
Ouspenskaya in IMDB
*** Yes, Jane could say, "I still live!"
Weston would not have predicted that since, on another April 29, in
1919, he had written a letter to ERB congratulating him for killing off
Jane in the Redbook serial, "Tarzan the Untamed." As it turned out,
rumors of her death had been greatly exaggerated. Ed later explained the
reason for his killing off and then resurrection of Tarzan's Jane in
the Untamed.
Bert Weston Comments and Hillmans visit hometown of
Tarzan the Untamed: ERBzine C.H.A.S.E.R.
*** The world's worst fisherman
arrived in Hawaii on this date in 1940. Edgar Rice Burroughs, in an April
29 article in the
Honolulu Star Bulletin, admitted the only game
fish he had ever caught was a shark. So instead of catching fish, ERB planned
to write some books. He was churning them out at a rate of about two per
year back then and he wanted to try to get himself a bit ahead of schedule.
He had no idea, of course, that World War II was going to come along in
a year and eight months and result in him becoming a war correspondent
and doing an entirely different kind of writing.
Ed's Honolulu Star Bulletin Article
*** April 29 in comic strip history:
"Tarzan and the Minians," by Bob Lubbers, artist, and Dick
Van Buren, writer, began this date in 1951 and ran for a total of 20
Sundays. Not all of the strips have become available to be online yet,
but here is what has made it there so far:
Tarzan and the Minians Sunday Page
*** "Tarzan and the Indian Leopard Hunters," written
and illustrated by John Celardo, began this date in 1962 and ran
for 16 Sundays.
Huck's list of Sunday comics start/stop dates
*** 1935: Tarzan and Jane
rejected by Frederick Clayton, Argosy editor, as being too stereotyped.
It was later published as Tarzan's Quest in 1935/36 issues
of Blue Book magazine
1940: Ed arrived in Hawaii on board the S.S. Monterey.
taking a house at Kalama. NEWS CLIPPINGS announce the arrival.
ERB Bio Timeline
*** JOANNA BARNES (1934.11.15-2022.04.29)
died on this date. Joanna was an American actress and novelist and
journalist. Barnes was born in Boston and moved to Los Angeles soon after
finishing her education. She took up a contract with Columbia Pictures
and has since had roles in more than twenty films and made guest
appearances on many television shows, including the ABC/Warner Brothers
programs, 77 Sunset Strip (1958) and Maverick (1957), CBS's Have Gun -
Will Travel (1957), and the David Janssen crime drama, Richard Diamond,
Private Detective (1957). Her books include "The Deceivers" (1970), "Pastora"
(1980) and "Silverwood" (1985). Her books have been published in Italy,
France, England, Sweden, Portugal and Brazil. Her syndicated column, "Touching
Home," was for many years carried by The Chicago Tribune and New York News
Joanna played Jane opposite Denny Miller's Tarzan in
the Ape Man 1959.
Tarzan the Untamed: Covers by McClurg, All-Story,
BLB, G and D, Comic, UK Paperback
St. John Interior and Enric Art ~ Gordon Scott Yell
~ Tarzan the Magnificent starring Gordon Scott
*** 1920: TARZAN THE UNTAMED: 1st Edition released
on this date. More ink was used on the McClurg editions of "Tarzan the
Untamed" than any other ERB novel. Bob Zeuschner says: "This
must have been the period of peak popularity for Burroughs...." The
story, combining two lengthy serials, weighed in at 428 pages (plus 10
illustrations), and more copies of it -- 77,000 -- were printed in the
first and second McClurg printings than for any other ERB book.
For comparison sake, Zeuschner mentions that the second
largest McClurg printing of an ERB book was 63,000 copies of four total
The first edition of "Tarzan the Untamed" came
out on April 30, 1920.
This is really two separate Tarzan
novels. The first has some of ERB's most energetic and vivid writing, as
Tarzan avenges the killing of Jane and burning of his plantation by slaughtering
Germans in all directions. Continuing on from there, in the second half
(actually much longer than half) the Apeman rescues a young couple from
a lost city of psychotics. There is a classic scene where Tarzan, near
death and lying weakly in the desert, has a vulture land on him; he quickly
bites the vile bird to death and eats it. . . . a scene that's been illustrated
many times.
By the time everything is wrapped up on page 254, there
has been so much hectic activity and drama that the massacre back at the
Greystoke estate seems almost forgotten in the past.
Tarzan the Untamed: Full Biblio Coverage: Reviews,
Comics, Art, etc.
Plus links to our Series: Controversy Surrounding
Tarzan the Untamed: Read the Full e-Text Edition
Tarzan the Untamed: Gold Key Comics Adaptation
Tarzan the Untamed: Many issues in DC comics starting
Tarzan the Untamed: 240 daily Rex Maxon strips from
the '30s
Art by J. Allen St. John
Off-Site Reference
*** 2007: Gordon Scott (1926.08.03
- 2007.04.30). Just when ERB fans were beginning to reconnect with him,
movie Tarzan Gordon Scott passed away on this date.
He was born Gordon Merrill Werschkul in Portland, Oregon
and attended the University of Oregon in Eugene for one semester. He was
then drafted into the US Army in 1944 where he served as a drill sergeant
and military policeman until he was honorably discharged in 1947. He then
worked at a variety of jobs until 1953 when he was spotted by a talent
agent while working as a lifeguard at the Sahara Hotel and Casino, located
on the Las Vegas Strip in Nevada. Due in part to his muscular frame and
1.91-metre height, he was quickly signed to replace Lex Barker as Tarzan
by producer Sol Lesser. Lesser had Gordon change his name because "Werschkul"
sounded too much like "Weissmueller". In his early Tarzan films,
he played the character as unworldly and inarticulate, in the mold of Johnny
Weissmuller. In Scott's later films, after a change in producers, he played
a Tarzan who was educated and spoke perfect English, as in the original
Edgar Rice Burroughs novels. Scott was the only actor to play Tarzan in
both styles. Fearing he would become typecast as Tarzan, Scott moved to
Italy and became a popular star in epics of the "sword-and-sandal" genre,
featuring handsome bodybuilders as various characters from Greek and Roman
Scott was married two times. His first marriage was in
1948 with Janice Mae Wynkoop of Oakland. They divorced in 1949 after having
one child. He was married to actress Vera Miles, his Tarzan co-star, from
1956 to 1960. For the last two decades of his life, Scott was a popular
guest at film conventions and autograph shows. Scott died, aged 80, in
Baltimore, Maryland of lingering complications from multiple heart surgeries
earlier in the year. He is buried in the Kensico Cemetery, located in Valhalla,
New York.
FANDOM: At a time when fans had no idea where Scott was
even living, fan Sky Brower tracked him down and found that he was
hospitalized in very serious condition. Brower, through the online discussion
list hosted at, collected some well-wishes from fans
and some other things, such as a few DVDs of Gordon Scott movies, and traveled
to Baltimore, Md., hospital room to visit Scott, who was grateful. Sadly,
Scott died shortly thereafter.
His body was buried in the Valhalla
section of Kensico Cemetery in Westchester County, New York. Bob
Burrows hosted a fund for fans to chip in to help purchase an appropriate
gravestone. However, it was learned that the cemetery had a rule requiring
all monuments in that area to be uniform, so the money was passed on to
Scott's heirs instead to help with other final expenses.
The late David Burton also
raised money for Scott's funeral expenses by making Gordon Scott coffee
mugs and other items availabe through Cafe Press. Burton filed this report
on the listserv on his efforts: "I felt
that everyone should know the ultimate results of my Gordon Scott shop
that I had originally opened to help him and then after his passing, his
"Jane Tyler [Scott's niece] requested
that I send money made from the shop to The Actor's Fund of
Gordon and Jane's names. This sum was $973.90. After this was done, Ms.
Tyler let me keep the shop and do what I wish with the funds. Since then
I've donated over $300 to The Actors Fund of America in their names. I
donate a percentage of what the shop earns to this group annually.
"I want to thank each of you who
helped support this shop and to those that continue to do so."
"He was an absolutely wonderful
Tarzan who played the character as an intelligent and nice man who carried
himself well, much as my grandfather had originally written it," ~
Danton Burroughs
"I am positive were Burroughs alive
today, he would fully agree that the Tarzan films are getting better and
that Gordon Scott makes a truly magnificent Apeman." ~ Maurice B. Gardner
- Film Critic
The Washington Post contacted us
and used a few of my quotes when they were preparing their tribute to Gordon
Scott: "Gordon Scott; Him Tarzan In '50s, Only Better-Spoken":
"William Hillman, an assistant professor at a Canadian
university who runs official Tarzan tribute sites, said of Mr. Scott: "There
have been so many bad Tarzan films, but his stand out pretty well. They
had pretty fair production values, and he was a good-looking Tarzan. He's
well-regarded by most fans.
"Hillman described Mr. Scott as a transitional
figure who tried to break out of the formulaic use of "me Tarzan" pidgin
English into a more literate lord of the jungle."
Gordon Scott Tributes with Memories and Obituaries:
Gordon Scott Bio and Filmography
All 6 Gordon Scott Tarzan Films Starting At:
Off-Site References
ERBlist Listserv
Actors Fund of America
Bio at Wikipedia
info at find-a-grave
Sara Shane's memories

our thousands of other sites at:
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All Rights Reserved.
Original Work ©1996-2018/2021 by Bill Hillman and/or Contributing
part of this web site may be reproduced without permission from the respective