Edgar Rice Burroughs Tribute and Weekly Webzine Site
1996 ~ Over 15,000 Webpages in Archive
Collated by John Martin and
Bill Hillman
With Web Design, Added Events,
Illustrations and Photo Collages
by Bill Hillman
2 ~ JULY 3 ~ JULY 4
6 ~ JULY 7
Click for full-size images
1 Tribute ERB Website: 15,000 Webpages since
1996 ~ Tarzan in silhouette from ERB's first Tarzan book
ERB photo in Creator of Tarzan article ~ Otis Adelbert
Kline: Mars and Venus books ~ Legend of Tarzan film poster
1996: Our July 1 Canada Day Celebrations always include
a recollection of the release of our first ERBzine Webpage back in 1996.
I mentioned in the ListServs and Chat Rooms of the day (long before Twitter
and Facebook) that I had been a lifelong fan of Edgar Rice Burroughs and
had what I thought was a pretty good knowledge and collection of his works
in books, magazines, radio shows, VHS videos, comics, strips, etc. I couldn't
find many Websites devoted to ERB so I felt I had to upload something that
might be of interest to a few of my fellow-crazies on the Web. I mentioned
that I didn't think there would be much interest in seeing more such Webpages
than this first struggling attempt.
Now, many years later, I realize that I had a bit more
to share on the Web -- actually over 15,000 Webpages. It was a real thrill
when Danton Burroughs of Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. in Tarzana, California
asked me to create and maintain the official Burroughs Tribute Websites.
This soon led to his sharing wonderful material from his vast Tarzana archive
for the creation of sites devoted to his grandfather's life and works.
Following this I worked closely with Dan to create even more sites -- sites
devoted to the Burroughs family. This in turn led to a flurry of e-mails,
countless phone conversations and many visits to spend time with Dan in
Tarzana -- the saddest visit being one in which I gave a eulogy at Danton's
Memorial in 2008.
But the work on the sites carries on -- most days until
4 or 5 am in the morning. Latest data from our Web host server company
indicate that our sites have well over 20 million international views per
year -- many of them from countries and places where the now-popular social
media are not securely available or are banned. In fact, I've never missed
a weekly Webzine posting. I've sent Web updates via satellite from Canada's
far north during my stints there for Brandon University ~ from all over
North America during our road trips to ERB Cons ~ from Wi-Fi services during
our related research trips across Indonesia, SE Asia, China, India, UK,
Germany, Holland, Korea, Japan, etc. has to be the Internet's
largest single commercial-free website devoted entirely to the Life,
Works and Legacy of one personality: The Grandfather of American Science
Fiction ~ The Master of Fantasy Adventure ~ The Creator of John Carter
Mars, Tarzan, and Countless Fantastic Worlds and Characters -- Edgar Rice
ERBzine ERB Tribute Web Site
*** 1875: Both Edgar Rice Burroughs
and Otis Adelbert Kline were born on the 1st in Chicago, ERB coming
on the scene Sept. 1, 1875, and OAK showing up on July 1, in 1891.
Kline interplanetary and earthly adventure stories are
appreciated by many ERB collectors. Like ERB, OAK wrote tales of Mars and
Venus. His Mars books had "Mars" in the titles. His Venus novels had "Peril"
in the titles.
OAK (July 1, 1891 – October 24,
1946) was a songwriter, an adventure novelist and literary agent
during the pulp era. Much of his work first appeared in the magazine Weird
Tales. Kline was an amateur orientalist and a student of Arabic, like his
friend and sometime collaborator, E. Hoffmann Price. ERB fans know him
best for his Mars and Venus SF/Adventure stories.
Start of many ERBzine features on Kline:
The ERBzine OAK gallery
OAK Speaks and Weird Tales Gallery
Off-Site References:
in Wikipedia
*** 1918: "The Creator of Tarzan"
appeared in Book News Monthly (released July 1 with cover date August)
~ An Illustrated Magazine Devoted to Literature, Art, and Drama
. . . an interesting bio/interview acknowledging ERB's six top-selling
Tarzan books and the popular film Tarzan of the Apes currently in
"Creator of Tarzan" in Book News Monthly
*** 2016 "The Legend of Tarzan,"
starring Alexander Skarsgard and Margot Robbie, was released
July 1, 2016 and opened in U.S., Canada, India, Indonesia, New Zealand,
Poland, and Vietnam.. It was the first Tarzan movie in years. Our ERBzine
features on the film give a pretty good assessment. In coordination with
the release of "The Legend of Tarzan," the University of Louisville opened
a special exhibit of its Edgar Rice Burroughs material on July 1, 2016.
Selected items were on display until Sept. 2, the day after ERB's birthday.
ERBzine web site: Review Excerpts
Power-Point presentation by DJ Howell:
"The Legendary Tarzan" in 67-stanza poem by John Martin
Legend of Tarzan-Beasts of Tarzan connection by John
Off-Site References
of Louisville Display
*** 1979: "The Runaway,"
by Gil Kane and Archie Goodwin, began on the Sunday pages
July 1, 1979, and ran for 11 weeks.
The Runaway: All 11 Tarzan Sunday Pages:
More Gil Kane Tarzan Strips in ERBzine
*** 1898: Ed had enrolled for a
brief stint at the Chicago Art Institute on Michigan Boulevard.
According to family members, Ed only wanted to draw horses. He was issued
a student ticket good until July 1.
ERB Bio Timeline
Compiled and Illustrated by Bill Hillman

"Goddess of Fire" in Fantastic Adventures
~ Joan "Jane" Burroughs engaged to Jim "Tarzan" Pierce ~ Margot "Jane"
Robbie Birthday
Jan Murray in "Tarzan and the Great
River" dies ~ "The Tarzan Twins" in UK Collins Edition
*** 1928: It was a full moon, so it was romantic. But it
was in her father's driveway, so maybe not so romantic. It was also July
2, 1928, and that's when and where James "Tarzan" Pierce proposed
Joan "Jane" Burroughs. AP News Release - Glendale, Cal.:
Joan Burroughs and James Pierce are engaged. The engagement of Joan Burroughs,
stage actress, and the daughter of Edgar Rice Burroughs, the author,
to James Pierce of this city, was made known here today. Pierce was formerly
a football star at the University of Indiana and now coaches the University
of Arizona grid team.
Jim's dreams
of Hollywood stardom were placed on hold and he took a more dependable
job as a coach at the University of Arizona. Feeling a bit more secure
financially he proposed to Joan on July 2, 1928. He popped the question
while they were parked in the driveway of the Burroughs estate -- under
a full moon -- in Jim's old Model T. They were given the blessing of the
Burroughs family and set the wedding date for August 8, 1928 -- Jim's birthday.
AP News Release reporting the
Pierce/Burroughs Engagement
Joan Burroughs Pierce Tribute: Page 2
James Pierce Tribute Pages - +30 Pages Starting at
Afternoon with Jim and Joan in Tarzana
Hillmans Visit the Joan and James Pierce Gravesite
*** 2016: When "The Legend
of Tarzan" was released on July 1, 2016, it was an early birthday present
for Margot Robbie -- one day early, to be exact, as she celebrated
her 26th birthday on July 2, 2016.
Margot, who played Jane in the big budget Tarzan movie,
is an Australian actress who not only has starred in several big movies
so far but also has co-produced some of them and owns her own production
company, Lucky Chap Entertainment. Besides Jane, she's played some other
famous ladies, both fictional and real life: Harley Quinn, Tonya Harding
and Sharon Tate.
Margot is often more than a full decade
younger than her male romantic counterpart; Alexander Skarsgård was
13 years older than Robbie when they played opposite in The Legend of
Tarzan (2016), Leonardo DiCaprio was 15 years her senior in The
Wolf of Wall Street (2013), while Will Smith was more than 20 years
older than her, when she played his love interest in Focus (2015).
She refused to lose weight for the role of Jane Porter in The
Legend of Tarzan (2016) and has said she would rather focus on being
healthy than being skinny.
The Legend of Tarzan
Margot Robbie Photos
Legend of Tarzan Photos I and II by DJ Howell
Off-Site References:
in Wikipedia
*** 1930: Collins of Great Britain
published just two ERB books. The first was "The Tarzan Twins" on
this date -- July 2 -- in 1930. It was reprinted Sept. 5, 1933. Later,
the company also published an edition of "Jungle Girl," with the
original dust jacket art.
The Tarzan Twins: ERBzine C.H.A.S.E.R. Biblio
British Hardcover Editions
*** 2006: Jan Murray,
Captain Sam Bishop in "Tarzan and the Great River," passed away
July 2, 2006, at the age of 89 in Beverly Hills. He had a career full of
television and movie roles, beginning with gigs as host of several different
game shows.
Tarzan and the Great River: ERBzine Silver Screen
Off-Site Reference:
*** 1945: ERB sent a letter home
to Joan from "A Harbor" while aboard the USS Cahaba.
Lost Words of ERB Letter to Joan
ERB Bio Timeline Notes:
*** 1923: ERB wrote in a letter to brother
Harry on how he came up with names in his writing. This was how he
explained the name "Numa": "I try to originate
all the peculiar names for people, places and animals in my stories. Sometimes
I must unconsciously use a word or name that I have read and forgotten,
as for instance Numa the lion. There was a Roman emperor, Numa, whom I
had forgotten until I was recently re-reading Plutarch’s Lives. The name
must have been retained in my sub-conscious brain, later popping out as
original. I try to originate all the peculiar names for people, places
and animals in my stories." ~ ERB letter to Harry Burroughs, July
2, 1923
*** 1941: Ed left hospital prematurely after treatment
with sulfathhiozal. Recurrence of the illness forces him to return later.
Doctor suggests he start drinking again - results are not satisfactory.
*** 1941: "The Goddess of Fire" appeared
in Fantastic Adventures. ($405.60) (Published later in book form
as part of Escape On Venus)
*** 1941: "Uncle Miner and Other Relatives" (22,800
words) was written in and out of hospitals. He signed the preface, "Joe
Louis." The wildly imaginative story is rejected by New Yorker on August
28, 1941.
ERB Bio Timeline
ERB dedications and sketches in Tarzan
and 'The Foreign Legion' books for JCB and Jane:
Tarzan Escapes a Charging Buto and Bolgani
Carries Jane into the Trees ~ Laurence Dunn and LTF Actress Susan
*** 1947: When ERB signed with his O.B. (Old Burroughs)
signature to dedicate a copy of "Tarzan and 'The Foreign Legion'
" to Jack and Jane on July 3, 1947, he added a cartoon of Tarzan
suffering the painful and embarrassing results of a sneak attack by a rhino.
He also signed a copy dedicated to Jane with a cartoon sketch of Bolgani
carrying a helpless Jane into the trees. That and more artwork by
ERB, Jack and Jane, are featured in ERBzine. ERB was in a cartooning mood
that day. On the same date, he autographed another copy of TFL to his daughter,
Joan. It was a water color sketch of Tarzan, a lion and a giraffe.
ERB Book Dedications and Sketches
ERB Book Dedications
Book dedications in ERB's Personal Library
*** 1949: Susan Penhaligon
was born July 3, 1949, in Manila, and at age 26 played ERB's Lys LaRue
in "The Land That Time Forgot," though the movie makers, whose motto
is "Change It If At All Possible," called the character Lisa Clayton. Susan's
looks were such that she had been dubbed the "British Bardot." Longtime
ERB fan and ERBzine contributor, Laurence Dunn, spoke with her in June
2018. He posted a photo in the ERBzine
FB Group which is also featured in his ERBzine
Profile: and reported:
"Apparently she was never asked
to be in the sequel :( And the producers just didn't like John McEnery's
German accent (despite the fact he is a Shakespearian actor), and dubbed
him over. The scene with the quick sand - it was all cork and very painful
to be splashing around in. And yes, she did read the book. I also showed
her Burroughs Bulletin
#25 and she loved the picture
with her and Doug McClure at the back and also another photo in
a scene with Bobby Parr."
The Land That Time Forgot: 1975 Film
Laurence Dunn Profile
Laurence Dunn Features in ERBzine
Land that Time Forgot: Burroughs Bulletin #25
All the ERB Heroines
ERBzine Facebook Group
The Land That Time Forgot by Edgar Rice Burroughs
Off-Site References
Daily Mail article
*** 1937: Russ Cochran (1937.07.03-2020.02.23)
was born on this date in 1937. Russ was a long-time supporter of all things
Burroughs and published spectacular volumes of interest to all ERB fans.
Of special note is his 3-volume set -- ERB: Library of Illustration
and more recently Buddy Saunders' "Martian Legion"
After earning his doctorate in physics
and mathematics at the University of Missouri and teaching for ten years,
Russ made a sudden and impulsive right turn, resigning his tenured university
position to devote himself to publishing books for collectors. Russ's first
publishing venture was The Complete EC Library, consisting of 65 hardcover
collections, in 16 slipcased sets, the only complete reprinting of a whole
line of comic books from the 1940s and 1950s.
Following his visit to Edgar Rice
Burroughs, Inc., in Tarzana where Danton Burroughs showed him the
many ERB-related paintings and drawings, his first thought was that all
Burroughs fans should be able to see this artwork. This led to his publishing
the three-volume Edgar Rice Burroughs Library of Illustration.
Following this were books on guitarists Chet Atkins and Les Paul. His next
projects included collections of Sunday comic pages: Gasoline Alley and
Alley Oop. A more recent project was the publishing of the gigantic and
lavishly illustrated ERB-related book by Buddy Saunders: The Martian
Library of Illustration
The Martian Legion
Russ Cochran: Major ERB Music Publisher - with Frazetta
*** 1890: Idaho became a state -- of special interest
to the Burroughs Brothers with their ranching and gold mining operations.
*** 1942: Ed thanked Jack for his
swell letter, replete with the usual grand sense of humour. He appreciated
the snaps of Joan's new house and noted that her daughter Joanne
had become a lovely young lady and he even recognized grandson John
Ralston in the pictures. He lamented the terrible mail service and
confessed that it seemed like 100 years since he had seen Jack and the
family. He suggested that Jack use his Tarzana office rather than
moving constantly as he himself had been forced to do over the years. He
could stay there until "the Japs come and push you
*** 1947: ERB bought an RCA TV. First TV show
he saw was a LA-Hollywood baseball game from Wrigley Field.
He spent much time watching boxing, wrestling and baseball.
ERB Bio Timeline:
Edgar Rice Burroughs in various uniforms from
the WWI and WWII time periods ~ Gordon Griffith featured as Young Tarzan
in Tarzan of the Apes ~ US Stamp Commemorating
the Mars Pathfinder Landing ~ Oberon Zell's Barsoom Map
*** 1918: Among the things we know about American Independence
Day, July 4, is that ERB fans admire a man who was a true patriot. ERB's
love for his country was reflected in some of his war-related stories,
such as "The Land That Time Forgot," and he also wrote specifically
on the subject, saying in one article: "Service!
In service lies the truest patriotism. There are many kinds of service
one may render. He who renders such service as he can is a true patriot,
whether that service be in the ship yards or upon the farm, at a desk or
in the trenches -- so it is the best of the only service he be fitted for,
or able to give."
That patriotism was all declared officially and
permanently this date in Congress, July 4, 1776, when the Declaration of
Independence was signed.
The article, "Patriotism by Proxy," appeared in
Leaves May 25, 1918.
Patriotism by Proxy: ERB Article in Oak Leaves
ERB and the Great War
Edgar Rice Burroughs: The War Years
The ERB / Germany Incident
WWII Journals of Correspondent ERB: 50 Pages from
the Pacific Theatre
*** 1943: Nowadays, when we
know the outcome of World War II, it may be difficult for us to understand
that there was a real fear in the 40s that the Japanese would strike Hawaii
again. After all, they already had, on Dec. 7, 1941. At one point, some
felt the danger was past, but ERB, using simple math, warned the public
-- in an article headlined "Dont' Be Stupid" on July 4, 1942 --
not to be complacent. As it turned out, Hawaii never was attacked again,
but that didn't change the fact that ERB's warning was appropriate and
Dont' Be Stupid: ERB's Article
*** 1997: Some of ERB's characters
had lengthy life spans but, alas, not him. He would have loved to have
lived to see what happened on July 4, 1997, for instance, but he was long
gone from this earth. On that date, the Mars Pathfinder, an unmanned
spacecraft, landed on Barsoom. A rover named Sojourner was deployed
to gather data about the surface of the planet. Since then, we've sent
even more hardware to the Red Planet, and those mechanized explorers have
sent even more data back to us.
A Cartographic Study of Barsoom
Guide to ERB's Mars
Our John Carter of Mars Site
*** 1907: Gordon Griffith (1907.07.04-1958.10.12),
the first face of the youthful Tarzan to appear on screen in the 1918 film,
"Tarzan of the Apes," was born on this date. Accordinng to Scott
Tracy Griffin in his book, "Tarzan on Film" and IMDB
Griffith was born in the same town as ERB himself, Chicago, Illinois. His
parents were actors Harry Sutherland Griffith and Katherine Kierman Griffith,
Gordon began acting at age four with Universal, and worked for Vitagraph,
Keystone, Metro, and Monogram.
Who was the first screen Tarzan? The
standard answer is Elmo Lincoln star of the first Tarzan movie (1918).
But the first third of that movie shows Tarzan as a boy, frolicking in
the nude with real chimps (unlike the grown-up Lincoln who cavorted clothed
with athletes wearing monkey suits). The earliest movie Tarzan was actually
Gordon Griffith, a child star who began his career four years earlier in
five Charles Chaplin one-reelers. After the initial Tarzan role he played
the son of Tarzan (anticipating John Sheffield's "boy" roles
He continued appearing in roles until
adulthood, before transitioning into work as an assistant director and
production manager, eventually becoming a Columbia production executive
under Harry Cohn. Griffith died of a heart attack on October 12, 1958 in
Tarzan of the Apes: Featured Gordon Griffith
Gordon Griffith: Tarzan Screen Shots
***1898: Birth date
of Manilla "Nita" Martan (1898.07.04-1986.06.01), who played Korak’s
love interest, Meriem, as a young woman in the film serial, “The Son
of Tarzan” was born in Colorado. Hundreds of actresses auditioned for
the part of Meriem which demanded a unique combination of beauty and jungle-ruggedness.
Popular singer and dancer Manilla Martan was chosen for the role. Rumors
persisted for years that Martan was involved in a love triangle with Korak
portrayer, Kamuela Searle, and director Harry Reiver. Actress Mae Giraci
played Meriem as a child.
Many of the scenes were filmed on
Burroughs' Tarzana Ranch in the San Fernando Valley. A memorable scene
in the film featured ERB riding directly toward the audience to stop in
a cloud of dust not far from the camera. ERB was quite involved in the
cutting, editing and titling of the serial and went on to edit the serial
chapters into a feature version.
“The Son of Tarzan” was her
first film credit. Her films include ‘Chasing Rainbows,” Under Montana
Skies,” “Anybody’s Blonde,” “Caught Cheating,” and “The Third Alarm.” She
used the name Nita Martan in her later years. She was active for years
in musical comedy stage productions and vaudeville. In the 1930s she partnered
with Murray Smith to create a dance team that performed in the Coconut
Grove Club in Los Angeles, among other venues.
The Son of Tarzan in ERBzine Silver Screen
*** 1965: "Tarzan and the Champion,"
written and illustrated by John Celardo, began July 4, 1965, and
ran for 15 Sundays.
Directory to John Celardo Tarzan Sunday Pages
Celardo Tarzan Daily Strips: First of 4 Directory
ERB Bio Timeline Notes:
*** 1895: Edgar Rice Burroughs was offered the
position of Assistant Commandant at
- an office which included the duties of cavalry and gatling gun instructor,
tactical officer, Foot-Ball/ Baseball manager and geology prof. Years later
he used this knowledge in future stories about the prehistoric.
*** 1939: ERB Noted: "I
superintended the detonation of firecrackers and radio bombs for three
hours in the morning and took them to the American Legion Circus and Fireworks
Display at the Coliseum in the evening. There were more than 72,000 people
there, but with my chauffeur dragging one of the kids by the wrist
and I the other we managed to wriggle in and out without losing either
of them."
*** 1939: Lou Gehrig, who once expressed an interest
in being a movie Tarzan, retired from Major League Baseball .
*** 1940: Florence was stung on the heel by a
centipede at a fireworks celebration on the beach.
ERB Bio Timeline
USS Cahaba (AO-82) with Correspondent ERB
on board fuels USS Iowa & USS Shangri-La in 1945 ~
ERB's Article from the Cahaba in Honolulu
Advertiser ~ ERB Heroines by Frazetta ~ Tarzan panels from Morrow's "Winds
of Change" strip
*** 1945: In his role as the oldest War Corresponent in WWII,
ERB had quite a number of hazardous experiences. His voyage on the US Navy
ship, the U.S.S. Cahaba had some tense moments.
The ship carried war planes and big guns for its defense,
but -- had an enemy shell ever struck it -- the ship, its crew, and ERB
as well, would have been "history." Reason: The ship was an a Navy oil
tanker. In an article he wrote June 10, 1945, but not published until July
5, in the Honolulu Advertiser, ERB described it this way:
"Although not a combat ship, we are
adequately armed and well equipped with the latest scientific instruments
for our own protection. However, with our enormous inflammable and explosive
cargo, augmented by the considerable store of ammunition we must carry,
we appear to an innocent bystander like this correspondent, to be an accident
going somewhere to happen."
There were some interesting stops
on this voyage and I described and shared photos from a number of these
ports in the links below. Included was a stop-over at the US Naval Base
At Ulithi, Carolina Islands, W. Pacific. For a time this was the world’s
largest naval facility. Its existence was kept secret throughout the war.
Read his full article, Tanker Like 'Accident About
to Happen,' Burroughs Feels.
Tanker Like 'Accident About to Happen,': ERB article
ERB Reports from the USS Cahaba
ERB Reports from the USS Cahaba: Part II
ERB's letters to Joan from his time on the Cahaba
Off-Site Reference
*** 1946: On this date the bikini
bathing suit, created by Louis Reard, made its debut during
a fashion show at the Molitor Pool in Paris. Micheline Bernardini wore
the two-piece outfit. Perhaps Reard got the idea from reading for the daring
costume by a book by Edgar Rice Burroughs or a movie based on his characters.
Frazetta ERB Heroines with "bikinis"
ERB Art by Frank Frazetta
Off-Site Reference
in Wikipedia
*** 1899: Ed along with
friends R. H. Patchin and Frank Martin travelled in a private
railway car as guests of Frank's father Colonel L.M. Martin from
Chicago, New York, Quebec, Toronto and back to Chicago. They became involved
in a brawl with hoodlums in Toronto. Ed was rapped on the head and
was taken to the hospital at 2 am to have the wound sewed up. He
suffered headaches for years from the blow he received in the fight, and
even attributed a number of short periods of amnesia to the rap. Another
consequence of the injury was a prominent Tarzan-like scar on his forehead
and a lifelong infliction of nightmares and dream fantasies.
After the death of his father in 1950,
Jack Burroughs received a flood of letters of condolence. A
letter from an old friend of Ed Burroughs -- R. M. Patchin -- is especially
interesting, as it brings to light a remarkably significant event that
took place in 1899. Ed received a severe blow to the head, from which he
suffered from periods of amnesia, headaches and even nightmares and possibly
an altered mental state, for much of the rest of his life.
ERB Attacked in Toronto
*** 1930: Tommy Cook was
born on this date in Duluth, Minnesota, USA. Spry, curly-haired, dark-complexioned
child actor Tommy Cook's most famous roles happened during his nascent
career in serial adventures. He came on the feature film scene auspiciously
in the role of young Indian boy Little Beaver alongside western good guy
'Don 'Red' Barry' in the Adventures of Red Ryder (1940), and followed that
portraying Kimbu, the young jungle boy, alongside Frances Gifford's heroine
Nyoka in Jungle Girl (1941). He then went on to play Kimba in Tarzan
and the Leopard Woman (1946)
After moving to California he had
gained entry at the Pasadena Playhouse where he stayed for seven years.
He was discovered at the age of 8 for radio by producer director Arch Oboler,
who became his mentor. Tommy became a top child/adolescent radio star of
the 1940s. After appearing in a couple of short films for MGM and RKO he
won roles in the Red Ryder serial and the Weissmuller Tarzan film. More
or less typed in exotic parts, his characters' names were usually dead
giveaways -- Paco, Salim, Ponca, Mario, Chito, Pablo, Little Elk and Keoga
among them. His transition from child to adult actor was rocky and eventually
his career dissipated. A brawny, good-looking man, his short stature may
have figured into the problem.
Tommy's days as a standout junior
tennis player on the Southern California circuit eventually led to an entirely
new existence in mid-life as a respected organizer (emcee/producer/director)
of celebrity gala/charity events. He also created stories that led to the
feature films Rollercoaster (1977) and Players (1979), the latter a love
story with his beloved tennis serving as a background. Tommy has two children.
*** 1954: "Tarzan and the Zomangani,"
by John Celardo and Dick Van Buren, began July 5, 1954, and
ran for 80 days. The zomangani are identified in the strip as the "cave-dwelling
enemies of the tarmangani."
Tarzan and the Zomangani: All 80 Celardo strips
*** 1987: "The Winds of Change,"
by Gray Morrow and Don Kraar, began on July 5, 1987, and
ran for a total of 12 Sundays.
The Winds of Change: All 12 Tarzan strips
*** 1918: ERB was always happy to sign another deal for
publication of his popular new book: The rights for a foreign edition of
"Tarzan of the Apes" was sold to Hasselbalch, of Copenhagen,
Denmark, July 5, 1918.
*** 1927: Ed was unhappy over Methuen's deletions
and alterations of his text. He advised them to use the full text of the
edition for their upcoming WAR
CHIEF release
*** 1932: Hulbert made a tour of eastern cities,
making contacts with radio stations and advertisers. Neebe turned down
a offer to work in sales and promotion.
ERB Bio Timeline
Frank Westwood's and Rod Jackson's Fantastic
Worlds of ERB ~ Iron Mole in Frank's Garden and off to the Museum ~
Laurence Dunn and Greystoke Castle ~ England
Greystoke ECOF Fans ~ Frank Westwood and the "At The Earth's Core" Movie
Iron Mole
*** 1988: A unique fan gathering began on this date when
ERB enthusiasts assembled in Great Britain for the ECOF in Merry
Olde England. The events included dinner at a castle in the community of
Laurence Dunn reported on the events in ERBzine.There's
also a photo page, which includes views of fans, the Iron Mole in
Westwood's yard, a Greystoke street sign, and two photos of Donna the
barmaid, whose story is told in the text.
Greystoke ECOF 1988 Report by Laurence Dunn
UK ECOF Photo Page
1997 ERB London-Greystoke Gathering
Image of the Westwood Iron Mole in his garden
*** 2013: Frank Westwood
passed away in 2013. Whatever became of the Iron Mole movie prop
he so happily displayed? I checked with some British fans, Laurence
Dunn, Martin Smiddy and Rod Jackson, who became the editor of
the fanzine, "Fantastic Worlds of Edgar Rice Burroughs," after Frank
passed on. Laurence told me that Frank had donated the Mole to a private
museum where it was to be restored, as "Several of
the grinding teeth were broken, the motor had rusted up, etc."
Rod Jackson's Fantastic Worlds #30/31 featured a newspaper
article from Chatham News in Kent of March 20, 1992, which featured a photo
of the Mole being moved into a "prime viewing position" at the museum operated
by Alan Heaver. Read the article in the ERBzine reprint of the Fantastic
Worlds page and also in At
The Earth's Core movie page. It is also featured in the accompanying
banner above.
Rod lamented that the museum site
as an attraction in 2001 and I am afraid that I do not know what happened
to the model after that." Rod also checked with Frank's family and
Doreen did not know either. Laurence added that his searches on the internet
revealed no answer. One might speculate that the Mole somehow became activated
and drilled its way back to Pellucidar. Or maybe it will be rescued yet
again from wherever it is and once again be on public display. At least
it, and the other two models, live on in the film and at least it had a
place in the sun in Frank's garden for awhile. The actual article clipping
can be viewed in "Fantastic Worlds of Edgar Rice Burroughs" #30/31,
Summer 1992, on my
For over forty years Frank Westwood's
was the name that came to mind when any reference to Burroughs fandom in
the UK was made. He was equally well known on the other side of the Atlantic
through his editorship of The Fantastic Worlds of Edgar Rice Burroughs
and the various vacations and convention attendances in the USA that he
and Doreen made in the 1980s and 90s. Frank was admired by all who knew
him for his friendship, generous and sympathetic nature, and for his boundless
and infectious enthusiasm for ERB. We will all miss him so much. ~ Rod
Jackson - Co-founder of the British Edgar Rice Burroughs Society
Sadly I never met Frank in person,
but through the words and memories of others, and through the great work
he did on the Fantastic Worlds fanzine, I felt a special ERB kinship with
him Frank phoned from England a few times and we shared our longtime
ERB collecting and fanzine publishing experiences. He was a warm and very
knowledgeable friend. I feel honoured to help carry on some of the Fantastic
Worlds legacy through the reprinting of the complete run of the zines
that editor Rod Jackson is sharing. ~ Bill Hillman
"Fantastic Worlds of ERB" #30/31, Summer 1992
Remembering Frank Westwood by Laurence Dunn
Article Image:
More on the Fate of the Iron Mole in our Movie Page
60 Back Issues of Fantastic Worlds of ERB Fanzine
Memories of Frank Westwood in Issue 51: Winter 2014
*** 1925: Influenced by the Scopes
Trial, Ed wrote a pro-evolution article for the newspapers of
the International Press Bureau & Universal Service. He had Darwin books
in his personal library -- one of them with his sketch of a large crouching
ape and the word "Grandpa". ERB taught geology at MMA.
Ed's conviction that evolution was
a scientific verity, a law beyond dispute, influenced him in 1925 to issue
a statement to the press at the time of the Scopes Trial at Dayton, Tennessee.
Written for the International Press Bureau and Universal Service, the article
appeared in various papers, including the New York American of July 6,
where it was headed "Evolution held undeniable. Nature's law, says
author." Ed's delivered opinion had a tone of impatience with those
who needed to be informed of the obvious:
"It really does not make much difference
what Mr. Scopes thinks about evolution, or what Mr. Bryan thinks about
it. They cannot change it by thinking, or talking, or by doing anything
else. It is an immutable law of Nature; and when we say that, it is just
the same as saying that it is an immutable law of God — that is, for those
who believe in God — for one cannot think of God and Nature as separate
and distinct agencies.
"He went on to explain, "If we are
not religious then we must accept evolution as an obvious fact. If we are
religious then we must either accept the theory of evolution or admit that
there is a power greater than that of God. . . ." His arguments, in the
remainder of the article, were based upon the evidences all around us
Edgar Rice Burroughs, Evolution and Religion (4 parts)
*** 2016: "American Tarzan,"
a short-lived reality series on The Discovery Channel, premiered
July 6, 2016. Even with the extra public attention to Tarzan as a result
of the new movie, "The Legend of Tarzan," playing in movie theaters
across the nation at the same time, the TV series couldn't survive the
ratings. There was nothing particularly wrong with the program. It was
well conceived and well filmed, with several contestants, men and women,
taking on challenging natural obstacles in a race to be the "American Tarzan."
It's only real problem was simply that it didn't catch the fancy of enough
viewers. After all, as every schoolboy knows, Tarzan is British, and Tarzan
wears only a loincloth! Maybe "American Tarzan" should have been filmed
more like "Naked and Afraid," without the "Afraid" part.
Off-Site References
Tarzan's four episodes
ERB Bio Timeline and ERB Journal
*** 1939: Ed wrote: "Jack and Jane
live in one of my houses here at Tarzana, and I see Jack often. Hulbert
gets out here occasionally, but I do not often see Joan, though we often
visit over the telephone. Hulbert recently returned from a magazine assignment
in Nevada where he made photographs and obtained data for an article on
ancient Indian culture. He damned near killed himself climbing a mountain
under a broiling sun, and when he reached the top would have been struck
by a rattle snake had his companion not saved him. He has always been bugs
on climbing, and I hope this experience has gotten it out of his system.
I never could climb anything over four feet high without getting the jitters.
Even when I see pictures of people climbing mountains I fold like an umbrella."
"Charlie Rosenberger died some time ago. I haven't seen any of them for
over five years."
*** 1939: Ed Wrote: "Original
editions of Tarzan of the Apes are now collectors' items. Scribner's
had one in 1936 which it quoted at $25. It is practically impossible to
get one now. I didn't have one; and it took me nearly two years to get
one, circularizing my fan list and advertising in one of my novels."
ERB Bio Timeline
*** 1998: Roy Rogers
(1911.11.05-1998.07.06) died on this date. I've been a lifelong fan of
Roy Rogers - "King of the Cowboys." The first movies I remember seeing
-- back in the late '40s -- were Tarzan, jungle serials, Charlie Chaplin.
. . and Roy Rogers. Most of my weekly allowance money went into movies
and comics - and the two favourite comics were Dell Tarzans and Roy Rogers.
Much later, when I was sorta grown up, I taped most of the Tarzan movies
off satellite (TCM, etc.) and Roy's movies off the now defunct Nashville
Channel which we picked up in Canada via satellite. These were special
showings because they were hosted by Roy and Dale who shared many inside
stories about the making of the flicks.
Sometime before this in the '70s Sue-On
and I had visited the Rogers Museum at its original location in Apple Valley,
CA. close to the home of Jim and Joan Burroughs Pierce. Later, when it
moved to Victorsville, we paid it another visit while travelling from LA
to Vegas. Then, in 2008, when we were scouting possible locations for an
ERB/Tarzan Museum, in Branson, MO, a highlight was a visit to the latest
reincarnation of the Roy Rogers Museum.
Luckily we took many photos during
this Branson visit because, not long after the museum closed its doors
forever. We proudly share these +200 photos on our Website, realizing that
there are millions of people worldwide who were profoundly influenced by
western heroes in their youth and who will never have the chance of seeing
the thousands of Roy Rogers artifacts that were so well displayed in this
fine museum.
I even worked Roy and the Museum into
an ERB/Tarzan online RATNAZ parody that I wrote a few decades back. On
our way back from the 2012 celebrations in Tarzan we drove to the California
High Desert and had a wonderful visit with Robin Maxwell author of Jane:
The Woman Who Loved Tarzan. She and Max live close to Pioneer Town
where Roy had filmed many of his movies and TV shows. They showed us around
the site. Roy even had built a bowling alley there where he spent time
between takes.
Through the years I've gathered a
good collection of RR memorabilia: comics, movie stills, radio shows, films,
Memories of the Roy Rogers Museum
Our Ratnaz ERB/Tarzan Parody
Visit to Pioneer Town
The Tarzan Yell Through the Years ~ Tarzan's Cabin
as Envisioned by Artists
Burne Hogarth and David Burton ~ Travis Fimmell amd
Sarah Wayne Callies: WB TV Tarzan
*** 2016: Who does that Tarzan yell best?
Weissmuller's? Elmo Lincoln's? Alexander Skarsgard's? Disney's?
Rouse & Company took eight minutes in a July 7, 2016, broadcast
to review the history of Tarzan films and yells, interspersed with
laughing at their own jokes. If you listen to all eight minutes, you will
hear the Elmo Lincoln yell more times than you have probably heard it in
your whole life! Perhaps Ripley's Believe It Or Not should consider this:
Lincoln was a silent film Tarzan, but had a yell. Lambert was a sound film
Tarzan, but didn't. The trio either didn't know about or didn't bother
with Frank Merrill's yell, but Bill Hillman has it, along with the
of the Tarzan Yell in ERBzine. Note: the Rouse site has now been deleted
by its creator :)
When I hosted the Tarzan Yell
Contest at the 2012 Tarzana Dum-Dum I presented the background to all the
different yells from movies, etc. to prepare the audience for the yell
enslaught from the contestants. I thought it appropriate to open with the
Elmo Lincoln yell from the first Tarzan movie in 1918. I took a victory
stance and beat my chest wildly. Not a sound came from my wide open mouth.
I then reminded the expectant audience that this was from a silent movie
(groan). The judges for the contest were Mrs Danton Burroughs and her daughters,
Llana Jane and Dejah -- ERB's great granddaughters -- and Lisa Maria (Johnny
Weissmuller's granddaughter). During the contest we called forth an impressive
array of contestants giving their versions of the yell. I was surprised
when Sue-On volunteered as a female contestant. . . and won with the "Tarmangani
Yell" . . . I had never heard her do that one! The highlight of the show
came when I introduced a surprise guest -- Jane Goodall. Ms. Goodall delighted
the large crowd by giving an authentic chimpanzee yell.
The Tarzan Yell Contest at Tarzana 2012 Dum-Dum
Evolution of the Tarzan Yell: Part I
Evolution of the Tarzan Yell: Part II
Tarzan Yell Through the Years Poster
Off-Site Reference:
Yells (since deleted by its creator)
*** 2000 Tarzan's cabin -- his "Symbolic
Home" -- was the subject of an essay dated July 7, 2000, by David
A. "Nkima" Adams.
"The cabin in the books was a rather
simple affair, no more than a single room built from logs and filled with
crude, handmade furniture. It was build by Lord Greystoke senior, Tarzan’s
father, when he and Lady Alice were marooned on the shores of Africa in
the first novel of the series, Tarzan of the Apes.
Much of the action of this first
appearance of Tarzan takes place in or around this cabin on the shore,
in fact, the cabin itself might be considered to be symbolic of Tarzan
himself. Both the cabin and Tarzan stand perched upon the very edge
of two worlds -- one civilized, one savage.
Significantly, this cabin was constructed
by Tarzan’s noble father precisely on the shore of the ocean -- which leads
to the world at large -- and the edge of the jungle -- which leads into
a primitive world, where Tarzan grew up among the apes.
Thus Tarzan is a divided child
at birth. His heritage is noble and civilized, but his nurturing
is in the wild.
The article, which I've illustrated
with scenes of the cabin by various artists featured across my site, may
be read in ERBzine 0445. While searching for photos to illustrate David's
article I searched online for what I think Tarzan's cabin might have actually
looked like, and found the one that accompanies this post.
Tarzan's cabin -- his "Symbolic Home"
David Burton Tarzan Sketches
Tarzan's Cabin in Miniature by Bobbie Rucker
Location of Tarzan's Birthplace
Off-Site Reference
Tarzan Cabin
*** 2003: Speaking of "Pretenders
to the Vine," the cover of TV Guide on July 7, 2003, proclaimed:
"TV's New Tarzan!" But when you looked at the photo all you saw
was Travis Fimmel. Nonetheless, Ivana Chubbuck, Fimmel's acting
coach who, of course, had a vested interest in the series, said, "Travis
is a lot like Tarzan. He's raw and he's primal." That, added the
TV Guide writer . . .
"Pretenders to the Vine" article: Travis Fimmel
WB TV Tarzan: Episode Titles - Credits - Reviews

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