Edgar Rice Burroughs Tribute and Weekly Webzine Site
1996 ~ Over 15,000 Webpages in Archive
Collated by John Martin and
Bill Hillman
With Web Design, Added Events,
Illustrations and Photo Collages
by Bill Hillman
23 ~ JULY 24 ~ JULY 25
~ JULY 26
28 ~ JULY 29 ~ JULY 30
~ JULY 31
Click for full-size images
ERB's At the Earth's Core's St. John cover art
~ Philip Jose Farmer's Dark Heart of Time ~ Willem "Tars Tarkas" Dafoe
Dafoe with "Dejah" and "John Carter" ~ ERB and
Hemingway Homes in Oak Park ~ Hemingway's Kilimanjaro Leopard
*** "At The Earth's Core" opened a whole new world
of adventure to ERB book buyers on this date, July 22, in 1922. Because
not everyone can go the Earth's core and see it for themselves, McClurg
was extra gracious and included nine sepia illustrations, painted by St.
John as described by David Innes, for the first edition book.
Some had read the story earlier, eight years earlier
to be exact, because it was serialized in All-Story Weekly in 1914.
At The Earth's Core: ERBzine C.H.A.S.E.R. Coverage
All the St. John Art for At the Earth's Core
Mahlon Blaine Art for At the Earth's Core
*** 1955: Willem Dafoe
grew up to be Tars Tarkas in "John Carter." He was born,
not hatched on this date in Appleton, Wisconsin. Dafoe played Martian chieftain
Tars Tarkas in John Carter (2012), He donned stilts and a mo-cap suit to
portray the multi-limbed character. Having made over one hundred films
in his legendary career, Willem Dafoe is internationally respected for
bringing versatility, boldness, and dare to some of the most iconic films
of our time. His artistic curiosity in exploring the human condition leads
him to projects all over the world, large and small, Hollywood films as
well as Independent cinema.
"I've seen a lot of the designs and
things, and I’ve just started to do prep work now. We've starting
doing scans and things like that, but it's going to be a real full-on.
Well, I'm nine feet tall with four arms, but, just from the scheduling,
I'm going to do the stuff. They'll use my face, but they'll enhance it
in a way – both after and before – in a way that I may not be recognizable.
But, I'm good with that. It's particularly cool, because he's a creature,
but he's got this huge range of character. And, he does cool things in
the movies.
"There's a whole period where we're
going to work with the language and the movement, and find out how I'm
going to be nine feet tall, and all that stuff. . . like, a long period
of time where we're going to go to Thark school. We're going to create
our culture. So, it's going to be very cool. These guys know how to do
this, and they've got great people. And, the designs and things are just
Read and see more about the man who would be Jeddak and
the John Carter of Mars film at our site:
Willem Dafoe Interview in ERBzine's Film Site
John Carter: 2018 Film: ERBzine Silver Screen
Willem Dafoe Discusses John Carter of Mars and His
Tars Tarks Character
Off-Site References:
Dafoe at
Interview About Tharks
*** Ernest Hemingway was born
July 22, 1899.
In February of '41 two of the world's best-known authors,
and fellow-Chicagoan Ernest Hemingway dined with their wives on opposite
sides of the same Honolulu restaurant. Neither identified himself although
they were two of the best-known authors of their day and they had much
in common. Florence pretended to swoon at the sight of Hemingway and insisted
that Ed go over to introduce himself, all of which did nothing to allay
his feelings of artistic inferiority and deal with other personal demons
he was fighting at that time.
They met in a literary way, however, when Tarzan left
Sheeta the leopard's frozen carcass at the top of Mt. Kilimanjaro. Hemingway,
in the dark about who actually was responsible for the leopard's body being
there, mentioned the dead cat in his short story, "The Snows of Kilimanjaro."
ERB never got around to documenting Tarzan's adventure
with Sheeta, though. It was left for Philip Jose Farmer to chronicle
it in his authorized Tarzan adventure, "The Dark Heart of Time."
See David Adams' summary at of "Dark Heart" for Chapter 30.
Reviews of Dark Heart and other Farmer Tarzan stories are featured
in ERBzine.
Interestingly, both ERB and Hemingway
spent a number of creative years in Oak Park, near Chicago, IL. Sue-On
and I have attended numerous Dum-Dums in Oak Park and visits to museums
and former homes of both famous writers have always been highlights of
these trips. We often stayed at The Write Inn which features its Hemmingway
Bistro -- they had no permission to use the Hemingway name so they changed
the spelling ;)
ERB and Hemingway "Meeting"
ERB and Hemingway Homes/Museums both in Oak Park
Dark Heart and Farmer Tarzan Reviews
Off-Site References:
Ch. 30 Review in ERBlist
Leopard on Kilimanjaro in earthtouchnews
Mrs. Florence Burroughs:
Wine Commercial ~ Her Bookplate ~ ERB and Florence ~ Divorce Announcements
Disney's Tarzan and Jane
TV Compilation Release ~ Rex Maxon's Tarzan Strips: Prisoner of the Great
*** Florence filed for divorce against ERB on this
date -- July 23 -- in 1941. Legal matters were delegated to Rothmund. Events
leading up to the divorce are printed in Flo's ERBzine biography. This
pretty much freed Ed to go sailing around in Navy warships and flying in
military planes while serving as a combat correspondent during World War
II in the Pacific.
AP Los Angeles News Release: "Edgar Rice Burroughs,
67, creator of Tarzan and author of many books and magazine stories, is
being sued for divorce by his 36-year-old wife, the former Florence Gilbert
of the screen. Her complaint charges Burroughs has assigned all his assets
to Burroughs, Inc., and has conveyed half the stock to his former wilfe.
Emma Centennia Hulbert Burroughs, the mother of his three children."
Mrs. Burroughs says she is without means of support
and asks the court to award her $1000 monthy alimony as well as $3000 attorney's
fees and court costs. The marriage was the second for both, Mrs. Burroughs'
former husband having been Lee Deerholt and Burroughs' first wife the former
Emma Centennia Hulbert by whom he had three children. He is 67.
A world traveler and author
of many books and magazine stories. Burroughs spends most of his time writing
at his home at Tarzana. Mrs. Burroughs, who is 36, began her screen career
in 1930, but retired after her marriage to the author. She is a native
of Chicago.
Florence Gilbert Burroughs Bio:
ERB Faces Divorce Suit
AP Los Angeles News Release
*** Disney's "Tarzan and Jane"
was released straight to DVD and video on July 23, 2002. It was a sequel
to the 1999 movie and was made up of three unaired episodes of the film's
corresponding television series, "The Legend of Tarzan" (not to
be confused with the Warner Bros. movie of that same name which came out
in 2016.) This film is largely a flashback to three episodes of the
TV series The Legend of Tarzan. The episodes in question are "Tarzan and
the British Invasion", "Tarzan and the Volcanic Diamond Mine" and "Tarzan
and the Flying Ace", the last three episodes of the show to be aired (but
taking place much earlier in production order).
Another different Tarzan and Jane animated TV
series was released by a different company in 2016/2017.
Tarzan and Jane: Compilation
Tarzan TV Episodes
Off-Site Reference
Day in Disney History
*** 1914 Virgil Finlay (1914.07.23-1971.01.18)
was born on this date in Rochester, NY, USA. He was a pulp fantasy, science
fiction and horror illustrator. He has been called "part of the pulp magazine
history ... one of the foremost contributors of original and imaginative
art work for the most memorable science fiction and fantasy publications
of our time." While he worked in a range of media, from gouache to oils,
Finlay specialized in, and became famous for, detailed pen-and-ink drawings
accomplished with abundant stippling, cross-hatching, and scratchboard
techniques. Despite the very labor-intensive and time-consuming nature
of his specialty, Finlay created more than 2600 works of graphic art in
his 35-year career. The Science Fiction Hall of Fame inducted Finlay in
Virgil Finlay executed four illustrations
for one of Edgar Rice Burroughs’ Tarzan serials, “The Quest of Tarzan,”
including one cover and one interior drawing for each of the three parts,
and published in Argosy Weekly, August 23 through September 6, 1941.
The Quest of Tarzan: Virgil Finlay Pulp Art
July 23 in ERB comic strip history:
*** "Prisoner of the Great Apes," written and
illustrated by Rex Maxon, began this date in 1947 and ran for 34 days.
Prisoner of the Great Apes: 34 daily Tarzan Strips
*** "Tarzan and the Wild Game Hunter," written
by Burne Hogarth, began this date in 1950, and ran for nine Sundays.
Hogarth illustrated the first five Sundays and Bob Lubbers, the
illustrator taking over the strip, did the last four. The whole run has
been reprinted in "Tarzan in Color" Vol. 18. The series of 1947/1948 Hogarth
Tarzan strips are featured in ERBzine at 6901.
List of comic start and stop dates:
Hogarth Tarzan Sunday Pages from 1947/1948
ERBzine Comics Archive
1945: July and August: The articles chronicling ERB's
experiences appear in the Advertiser.
1945: ERB experiences Angina Pectoris pain.
ERB Bio Timeline
ERB's John Carter of Mars:
Canaveral Edition ~ JC and The Giant of Mars in Amazing stories and
adapted for a Better Little
Book - both written by John Coleman Burroughs ~ ERB's Skeleton Men of Jupiter
in Amazing
*** 1964 "John Carter of Mars" rattled off of Canaveral's
press on this date with an introduction by Richard Lupoff
and illustrations
galore, including Reed Crandall's DJ, his endpapers and the eight
interior illustrations. The book contained two stories, "John Carter
and the Giant of Mars" and "Skeleton Men of Jupiter," both of
which had appeared previously in Amazing Stories and "Giant"
had also been published as a Better Little Book.
*** "John Carter and the Giant of Mars" has been
pretty well established as the work of ERB's son, John Coleman Burroughs,
although Hulbert once said ERB was actually responsible for about
10 per cent of it. We just don't know how that 10 per cent is manifested.
Jim Gerlach's ERBbooks compiled and
released the most elaborate edition(s) of John
Carter of Mars every offered. Each set contains the two books,
with different bindings, titling and publishers; unique limitation pages,
title pages, enclosures and end matter and alternative dust jacket art
and layout. One of the books is an ERB Inc. edition, done with blue
binding and similar to that on the books Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc., published
in the latter part of his life. These books have a dust jacket with art
by Douglas Klauba, showing John Carter taking on the "Skeleton Men of Jupiter."
The other book is a "Grosset & Dunlap" edition,
done with traditional red binding, featuring a dust jacket with art by
Bob Eggleton showing John Carter about to have an encounter with a white
For full details on this limited edition released in
2018 plus the series of similar special ERB editions visit the
*** Jim followed up this elaborate edition in 2019 and
2021 with even more spectacular publications of A Princess of Mars
and Tarzan of the Apes -- festooned with hundreds of illustrations
by the most renowned ERB artists as well as a plethora of amazing extras.
These editions are featured elsewhere in ERBzine.
John Carter and the Giant of Mars: C.H.A.S.E.R. Biblio
John Carter of Mars: Full text in the e-text edition
John Carter and the Giant of
Mars analysis
ERB Canaverals edited by Richard Lupoff
Special Limited Editions of John Carter of Mars
*** "Skeleton Men" was probably
originally intended to be the first of a four part miniseries which, when
combined, would make a complete novel.
The printers fouled up, and put "John Carter and the
Giant of Mars" on the cover of the book. This was corrected in the second
printing and, of course, made the first printing even more desirable than
normal! David "Nkima" Adams wrote a summary of "Skeleton Men" in
while omplete text, publishing histories, art, reviews, articles, summaries
of these stories are at my ERBzine ERB C.H.A.S.E.R. Bibliography
Skeleton Men of Jupiter in ERB C.H.A.S.E.R
John Carter of Mars: Full text in the e-text
Read the Original Amazing Pulp version HERE
Skeleton Men Summary by David Adams in ERBzine
*** "Tarzan and Hard-Luck
Harrigan," a 54-day newspaper strip story which was the work of Bob
Lubbers, Burne Hogarth and Nick Cardy, began July 24, 1950.
Tarzan and Hard-Luck Harrigan: All 54 Strips
PART I: Cardy/Hogarth
PART II: Lubbers/Hogarth
1924: July 23-24: The Golden Gate Oil Company
drilled to a depth of 1,300 feet in their search for oil on Tarzana
Ranch. Only traces were found and they abandoned their lease in the
fall of 1926.
1937: July 24 - August 19: Carson
of Venus was written and subsequently rejected by Liberty,
Saturday Evening Post, Collier's, and Ladies' Home Journal.
1940: July 24 - September 6: ERB wrote "John Carter
and the Pits of Horz," the first of series he plans to combine
in a book tentatively titled "Frozen Men of Mars," "Llana of Gathol,"
or "The Horror Pits of Horz."
Llana of Gathol: History ~ Art ~ Reviews
Llana of Gathol: Read the Text
ERB on Tarzan and the Slave
Girl set: Lex Barker, Joan Burroughs, Jane Ralston Burroughs, Mike Pierce
and Vern Coriell
Heins' Golden Bibliography
of ERB ~ Hal Foster's Creations ~ John Flint Roy's book & poem
*** Hal Foster, who established Tarzan as a
popular Sunday strip before moving on to Prince Valiant, passed
away this date in 1982. Tarzan enjoys the distinction of starring in the
first adventure comic strip, the first continuity strip, and the first
strip to appeal to generation after generation for more than seven decades.
The Lord of the Jungle made his first appearance in a
daily comic strip in 1929 with art by Harold Foster. In 1930 United Feature
Syndicate (UFS) took over the syndication of Tarzan and launched the first
Sunday comic in 1931 and hired Rex Maxon, who created 28 pages. Hal Foster
took over the strip on September 27, 1931 until page #321 on May 2, 1937.
Read about Hal in ERBzine and read hundreds of reprints
and summaries of his Tarzan and Prince Valiant Strips
Hal Foster Tribute and Directory
Hal Foster Biography
Hal Foster Directory of Reprints in ERBzine
Prince Valiant Reprints: 1937, 1938, 1939, 1940
Off-Site References:
in Wikipedia
in bpib
*** Tarzan and the Slave Girl: Of
special interest to ERB fans are the photos released in ERBzine
of ERB's visit to the Slave Girl set - ERB's last visit to a Hollywood
set. Also in the photos are Lex Barker, Joan Burroughs, Jane Ralston
Burroughs, Mike Pierce and Vern Coriell. These are from the
personal Burroughs family archive shared with us by Danton Burroughs.
Tarzan and the Slave Girl: ERBzine Silver Screen
*** Time Magazine, in its July 25, 1949, issue,
had a promotional article on the upcoming Tarzan movie, "Tarzan and
the Slave Girl." The article was headlined "Durable Lianas."
From another source, I understand that later in the article the writer
commits the sin of saying that Tarzan and Jane were not married (long before
the Downey, Calif., librarian ever thought of such a thing!) Fortunately,
an ERB fan out there saw the error and wrote a letter to Time correcting
it. I assume that letter was published in a subsequent issue. The writer
of the letter was Henry Hardy Heins, author of "A Golden Anniversary
of Edgar Rice Burroughs."
Henry Hardy Heins and Golden Anniversary of ERB
Heins Abbreviations for ERB Book Titles
Off-Site Reference:
Lianas in TIME bit
*** 1914: Woody Strode (1914.07.25-1994.12.31)
American athlete and actor was born in Los Angeles on this date. He was
a decathlete and football star who was one of the first African American
players in the National Football League in the postwar era. After football,
he went on to become a film actor, where he was nominated for a Golden
Globe Award for Best Supporting Actor for his role in Spartacus
in 1960.
He served in the United States Army during World War
2. After the War Strode's acting career was re-activated when producer
Walter Mirisch spotted him wrestling and cast him as an African warrior
in The Lion Hunters, one of the Bomba the Jungle Boy series.
They wanted him to shave his head. He was reluctant until they offered
him $500 a week - it went on to become his distinguishing look for the
rest of his long and successful film and television career. He had support
roles in Tarzan's Fight for Life (1958) and Tarzan's
Three Challenges (1963). In the late 1960s, he appeared in several
episodes of the Ron Ely Tarzan television series.
Tarzan's Three Challenges (1963)
Tarzan's Fight for Life (1958)
Bomba the Jungle Boy
Tarzan On TV
Ron Ely Series
*** 1986
July 25-27: The ECOF in Jenison, Michigan honoured
Flint Roy
ERB and Canada by John Flint
Before either Casper Van
Dien or Alexander Skarsgard showed up in the jungle clad in cutoffs, Tarzan
of the Sunday comics page was setting the trend in "The Lost City of
the Mayas," which begn July 25, 1993, and continued for 12 weeks, illustrated
by Gray Morrow and written by Don Kraar. Read them all in
Lost City of the Mayas: All 12 Tarzan Sunday Strips
Tarzan Goes to India starring
Jock Mahoney ~ Burne Hogarth at work ~ Hogarth Tarzan Sparkler 14 cover
Tarzan July 26, 1942 Sunday
Page ~ Bob and Alice Hyde in their younger days as Tarzan and Jane ~ Bob
Hyde Bookplate
*** 1962: John Martin began The "Anniversaries
of ERB" project began back in the late 1960s, before the existence
of the internet, He started it by gathering dates from print sources such
as Henry Hardy Heins "A Golden Anniersary Bibliography of Edgar
Rice Burroughs" and books such as Robert Fenton's "The Big
Swingers." "Back then, I didn't always think to record the source of
some of my initial notations. In what I originally called the 'ERB Calendar,'
I had a note that on July 26, 1962, Jock Mahoney made a personal
appearance at a theater which was showing his movie, "Tarzan Goes to
India." But I failed to write down where I'd gotten that information,
so I can't cite it here. I'm sure it was a "reliable source," though, since
all of those dates were from such sources. Maybe I'll run across that original
source material one of these days. The studio saved money on 'Tarzan Goes
to India'" because it didn't have to pay for African elephant-size ears
to fasten to the Indian elephants."
*** Bill Hillman: Daily ERB Life and Legacy Events:
My obsession with ERB dates also goes back a long ways. I compiled simple
notebook entries for ERB comics, radio shows, films and books all the way
back to my first collecting days in the early '50s. I naively wrote my
purchase dates in the flyleafs of all the books I bought - a sample of
my ERB entries was featured on an ERBzine page back in the early days of
ERBzine: Hillman
Book Dates ~ In the early '60s when I discovered fanzines and bought
a tape recorder for radio shows they were added to my notes. Computers
were next which led to the creation of giant data bases to keep track of
the collections and date info.
When the Internet became feasible
everything changed and much of my collection was shared on the Web starting
in 1996 - mainly ERB since I realized I had to limit some of my eclectic
interests. Around the time that Disney's contract for doing the ERB Website,
Burroughs discovered my obsession with all things Burroughs and he
ERBzine as the official tribute site. This led to many
visits to
Tarzana and an endless stream of correspondence
with Dan via mail, e-mail and long distance phone calls in which he shared
an endless flood of treasures from the Burroughs Tarzana Archive
including his grandfather's personal journal entries. We were able to date
many of items and events which led to the expansion of the Burroughs
Bio Timeline of events and ERB
Perpetual Daily Events Calendar I had created back in the '90s.
All of these records and John Martin's extensive notes have made the Daily
Events project that you are now reading a possibility. Quite a commitment.
The project has taken 2-3 hours every day of my time since its start in
January 1, 2018 and I've carried on with ongoing extensive daily updates
after the conclusion of 2018. Many thanks to John for spearheading this
-- it's been a great way to look over my giant trove of ERBzine material
-- and is also a great incentive for me to update my pages, links and images
and add them here as a way of illustrating and discovering daily events
from the Life and Legacy of Edgar Rice Burroughs -- Grandfather of
American Science Fiction ~ Master of Fantasy Adventure ~ and creator of
the Fantasy Worlds of John Carter, Tarzan, David Innes, Carson Napier,
et al.
Tarzan Goes to India in ERBzine Silver Screen
Tarzan Goes to India Photo gallery:
ERB Bio Timeline of Events
ERB Perpetual Annotated Calendar
*** 1942: The Tarzan Sunday page
this date, #594, just happened to be on the easel, partially finished,
when Bob Hyde paid a surprise visit to introduce himself to Burne
Hogarth. If you read Bob Hyde's story about this that I've typed into
ERBzine, you will learn something about the way Hogarth drew and you'll
also find out what he did the entire time that Hyde was there. The story
is in Chapter VI, following the story of how Hyde's plans to visit ERB
himself fell through.
Sue-On and I spent time with Bob at
a number of ERB conventions and valued our friendship. We took one of the
last photos of "The Tarzan Fanatic" after seeing him and Pete Ogden off
at the Chicago airport. Bob had regularly sent photocopies of his Odyssey
of a Tarzan Fanatic memoirs to me which I transcribed and presented
in a series of Webpages pages in ERBzine.
Bob Hyde: Odyssey of a Tarzan Fanatic: Ch. VI
Burne Hogarth Tarzan Covers
Bob Hyde: Odyssey of a Tarzan Fanatic
Informal Chat with Burne Hogarth
*** 1938: The Big Little Book,
"Tarzan's Revenge," was copyrighted on this date. The cover features
Tarzan with a tiger with a stoned-out expression on its face. The first
printing of the BLB had a circle on the cover that identified it as a Big
Little Book. This BLB text followed the story of the movie, "Tarzan's
Revenge," starring Glenn Morris and Eleanor Holm, a pair
of Olympic champions. To share this with my readers I keyed in the text
to ERBzine for all to enjoy on the Web.
Tarzan's Revenge: Big Little Book Text
Tarzan's Revenge: Cover Front and Back
BLB Cover Gallery
1932: Ed expressed
his pleasure to J. C. Powell, Librarian Emeritus of the University of
California at Berkley who had welcomed him into the honoured circle
of authors of the Golden State.
ERB Bio Timeline
Tarzan: My Father by Johnny Weissmuller, Jr. ~
Young Johnny with Dad and Johnny Sheffield
Carson of Venus meets an Amtorian Sea Monster ~
Jesse Marsh: Dell/Gold Key Comics ERB Artist
*** 1907: Jesse Marsh (1907.07.27-1966.04.28) the
first artist to produce original illustrations for Tarzan comic books,
was born on this date. He passed away a year after failing health made
it necessary for him to stop illustrating Tarzan. He produced an
amazing body of work in addition to his work on the Tarzan series: John
Carter, Gene Autry, Daniel Boone, Davy Crockett and many more and even
did the first work on Brothers of the Spear before Russ Manning
took it over. All the Marsh Tarzan and John Carter Comics have been reprinted
as a weekly feature in ERBzine over a number of years. . . and all
are available to read in our Archive. In 2009, Dark Horse Comics announced
an archive reprint series of 11 volumes of his work on Tarzan entitled
Tarzan: The Jesse Marsh Years.
Jesse Marsh Bio and Photos
All the Jesse Marsh Tarzans and John Carters
Marsh Tarzans after #100 plus Annuals
Jesse Marsh Tarzans in Gold Key
Off-Site Reference
in Wikipedia
*** 2006: In addition to Boy
and Korak, Tarzan had a third son: Johnny Weissmuller Jr. He died
of liver cancer at the age of 65 on this date, July 27, in 2006. Johnny
Jr. intersected with the world of Tarzan in a few others ways than simply
being senior's son. He wrote a book, "Tarzan, My Father." He was
interviewed for the documentary, "Tarzan: Silver Screen King of the
Jungle," as was Scott Tracy Griffin.
And he put together a nice set of four cassettes in a
wooden box, with the title "Tarzan" and the subtitle "Original Stories
by Edgar Rice Burroughs." The box states the tapes are "Performed by
Johnny Weissmuller Jr." and the tapes themselves say "Directed by Johnny
Weissmuller Jr." The stories on the tapes, somewhat abridged, are "Tarzan
of the Apes," "The Return of Tarzan," "Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar,"
and "Tarzan and the City of Gold."
Bill Hillman: A short time
before his death Johnny, Jr. phoned me a number of times to promote his
book. He shared the book and many anecdotes about his father.
Other Johnny, Jr. projects suggested by our readers:
Rob Donkers: He lent his voice
to Tarzoon, the character from that dreadful X-rated animated movie "Tarzoon,
Shame of the Jungle" (1975)
Martin Smiddy (also appeared
in the doc's credits): Johnny Jr was also interviewed by Jonathan
Ross on his documentary “In Search of Tarzan” - available on YouTube.
Johnny, Jr. with his dad and Johnny Sheffield:
Tarzan Radio Memories: Johnny Jr.'s Programs Photo
Off-Site References:
Jr. Filmography
Jr. in Wikipedia
Silver Screen King Doc: IMDB
*** 2003: On this date the BBC
reported that there was no monster in Loch Ness. An investigation
"trawled" the Loch with 600 separate sonar beams and satellite navigation
technology and found nothing (could have been that Nessie was hiding in
an underwater cave). The discovery showed how smart ERB was. He never had
any of his heroes encounter such a creature, instead concentrating on placing
his characters in more realistic situations, such as travelling to Mars
by some kind of astral projection, battling dinosaurs in a world inside
the Earth, and being able to live and breathe on the scorching hot and
slothfully rotating planet of Venus.
The Hillmans searched for Nessie
numerous times during our UK music tours -- even waded out into the waters
of the Loch -- unfortunately/fortunately the elusive monster didn't want
to come out to play with Canucks. Carson of Venus had better luck
in finding
Amtorian sea monsters.
Carson and the sea monsters of Venus
Hillman Gig Notes: Search for Nessie
Off-Site Reference
*** 1927: From
a letter with ERB replying to the editor of Red Book mag:
got a kick out of your letter of July 20th relative to my breaking so many
rules. Life would be much simpler if there were not so many rules. I imagine
I have broken every rule of English grammar several thousand times and
being at heart a purist, I should be desolated if I was was aware of it,
but as do not know a single one of these rules, I am saved much mental
*** 1946:"Tarzan" by J. D. van der Merwe of Duivels-Kloof,
Transvaal, South Africa, appears in Britain's Wide World magazine. "A
South African hunter's account of a decidedly hectic experience."
ERB Bio Timeline
Asylum "remake": ERB's Land That Time Forgot ~ Dancing
Girl of the Leper King (Jungle Girl) ~ Steve Hawkes and his Tiger
Denny Miller: Tarzan The Ape Man ~ Burroughs' Across
America Adventure ~ Morrow Tarzan Strip
*** "The Land That Time Forgot" of 2009 was a dinosaur
island movie that pretended to be an Edgar Rice Burroughs dinosaur movie.
Pictures released its video production July 28 of that year. Many Burroughs
fans watched it, out of curiosity, but most were disappointed in the movie's
failure to even attempt to follow ERB's original story, other than having
an island, some dinosaurs and a German submarine and crew. There was a
character in the film named "Captain Burroughs," but if that was
a ploy on the part of the filmmakers to appease the ERB faithful, the fans
were not amused.
Den Valdron Reviews of Asylum Films
Land That Time Forgot: The original 1975 Version
Off-Site References:
Forgot 2009 in IMDB
Forgot 2009 in Wikipedia
*** An ERBzine edition of "Breaking
News in the ERB Cosmos" featured articles about Dr. Sarah Smith,
who was awarded a grant funded by the taxes paid by hard-working British
citizens to study six Tarzan films to do psychological studies of societal
trends as portrayed by Tarzan movies
One of the articles about her assignment, "Tarzan
of the Capes and Mortar Boards," was published July 28, 2004, but there
were other articles as well, including the leadoff opinion piece by Tarzan
star Denny Miller who, with his usual wry wit, wrote exactly what
he thought about Sarah Smith and her study.
In addition to reading Denny's on-target comments on
Dr. Smith's endeavor, one can also follow this link to read of Denny's
adventures of that era, as well as comments by Hawking and Hawkes
-- Stephen commenting on something that would disappoint sci-fi fans and
Hawkes, more properly known as Steve Sipek, mourning his tiger,
Bobo, who was murdered by police after it escaped.
Breaking News in the ERB Cosmos
Denny Miller Career Flashbacks
Steve Hawkes: Tarzan Films and Tigers
*** 1931: When ERB planned to publish
his own books he thought it wise to find someone
to help prepare them for the printer by eliminating errors. He contacted
Principal J. P. Inglis of Van Nuys High School, saying that the work would
include at least two novels a year and: "I find that
it takes me between eight and twelve hours to correct the galley proofs
of novels of this length (about eighty thousand words). . . . I am particularly
anxious to find someone who would undertake the work in a confidential
nature; show the manuscripts to no one and talk about them to no one. .
. ."
Inglis recommended teacher Adele
Bischoff. Miss Bischoff's first task, was probably Tarzan the
Invincible, scheduled to be the first book published by Edgar Rice
Burroughs, Inc. Ed was pleased with Miss Bischoff's work, complimented
her on the "painstaking and intelligent editing," and on July 28, 1931,
sent her "The Dancing Girl of the Leper King" for correction.
Following this, in September and October, Ed forwarded to her three installments
of "Tarzan and the Leopard Men."
*** Sue-On and I were always fascinated with ERB's
book located in the jungles and temples of Cambodia (written as "The Dancing
Girl of the Leper King", published in pulp as "Land of the Hidden Men"
and retitled "The Jungle Girl" for hardcover release). This turned out
to be a long journey that took us through the rivers and jungles of Thailand,
Lao, Vietnam and eventually to Cambodia. This involved taking 27 Unique
Modes of Travel across 2700 Kilometres for over 27 days. We explored much
of Cambodia on foot through jungles and riding two Quad ATVs through city
streets, villages, rice fields and ruins -- the highlight seeing the Angkor
Wat Temples at sunrise and then exploring the massive historic ruins --
fairly recently re-discovered and now being restored. We never found the
Jungle Girl . . . but what an adventure!
Dancing Girl of the Leper King published as
The Hillmans in Search of Ankor Wat and The Jungle
Tarzan The Invincible ERBzine ERB C.H.A.S.E.R.
Tarzan and the Leopard Men: ERBzine ERB C.H.A.S.E.R.
*** "Tarzan and the Lion Worshippers,"
by John Celardo and Dick Van Buren, began July 28, 1958,
and ran for 48 days. read it starting here:
Tarzan and the Lion Worshippers: All 48 Strips
*** "The Castle in the Jungle,"
by John Celardo, began July 28, 1965, and ran for 70 days.
The Castle in the Jungle: Read all 70 strips
*** "The Compleat Collector,"
by Gray Morrow and Don Kraar, began July 28, 1991, and ran
for 12 Sundays. Joseph Van Dorn doesn't collect Tarzan books... He collects
Tarzan himself!
The Compleat Collector: Read all 12 Sunday Strips
*** 1916: The Burroughs auto
adventurers returned home. Fearful of the prevalence of infantile paralysis
in the East, they cancelled the eastern leg of their trip and decided to
strike out for California.
Burroughs Auto Caravan Trip Across America
New Adventures of Tarzan: Big Little Book Covers plus colourized
shot of Tarzan from the film &Theatre Marquee of the day
Saturday Evening Post Tarzan article & ERB at Tarzana Post
Office ~ Morrow Tarzan Strip
*** "Tarzan, or How to Become a Great Writer," appeared
this date, July 29, 1939, in The Saturday Evening Post.
The author, Alva Johnston, wrote: "Burroughs
credits himself with only one stroke of genius -- the naming of Tarzan.
The impact of those two syllables on the eardrum is, in his opinion, largely
responsible for the world success of the Tarzan books. This is one of the
few literary secrets of Burroughs that is communicable. In christening
his characters he works with syllables as some composers work with musical
notes. He tests one sound against another until, after trying perhaps hundreds
of combinations, he has a name that rings like a fire bell."
Those who have a chance to peruse
ERB's original handwritten manuscript will note that Ed had originally
christened his jungle character "Zantar," then "Tublat Zan," then, finally,
"Tarzan"! Interestingly, the original "Bloomstoke" became "Greystoke."
See ERBzine 0483.
Tarzan, or How to Become a Great Writer
Tarzan of the Apes: ERBzine C.H.A.S.E.R. Biblio
*** Also on July 29, this time in 1963, "Tarzan on
the Upswing," an article about the Burroughs boom by Jacquin Sanders,
appeared in the Life and Leisure section of Newsweek Magazine.
*** "The New Adventures of Tarzan,"
a Big Little Book with 66 stills from the Burroughs Tarzan Enterprise serial/movie,
was copyrighted this date, July 29, 1935. New Adventures of Tarzan ~ 1935
~No. 1180 ~ 155 pages with 66 movie stills ~ A Burroughs Tarzan Enterprise
~ Filmed by the Ashton Dearholt Expedition.
I've also scanned BLBs covers from my collection
to create an ERB BLB Bibliography at ERBzine 0044b
New Adventures of Tarzan cover and other Big Little
New Adventures of Tarzan: The Film - Many pages reproduced
*** 1929: The little old lady from Downey, Calif.,
who banned Tarzan books in the 1960s and inadvertently started a revival
of ERB books, wasn't the first to ban Tarzan. Bill Hillman's ERB Odyssey
Calendar reports that, on July 29, 1929, ERB sent an ironic rebuff
to the Tarzana branch of the LA Public Library which had requested copies
of his books. He pointed out that their main library
had banned his books.
Bill Hillman's ERB Odyssey Calendar
*** "The
Land Beyond the Mountains," by Gray Morrow and Don Kraar,
began July 29, 1990, and ran for 14 Sundays.
The Land Beyond the Mountains: All 14 Tarzan Strips
Adventures of Lord Blackstone by the McGeehans
~ Black Falcon Review by Mary McGeehan Wild:
ERBzine reprint from Normal Bean News and ERBapa ~
Rescuing JCB's Work from Tarzana Vaults ~ Maxon's Tarzan
*** 1985: Tarzan faced many enemies in his adventures,
and often came close to death. But, somehow, he always managed to survive.
But what if some villains planned things so carefully that they were ready
for any contingency? That is the premise which was used by Thomas McGeehan
and his sister, Mary McGeehan, with some input by he who would become
her husband, George Wild, to write the 52-page story, "The Adventures
of Lord Blackstoke," published in July of 1985.
The story is a parody, asking "what if the 1959 and 1981
remakes of 'Tor Zen the Man-Ape' accurately portrayed the characters and
abilities of Tor Zen and Jayne? And what would the outcome be if they had
to face one of Tor Zen's worst enemies, Esteban Marando....if he is assisted
by others who might want revenge on Tor Zen?"
This story is not, of course, about Tarzan, and we know
that because inside it says that "Any similarity in this story to persons
living or dead, real or fictional, is purely coincidental." This, rather,
is about the aforesaid jungle man named Tor Zen, and his wife Jayne. There
is a nearby lost treasure city known as Osar, ruled by a queen named Lar.
Tor Zen has a lion named Jad-ba-ja and a monkey named Kima. There's a local
tribe known as the Wazuri. Tor Zen also has a son, Karok.
The villains in this piece are all relatives of bad guys
that Tor Zen had bested in the past. They plan to deal with Tor Zen and
Jayne once and for all, and to steal all the treasure they can carry off
from Osar at the same time.
The cast of villains who signed up to help Marando include
Bolato, nephew of Bukawa; Ivan Palitch, first cousin of Alexis Palitch;
Boris Ratoff, younger brother of Nikolas Ratoff; Heinrich and Herman Schnider,
relatives of Hauptmann Fritz Schnider, and other relatives of ERB villains
named Basil Stobutch, Carl Werpir and Leopold Zverri.
Will they succeed in this nefarious scheme or will Tor
Zen, once again, emerge victorious? spoilers here!
This is a little 5x8 booklet which was a labor of love
by the McGeehan family, who have been longtime ERB fans. Thomas and his
brother John McGeehan were regular contributors to Caz's ERBdom in the
early days and later on Thomas and Mary teamed up to send quarterly contributions
to ERBapa. (John had passed away by then).
This book was not for sale but rather was distributed
free to members of ERBapa who received mailing No. 7, and also to members
of CAPA Alpha for mailing #250. CAPA-Alpha is an amateur press association
devoted to articles about comic books.
The Revised Edition of "Blackstoke," pictured on this
EVENTS page, has a cover which was done by Mary.
The original version of the story was published in Norb's
Notes #15a in June of 1962, which had a print run of 65 copies. A year
later it was printed in two parts in Dale Broadhurst's zine, The Burroughs
Reader #'s 4 and 5.
The 1985 book was completely revised and published by
House of Info #63 and Normal Bean News #6, Santa Ana, Calif.,
in the summer of ’85 and distributed via the two APAs in August and September..
The print run of "The Adventures of Lord Blackstoke"
was 300 copies. If 50 went to ERBapa members and supporters and 50 to CAPA-Alpha
members, that leaves 200 copies. I do know that Thomas sometimes mailed
copies to persons who became members of ERBapa in subsequent years, and
he may have done the same thing for CAPA-Alpha members, so that would account
for some. I don't know if Thomas is still around, but he could be, and
Mary and George attended a Dum Dum in L.A. in the 90s. They could still
have some copies.
Other than that, it seems to be rare and hard to find.
An internet search for it the other day turned up no results.
Not all ERB fans will like this story, but some will
appreciate this dark parody and the work which went into it. It can bring
a few smiles along the way. It is interesting to see a story written in
which the villains do a pretty good job of not making any mistakes.
*** Mary McGeehan Wild presented reviews of John
Coleman Burroughs' "Treasure of the Black Falcon."
Danton Burroughs and I recovered art, many copies, notes, etc. of his father's
book along with a trailer and van full of rare JCB material when we moved
the contents of one of JCB's storage lockers up to the main Tarzana Ranch
Mary McGeehan Wild: JCB's Treasure of the Black Falcon
Mary McGeehan Wild: JCB Falcon Review from Normal
ERBapa: Amateur Press Association
Raiding the Burroughs Treasure Vaults of Tarzana
*** 1943: "The
Infernal Castle," by
Rex Maxon and Don Garden, began
on the comic pages July 30, 1943, and ran for 52 days.
The Infernal Castle: 52 Tarzan Strips by Maxon
*** 1927: Ed
gave more reasons for not getting into the home movie hobby: "Every
once in a while we destroy a bunch of photographs that were taken several
years ago and which now make us appear ridiculous. What's the use of leaving
something to posterity that will make them ashamed of our poor taste and
sorry for our lack of intelligence? Caesar, Napoleon and George Washington
would be no great heroes if we had 16 mm movies of them."
ERB Bio Timeline

Frank Shonfeld with Danton Burroughs ~ Greystoke
Castle ~ Frank with Doreen and Frank Westwood
at London Screening ~ Sample ECOF Logos ~ Bob Lubbers'
Tarzan Strip
1990: Frank Shonfeld, "First of the All-Time Great ERB
Fans" and founder of the Edgar Rice Burroughs Chain of Friendship ECOF,
passed away this date. Frank Arthur Edward "Paul" Shonfeld was born in
West Croyden, Surrey, south of London in his father's home -- a tailor's
shop. He discovered the writings of ERB in 1921 by way of The Son of
Tarzan that was serialized in the weekly "Boy's Cinema" magazine.
Finding Burroughs' Tarzana address
that accompanied the story, he wrote the first of what would be many decades
of fan letters. Burroughs answered all the letters but unfortunately
the early letters and most of Frank's ERB collection were later lost when
his flat was firebombed during a WWII German air raid. Frank was honoured
with the British Empire Medal once, and by fellow ERB fans many times.
ERB super fan and scholar, Jim Thompson, carries on the ECOF name via his
ERB CHAIN OF FRIENDSHIP LISTSERV and his promotion of the annual ERB ECOF
Correspondence Between JCB and Frank Shonfeld
A tree was planted at Greystoke Castle in memory of
Shonfeld Articles, etc. in Fantastic Worlds of ERB
ECOF Gatherings
Our Jim Thompson Biblio-Pro-Phile - starting at:
ERBzine Photo of Shonfeld and Danton Burroughs
*** "Lost on an Island,"
by Rex Maxon and Don Garden, began July 31, 1941, and ran
through Dec. 5 on the daily comic strip page.
Lost on an Island: All the Maxon Tarzan Strips
*** "Attack of the Apes," by Bob Lubbers
and Burne Hogarth, began July 31, 1950, and ran for 40 days.
Attack of the Apes

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Text, ERB Images and Tarzan® are ©Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc.-
All Rights Reserved.
Original Work ©1996-2018/2021 by Bill Hillman and/or Contributing
part of this web site may be reproduced without permission from the respective