Edgar Rice Burroughs Tribute and Weekly Webzine Site
1996 ~ Over 15,000 Webpages in Archive
Collated by John Martin and
Bill Hillman
With Web Design, Added Events,
Illustrations and Photo Collages
by Bill Hillman
9 ~ AUG 10 ~ AUG 11
AUG 12 ~ AUG
13 ~ AUG 14
Click for full-size images
James and Joan Wedding & Tarzan Radio Show ~ Hillman Photos:
Pierces at Tarzana & Headstones ~ Hulbert birth announcement
Hully and Bill Hillman at Tarzana Office ~ Jack and Mom Emma
~ Jack and Jane with John, Dian, Danton ~ Burroughs Family ~ Joan, Hully,
*** 1900: The future son-in-law of Edgar Rice Burroughs was
born on Aug. 8, 1900, and -- on Aug. 8 and 91 years later -- a Burroughs
son - Hulbert - died. Ironically, Sue-On and I had met both Hulbert and
the Pierces during a visit to Tarzana, so these dates have special meaning
to us.
James H. Pierce, the son-in-law, was born in Freedom,
Indiana, one of three Tarzans to come from the Hoosier state, the other
two being Elmo Lincoln, born in Rochester in 1889, and Denny
Miller, born in 1934 in Bloomington.
James H. Pierce Autobiography
*** James Pierce grew up to star in the last Tarzan
silent, "Tarzan and the Golden Lion," 1927, where he got to meet
Karloff, who would turn into the Frankenstein monster four years later.
Tarzan and the Golden Lion
*** A year later, on Aug. 8, 1928, Pierce and Joan
Burroughs were married - Joan (20 years) and James Pierce (27 years)
-- at Tarzana Ranch. The date was also Pierce's birthday. Pierce, former
University of Indiana football star, was now working as a coach at the
University of Arizona. "The wedding went off as per
schedule and everyone seemed to think that it was a very lovely affair,
principally because of its simplicity. Joan was married on the knoll at
the east end of the lily ponds. It made a very pretty setting."
Ed rented an extra camera and Jack and Mr. Rothmund filmed
until dark, taking four reels of film. They had some difficulty as many
of the important shots had to be taken into the setting sun. Chris,
the stableman, the self-proclaimed "world's greatest photographer,"
was assigned the task of taking stills. "He succeeded
in getting two, one of which is good. This was the only disappointment
of the wedding as I had banked on having at least two or three dozen pictures."
"After the ceremony they made their escape without being seen, and after
driving around the Valley for several hours came back and hid under some
trees down the road until after the last of the guests were gone when they
came back to see us, which was mighty sweet of them."
James Pierce and Joan Burroughs Wedding
*** James and Joan wedding news:
*** Four years later, in September of 1932, they began
playing Tarzan and Jane on radio.
Tarzan on Radio starring James and Joan
*** James and Joan survived a few rocky relationships
in their marriage but enjoyed a long and fruitful marriage. They are buried
side by side in Shelbyville, IN. Their roles as Tarzan and Jane
are remembered on their headstones which we visited in 2003.
*** 2003: The Pierce Gravesite: During
one of our conversations at the Louisville 2003 Dum-Dum, Bob Hyde had reminded
us that Jim and Joan Burroughs Pierce were buried in Jim's hometown of
Shelbyville, Indiana, just a short distance from the freeway, but we had
no idea as to the cemetery's actual location.
We had met the Pierces over 30 years
ago in Tarzana, thanks to hospitality of Hulbert Burroughs, who had suggested
that we spend an extra day in Tarzana so that he could set up a meeting
between us. Although they were experiencing health problems, Jim and Joan
were warm and gracious people. Joan had recently gone through cancer treatments
and a mastectomy operation and Jim was recovering from a serious heart
attack, but they carried themselves with great poise. We promised to send
them tape reels from our OTR collection: 77 episodes of the 1932 Tarzan
radio serial they had starred in -- and they showed their appreciation
by sending us a huge box of ERB, Inc. books and dust jackets.
As we approached Shelbyville we were
diverted to sideroads by detours which led us past two country cemeteries.
Although it was raining I couldn't resist stopping and doing a fruitless
running search through the tombstones. Sue-On wisely stayed in the shelter
of the car -- but I got wet.
Things started to look up, however,
when we entered Shelbyville, a city of about 17,000. A large unusual
statue dominated the town square: a man in what appeared to be a buckskin
outfit was holding two animals -- probably bear cubs -- aloft. Aha!
This must be a tribute to hometown boy Jim Pierce who had worked in many
westerns after his Hollywood debut as Tarzan. Alas, the accompanying
Since it was Sunday, most of the stores
and businesses were closed but we remembered passing a hospital on the
way in. After backtracking to the hospital we got directions to the town's
main cemetery -- Forest Hill Cemetery -- but no one had heard of James
H. Pierce the actor. We followed Vine Street (an appropriate name) to the
second of two neighboring cemeteries. We were slightly boggled by the sight
that met us under the overcast, drizzling skies -- a huge sprawling tree-dotted
field of stones with no sign of a gravesite map, anyone on duty or Sunday
visitors. Our hopes soon rose, however, when we saw two very distinctive
grave markers in the shape of trees near the gate -- but there was no indication
that they had any connection with the Pierces.
When we looked again across the main
grounds our hunt appeared to be a hopeless task since the cemetery was
made up of acres of gravestones dating back through centuries, all
jumbled together with access by many winding and connecting roadways.
We knew that Jim and Joan's grave markers were side-by-side and were inscribed
with "Tarzan" and "Jane" so we started a long slow drive around the grounds.
We were about to give up when Sue-On's eagle eye spotted a large "PIERCE"
tombstone. Looking closer we discovered two small footstones between
the roadway and the large Pierce family stone. An accompanying larger monument
that had been planned obviously had never materialized. Success! The accompanying
photos tell the rest of the story of this visit.
Gravesite of James and Joan Burroughs Pierce
Forest Hills Cemetery ~ Shelbyville, Indiana
James Pierce passed away Dec. 11, 1983.
*** 1991: The ERB son who died Aug. 8, 1991, was the
second of ERB's three children, Hulbert. August was also the month
Hulbert was born, coming into the world on the 12th in 1909.
*** 1913: John Coleman Burroughs, Hulbert's younger
brother, was a February man, born on Feb. 28 in 1913 and leaving this world
on George Washington's birthday in 1979.
*** 1972 Joan, the eldest, was born Jan. 12, 1908.
She didn't quite make it to a January, passing away on New Year's Eve in
*** Joan Burroughs Tribute: 5 Pages
*** Hulbert Burroughs:
Hulbert Burroughs Collection
*** John Coleman Burroughs
JCB Memories
*** 2019: Ernesto Colón Sierra (1931.07.13-2019.08.08)
died on this date. Ernie was born in Puerto Rico and was raised in mainland
USA. He was a popular comics artist (Penciller, Artist, Inker, Editor,
Letterer), known for his wide-ranging career illustrating children's, superhero,
and horror comics, as well as mainstream nonfiction.
Colon began his professional career at Harvey Comics
and went on to Gold Key, Marvel (he worked on a number of John Carter
comics), Warren (Creepy, Eerie and Vampirella), DC, and many more including
comic strips.
ERBzine Comics Archive
ERB's Lost On Venus written at MALIBU SUMMER HOME:
Beach Area and Home Interior
with Ed and Tarzan Sheepdog ~ TARZANA RANCH: Aerial
View and Living Room Interior
*** 1931: Edgar Rice Burroughs purchased a summer
home in
Malibu, the L.A. Times reported on Aug. 9, 1931.
It was a 7-room, Mediterranean-style house. The $25,000 home had a 40-foot
ocean frontage.
"Edgar Rice Burroughs was named unofficial Mayor of Malibu
by his neighbors on La Costa Beach in 1932. Burroughs was a literary phenomenon.
He wrote dozens of bestselling pulp fiction stories set in exotic locales
and filled with noble savages, aristocratic heroes, damsels in distress
and despicable villains. His output included 25 Tarzan novels and 10 set
on Mars, in addition to stories about a hidden world full of prehistoric
wonders at the center of the earth, travels to Venus—which the science
of the era envisioned as a jungle planet, westerns, historical romances
and a series of contemporary adventures
involving an alcoholic prizefighter.
"Today the location, along La Costa
Beach, is known as the Malibu Wall, with so many vacation homes along the
sandy shores that passing motorists have barely a view of the blue Pacific.
But back then it was a place to go to relax and watch the seagulls. The
1930s were a prolific decade for Burroughs.,
"the official Edgar Rice Burroughs Tribute Website" lists fifteen
titles that were published during the period when Burroughs was active
in Malibu, including, Tarzan and the City of Gold, 1931; Pirates
of Venus, 1931; Tarzan and the Lion Man, 1933; Swords of
Mars, 1933; Tarzan’s Quest, 1934; Tarzan the Magnificent,
1935; and Back to the Stone Age, 1935."
Then and now photos and other info
ERB Malibu Summer Home
*** 1931: During the years that
Ed owned his summer getaway in Malibu, 15 new novels were written
by ERB. But one, "Lost on Venus," is believed to have been entirely
written when he was in residence there.
Lost On Venus:
Read the Lost On Venus in e-Text HERE
*** ERB HOUSES: 1875-1950: LOCATIONS
"My father was born in a house in Massachusetts that
was built in 1741. His father owned it. My father never owned a home of
his own. He lived for forty years in the same rented house in Chicago,
although he was a wealthy man and could easily have afforded to own a home.
I was born in that rented house. It
was home to me in the real sense of the word, because my father and mother
made it a home; but it lacked something - it could not impart pride in
ownership nor a sense of permanency. One result was an ambition to own
my own house.
I have lived in several houses in
several cities. Two of them, in Illinois, I owned, and two in Southern
California. But I have never lived long enough in one place to acquire
a solid sense of permanency, which has always appeared to me to connote
security. And home and security seem almost synonomous (sic), for home
is sanctuary.
Yet my homes were real homes in every
respect other than permanency. They had comfortable furniture, selected
because it was what we wanted and not because it represented any period,
nor because some interior decorator told us to get it. It represented us.
Perhaps a lot of it didn't harmonize, but at least our home did not look
like the show window of a furniture store.
Our home had children, and dogs, and
white rats, and horses. It had books, and easy chairs in which to read
them. Our friends and our children's friends were welcome there.
And so, to me, home is where the children
are and love and companionship and dogs and security and horses and ownership
and white rats and books and permanence." ~ Edgar Rice Burroughs ~ Tarzana,
Home by Edgar Rice Burroughs
ERB Homes 1875-1919
ERB Homes 1919-1950
"Where was he when he wrote that?"
*** 2015: The baloney that Tarzan
is related to Anna and Elsa of "Frozen," a rumour started by co-director
Chris Buck on MTV on Aug. 9, 2015, needs no debunking among ERB readers,
but The Daily Dot does so for all of those who would like the Pixar and
Disney versions of various classics to all be tied together in one universe:
Off-Site Reference:
Connection Debunked
*** 1914: ERB's letter was printed in All-Story-Cavalier's
"Heart to Heart Talks" column: Tarzan Burroughs Outlines His Plans
For The Future
*** 1918: ERB Contributed The Creator of Tarzan
to Book News Monthly
The Creator of Tarzan
*** 1918: ERB received $1000 from Red Book Corp. for
motion picture rights to Oakdale Affair. World Film Co.produced
it as a 5-reeler a year later
The Oakdale Affair: ERBzine C.H.A.S.E.R. Biblio
Oakdale Affair to read in e-Text
Oakdale Affair: The Film
*** 1922: Ed started to write Beware!
After finishing The Moon Maid, Ed abandoned
the Ediphone and returned to writing directly on the typewriter. He thought
that this made for more action and a better knit story. (In later years,
however, he returned to the use of a dictating machine, the Dictaphone.)
The need for a respite from the jungle and fantasy stories
prompted him to seek for ideas elsewhere, but in the new writing he resorted
to an overused theme — intrigue centering about the monarchy in a miniature
kingdom. "Beware," written from August 9 to 31, 1922, features the plotting
of revolutionaries to seize power in Assuria.
In sending the 24,000-word story to
Davis, Burroughs suggested that the editor read the prologue last to see
what the effect would be. In this case the early events in Assuria would
emerge at the end as a type of additional denouement. Davis' evaluation
of "Beware," sent on September 12, 1922, was one of blunt disapproval:
. I think Beware is the nearest approach to mediocrity that ever came from
your pen, and Lord, Edgar, how did you come to fall back among the Russians,
the Grand Dukes, Prince Alexander, Crown Princes, then drag them and their
descendants along with Saranov down to the present day. That whole bunch
smell to high heaven in fiction... .
One rejection had never been
convincing to Burroughs, and the usual list of submissions followed which
met with even more rejections. Finally, in 1939, "Beware" was purchased
by Raymond Palmer, editor of Fantastic Adventures, for $245. With some
of the characters and plot elements changed by Palmer, and the time setting
projected to the year 2190, "Beware" was now transformed from a
hodgepodge royal intrigue-detective mystery novelette to a science-fiction
story and published in the July 1939 issue of the magazine, where it somehow
acquired the incongruous title of "The Scientists Revolt."
Beware!/The Scientists Revolt: ERBzine C.H.A.S.E.R.
Read Beware! in e-Text Pulp Edition
Read The Scientists Revolt
*** 1928: Joan and Jim, the
newlyweds, come home to Tarzana to say good-bye and then leave in
Jim's car for Indiana to visit his people and then on to Coldwater
and Chicago to see relatives of Ed and Emma.
*** 1944: Ed lost 25 cents in a card game at Mildred's.
He had time to write more entries in his notebook.
ERB Bio Timeline Notes
ERB Odyssey Perpetual Calendar: August
Ray "Crash" Corrigan in & out of his many ape
costumes ~ Corrigan's first role: Tarzan the Ape Man
The Hillmans' visit to Corrigan Movie Ranch ~ Jungle
Jim & Bill at Hideout Rock ~ Girl from Hollywood covers
*** In Brookings Harbor, Oregon, on Aug. 10, 1976, Ray
"Crash" Corrigan passed away. Crash was born in Milwaukee in 1902 under
the name of Ray Benard or, some say, Ray Benitz.
His first recorded movie role was as an ape in 1932's
"Tarzan the Ape-Man." The role was an uncredited one, and Corrigan
was to go on to play apes or gorillas in many other movies, including "Tarzan
and His Mate." He must have loved playing apes, because he took both
credited and non-credited roles and would play an ape whether it was the
minor or major character in a film. His roles included an uncredited one
in "Bela Lugose Meets a Brooklyn Gorilla," and he played opposite John
Wayne in some of his outings as one of the Three Mesquiteers in that long-running
B western series. Fan Rob Donkers has noted that Corrigan was also
Weissmuller's stunt double on several occasions.
And, according to the
late D. Peter Ogden, publisher of ERBania, "Crash also costarred,
sort of, with Frank Merrill in 'The White Gorilla.'This cheapo
film was primarily made up of footage from Frank Merrill’s silent serial
'Perils of the Jungle,' with Crash describing the action, as his character
is supposedly watching it all happen, from behind a bush! When I first
saw it on TV in the late seventies, I thought it hilarious, but I was fascinated
because I had never seen any footage of Frank Merrill in action and it
would be many years later before 'Tarzan the Tiger' became available.".
And you can add Bruce Bennett to the mix. He may
not have been in a movie with Crash Corrigan, but he did share at least
one poster with him: I have a framed black and white movie poster (a little
too large to scan) that I picked up in an antique store many years ago.
The poster was for the Centre Theatre at 422 Centre Street (town or state
not named, but elsewhere it says "2nd Trenton Showing," so maybe it was
New Jersey). It advertises a twin bill which was playing at the theatre
for "3 - Big Days - 3." on June 24-26 of some year. At the top it says
"2 of the Wildest Adventures Ever Filmed" and below that, on the left,
is an illustration of Bruce Bennett as Tarzan with arms folded and on the
right is an illo of a white ape carrying a woman who's wearing something
akin to a one-piece bathing suit.
In between the two illustrations it reads:
SEE Fighting Elephants, Snarling Lions, Ferocious
Leopards, Monkeys, Hyenas, Wild Buffalo, Dangerous Rhinos.
The Black and White Gorillas Locked in a Death Struggle!
Tarzan Battling Lions - Savages - Alligators - Tigers
On the bottom it identifies the movies: ...with the
The New Adventures of Tarzan and on the right,
with no stars listed, it just says: The White Gorilla.
Across the bottom is the claim: 1001 - Amazing Jungle
Thrills - 1001 ~ Also at the bottom it says "Free Comic Books for the Children".
*** During our visits
to Tarzana Sue-On and I often drive over to Simi Valley.
The two main attractions there are the Reagan
Library/Museum and the Corriganville
Movie Ranch. Our first visit there was during the Brews and
Blue Festival held at the site. A movie buff pointed out the many locations
that may be seen in so many films -- many of them featuring Ray "Crash"
Corrigan who even lived on the grounds in the old Western Village.
Sadly, much of the site has been destroyed
by fires, but we spent the afternoon exploring the cement pond containing
a waterproof structure where cameras filmed underwater scenes, "entering"
the cave featured in Nyoka, etc., admiring the unique vegetation
of Sherwood Forest, marvelling at the RR tunnel, crawling under
the huge "hideout rock" and distinctive trees and climbing the famous towering
rocks - all of which can be seen in a multitude of Western, Jungle, and
Adventure movies.
Only the foundations remain of the Silvertown Western
Village and Fort Apache, but we took photos of it all. When
we needed a rest after all the rock climbing we retreated under the trees
where tents and kiosks were set up for us to enjoy local brews before moving
over to the stage to listen to blues/rock bands.
Even after the many decades since his passing, Crash
Corrigan's name and legacy are still very much alive. There are signs all
around the area identifying the famous film locations. Many of the photos
of these visits are shared in our ERBzine pages.
Hillmans Visit Corriganville Movie Ranch - 8 Pages:
Ted McKosky's Discusses Crash Corrigan
Tarzan the Ape Man
Off-Site Reference:
Ray Corrigan biography
*** 1923: The Girl from Hollywood was
published by The Macauley Company ~ 320 pages ~ Heins word count: 67,000
~ in a deal set up by Bob Davis. Reviews were highly critical. The semi-autographical
story was illustrated by P. J. Monahan.
"My father did considerable research
on the story and our ranch was used as the basis for the background. Dad
even instilled some of my speeches and mannerisms into the character of
one of the girls. He believed very much in this story and always felt that
it was killed quickly by certain Hollywood elements." ~ Joan Burroughs
The Special Centennial Edition of
this book was published by ERB,
Inc. in 2021
The Girl from Hollywood: ERB C.H.A.S.E.R. Biblio
Girl from Hollywood: Read in e-Text
ERB's Tarzana Ranch was the inspiration for The Girl
From Hollywood by Bill Hillman
ERBzine Multiple features on The Girl From Hollywood
2021 Centennial Edition from ERB, Inc.
Burroughs Bulletin feature edition on the Girl from
A 12-page coverage by Woodrow Edgar Nichols,
Jr. starting at:
Artist PJ Monahan Tribute
*** 1945: Hulbert relayed
news from Hickam Field that the war was over.
ERB Bio Timeline
Peter Cushing as Abner Perry in At the Earth's
Core ~ Barsoom (Mars) Moons: Thuria (Phobos) and Cluros (Deimos)
Ray Bradbury and Mentor ERB ~ 1917 Tarzan
Ape Costumes in Louisiana ~ ERB's Daily Events Cartoons
*** 2011: An article which quoted
Ray Bradbury sounding
out high praise for the works of Edgar Rice Burroughs was updated on Aug.
11, 2011. Read Bradbury's praise of ERB in ERBzine. In the photo Ray Bradbury
had to go shirtless on a day when the temperature reached 451 Fahrenheit.
"I love to say it because it upsets
everyone terribly - Burroughs is probably the most influential writer in
the entire history of the world. By giving romance and adventure to a whole
generation of boys, Burroughs caused them to go out and decide to become
special. That's what we have to do for everyone, give the gift of life
with our books. Say to a girl or boy at age ten: Hey, life is fun! Grow
tall! I've talked to more biochemists and more astronomers and technologists
in various fields, who, when they were ten years old, fell in love with
John Carter and Tarzan and decided to become something romantic. Burroughs
put us on the moon."
"I went home to Mars often when I
was eleven and twelve and every year since, and the astronauts with me,
as far as the Moon to start, but Mars by the end of the century for sure,
Mars by 1999. We have commuted because of Mr. Burroughs. Because of him
we have printed the Moon. Because of him and men like him, one day in the
next five centuries, we will commute forever, we will go away . . . And
never come back. And so live forever."
Ray Bradbury Remembers ERB
Bradbury: Praise for the Legacy of ERB
Off-Site Reference
on Burroughs
*** 1877: Jasoomian Asaph Hall
discovered the two moons of Mars on Aug. 11, 1877. Unaware that
the satellites already had been named by the Barsoomian inhabitants of
the Red Planet, he designated them for the Greek mythological twins Phobos
(panic/fear) and Deimos (terror/dread) who accompanied their father
Ares, god of war, into battle.
Phobos is the larger of the two moons but its orbit it
too close to Mars for comfort and in 50 million years, should the Solar
System last that long, it will either crash into the planet or break up
and form a ring around it. The proper name of Phobos among Martians is
while the correct name for Deimos is Cluros.
Thuria, we ERB fans know, is inhabited
by blue-haired Tarids, who can make themselves invisible, and by vicious
one-eyed, two-mouthed cat people. John Carter learned this when he traveled
there from Barsoom. Thuria is much smaller than Barsoom and its inhabitants
are proportionately smaller than Martians so that, to the Thurians, their
world appears as big as Barsoom does to its surface dwellers. An anamoly
is in place in which those traveling from Barsoom to Thuria slowly shrink,
along with their spaceship, so that they are the size of the Thurians by
the time they arrive.
Secret of Thuria I by Den Valdron
Secret of Thuria II by Den Valdron
Swords of Mars: ERB C.H.A.S.E.R. Biblio
Barsoom Gazetteer and Glossary by Huck
Swords of Mars: Read the e-Text edition
Marking Time On Burroughs' Barsoom
Off-Site Reference:
Glossary in ERBlist
Summary of Swords/Mars
*** 1994: The man who stitched together
the Frankenstein monster and destroyed Dracula (temporarily) also won a
spot in the ERB Movie Hall of Fame, being the only man to bring Abner Perry
to the screen. That man was Peter Cushing, who passed away Aug.
11, 1994, in Canterbury, England.
Cushing co-starred in ERB's "At
the Earth's Core" in 1976, opposite Doug McClure, who played
David Innes.
Besides his many outings in Hammer horror films, Cushing
is also remembered for his role as Grand Moff Tarkin in the first "Star
Wars." He was probably the only man in that universe who could tell Darth
Vader to knock it off, when Vader monkeyed around with a fellow officer
by using The Force to take his breath away.
At the Earth's Core: ERBzine Silver Screen
At the Earth's Core: Lobby Display
Off-Site Reference
*** 1917: The Moving Picture World
magazine reports that National Film's Los Angeles studio is preparing for
the production of Tarzan of the Apes and is making ape costumes.
Tarzan of the Apes 1918: Film Factoids
Al Bohl Research: Tarzan of Louisiana Jungle
*** 1905: Ed continued documenting
many of the daily events in his life with a series of cartoons from
1905 and 1906. I took photos of these cartoons from Danton's Burroughs
Family Archive to share with our ERBzine readers.
Captions for the Cartoons include: My Valentine - Saint
Jessica: The Beautiful and Good ~ The Ladder of Fame: "Come on down and
have a drink" ~ The Two Terriers ~ Jessie The Mermaid ~ Blanche and Maud
~ "The window shutter blew the side of the house out last night" x x x
~ "Spell it? I can't spell it." ~ The Lizzie ~ In 1906: The Pussie
~ COLDWATER ~ In 1906: Whose Dem? Dose is my wealty realtives. ~ THE BLOW
ALMOST KILLED POOR FATHER "As I says to him, I seen them people." Window
Sill "Here there! You can't do that to my brother-in-law." MERRY SUNSHINE
These sketches by ERB give a new dimension to my daily
ERB events projects in Annotated
Calendar ~ Bio Timeline
and this Illustrated ERB Events
ERB's Cartoons of his Daily Events II: 1905/1906
ERB's Cartoons of his Daily Events I: 1905/1906
ERB's Cartoons of his Daily Events III: 1905/1906
ERB's Cartoons of his Daily Events IV: 1907 Sister
Jessie in Europe
ERB's Cartoons of his Daily Events V: Park Ave Characters
ERB's Cartoons of his Daily Events VI: School Days
- Military Academy
ERB's Cartoons of his Daily Events VII: Wild West
- Cavalry Days
ERB's Cartoons of his Daily Events VIII: Political
ERB's Cartoons of his Daily Events VIII: Home and
ERB's Cartoons of his Daily Events VIII: Poetry
ERB's Cartoons of his Daily Events VIII: Colour
ERB Perpetual Annotated Calendar
ERB and Ralpph Rothmund, longtime trusted secretary
of ERB, Inc. ~ Hulbert Burroughs: camping, WWII photographer,
with JCB, Danton, Bob Clampett, at ERB's desk during
Hillman visit ~ ERB Registration card for the Great War
*** 1909: Hulbert Burroughs (1909.08.12-1991.08.08),
first-born son of Edgar Rice Burroughs, was born this date in 1909.
ERB dedicated "The Son of Tarzan" to Hulbert but
ERB fans in search of a first state first edition of that title aren't
keen to find his name on the flyleaf!
Porges wrote: "Tarzan of the Apes" had
been dedicated by Ed to his wife, Emma, and continuing this practice, he
dedicated succeeding novels to members of his family.... On Dec. 3, 1916,
Ed told the publisher: "Please see that this book
[Son] is dedicated to Hulbert Burroughs and win my undying regards."
the publisher mistakenly left it out. However, in later printings, it was
added. So, as all ERB collectors know, a first edition of "Son"
is a first state if there is no dedication, and later editions are identified
by the fact that there is one! Patrick Ewing's website
on ERB first editions tells some of the fine points for identifying first
editions such as "The Son of Tarzan" and other ERB books.
Sue-On and I have fond memories of
our two days spent with Hully at the ERB, Inc. offices back in 1971 - a
warm and wonderful host. He shared memories of his dad and showed us around
the offices and then out to the warehouse that was full of ERB merchandise
and memorabilia, but still showing the effects of the fire started by combustible
old silent Tarzan film nitrate stock. He was kind enough to invite us back
the next afternoon to meet his sister Joan and her husband James Pierce,
who were driving in from Apple Valley for a board meeting. An unforgettable
experience. We've shared some of the photos on our ERBzine pages.
During WWII, Hully moved to Hawaii
to spend time with his father who was still recovering from the shock of
the recent split from Florence. They both witnessed the Jap attack on Pearl
Harbor as the attacking planes flew in over their heads while they were
playing a Sunday morning tennis match. Hully joined the American Forces
and became a well-known combat photographer. Ed joined the BMTC and later
served as the oldest war correspondent in the Pacific Theatre. The exploits
of both, including many of Ed's wartime articles are shared across my ERBzine
Ed flew bomber missions and sailed
to many islands in the Pacific -- adventures which he described in his
news articles. He made extensive notes during this time. When he returned
to Honolulu after a long mission to New Caledonia and beyond during December
1942-April 1943, Hully requested that he record these memories for the
family to read. This he did by typing out a 50-page journal.
Many years later Danton and I were
working on our Burroughs Family tributes he shared these pages with me.
While Dan was alive I summarized and illustrated the events. After Danton's
death I completed the project by scanning the pages as well as transcribing
and illustrating the events -- all which I shared in a series of Webpages
starting at: ERBzine
6800. Thanks to Hully's love of family and encouraging his dad
to record the events . . . and Danton's later efforts in sharing them,
this amazing document is now preserved for our millions of readers to enjoy.
"Hulbert asked for it. So I shall set it down
for my children, my children's children,
and any one else dumb enough to want to read it."
~ Ed Burroughs
Meet Hulbert Burroughs
The Hulbert Burroughs Collection
The Son of Tarzan: ERB C.H.A.S.E.R Entry
Hulbert Burroughs Photo Collage
The Hillmans visit with Hully in Tarzana
ERB's Wartime Journals: Dec. 1942-Apr. 1943
Off-Site Reference
Ewing's First Editions
*** 1918: August 12-26: ERB joined
his company of six other Oak Park men in training at Camp Steever,
Geneva Lake, Illinois. The training was physically demanding and they often
worked into the night with field maneuvers and trench work. A slow dresser,
Ed took advantage of the permission granted swimmers to turn out for the
Reveille formation in bathing suits and after the set-up exercises ttook
a dip in the lake. He looked forward to the frequent swims in the lake
as a break from camp life:
(Weston Letter Sept 4): "Geneva
is a deep, clear-water lake. The water is never warm and the swimming is
fine. It is one of the deepest lakes of its size in the country and goes
right off within a few feet of the shore into deep water. At one place
Government soundings show it to be 1027 ft. deep but I did not go down
to verify the report. I derived considerable benefit from the training,
especially in the matter of the new spirit of military instruction. I believe
three months intensive training in an officer's training camp would make
me a regular guy again as I feel that I as after my five years at Orchard
Lake. I notice in the new draft law that bald headed men with three children
are to be put into A-1 class so I suppose you and I will soon be in the
front line trenches." He was later promoted to major and to the
command of the First Battalion, Second Infantry of the Illinois Reserves.
Edgar Rice Burroughs Registration Card for the Great
*** 2012: Joseph Kubert (1926.09.18-2012.08.12)
died on this date. Joe was a Polish-born American comic book artist, art
teacher, and founder of The Kubert School. He is best known for his work
on the DC Comics characters Tarzan, Sgt. Rock and Hawkman. He is also known
for working on his own creations, such as Tor, Son of Sinbad, and the Viking
Prince, and, with writer Robin Moore, the comic strip Tales of the Green
In the 1950s, he became managing editor of St. John Publications
that produced the first 3-D comic books. 3-D Mighty Mouse sold a remarkable
1.2 million copies at 25 cents apiece at a time when comics cost a dime.
I remember buying this issue off the stands back then. I was hooked
on 3-D from then on and bought most of the long line of these comics as
they came out.
Kubert served as DC Comics' director of publications
from 1967 to 1976 and initiated titles based on such Edgar Rice Burroughs
properties Tarzan and Korak. Comics historian Les Daniels noted that Kubert's
"scripts and artwork ranked among the most authentic and effective ever
seen." He produced adaptation that Burroughs aficionados could respect.
Kubert was inducted into the Harvey Awards' Jack Kirby
Hall of Fame in 1997, and the Will Eisner Comic Book Hall of Fame in 1998.
Joe Kubert: Self-effacing genius
Joe Kubert's DC Tarzan Comics
Joe Kubert Tarzan Cover Collages
*** 1932: ERB received his feature
article "Men Who Make the Argosy" in Argosy Magazine.
Men Who Make the Argosy: ERB's Article
*** 1941: Ed instructed his
children to elect Ralph Rothmund president of Edgar Rice Burroughs,
Inc. and to look after him financially.
ERB Bio Timeline
The Land That Time Forgot: 1975 Film Poster, Amazing Pulp Cover,
1st Ed. Frontispiece ~ German Sub: U-33 ~
Mildred Jensen and Ralph Rothmund at ERB, Inc. ~ Mike Pierce:
with Vern Coriell, Lex Barker, ERB, wife Jan ~ ERB last photos
*** 1975: ERB fans went to the movies on Aug. 13, 1975, and
the days following, to see the big screen version of one of their favorite
ERB novels, "The Land That Time Forgot."
Since enough non-ERB fans also went to see the movie,
the producer, Amicus Productions of Great Britain, continued turning
to ERB for two other films," The People That Time Forgot" and "At
the Earth's Core."
ERB was not reluctant to write stories
with multiple plot lines, and he had plenty of them in his original novel,
to which the movie was remarkably true. Not only were people stranded on
an island full of dinosaurs, but there was also the story line of constant
conflict with the crew of a German submarine with whom they were stranded,
and conflicts with tribes of people who exhibited various stages of development.
Details on film version, which contained the three plot elements listed
above are featured in the ERBzine coverage.
The submarine of the novel was the
Germany has had more than one U-33 over the years. The one it had during
World War I, the setting for ERB's novel, sank 13 enemy ships during the
war to end all wars before coming to an end itself in 1918:
The Land That Time Forgot: 1975 Film
The Land That Time Forgot: 1918 Book
Read ERB's LTF Trilogy in e-Text
Off-Site Reference
Sub UB-33
*** 1933: Mildred Bernard Jensen
was hired Aug. 13, 1933, as a secretary to assist Ralph Rothmund
who, himself had been hired as secretary to ERB, six years earlier, Scott
Tracy Griffin reports on page 280 of "Tarzan: The Centennial Celebration."
In a chapter titled "Edgar Rice Burroughs, Incorporated," Griffin
tells the story of ERB forming his corporation to handle business affairs
that were getting more complex. Both Jensen and Rothmund served as longtime
employees of ERB Inc.
When Rothmund retired in 1963, the
daily business of ERB Inc. reverted to members of the ERB family. That
was also around the time when the Burroughs paperback boom was already
under way. And when the family took over they turned up more fodder for
the publishers of that era when, as Griffin wrote, "they
found a bounty of unpublished manuscripts in the safe, totaling half a
million words."
Tracy has one of her with Rothmund in his book which
is also featured in the ERB Photo Album.
Jensen and Rothmund in the ERB Photo Album
Jensen and Rothmund: Many references in ERBzine
*** 1934: James Michael Pierce
was born to Jim and Joan (Burroughs) Pierce on this date.
Nationwide Press Release: FIRST TARZAN
HAS A SON: Daughter of Edgar Rice Burroughs Is Its Mother ~ Associated
Press Release: Hollywood, Cal., August 14 (13), 1934 -- A son was born
today to James Pierce, the original Tarzan of the movies, and his wife,
the former Joan Burroughs, daughter of Tarzan's creator, Edgar Rice Burroughs.
The father entered motion pictures in 1927, and played the part of Tarzan
in "Tarzan and the Golden Lion." Pierce also played in "Ladies of the Mob,"
"Fast Company" and other pictures.
He was ERB's first grandson. Mike
went to Harvard Military Academy in Studio City where he graduated with
honours and went on to attend Arizona State University, Colorado College
and the Naval Aviation program at Pensacola, Florida. He played on
the football and basketball teams and was a champion swimmer and diver.
He married Jan Watts of Whittier, California after graduation and
they had a son, James Christian Pierce, on August 26, 1961, followed
by two daughters: Brooke and Courtney. Mike had often flown
with his father in the aircraft that Jim had used for his real estate dealings
and obviously inherited his father's love of flying as he became
a decorated Marine pilot in Viet Nam.
Mike appears in a photo with Vern
Coriell, Lex Barker, and his grandfather in a photo taken on the Tarzan
and the Slave Girl set. The other photo taken during this shoot
featured ERB with daughter Joan, daughter-in-law, Jane, and
Barker. These last photos taken of Edgar Rice Burroughs were
shared with ERBzine by Danton Burroughs from his Burroughs Family
Jim Pierce's Bio on son Mike
Joan Burroughs Family Tribute Pages
ERB Last Photo: Tarzan and Slave Girl set
ERB's Wartime Lettert to Young
Mike Pierce
Off-Site Reference
Burroughs' electric car Chicago 1893 ~ Mecca Ave. Car ~ WWII
Army Jeep ~ Ed's Cord ~ Camping Vehicles ~ Republic Truck
Burroughs Horse and Trees ~ Ed's DooDad Aircraft ~ Hully
and ERB ~ PM Amazing Pulp ~ Hully Bookplate ~ Last License

*** 1945: My ERBzine ERB Bio timeline reports that the "parking
lot incident" occurred in Hawaii on this day in 1945. On that
date in history the Japanese surrendered to the U.S. and ERB celebrated
the end of the war with friends and Hulbert who brought his fiancée
Thrasher, but ERB was not about to surrender to the jerk who stole
his parking place. My records come from Danton's archives and other sources
close to ERB Inc. Porges, however, indicates Burroughs wrote of the actual
incident in his diary under Aug. 17. Without the entire diary page, it's
hard to tell what day he was referring to, but maybe he was just then getting
around to writing what had happened a few days before. Ed was arrested
after a parking lot altercation with another motorist. In any case, in
Porges, p. 648, the ERB biographer writes:
"Ed also had
an unexpected experience with the police. As he started to back his car
into a stall in a parking lot, the place was snatched from under his nose
by another motorist. Angered, Ed called the man a name and in other strong
language ordered him to get out. His diary entry of the seventeenth reported
the consequences:
'About 10:30 two policemen came
in a police car and arrested me. They took me to the police station. Phil
[Bird] & Lt. Middleton followed in Phil's car. I was booked and posted
$25.00 bail.'
"Inclined to view the whole affair
as a joke, he added, 'We had a good time and it was like old home week.'
However, in court the next day his attitude was quite different. He pleaded
not guilty to the charges the man had preferred against him, and the trial
was set for the twenty-second.It was very humiliating,' Ed wrote. At the
scheduled trial Ed was advised by the prosecuting attorney and bailiff
to 'walk out' and forfeit his bail, since a group of reporters was waiting
and adverse publicity would undoubtedly result. Ed took this advice and
the matter was dropped."
My ERBzine ERB Bio timeline for the war years:
The Burroughs Boys
ERB: The War Years
Tarzana Tales
*** 1885: It wasn't the first time
Ed had a brush with the law over a parking dispute. In 1885 Ed experienced
many adventures while working as a bill collector for the Knickerbocker
Ice Company in Grand Crossing, Ill. In Porges, p. 49, we read:
most ludicrous adventure as a bill collector [in Grand Crossing, a suburb
of Chicago] came when he 'parked' his horse, tying it to a tree in front
of a house. He had several stops to make at homes nearby. He had failed
to notice that the horse was stationed near some young trees and also that
the horse was hungry. 'When I returned,' he said, 'I found that he had
eaten the trees and that an irate householder was waiting for me.' The
householder happened to be Lt. Bondfield of the Chicago Police Department.
Bondfield told him off in emphatic language and then sent for one of his
sergeants who lived nearby. Ed was placed under arrest. He described what
" 'I was taken
to the Police Station, and put in a cell in the basement. It was a Saturday
afternoon and the Lieutenant evidently planned to keep me there until Monday,
for no effort was made to reach either my employers or my father, but I
succeeded in making such a damned nuisance of myself that they finally
got in touch with the Knickerbocker Ice Company and I was released on bail.
Monday, when I appeared in court, my father and the judge discovered that
they had won the Civil War together and Lieutenant Bondfield learned that
I was going back to Michigan Military Academy as assistant commandant,
where one of his sons was a cadet, so we all kissed and made up.' "
As for the horse, it probably thought
Ed was a pretty nice guy to tether him so close to all those good-eatin'
*** 1921: Ed had another fender bender in
1921: April 3: 6 PM: Ed's Packard was hit by a dangerous driver on Ventura
Boulevard. He sent a letter to the Automobile Club asking them to prosecute
the driver, the likes of whom should be kept off the roads. "Only
my good driving prevented a serious accident."
*** ERB's final traffic incident
occurred in 1948 on April 9. The Los Angeles Times reported that ERB was
at fault in a three-car accident on Ventura Boulevard outside the ERB offices.
This was an unfortunate close to Ed's long love affair with motor vehicles
and long road trips.
ERB Bio Timeline
*** 1911: Ed used his new office
to complete the first half of his Mars story - working titles include "My
First Adventure on Mars" and "The Green Martians." He then submitted
his unfinished, 12-chapter, 43,000-word, 180-page manuscript to All-Story
Magazine. He decided to use the title Dejah Thoris, Martian Princess
by Normal Bean. The return address was that of the Champlin-Yardly
Company, 222 West Kinzie St., Chicago and typing appears to have been done
by the company secretary. After November 11 his return address woudd be
the home address of 20098 Park Avenue.
This Mars tale - ERB's first pubished
work - appeared in All-Story the next year bearing the title: Under
the Moons of Mars with the embarrassing pseudonym, Norman Bean.
The typesetter obviously thought that "Normal" was a spelling error. Ed
had jokingly chosen Normal Bean to indicate that this wild imaginative
story had been written by someone with a sane head. From then on his stories
almost always credited his real name: Edgar Rice Burroughs. He never liked
the name Edgar and preferred that friends and associates address him as
Ed. Personal letters to family were often signed OB - Old Burroughs.
A Princess of Mars
The Pulps
Princess Pulp Cover Collage
*** 1920: August 14 - December 16:
the Terrible was written. Munsey's All-Story bought it for $3,000.
Tarzan the Terrible

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