Edgar Rice Burroughs Tribute and Weekly Webzine Site
1996 ~ Over 15,000 Webpages in Archive
Collated by John Martin and
Bill Hillman
With Web Design, Added Events,
Illustrations and Photo Collages
by Bill Hillman
2 ~ OCT 3
5 ~ OCT 6 ~ OCT 7
Click for full-size images
J. Allen St. John: ERB's Favourite Illustrator ~ St.
John Portrait ~ ERB by St. John ~ St. John in Studio
Tarzan and the Golden Lion and Warlord
of Mars Covers ~ First interiors: Return of Tarzan and Beasts
of Tarzan
*** 1872: James Allen St. John (1872.10.01-1957.05.23)
was born on this date in Chicago.
ERB wrote a prologue to "Tarzan Triumphant" which
says "Time is the warp of the tapestry which is life,
but "the woof is gathered together from the four corners of the earth...."
"A thread from here, a thread from
there, another from out of the past that has waited years for the companion
thread without which the picture must be incomplete."
ERB himself was a thread from here, and J. Allen St.
John was a thread from there. At a certain time, in 1915, the two threads
began interacting, with St. John's chapter heading illustrations for "The
Return of Tarzan." That led to St. John doing a wraparound dust cover
illustration for "The Beasts of Tarzan" in 1916, and author and
illustrator were to collaborate memorably on book and pulp illustrations
for over a quarter of a century
When he was just one month shy of
his third birthday, another boy was born in the same town. The boy's name
was Edgar Rice Burroughs and the date was Sept. 1, 1875.
St. John had an artistic mother who introduced him to
the world of art and artists and little St. John was "sketching
and painting before I could read and write."
Ed Burroughs did not have novelists for parents and,
as any ERB fan knows, tried a variety of occupations throughout his early
life before creating Tarzan and John Carter. He did begin writing years
before he was published, however, and especially loved poetry and writing
fanciful tales for family members.
Though they shared a city, ERB and
St. John grew up doing their own things, oblivious to each other's presence,
never knowing of the tapestry of word and image that they would eventually
We can look back on it and think how great a collaboration
it was. But, growing up in Chicago, most likely never meeting, neither
knew just how the warp and the woof was going to align them with one another.
Bio of J. Allen St. John ~ Links to our other St.
John Sites
ERBzine Series of St. John Art Starting at:
St. John / ERB Connection: Bios, Art, Links, Video
St. John Gallery: Rare Art and Links
St. John Colour Art
St. John Western Cover Art
St. John's "Self Portrait"
Darrell Richardson's St. John Bio: Intro & Guide
Richardson's St. John Bio: Line Art
St. John's Face in the Pool art
J. Allen St. John: Tarzan Cover Art
J. Allen St. John: A Life in Photos
Off-Site Reference
1904: Actress Louise Lorraine
was born as Mary Louise Escovar in San Francisco, California on this date.
She co-starred as Jane in the 1921 film, “The Adventures of Tarzan.” Elmo
Lincoln played Tarzan.
Louise Lorraine's small stature and
delicate beauty seemed hardly the qualities to be desired in a serial heroine,
but she starred in 11 of the physically demanding, action-filled cliffhangers,
and showed as much spirit as, and in some cases more than, many of her
colleagues in that genre. Louise's entry into the film industry came about
when a photography salesman knocked on the door of the suburban Los Angeles
home she lived in with her widowed mother and five siblings. The 13-year-old
Lorraine answered it, and the salesman was so impressed by her look and
demeanor that he told her mother she should be in the movies, and he had
a contact at the Ince Studio who could arrange it. At first, Louise's mother
refused to let her daughter enter the film industry but eventually gave
in. Louise started out in two-reel comedies for independent studios, and
then alternated among Universal, MGM and Warner Bros. She left the screen
after making her second sound movie n 1930 after the birth of her first
child.. She died in 1981.
In the "Adventures of Tarzan" Jane
is abducted by Arab slave traders, Tarzan comes to her rescue, only to
see her kidnapped again by Queen La of Opar. To save Jane, Tarzan must
battle both the queen's minions and William Clayton, who seeks Tarzan's
family title. One of the more interesting parts of the storyline is that
Jane has the map to the Opar tattooed on her back and the bad guys want
to capture her so they can find the Jewels of Opar. Additionally, Elmo
Lincoln staged a one man walkout during filming – until producers threatened
to replace him with Frank Merrill.
The Adventures of Tarzan
ERBzine's ERB Silver Screen Series
USS Shaw exploded at Pearl Harbor ~ ERB spent a month
on the hastily repaired destroyer USS Shaw
Jim Morris: John Carter Producer at Film Premiere
and Tarzana Celebration ~ Tarzan Actor Joe Lara
*** The USS Shaw was decommissioned on this date after
served her country in the Pacific during World War II and crossed
paths with Edgar Rice Burroughs. The ship had been badly damaged
in the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor but was repaired and returned to
Foster Rash, whose father served aboard the Shaw,
tells of the time when ERB was aboard the Shaw and of his popularity with
the crewmen. ERB wrote of the days he spent aboard the USS Shaw in his
personal war diaries. That, and other information about the USS Shaw, which
was finally decommissioned on Oct. 2, 1945, after having earned 11 battle
stars as well as numerous battle scars as seen in ERBzine 0508 and 1712.
ERB describes his time aboard the
USS Shaw in his Wartime Journals published in ERBzine 6800.
ERB and USS Shaw Connection
Pearl Harbor Attack in Full Colour
ERB at Pearl Harbor
ERB Personal War Diaries written aboard the USS Shaw
Off-Site Reference:
Shaw in Wikipedia
*** 2007: Pixar met with ERB Inc.
to plan the John Carter of Mars film. That Tuesday morning, the creative
team from Pixar showed up to be shown around and shown through the
archives in the ERB inc. office on Ventura Boulevard. Jim Morris,
vice president of Pixar; Andrew Stanton, director of Pixar's John
Carter of Mars project, and scriptwriter
Mark Andrews, all met
with Danton Burroughs, Sandra Galfas and Jim Sullos of ERB
ERBzine reported at the time: "All
six members at the meeting expressed a deep commitment to the project,
acknowledging that they had been inspired by Burroughs' creations from
a very early age."
That was exciting news back then,
and now, 11 years later, we know for a fact that "John Carter" made it
to the big screen in March of 2012. And, of course, like most movies
or television shows based on ERB characters, it has its admirers and it
has its detractors.
In an interview about the time "John
Carter" premiered, Morris revealed much inside information about the film,
including how they had overcome "shortcomings of the novel." This link
gives highlights of the interview with instructions to "hit the jump" to
watch the interview itself. I couldn't find a "jump" to "hit" so I didn't
watch the interview, but it was enough to just read that they had dealt
with the "shortcomings" of ERB's writing.
Pixar Meeting at ERB, Inc. News
Our John Carter Movie Site: Interviews, News, Photos
Jim Morris GoH at JC Centennial Tarzana Dum-Dum
Off-Site Reference:
Morris Carter Interview
*** 1962: Joe Lara
was born on this date. Lara brought "Tarzan
in Manhattan" and, later, "Tarzan: The Epic Adventures" to the
small screen.
Epic Adventures Opening: "Tarzan! Orphaned
at birth in darkest Africa. Raised by the great apes. He grew up in the
primitive world of the jungle until fate brought him face to face with
his past. Taking his rightful place as Earl of Greystoke, Tarzan soon became
disenchanted with civilization. He returned home to Africa. Tarzan, Lord
of the Jungle!"
Keller Entertainment Group's Promo
for the series: TARZAN: THE EPIC ADVENTURES is a return to the true spirit
of the world famous Edgar Rice Burroughs novels. A strange amulet
discovered in the darkest jungles of Africa sends Tarzan back to his homeland
to stop his archenemy from unleashing its terrible powers in the opening
2 hour movie. The remaining episodes find Tarzan living in the African
jungle and encountering different worlds and creatures in these science
fiction action filled adventures. Tarzan: The Epic Adventures marks the
emergence for the first time of the original Tarzan as envisioned by Edgar
Rice Burroughs, a highly intelligent, supremely powerful superhero who
explores new worlds, braves supernatural phenomena and conquers tyrannical
forces of evil. ~ Filmed in South Africa.
Joe's last movie was in 2002. After
that he worked as a country music crooner. He married Christian author
and pastor Gwen Shamblin on August 18, 2018 and they lived in Brentwood,
On May 29, 2021, Lara died when a
Cessna Citation crashed into Percy Priest Lake near Smyrna, TN. His wife,
her son-in-law, and four members of Lara's church also died in the crash.
Lara held a pilot's license but it is unclear who was flying the aircraft
when it crashed, as another victim was also a pilot.
Tarzan: Epic Adventures - Episode Summaries, Cast
and Photos
Tarzan in Manhattan starring Joe Lara
Tarzan in Manhattan Promo Collage
Tarzan: Epic Adventures Promo Collage
Off-Site References:
in Wikipedia
in Wikipedia
*** 1890/1895: In today's non-ERB
news, Groucho Marx was born this date in 1890 and Bud Abbott
the same date in 1895. Good or bad news, you decide: Groucho never made
a film titled "A Night at the Dum-Dum" (but former Tarzan actor and ERB's
James Pierce appeared in the Marx Brothers film, "Horse
Feathers") and Abbott never made "Abbott and Costello Meet Tarzan"
(but they came close with their "Africa
*** Horse Feathers: The newly
minted president of Huxley University, Quincy Adams Wagstaff (Groucho Marx),
is getting pressure from his son Frank (Zeppo Marx) to improve the football
squad at the school. Frank thinks his father should recruit two professional
ball players so Huxley can finally defeat their gridiron rival, Darwin.
Baravelli (Chico): [trying to lure
Mullen and McHardie away] You gotta brother?
Mullen (Pierce): No.
Baravelli: You gotta sister?
Mullen: Yeah.
Baravelli: Well-a, your sister, she's
a very sick man. You'd better come with us.
Mullen: Yeah? What happened to her?
Baravelli: She hadda accident in her
MacHardie: Ah, she has no automobile.
Baravelli: Well-a, maybe she's-a fall
off-a horse. I don't-a look very close. Come on, we take you in our car.
Mullen: You will, eh? Well, I have
no sister.
Baravelli: That's all right. We no
got a car. Come on.
James Pierce Tribute Pages
*** 1909: Alex (Alexander Gillespie)
Raymond, Jr. (1909.10.02-1956.09.06) was born in New Rochelle, NY.
He was an American cartoonist who was best known for creating the Flash
Gordon comic strip for King Features Syndicate in 1934. The strip was subsequently
adapted into many other media, from three Universal movie serials in 1936,
1938, and 1940, to a 1970s television series and a 1980 feature film.
In 1931, Edgar Rice Burroughs
urged United Feature Syndicate, the distributors of his Tarzan strip, to
consider the addition of another strip based upon his Mars novels. The
1932 response from George Carlin was, "I cannot emphasize too strenuously
my own personal feeling that production of the Martian strips would seriously
handicap the Tarzan feature." Further correspondence discouraged the "Mars"
project and suggested that such a project be put on hold until the Tarzan
strip was firmly established.
In 1933, however, the rival King Features
Syndicate indicated that they had hired artist Alex Raymond and writer
Don G. Moore with the idea of creating a Mars feature strip: ". . . we
are interested in the possibility of syndicating a strip built around your
Mars stories. We have read the books and we think the adventures
of John Carter from the very beginning would make a splendid series provided
the right artist illustrated the strips. We think we have such an artist
On January 4, 1934 they wrote:
"I am sorry to say that at this writing it seems impossible for us to arrange
syndication under terms which would suit you." Three days later the Flash
Gordon Sunday page with art by Alex Raymond debuted.
ERB's John Carter / Flash Gordon Connection I (6 ERBzine
*** More ERB Bio Timeline and Calendar
1912: ERB Completed Gods of Mars and sent it to
1929: ERB Started Jungle Girl with a combination
Ediphone dictation and longhand approach.
1940: ERB started Savage Pellucidar Pt. 2
1944: ERB started Savage Pellucidar Pt 4. The
dedication in the 1963 Savage Pellucidar 1st edition read: "To
my first grandson - James Michael Pierce."
The Eternal Lover: St. John Cover ~ ERB / Jack
London Connection ~ Barsoom Maps drawn by ERB
PE McDonnell's 1909 Map to the Inner Earth ~ Man
Without A Soul (Monster Men)
Mike Cody ~ Tom Floyd ~ Reed Crandall ~ Motoichiro Takebe ~ Larry Ivie
~ Columbia Pictures
*** 1925: "The Eternal Lover" was published by A.C.
McClurg & Co. on this date
Heins listed it as T3 -- the third book in the Tarzan
series -- because some of the events in it take place on the African estate
of John Clayton, Lord Greystoke, who, the narrative tells us, had once
been Tarzan of the Apes.
Of course, we modern day readers know that he never stopped
being Tarzan, and went on to star in many more books.
Heins writes: "The sequence of
events is best preserved, however, if the whole book is read before "Beasts,"
since it is in EL that we first meet Jack, the infant son of Lord and Lady
Now, for those who make the case that "Tarzan and
the Forbidden City" belongs much earlier in the canon, right about
here somewhere, would it be before -- or after -- "Beasts," or someplace
else altogether?
The Story: While visiting Tarzan
in his African jungle home, an American girl falls into the most astonishing
science-fiction adventure of all. By a quirk in Time, a white-skinned savage
from the Stone Age is thrust forward to modern days long enough to meet
her and bring her back to his own world of cave people, saber-tooth tigers,
and prehistorical wilderness. A startling natural catastrophe throws a
caveman into contact with the modern African jungle a brings a Twentieth
Century American girl into the dawn world of the Niocene Age.
This is the story of Nu of the Niocene and Victoria Custer
of Nebraska, U.S.A. two human beings pitted against the world of primeval
The Eternal Lover: History, Covers, Art, Links
The Eternal Lover: Complete eText Edition
Eternal Lover: Sweetheart Primeval 5 Pulp Covers
*** 1909: Chicago Tribune
Article: Chicago resident Edgar Rice Burroughs was likely among
the readers of the Chicago Tribune's Oct. 3, 1909, edition, which
featured an article headed "Into the Heart of the World After Andree."
The article centered on Patrick Enneas McDonnell, local pumping engineer,
inventor and theorist, who was among those who believed that the North
Pole contained an opening to a world inside the Earth. After Salomon Andree
and two fellow adventurers had disappeared on a balloon trip to the Arctic,
McDonnell speculated that they had survived, having flown their balloon
through the polar opening and into the world at the Earth's core.
ERB, years later, discovered that the theory of an inner
world was true, having direct contact with David Innes, who had
traveled to the world inside the Earth via the Iron Mole digging machine
invented by Abner Perry. Innes also eventually discovered the polar opening
from the inside, and evidence that Andree may have, indeed, flown inside
the Earth.
However, when the remains of Andree and his companions
were eventually found on the outside of the Earth, the theory that they
had safely journeyed to the interior was dashed. The balloon in which they
travelled, though, did make it to the inside of the Earth, according to
ERB. The exploits of Innes and others in the inner world of Pellucidar
are chronicled in seven books, beginning with "At the Earth's Core."
Into the Heart of the World article
At the Earth's Core: History ~ Art ~ e-Text Edition,
Polar Portal to Pellucidar by John Martin
Pilgrimage to Pellucidar: An 11-page report
Off-Site Reference
Innes' Discovery
*** 2003: A Jack London Connection. An essay on
the character of Korak, Son of Tarzan, was written this date, Oct.
3, 2003, and published on the website. In that essay, David
A. Adams revealed the existence of words such as "bildungsroman." And
if you wish to build your vocabulary by finding out what that means, do
an internet search for it like I did.
Adams, who has written many in-depth articles for both
erblist and ERBzine, says such thought-provoking things as "I
have always believed that ERB was using the model of Jack London’s
two famous dog stories. In The Call of the Wild, the tame dog, Buck,
was raised in civilization and later heard the wild call, whereas his White
Fang was a wild wolf-dog who later became a member of polite society.
In this respect, Tarzan was the White Fang and his son would be the equivalent
of Buck. ERB approached his characters in the opposite order, having written
his wild creature story first."
Hillman's ERB/Jack London Connection:
Pts. 1-8
Adams' London/Burroughs Connection
Adams' London/Burroughs Connection
Off-Site Reference
on Korak
*** 1953: ERB Artist Paul
Privitera (1953.10.03-1917.01.03) was born on this date. ~ Paul contributed
an amazing body of work to ERBzine through the years. Sadly, he passed
away in 2017.
Paul Privitera and his unique ERB art: " I have
always been interested in Fantasy art -- certainly inspired by the works
of Frank Frazetta. I paint, using Photoshop, as this provides the utmost
versatility. It requires no drying time, allows instant colour changes,
and makes possible limitless image manipulations.
"Fantasy art continues to capture
the modern imagination. In the future, perhaps fantastic art will be recognized
as a form of high art by the art establishment. Edgar Rice Burroughs and
Arthur Conan Doyle are the main reasons for the creation of the following
work. The illustrations included are inspired by comics from my childhood,
movie posters, book covers and paintings. Towards the end, the paintings
are given larger print space, each with the story behind the creation."
~ Paul Privitera - Reading, England
Paul Privitera ERB Art Galleries in ERBzine
Paul Remembered by his Daughter Diana
Privitera Art Collage Along with Daughters
*** 1913: Metcalf wrote to
550A. Ave. Coronado predicting success for the November All-Story featuring
the entire A Man Without a Soul (Monster Men) and the December
issue that will start Warlord of Mars serial.
Evolution of ERB Titles
*** 1913: At Metcalf's request,
Ed drew a map of Barsoom
1934: Ed's flying instructor, Jim Granger,
killed in a plane crash.
Ed Burroughs and the "May Have Seen Better Days
Club" Troop B7th US Cavalry ~ Dress Parade
Fort Grant 1896 ~ Commanding Officer Quarters ~ Apache
Kid ~ First Foster Tarzan Sunday Page
*** 1905: Closing of Fort Grant: If your travel
plans take you anywhere near southern Arizona, a good stop to make would
be the vicinity of Fort Grant. The fort itself is now a prison and
not exactly a tourist attraction, so one cannot find a sign above a bed
that says “Edgar Rice Burroughs Slept Here.”
But he did sleep there, and drilled, and rode horses
in formations and on hunts for Indians in the late 1890s during his service
for the 7th U.S. Cavalry.
The fort's last hurrah (as a fort) came on this date,
Oct. 4, in 1905, when troops were marched across the parade ground for
the last time.
ERB was later to write about this area in his Apache
and Mars novels.
Arizona resident and ERB fan Frank
Puncer added to the allure of the area by hosting an ERB Dum-Dum at
nearby historic Willcox, AZ in August of 2019. “Several
ERB fans have been suggesting this to me for quite some time and, basically
(for me anyway), it boiled down to a 'now or never' scenario.The location
is a tad remote but we were glad to see so many ERB fans who were anxious
to visit the town where ERB spent his first night in Arizona. We drove
as close to historic Fort Grant (now a penitentiary) that security would
allow and viewed the Pinaleno Mountains that ERB crossed with his
troop. . . and enjoyed the ERB and other interesting exhibits inside the
old gunfighter town's three museums."
Sue-On and I really enjoyed the Dum-Dum
and I've created a series of 20 ERBzine pages to cover the event starting
at: Willcox Arizona 2019
ERB 2019 Dum-Dum in Willcox, Arizona ~ 20 ERBzine
ERB: US Cavalry ~ Fort Grant ~ 1896-1897 (10 ERBzine
Frank Puncer plans for an ERB gathering in Arizona
Frank Puncer's 2019 Willcox Arizona Dum-Dum
Fort Grant, Then and Now, by Frank Puncer
Bob Hyde visited Fort Grand on his Odyssey:
*** 1923: Ed wrote
to the
Hollywood Athletic Club promoting the application of M.
DeMond, a Jew. He had supported him before when he had applied for
membership in
Writer's Club
Hollywood Athletic Club
*** 1929: Toronto Star
complained that the story line in the Tarzan strips was "thinning out."
This coincided with poor sales of the G&D Tarzan strip book. In
the summer of 1929 Grosset & Dunlap published the first TARZAN story-strip
in book form. It contained all 300 of the illustrations by Harold Foster
which had appeared in the strip plus an additional illustration which Foster
prepared especially for the book.
Rex Maxon took over the daily Tarzan strips starting
with The Return of Tarzan. In a letter dated June 6, 1929, Ed wrote
to Elser that his young son, Jack, after looking over the proofs, "is very
much disappointed in the illustrations of The Return of Tarzan and called
my particular attention to the drawing of Tarzan's face in the second picture
of Strip No. 1 of The Return of Tarzan and the first picture of Strip No.
2 From some of the other faces in the strips it occurs to both of us that
Mr. Maxon could put more character into Tarzan's face than appears in these
two drawings.
Foster Tarzan B/W strips reprinted by G&D
Alternate Foster Companion Page
Maxon's "Return of Tarzan" Daily Strips
All the Foster Strips Reprinted in ERBzine
All the Maxon Strips Reprinted in ERBzine
1916: Jan Murray (born
Murray Janofsky; 1916.10.04-2006.07.02) was born on this date. Murray was
an American stand-up comedian, actor, and game show host who originally
made his name on the Borscht Belt and later was known for his frequent
television appearances and occasional movie roles over several decades.
He was born in the Bronx borough of
New York City to Jewish parents. His interest in comedy began during his
childhood, when he would often act out comedy routines he had seen at the
local theatre for his bedridden mother.
In 1967 he appeared in the Mike Henry film:
and the Great River. Tarzan is called to Brazil by an old friend,
The Professor (Paulo Gracindo) to help stop the Jaguar Cult, led by Barcuma
(Rafer Johnson), from destroying native villages and enslaving the survivors
in his search for diamonds.
Tarzan is assisted by Captain Sam
Bishop (Jan Murray), a riverboat pilot, and Bishop's young ward, Pepe (Manuel
Padilla Jr.), as well as Baron (a lion) and Cheeta (a chimpanzee). On their
way they encounter Dr. Ann Philips (Diana Millay), who has witnessed the
destruction of a village, and wants to continue fighting a plague by giving
much-needed inoculations to natives who live along the Amazon River. Interestingly,
Manuel Padilla Jr. played the role of Ramel in another Tarzan film - Tarzan
and the Valley of Gold - and as Jai in the 57-episodes of the Ron
Ely TV Tarzan Series.
Murray retired from show business
at the age of 83, as he felt his asthma was affecting his timing. He died
at the age of 89 in Beverly Hills, California, on July 2, 2006. He was
buried at the Hillside Memorial Park Cemetery in Culver City, California.
He was survived by his wife, Kathleen Mann (m.1949–2006) and four children.
Tarzan and the Valley of Gold (Padilla as Ramel) 1966
Ron Ely TV Tarzan Series: Reviews for 57 episodes
~ 1966-`968
ERBzine Silver Screen Series
*** 1931: Appearance
of the first
Hal Foster Tarzan Sunday page "Terror From
the Skies"
Terror From the Skies: Tarzan Sunday Page
All Hal Foster Reprints in ERBzine
Tarzan of the Apes: McClurg DJ & cover:
Headpiece art: Fred W. Small, Frontispiece Art: Clinton Pettee
Feb 1913Newspaper Pre-Release ~ WB TV Tarzan: Travis
Fimmel and Sarah Wayne Callies ~ Fimmel in Viking
*** 1912: All-Story Published Tarzan of the Apes: ERB
did not believe in resting on his laurels. In 1912, his second story, "Tarzan
of the Apes," had been published in The
All-Story magazine in
an issue which probably hit the newsstands in late August but bore the
date of October 1912.
But by the time October arrived, ERB was already active
trying to find new markets for his opus. On Oct. 5, 1912, he submitted
it to A.C. McClurg and Company, hoping for book publication. But
the company turned it down. Undaunted, he tried Bobbs-Merrill Co., Reilly
& Britton, and then Dodd, Mead and Co. Meanwhile, the Evening
World Daily Magazine did publish it, but that didn't convince Rand
McNally that the story would sell in a book, because that company turned
it down, too.
Then, on May 1, 1914, ERB was surprised to hear from
McClurg again. After thinking it over for awhile, the firm's executives
decided they just might be able to sell some copies of that book after
all. When ERB agreed to sell them the first book publication rights, they
didn't waste any time either, and the book was published that June.
ERB and McClurg's relationship was to last for a total
of 29 books: volumes in the Tarzan, Mars and Inner World series as well
as several stand-alone novels.
Tarzan of the Apes: History, Covers, Info
Tarzan of the Apes: Read the book in e-Text
BB Reprint Project Endorsed by the Editor and Publisher:
George T. McWhorter
TARZAN OF THE APES: Summary and Comments by John Martin
*** 2003: Tarzan
entered the jungles of New York on this date, when Travis Fimmel
took to the telephone poles and the skyscapers as Tarzan in a new
Bros. series.
Alas, it was canceled after only a few weeks. Even Xena
the Warrior Princess could not rescue it, as she showed up in the cast
in the person of her alter ego, Lucy Lawless, playing a Tarzan relative,
Kathleen Clayton. Sarah Wayne Callies played the part of Jane Porter,
a New York detective. This was a step up from the job Jane had as a cab
driver when she was played on film a few years earlier in the movie, "Tarzan
in Manhattan," by Kim Crosby.
Nine episodes were filmed but the series was quickly
canceled, even though the show attracted a whopping 2.8 million viewers!
Unfortunately, 2.8 million, in TV audience terms, was a drop in the bucket,
placing Tarzan 112th among primetime programs!!
Fimmel, formerly a Calvin Klein model,
did not have to go back to selling underwear, but was able to find work
in other movies and TV series, some of which are still in production. It
was the same for Callies. Fimmel's work in the 45 episodes of the popular
TV series, The Vikings presented him with an entirely different
look as a shaggy, bearded barbarian norseman.
Meanwhile, ERB fans wonder if Tarzan will ever appear
again on TV again in his real jungle, as he did in Ron Ely's 1966-68 series.
Oh wait...that wasn't Tarzan's jungle either. That was filmed in Mexico.
- When originally announced for the fall schedule, the
show was titled "Tarzan and Jane" before being changed to simply "Tarzan".
- After the network cancelled the series, fans begin
a campaign with created websites to get the series back on the air.
- Attended RMIT University in Melbourne and is a former
Calvin Klein underwear and jeans model.
- One Calvin Klein billboard ad featuring him caused
such a commotion on a busy London street that it was removed after an auto
club claimed that women drivers were slowing down to ogle the billboard,
triggering accidents and traffic jams.
- Parents are Chris, a cattle farmer, and Jennie,
a nurse.
Personal Quote
- It's hard to live up to those photos. It isn't all
really me. Thank God for computer editing and special camera lenses and
- On his Tarzan (2003) action sequences: "The monkey
stuff is pretty funny. As Tarzan you can't really take him too seriously."
(From Daily Variety, Sept. 12, 2003)
- I want to always grow as an actor, and one needs the
kind of role that affords that opportunity
Tarzan TV Feature in ERBzine (Near page bottom)
Preview of new TV Tarzan: Bios of Fimmel and Callies:
Off-Site Reference
IMDB rundown
Fimmel in Wikipedia
*** 1912: Ed submitted
a 3,500-word western: "For the Fool's Mother" to Story-Press Corporation.
The story was not accepted. Burroughs revised the story as a film synopsis
(The Prospector) in October of 1915. The synopsis was never accepted. The
story remained unreleased until we featured it in ERBzine 5369.
The two main characters in the story are an unnamed prospector
and ‘Kid’ Turner. Texas Pete makes a brief appearance.
For the Fool's Mother ~ Read the entire story in ERBzine
Whitman Abridged Tarzan Reprints: City of Gold
and Forbidden City - Cover art: Don McLoughlin
Oakdale Affair: Evelyn Greeley 1919 Film ~
ERB's Oakdale Affair DJ by John Coleman Burroughs
*** 1952: Whitman Tarzan Hardbacks. Imagine the thrill...
The year is 1952. You have been an ERB fan all of your life. You devoured
ERB stories as they came out in the pulps, and you bought the ERB books
in your local bookstore. You even bought some Tarzan toys, clipped out
the comics from the newspaper, saw the movies, and you have a small stack
of Dell Tarzan comics that you have been amassing, along with your older
Sparklers, TipTops and oddball titles, like Hi-Spot. You've also tracked
down the many ERB Whitman Big Little Books that had been released through
the '40s.
You're sad that Edgar Rice Burroughs, the man who started
it all, has been dead for a couple of years. You remember reading the small
news item on one of the inside pages in your newspaper.
The only thing you really think you have to look forward
to is the next Tarzan movie or next month's Dell comic.
* Then, you walk into your local dime store and, as is
your habit, you glance over the display of Whitman hardback books. What's
this? "Tarzan and the City of Gold"! "Tarzan and the Forbidden
City"!Both in bright, colorful dust jackets!
You reach into your pocket and happily discover you have
just enough to buy the two books at 49 cents each. You walk on air all
the way home.
The date is Oct. 6, 1952.
Oh, there will still be disappointments. You will assume
that Whitman is going to publish other titles, and you go back to the dime
store again and again, but no more Tarzan or other ERB books appear. Finally,
the company does reissue the two "City" titles a couple of years later
in printed covers, but don't publish any other titles until 1957 when a
movie tie-in edition of "Tarzan and the Lost Safari" comes out.
But that's written by someone other than ERB. Still, it is "something"
and it's got Gordon Scott on the cover in a still from the Tarzan movie
of the same name.
No more Whitman titles appear until
the '60s Burroughs Boom is well under way. And then the company adds only
"Apes" and an unfortunately truncated version of "The Return
of Tarzan."
But that's okay. Oct. 6, 1952, in ERB history, was still
a very happy day for you.
* I actually had found and bought the two Whitman
Tarzans on April 7, 1955. I had found five Tarzan G&D titles before
this, but these illustrated, abridged titles were proudly featured in my
library until I was eventually able to find better editions.
Tarzan and the City of Gold
City of Gold: Full book in eText
Tarzan and the Forbidden City:
Forbidden City: Full book in eText
Early Editions added to the Hillman Library
ERB Titles in Whitman Big Little Books
Off-Site Reference
Charles Madison erbgraphics
*** 1919: The Oakdale Affair was
released to theatres. Filming rights were assigned by Burroughs to
Red Book Corporation (Story-Book Press) for $1,000, who turned the rights
over to the World Film Corporation.When the moviemakers bought the rights
to ERB's "The Oakdale Affair" on Aug. 9, 1918, they wasted no time
getting a movie made. A year and about two months later the film was released,
on Oct. 6, 1919. Alas, it's one of those "lost movies" so we don't know
very much about it, although I've included a plot summary, reviews and
photos in ERBzine. But we do know that the name of the lead character,
played by Reginald Denny, was changed from Bridge to Stockbridge.
The story originally appeared in the Blue Book Magazine
(Mar 1918) as a novelette. It was published much later with another story,
"H. R. H., the Rider" in 1937 at Tarzana, CA in the book The Oakdale
Affair and the Rider.
One of the trade synopses featured
in our Silver Screen series: "The Oakdale Affair" is a mystery play
made for the average theatre patron. It affords real entertainment.
There is not a heavy or dull moment in the picture. The action is
rapid and filled with that fast-moving punch that gets an audience right
at the start and holds them tense all the time the picture is being screened!
The mystery is deep and would puzzle even Sherlock Holmes. But isn't
the kind that tires your audience. Director Apfel took care that
only an element of that tantalizing uncertainty that holds the audience,
was introduced. Gail Prim runs away from home, taking with her her jewels
and some money. She joins a band of tramps and poses as a noted criminal.
Her father believes that she has been kidnapped by the thieves who robbed
her jewel case. The story ends with Gail in jail after many thrilling
adventures. Her father comes and easily proves her innocence of any
crime, and she returns home. With an excellent cast, headed by Evelyn Greeley,
this is one of the best pictures yet! ~ Playbill from the Mercury Film
Service, Leeds, England ~ 1917
The Oakdale Affair: 1919 Film
The Oakdale Affair: 1918 Book
The Oakdale Affair and the Rider in ERBzine C.H.A.S.E.R.
*** 1910: Mo Gollub (1910.10.06-1984.12.30)
an American comic book artist and animator was born St. Louis, Missouri
on this date. The son of Jewish immigrants from around the turn of the
century, he began his career in 1937, when he became an animator and lay-out
artist for the Disney Studios. He remained with the company until 1941
and has worked on films like 'Bambi' (1942) and a couple of shorts. He
was an animator with UPA in the 1950s and subsequently worked for studios
like Pantomime Pictures, Sanrio and Hanna-Barbera. He was also a comic
book artist for Dell Publishing/Western Comics from 1946 to 1971.
Dell’s Tarzan comics featured photographic covers of
Lex Barker for issue #13 to #54. With Issue #55 (April 1954), artist Mo
Gollub began a run of covers that went to #79 (April 1956). Mo painted
traditional jungle scenes, usually with Tarzan and one animal. (Monkeys,
impalas and leopards seemed the favorite but we also got lions, crocodiles
and rhinos.) None of these covers featured a third person in peril, such
as Jane or other ERB characters. With Issue #80 the photos were back
with the new Tarzan, Gordon Scott.
All the Dell Tarzan comics reprints
-- including those issues featuring Mo's covers -- may be read in ERBzine
The Dell Tarzan Reprints featuring Mo's covers in
Nos. 55 - 79.
ERBzine Comics Compendium: Thousands of Reprinted
Comics and Strips
*** 1940:
ERB started "Men of the Bronze Age" Pt 3 of the new Pellucidar
Men of the Bronze Age in Savage Pellucidar
ERB's stepchildren Caryl Lee and Lee at Gay's Lion
Farm and with Herman Brix, career as Hollywood Animal Trainer
Mangani ERB: cocktail through a straw ~ "Ebby" and
Flo with Kids ~ Bill Hillman in ERBzine Office ~ John Burroughs
*** 1942: ERB Letter to Stepdaughter: Of the many
letters archived at Bill Hillman's ERBzine, some are from ERB to
his stepdaugher, Caryl Lee. One such letter, dated Oct. 7, 1942,
tells of ERB's opportunity to fire an anti-aircraft gun:
"The commanding officer of an anti-aircraft
regiment has asked me to visit each of his batteries and give the men a
fifteen- or twenty-minute talk. I am taken by an officer in a jeep or command
car about noon, have luncheon with the officers of the battery, and then
talk to the men. As I have an idea that they are bored stiff, I make it
as short as possible. I am becoming very familiar with anti-aircraft guns.
I have even fired one. I hit the sky right in the center."
"Ebby's" Letter to Stepdaughter Caryl Lee
*** Caryl Lee
was the daughter of Ashton and Florence Dearholt, but it was ERB,
or "Ebby," who she thought of as her father.
In an article about Caryl Lee, ERB fan Frank Puncer wrote:
"It would have warmed Burroughs'
heart to know that this little girl he had loved as his own would, in her
full adulthood, remember him so kindly as her father. In the many letters
he wrote to her after their fateful separation he often expressed the hope
that she would continue to love him. We can only wonder what ERB did with
his love for Florence after their final goodbye. Perhaps he transferred
a portion of it to Caryl Lee, not wanting those years of his second marriage
to simply vanish in an ocean mist."
"Caryl Lee must have felt at the
time that she didn't need another father. After all, it was ‘Ebby’ who
had told her all of those funny ‘Grandpa Kazink’ bedtime stories; it was
Ebby who had entertained her and Lee on family vacations, who had cavorted
with them in swimming pools at Sunset Plaza, Palm Springs and Kailua. It
was ‘Ebby’ who had donned a gorilla suit and pretended to be an escapee
from the Los Angeles zoo, and who made for her a donkey out of coconuts
at Lanakai. In a 1968 interview with Irwin and Cele Porges Caryl Lee said
of her relationship with ERB: ‘I felt part of him . . . I mean, they can
say he didn't legally adopt you, he's not your father . . . it doesn't
make any difference. He is my father, he was my father. This man raised
me, gave me my childhood.’ “
ERB's Stepdaughter Caryl Lee Tribute by ERBzine
*** 2012: Interview in India: Bill Hillman
spoke up for ERB and his works in an interview for
The Times of India.
The article, dated Oct. 7, 2012, was based on an interview by correspondent
Sethi. I put Sethi in touch with Dan's brother John Burroughs
so he also interviewed John, grandson of ERB in a follow-up interview
on Oct. 15.
Introduction: "This month, the lord of the jungle
completes a century of existence. The vine-swinging, yodelling ape
man, whose adventures in the dense forests of Africa, have enthralled generations
of readers, first appeared in the pulp magazine The All Story, in the October
1912 issue. Since then, the noble savage -- along with faithful chimp Cheeta
(in film) and lady love, Jane -- has been a popular character who has battled
wild animals, poachers, ferocious tribes and even dinosaurs.
I had a chance to recently interact with two individuals
who have had a close association with Tarzan and his creator Edgar Rice
Burroughs. The first is Bill Hillman who runs a gigantic fansite (
) dedicated to the author that has over 10,000 fan pages containing everything
under the sun you would ever want to know about the author and his varied
creations that include, apart from Tarzan, icons like John Carter of Mars.
Following is a detailed interview with Bill Hillman followed
by an interaction with John R Burroughs, Edgar Rice's grandson in the next
Times of India Interviews with Hillman and Burroughs
*** 2014: In a promotion posted
on this date, the folks at ERB Inc. noted that “Edgar
Rice Burroughs, the most influential Sci-Fi writer of all time, predicted
the wide-spread use of wireless technology years before earthly adoption
began.” The example given was the traffic control as practiced in
the city of Havatoo on the plant of Amtor, known to earthlings as Venus.
The strip, “Carson of Venus,” is one of many based on ERB’s books
and is part of a package offered for a monthly subscription of $1.99 at
the Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc., website:
Carson of Venus Strips from ERB, Inc.
Gaphic interpretations of ERB's books from ERB, Inc.
ERB The Prophet: Predictions and Images of Future
Innovations and Inventions (5 Parts)
*** 1938: The Italian magazine Unicum
began the Carson of Venus serial
ERB Annotated/Illustrated Calendar of Events: October
*** 1935: Tarzan and the Immortal Men
- (Tarzan's Quest in book form) started in Blue Book.
The best thing about TARZAN`S QUEST
is the unexpected return of Jane, Lady Greystoke. We haven`t seen her since
TARZAN AND THE GOLDEN LION and she hasn`t even been mentioned for the past
ten years. For all a new reader would know, the Apeman is a solitary creature
meandering through Africa with only a monkey and a lion as companions.
Not only does Jane turn up on the very first page, she actually gets more
time onstage than Lord Greystoke himself.
Jane is a delight, as always. She
is so resourceful, competent, thoughtful and good-natured that she could
carry the book by herself. Stranded in the jungle with a motley crew of
people totally unsuited for survival there, she takes charge as well as
Tarzan himself might and with much more patience. Jane can fashion a bow
and arrows, leap lightly up into the trees and come back with game for
everyone. At one point, she stubbornly refuses to give up her kill to a
challenging leopard and promptly sends three arrows into the big cat`s
Blue Book Pulp Biblio
Tarzan's Quest

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Text, ERB Images and Tarzan® are ©Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc.-
All Rights Reserved.
Original Work ©1996-2018/2021 by Bill Hillman and/or Contributing
part of this web site may be reproduced without permission from the respective