I fondly remembered this episode…for some reason. It sure had potential. Ruth Roman is always good and multi layered, usually playing evil woman or obsessed woman or a troubled woman. She was in memorable episodes of IRONSIDE and MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE. Here she plays Miss Madiline (only given as her first name in the credits unless I missed something) Riker and we do not find out about it until we are well into the episode but she is the sister of the Colonel, one of the TV show’s greatest villains. ![]()
Ron Ely’s TARZAN
Episode 29. The Ultimatum
Review By Charles MentoThe rest of the cast is equally good and up to the standards of the TV show. Jeff Burton was ill fated in the BASIL episode and so I expected him to die here, too, as Sergeant Luba, one of those Territorial Police and a closer friend to Tarzan than some of the last ones, but although he has close calls, he does not die. Okay then…the Colonel’s name must be Riker, too. They never go into this but it feels as if Madiline might have been a bit too into her brother, if you know what I mean. She worshipped him and he was everything to her. Okay.
Ralph Meeker as Karnak (many of the character names sound like aliens from LOST IN SPACE or STAR TREK) is very good, too. He was in jail for ten years and while he calls Riker sick and a psycho, he’s no better. He found killing did not fill the void he felt as a man who wanted to belong and never did, wanted to fit in but never did, felt he was talentless and never found a way to fill the emptiness in his life. His scenes with Roman’s Riker was almost…making the villains front and center of the show, almost an anthology feel and almost make them the main characters over Tarzan. They’re very multi layered and deep. Pity about the rest of the episode, though.
Henry Corden as Romo is good as well. He seems to be from Brooklyn. Romo, from where he is from, says a contract is a contract and seems to have some kind of morality in that he doesn’t see the need for killing the entire village after they get Tarzan and the ruby (rubies? Are there two in the wooden elephant’s eyes?).
On the whole, this episode is better plotted than the similar A PRIDE OF ASSASSINS where three hunter types come to the jungle to kill Tarzan and then split up to do it, taken out one by one by Tarzan. Here, Riker employs Romo, Karnak, her own “body guard” Oscar (?), and a third employed hunter named Saldez or Valdez (who’s name is not in the credits) in order to capture, humiliate and kill Tarzan. At first, it sounds like she just wants Tarzan dead. Fair enough, she’s another psycho who is compelled to kill Tarzan but then she just delays his death several times in order to humiliate him as well. She seems not to want to kill others but then does want to but then doesn’t? While these hunters are not as stupid as the ones in A PRIDE, they think it will take three days to kill Tarzan? Or maybe that was just the original idea to lure them to Riker. BTW Oscar’s name is not in the credits either and since IMDB has changed to try milk us of more money, I can’t find out his name either.
While the set up and several sequences are well done, there is a feeling this should have been far better than it is as a direct sequel to THE DEADLY SILENCE. There are many reasons it is not. For one, I’m not sure the name of the tribe is the same but the implication is clear: this is supposed to be the same tribe as the one in THE DEADLY SILENCE. Metusa is the leader of the people but he’s not played by the same actor. I can understand that they could not get the same actor. BUT there’s no sign of his wife Ruana (who was played by Nichelle Nichols) or any explanation of where she is. SOME of the extras DO look familiar, even some of the child extras. In the last scene, one of the kids almost steals the show by standing like a super hero with his legs spread wide like BATMAN or something. He might also…be chewing gum? Oh and erm, adjusting himself.
For another reason this is a missed opportunity to do a great sequel instead of a mediocre one, when Tarzan tells Riker who really killed the Colonel----1---she should have known that and 2-he says that HIS OWN MEN KILLED HIM---which is really not totally true----ONE man killed the Colonel, not plural.
Other problems with the episode: Oscar, a coward sort of, tells Riker he was the Colonel’s right hand man (pity it wasn’t around when the rest of the body was killed Karnak says, hilariously…and I’ll give this episode one thing: the dialog is crisp and clever) but…we never saw him in THE DEADLY SILENCE. He seems sort of French or Spanish or Italian? He dies because he runs to get the ruby by himself from the entire tribe…with a rifle and Karnak shoots him while Oscar holds…and drops near him… a stick of dynamite. As an aside, the other villain, Valdez or whatever his name is, gets speared right through by Tarzan who feigns death in the smoke of a fire he started!
Thirdly or fourthly or fifthly (?), Karnak’s death: uhm, a giant wooden elephant runs over him…slowly. WHY couldn’t he get away from that?
The villains steal dynamite dressed in black face and body paint when they really didn’t have to. It was guarded by…one man who they shoot in cold blood, sort of, as he grabs a rifle to defend the radio shack? BTW this scene is incredibly dark. I’ve heard of avoiding the cheap Day for Night shooting but this is ridiculous. At first almost nothing can be seen or maybe it’s just this DVD print?
The idea of the natives…some of them hiding in the wooden elephant is rather predicable and sort of lame…it’s day mostly and the villains do NOT see any of the men get into the Trojan…uh, Basenji elephant? It’s sort of lame. Some of the natives are extremely ripped, cut, and shredded (one seems to have abs of steel and I’ve seen him before in the episodes) as if they’ve been working out. Some of them…aren’t. One or two of the tribe look very light skinned, too.
What really annoys me is we’re not really told what happens to the extras who help Tarzan. We see Romo tangling with a brave native and he later turns up to confront Tarzan but falls with a knife in his back. Done for shock value, where is the native he fought with and who seemed to grab his throat as they were fighting? Somehow the knife found its way to Roma’s back AND we do not see the native any more from what I can tell? Did he die, too? Tarzan seems to go for Romo’s gun but can’t due to being shot at. Another native tries to untie Tarzan and is shot down…is he dead? Another native is shot, too. Is he dead?
Earlier in the episode, it felt as if the writers or makers of the show didn’t want to take the step forward and make the dynamite blasts kill anyone…even so at least three to five men are seen NOT moving after the blast and are down. Later, the same thing happens but one man is shot and one or two are down from more blasts. Tarzan’s blasted again and also shot, I think and it seems to affect him as if he were bitten by a mosquito. Maybe he really is Superman.
Worse: there seems to be blood on Riker or maybe not. She falls and is clearly still alive but maybe having a nervous breakdown. In the epilog with Tarzan and his new friend or old friend Luba (Jai is NOT present again) we learn nothing about what happened to her.
I find all of that a huge let down. I like to know who died and who survived and what happened to the main villain after she fell down, refusing to send dynamite into the village. Perhaps she’s not as psycho as Karnak called her. He, however, was psycho, and beat down by Tarzan but it was the wooden elephant that did it.
Oh and let’s not forget the middle of the episode where Tarzan calls in an elephant herd to stop the villains. In a Johnny movie or maybe even a Barker movie, this might be the climax and resolution to the entire plot but the villains use dynamite to attack the herd. Thankfully, we never see any elephant dead and Tarzan calls them away from the action to save them. As ever, the Johnny Tarzan yell is the one used. It’s the only one worth anything. Also: the elephant stampede is not as good as in any Johnny movie because ALL of it is stock footage and we never see any elephant interact with ANYONE in our plot. They elephants even seem to be knocking down or approaching an area of wooden spikes or poles of a fence of some kind, clearly part of another movie that has nothing to do with “our” plot here.
It might have been more ironic if the elephants DID save the tribe since in the distant past, this tribe hunted elephants.
We also see Ely’s feet when the natives hold him to protect him from turning himself over to the villains: they are appropriately dirty.
Mmm. If the five villains remained circling the village, their plan might have worked but even so, they’re together a lot of the time and NOT surrounding the village most of the time SO…anyone could have gotten away. Perhaps the tribe couldn’t take that chance? Or Tarzan? Or…Oh, I give up.
The sub plot of the natives possibly turning Tarzan over to the villains is interesting but as they’re all close friends, we don’t really believe they will do it and the Trojan Horse plot is sign posted way ahead of time so as to be actually boring. I also don’t see how THREE villains or at the very least TWO of them fail to shoot either or both Tarzan and Matusa almost at close range! One interesting note is an older native breaks his spear in two as if in revolt against turning Tarzan over to the villains but it’s all an act…there are men hiding in the elephant. Didn’t the villains notice the chief missing? He was inside the wooden elephant.
So because of all of the above, this episode is a bit…iffy and while entertaining, it is not what it could have been if some of these details had been worked out or cared about more or if the links to the earlier Colonel story had been better worked out and featured. If Jai had been in this episode, the villains would just have had to capture him and threaten Tarzan…but we shall see this early in the second season (THIEF CATCHER).
When the dynamite is thrown during the village meeting, Matusa seems to flee the area…twice, once in long shot. When he’s knocked down. The most muscled villager tries to free Tarzan after Matusa is wounded in the shoulder and…that muscle man gets shot, seemingly in the heart and dies. The one fighting Karnak is thrown into a bush and seems not to get up?
Touchingly, when the sergeant tells Tarzan they will fight the tribe, if necessary just the two of them, Tarzan puts his hand around the man’s head and holds it. It’s almost exactly what an ape and gorilla might do. It also shows that Luba is more than just another police ally but a close friend. He almost treats Luba the same way he does some of the females on the show! On the curious side, Tarzan tells him, “Not this time, Sergeant Luba.” Did they have other adventures together? He also said, “This time, I can’t tell you what to do,” to Matusa. Luba doesn’t know about the…Trojan Horse?
One last thing: if we had known any of the natives that were killed better…IF any were killed…maybe we would feel more about this. There is one native Tarzan remarks about easy living and he might have been killed and I’m not sure we do see him later…but we might?
In any case, it’s rather a sad episode on many levels and a missed chance to do something really special rather than a bit of a rushed adventure.
Riker quotes this:
Descriptive Poems: II. Nature and Art
To Ianthe, Sleeping
Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792–1822)
From “Queen Mab,” I.HOW wonderful is Death!
Death and his brother Sleep!
One, pale as yonder waning moon,
With lips of lurid blue;
The other, rosy as the morn 5
When, throned on ocean’s wave,
It blushes o’er the world:
Yet both so passing wonderful!Hath then the gloomy Power,
Whose reign is in the tainted sepulchres, 10
Seized on her sinless soul?
Must then that peerless form
Which love and admiration cannot view
Without a beating heart, those azure veins
Which steal like streams along a field of snow, 15
That lovely outline, which is fair
As breathing marble, perish?
Must putrefaction’s breath
Leave nothing of this heavenly sight
But loathsomeness and ruin? 20
Spare nothing but a gloomy theme,
On which the lightest heart might moralize?
Or is it only a sweet slumber
Stealing o’er sensation,
Which the breath of roseate morning 25
Chaseth into darkness?
Will Ianthe wake again,
And give that faithful bosom joy,
Whose sleepless spirit waits to catch
Light, life, and rapture from her smile? 30Yes! she will wake again,
Although her glowing limbs are motionless,
And silent those sweet lips,
Once breathing eloquence
That might have soothed a tiger’s rage, 35
Or thawed the cold heart of a conqueror.
Her dewy eyes are closed,
And on their lids, whose texture fine
Scarce hides the dark blue orbs beneath,
The baby Sleep is pillowed: 40
Her golden tresses shade
The bosom’s stainless pride,
Curling like tendrils of the parasite
Around a marble column.
* * * * *
A gentle start convulsed Ianthe’s frame: 45
Her veiny eyelids quietly unclosed;
Moveless awhile the dark blue orbs remained.
She looked around in wonder, and beheld
Henry, who kneeled in silence by her couch,
Watching her sleep with looks of speechless love, 50
And the bright-beaming stars
That through the casement shone.![]()
Ron Ely’s TARZAN
Episode 30. Algie B. for Brave
Review By Charles Mento![]()
“You’re brave when you face danger but Tarzan says you have to be brave when you face other things, too, like Algie.”I’ve never shut off an episode on this re-watch because I was too bored to continue or too tired. This episode marks the end of that. It’s interminably long and stretched out and this being a Jai adventure, mostly, I thought I would enjoy it more. Certainly, I had fond memories of this episode but remembered none of the details other than that Basil and Algie both wore on my nerves.
Cosmetically, the episode looks great. There’s one shot of Tarzan running during either a setting or rising sun that looks movie quality…or better than most movies…and the rest isn’t bad either. There’s a mystery that sort of doesn’t really intrigue and there’s the usual violence around children running for their lives.
EVERYTHING the Commissioner of the West or is it Commissioner West (?) says sounds and looks dubbed in later. While we’re on that, the scene where Jai FIRST sees Basil and dives into the water (taking off his sandals first), he’s greeted from a canoe by Basil…but the “HEY! HEY! Fancy finding you here!” from Basil sounds NOTHING like Maurice Evans, who’s returned as the character in this …it’s followed by his real voice and the two sound nothing alike. Ronald called in the three men as engineers as part of his cover (?).
Basil’s that much of a blow hard and can’t seem to do well in a struggle. When Conrad Viewcola is wrestling with the real villain, revealed as Dan, a gun…no, wait, TWO GUNS!!! being right next to them for quite a few seconds, yet Basil doesn’t do a thing. This results in Viewcola, one of the innocent men and an ally, getting shot by the villain, Dan Morrisey (Arthur Franz playing against type as he usually plays a good guy) and by the time slow moving Basil does get the gun, the other villain, who I also did not suspect, Ben Penner, gets a rifle and shoots wounds Basil’s shoulder.
We also see Howard Morton again, perhaps playing the same man, perhaps not. Either way, Basil has an aide again, another long suffering man in the first one and chides a British Intelligence officer in the second. None of it is particularly funny or interesting. Evans seems to ad lib a slight bit when he comments on Viewcola’s name, “What a name…”
Robert Bertram, Algie’s father, is an intelligence spy looking into the idea that someone is building a missile base in Tarzan’s land (Africa?) which is disguised as a mining operation. Robert is also Basil’s grand nephew as the grandson of his brother. His mother (Robert’s mom, from what I gathered from the scene) died in America. Robert dies, being shot once in the jungle or more, and then again in the radio shack of the mining operation (?), in front of his son. He gets off a strange riddle, Algie B For Brave. Why not just tell the real reason instead of putting something in code? I’m afraid the mystery and the riddle isn’t very interesting.
Jai and Cheetah attempt to play with Algie but can’t get him to engage. He hasn’t talked since Tarzan found him wandering around the jungle (not on screen). In fact, Tarzan and the commissioner give us long winded exposition in a lengthy conversation at the start. Tarzan leaves Jai and Cheetah under the care of the commissioner while he goes to look…for the killer? Or killers? Thus, he’s out of the episode for a bit. We do see him with short, black hair in stock for a bit.
After Viewcola dies, Ben steps on or kicks into his arm by mistake. And steps on his hand just before that. WT?
While Jai and Cheetah try to cheer up Algie using coconut bowling, Basil fake shoots Cheetah and the chimp hugs him from behind and Basil kisses him! West smokes. Basil smokes cigars. Cheetah steals one and tries but Basil retrieves it and kisses him. Cheetah hits one of the villains (Dan) in the head with a rock. Viewcola told the truth when he claimed to come from Peru, Egypt, and Brazil, wherever the work as an engineer is.
Before Basil is shot and Viewcola killed, Tarzan leaves (?) to talk to people in the Village of Ishtar!? This is after finding something Algie had buried. Later, to wake up Jai, Cheetah looks all the world like he’s putting his middle finger into Jai’s navel. WT? Jai doesn’t seem to notice or mind as the chimp is trying to alert him to Tarzan being in the area.
What’s odd is that…while in early episodes earlier in the season, almost everyone seems to know of Tarzan as either a legend or a real life hero or at least a person, here it seems no one does. In fact, this is not the only later first season episode this has happened in. Viewcola asks who Tarzan is and Dan seems not to have heard of someone called Tarzan.
We find out the project was a simple little railroad but it would have ended with a missile installation base. Dan says something about the native farmers who will find themselves running a new government. What? Dan also tries to kick Cheetah and fails to do so. Not long after Cheetah beans him with a rock, allowing Viewcola to attack Dan and the boys to escape.
The credits tell us Algie’s last name is Jenkins. What?
The ending is an extended chase by the two men with rifles, a brief scene of a cheetah or leopard or jaguar, and Algie, Basil, Cheetah and Jai pinned down in a series of caves that seems as if we’ve seen them before. A bullet seems to graze Jai or perhaps hits rocks that hit him and knock him out momentarily so that Algie could be the hero to go and get Tarzan back to save them. This might be the first time we see blood on Jai but it’s not the first time he’s grazed by a bullet. Jai won’t leave Basil now, saying the two men might think twice about killing Basil in front of a little kid. He then feigns faintness and that his head hurts when Basil orders him to leave.
“You know, Jai, somewhere in your family tree ther is a Bertram.”
Tarzan tells Basil those people (the natives) do not want a part of any war, hot or cold, nor anyone’s agents.
In all of these scenes, Manuel holds up the acting and does a great job, especially in his talks with Basil. Maurice Evans may be a great presence but the script isn’t up to much to be honest and this could have been a half hour. The Algie can’t talk because he’s seen a murder plot line is sort of boring and something we saw, equally boring and cliché in JUNGLE DRAGNET.
Again, it not a bad episode and has its moments but it’s also sort of boring, all said and done.
BTW, early on, Basil, inappropriately says this, “I’m retired, not retarded.”
Ron Ely’s TARZAN
Episode 31. Man Killer
Review By Charles Mento![]()
“There’s strange happenings out here in the jungle.”
“You seem very interested in Tomba, Tarzan.”
“I am.”
“Was it a leopard man?”
“Well, Tarzan, I must say goodbye. Thank you, again. You really are the most extraordinary person.”Well, we’ve reached the end of the first season and I must say this one is a weird one. As ever an excellent guest cast but…it’s another attempt to do something different and this time it mostly works. Contrasting to some recent episodes, this is no kiddie show. The opening reveals that and leaves us off center. There are upsidedown shots, shots of fire, fire upsidedown, natives grinning in an almost evil manner with face paint, chanting. There’s even one man who plays with a small monkey and it’s off putting and disturbing. The entire opening is disturbing but the rest of the episode isn’t much less disturbing. The color schemes are red, yellow, and orange. The camera often gets very blurry and/or very vivid and distinct, alternating between the two.
This then is a murder mystery as a third man is brutally slain by a “devil leopard”. The natives, seemingly called something almost un-hearable by Ely are not the Zulu or the Wasiri, who would both hunt the leopard but these natives are more superstitious. They also seem to be using hallucinogenic drugs, lots of smoke, and psychedelic dream sequences as Tarzan’s friend Chief Constable Mike McFee (who’s was in CAPTAIN JAI as Hatcher and will be in it again) states clearly. We also get the overly muscled sets of abs extra again (who died in THE ULTIMATUM).
This then is a murder mystery horror of a horror murder mystery. With lots of suspects including American but colorful as a Hammer girl, Tammy Grimes, this, with its color schemes, Vaseline lens camera shots, and shots of the feet of the killer, who, it is revealed early on is a man/native wearing claws on his feet and hands, this feels A LOT like a Hammer horror movie and I’m sure it is emulating some of the 1950s and early 60s Hammer films, which is no bad thing. It gives the series an entirely different feel. Jai is no where to be seen in this episode at all. I’m also reminded….due to the chanting, talk of rituals and witchcraft, of a land that even the constable does not seem to understand and the doctor seems to have given up understanding (at least he says so) of the Val Lewton movie I WALKED WITH A ZOMBIE, an excellent movie. The murder mystery seems to remind me of HAMMER’S version of THE OLD, DARK HOUSE. I also noticed Tarzan himself seems out of the story almost as he is with some of the Jai Adventures.
Rounding out the cast are actors who can go either way as a good guy or bad guy including: James Gregory as Dr. David Rhys who adopted a native boy named Tomba played by the excellent Lloyd Haynes, who Tarzan seems to suspect harbors secrets of the old ways of his people. Both could be the killer. Haynes (later of TV’s ROOM 222)as Tomba is excellent at conveying a spookiness and threat without a word and only using his eyes. And again that reminds me, too, of I WALKED WITH A ZOMBIE and if I’m honest, most of Val Lewton’s horror films which, of course includes THE CAT PEOPLE and CURSE OF THE CAT PEOPLE (and Dr Judd from the first movie is in THE SEVENTH VICTIM). Rounding out this feel is a lack of music, at times, the chanting again, and an almost total lack of humor, and the killer’s POV in a hazy lazy eye (?), giving it the feel of Lewton and, again, a Hammer movie.
And frankly, I forgot how this turns out and who is the killer. Jeremy Slate as Useless McGonigle works on the boat with Tammy’s character Polly Larkin. Anyone of these unsavory/savory characters could be the killer. This is once again written by Carey Wilber who wrote for LOST IN SPACE, TIME TUNNEL, and other shows.
Tomba’s father was Unkumba or M’kumba, a witch doctor put to death—hanged--- ten years ago for ritual murders as head of the leopard society. More than 50 people were put to death over two years. Tomba was steeped in witchcraft and rituals before he was 12 years old.
Polly’s father Capt Fergueson, left her the boat. His portrait looks like a character from Seinfeld. He used to know Dr. Rhys. Tarzan claims to the doc that he has to go to Uvanga to look for a missing man by the name of Skinner. Skinner is a geologist type fella whose family is anxious to find out if he is dead or alive. The natives say he’s dead. I spotted the extra boy who had a wide stance and almost stole the last scene in THE ULTIMATUM in this as well.
Shockingly, 16 minutes in, Tomba shoots an arrow into Tarzan’s back even though Tarzan said goobyde to him with some kind of wave off. He’s saved by a man who cannot talk and looks like he stepped out of either GODSPELL or a MAD MAX movie or both. Okay, that arrow looks as if he should have killed Tarzan. He IS Superman.
At least two suspects want Polly to sell her boat and go back to America. The cat roar from the quiet of Polly’s bath is TARZAN’S first jump scare.
The theme music is referenced as an almost black haired Tarzan swings through the trees in stock footage. Tarzan finds the messenger sent by McFee dead. Gregory mumbles a bit too much but from what I could figure something got into the hen house and killed the hens; the house boys took off, too. Is the tribe gone?
Wait. Did Tarzan just take some drugs? Mushrooms? The goats and bulls are …disturbing.
Skinner found he mushrooms and was killed by a leopard man. There’s more than just the mushrooms but also a tin mine and the riverboat franchise will be worth a fortune.
What’s odd here and why the episode loses steam is that it’s clear who is doing what for what reasons to whom. Not sure why the production goes to great lengths to hide Rhys’ face when we clearly see his entire outfit that he’s wearing when trying to get a real leopard to kill Useless and Polly. In fact, we sort of know it is the doctor by mid way as he’s lying and hiding Tomba. As in TERROR OF THE WAX MUSEUM, the doctor is using his minion to commit the murders.
The end scene with Tombo, high on mushrooms given to him in food from Rhys, as he attacks Tarzan sounds like the later series GHOST STORY/CIRCLE OF FEAR and maybe even a NIGHT GALLERY and THE SIXTH SENSE series which often had that odd sound effect/music that sounds just like the stuff used in this scene.
So…Tarzan’s way of dealing with a drug addicted minion is to smack the *(*& out of him. When the four recount what’s happened, Tarzan gets the brilliant line, “Tomba’s just a tool.”
Does McFee have a thing for Tarzan? He says, “Well, Tarzan, I must say goodbye. Thank you, again. You really are the most extraordinary person.”
So…is Tomba dead? Will the leopard, trained to kill, have to be killed? We’re never told.
This being the last episode with this end theme music on it, it’s the longest version of the end theme that we hear and it’s quite brilliant.
Unlike the episode. Again, I respect the need to do something different and the set up is initially quite intriguing and atmospheric. With a bit more care, it might have been even better and a superior episode. As pointed out already, we can guess the killer thanks to the filming and the set up so instead of the mystery being kept until the end, we know it is the doctor and Tomba or rather the doc using Tomba AND the real leopard to kill (which I must admit is an interesting twist). Not sure why but the episode works only half way. After an excellent set up and horrific tone of mystery and scares and horror, we get a rather rushed second half with the odd mute man (who was HE? We never find out unless I wasn’t paying attention) and the leopard attack, which is impressive as Ely shoos the cat out of the room. Not a bad episode but highly of its time with magic mushrooms causing hallucinations, tin mines, riverboats, and such. The ending feels rushed and totally bizarre with Haynes under a drug induced state acting like a leopard and Tarzan kicking him and slapping him. Tomba’s POV is of psychedelic lights.
So we’ve reached the end of season one and it started out strong and remained strong for about 27 episodes with not a bad one before that and nothing terribly awful other than maybe THE CIRCUS and one or two others that just don’t really work. Onto season two!
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