![]() Official Edgar Rice Burroughs Tribute and Weekly Webzine Site Since 1996 ~ Over 15,000 Web Pages in Archive Volume 7439 ![]() FILL IN THE BLANKS . . . TARZAN IN GAME SHOWS By Ken Manson ![]() |
Match Game
* Cheetah said, ‘I think the apes are mad at Tarzan; they just tied his BLANK in a knot.’”
“Loincloth” or “vine’ were the most common answer* “Tarzan said, ‘Tarzan never again let hippie stay in treehouse. He smoked my BLANK’.”
Vine and loincloth were common answers.* “Tarzan said, ‘When Tarzan yell, he get bloody chest. So I no longer beat chest, I beat BLANK.’”
Jane, unfortunately, was the common answer.* “Jane said that on Saturday night the elephants got drunk and started (BLANK)-ing like Tarzan.”
“Yelling” was the most common answer* “Tarzan said ‘I do not like vacuum cleaner – I turned it on and it sucked my BLANK into the machine.”
“Loincloth” is common answer* “Tarzan got drunk at the jungle party and stuck his BLANK into an alligator.”
“Loincloth” is common answer* “Tarzan did not have a flag, so when he marched in the jungle parade, he wore a star-spangled BLANK”
“Loincloth” is common answer* Tarzan said, ‘Me sad. Jane leave Tarzan for man with BLANK-er loincloth.’”
Smaller or bigger were common answers.* “When Tarzan went to the first annual jungle wife-swapping party, he swapped Jane for a BLANK?
Ape was common answer* “You know Tarzan’s yell? The first time he did this was when a gorilla BLANK-ed him.”
Take a choice* In the jungle, Jane said, “Tarzan has become fashion conscious. He bought a loincloth with a BLANK on it.”
Common answer is alligator (. . . of course, ERB fans know that alligators do not live in Africa :) - BH)* Tarzan said, “Mmm. Me not like witch doctor. He make me undress and then he BLANK my loincloth.”
Burn or eat is common answer* “Tarzan said, ‘Civilization just reached jungle. They just passed law. It say, ‘Curb your BLANK.’”
Elephant was the common answer.* “Tarzan said, “Never turn your back on a man-eating plant; a big one just ate my BLANK’”
Jane or loincloth were common answers
* Who was first played in the movies by Elmo Lincoln and later by Johnny Weissmuller?
Tarzan* In Gold Run section, for initials ERB -”Who created Tarzan?”
Edgar Rice Burroughs
The Chase
* What author wrote the “Tarzan of the Apes” 1914 adventure novel”?
ERB, of course.
Sale of the Century
* I am an American author, born in Chicago in 1875. I wrote a total of 67 books, including 26 about one of the most famous characters in fiction. That charcater was born the son of a titled Englishman.
He is found in the jungle, raised by a family of apes. He grew up to be tall, strong and handsome. He has been featured in motion pictures, radio show, TV and comic strips. His name is Tarzan of the Apes. I am his literary father. I am Edgar Rice …”
Burroughs* Name the man who swam in two Olympics, set 67 world or Olympic records and played Tarzan of the Apes.
Johnny Weissmuller* In literature, Lord Greystoke is the “real identity” of this jungle hero.
Tarzan of the Apes* Hero’s family includes Jane, Cheetah, apes.
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