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Volume 7573

Number 13 ~ January 1968
The Barsoomian #13 – January 1968

Wow, what a difference a year made!  I was a senior in college taking mostly elective courses and had time to really work on The Barsoomian.  I had accumulated a huge file of material for publication.  And I had a new printer in a small town who quoted me a price that was so attractive I went hog wild.  Issues #13 and 14 were produced simultaneously during the last few months of 1967 and were mailed together to subscribers in early 1968.

I got meet to Bob Hodes, the new general manager of ERB Inc., at the World SF Convention in New York City over Labor Day weekend.  I think everyone there was impressed with his openness and enthusiasm.  After returning home, I immediately followed up with a letter to Hodes asking him if he’d be willing to write a guest editorial.  He responded very quickly and sent it to me as a two-page letter.  In addition, while we were at the con, John Guidry and I had an opportunity to visit Larry Ivie at his apartment in NYC.  Larry generously loaned me a stack of illustrations and sketches by Roy G. Krenkel, which I was able to publish with Roy’s permission.

I was thrilled to begin reprinting the original “Laugh It Off!” series by ERB, which appeared in late 1941 and early 1942 in  the Honolulu Advertiser and the Honolulu Star Bulletin.  A history of the series appears on page 11 of this issue, so I won’t repeat it all here.  But it was a great series that showed a very different side to Edgar Rice Burroughs.  Australian fan Alan Tompkins  (of “ERB Digest” fame) called my attention to them.  I then contacted the Star Bulletin to find out more about them.  My inquiry was answered by Hobart E. Duncan, managing editor of the paper.  Not only did he give me permission to reprint them, he had a staffer go through their files and send me Xerox copies of all the articles they could find.  Unfortunately, the Xerox copies weren’t good enough for reproduction.  But I did send them all to Hully Burroughs at his request and he kept them for his files.  He was pretty sure I had some they were missing.  Hully also provided the photos for the article.  As I’ve said before, I was always amazed at how helpful people were.

Fred Kwiecien finished up his epic article on the supernatural in ERB’s writings.  Frank J, Brueckel’s articles were always popular wherever they appeared and he contributed two to this issue -- coincidentally, one on the supernatural.  I had the pleasure of visiting Frank and his wife while on a business trip in Florida in 1971.  He was pretty old at that time, but mentally still very sharp and a fascinating conversationalist.

In addition to all the Krenkel artwork, Ken Webber provided a couple of humorous cartoons (I loved his TV Tarzan sketch!), along with a Harry Habblitz sketch.  The centerfold illustration was by Joe Ferrier and was donated by Caz.  The back cover is by Neal MacDonald.

~ Paul Allen
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