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Volume 7742a![]()
ERB 100-Word Drabbles
SEPTEMBER V Edition :: Days 16-30
by Robert Allen Lupton
Back to Days 1-15 at ERBzine 7742![]()
With Collations, Web Page Layout and ERBzine Illustrations and References by Bill Hillman
September 16, 2023: On this day in 1979, the Tarzan Sunday comic story arc, “The Maneater,” began. Part one ran for 12 Sundays and ended on December 2, 1979. It was written by Archie Goodwin and illustrated by Gil Kane.
Read the entire strip and many more. Start at: https://www.erbzine.com/mag34/3494.html
A Maneating lion is preying on villagers and Tarzan hunts the wily beast. The two battle and Tarzan wins, but the lion’s mate lies in wait for the apeman.
The drabble for today is “Food for Thought,” and it was inspired by the story arc, “The Maneater.”The ruler of the village said, “Help us, Tarzan. How do we stop the giant lion who preys upon us?” FOOD FOR THOUGHT
“Wrong question,” replied Tarzan. “Right question is why destroy his habitat. Most prey left when your farmers plowed the jungle for crops. Your hunters killed the rest.”
“My people have to eat and our needs grow with the tribe.”
“The more you take the less there is for the other creatures.”
“My people’s needs always come first.”
“The only thing left for the lion to eat is your people. Did you think he would become vegan and eat casaba melons?”
September 18, 2023: On this day in 74 years ago on this day in 1948, artist William Stout was born in Salt Lake City, Utah. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Stout illustrated several record labels for Quality Bootleg Records, fan produced records using bootleg recordings from concerts. Including, “All Meat Music” by the Rolling Stones. He was one of the first Americans to contribute to “Heavy Metal.
Stout’s first movie poster was for Ralph Bakshi’s “Wizards.” He is well known for his ‘Dinosaur work, including “The Dinosaurs: A Fantastic New View of a Lost Era,” “Dinosaur Tales” and the Children’s Choice award winning “The Little Blue Brontosaurus.” He and Harvey Kurtzman were responsible for the irrepressible “Schmegeggi and the Cavemen, which can be read at: https://www.erbzine.com/mag55/5595.html
Stout's murals and paintings are on permanent display at the Houston Museum of Natural Science, the Orton Geological Museum, The Museum of the Rockies, and the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences.
Stout worked as an assistant to Russ manning of Tarzan daily and Sunday comic strips for several years. There’s no telling how many films Stout drew storyboards for. Hard to do him justice in this short article.
To purchase prints and other artwork from the artist, visit his website: https://www.williamstout.com/
The drabble for today is “Dinosaur” and it’s excerpted from an interview with William Stout conducted by and available in its entirety at: https://archosaurmusings.wordpress.com/.../interview.../I’ve been drawing dinosaurs since I was in the third grade. My parents took me to the Reseda Drive-in to my first movie when I was three years old. It was a re-release of the original 1933 King Kong. I think it did damage at a genetic level! Not long after I saw the Rite of Spring sequence in Fantasia. It’s been dinosaurs, dinosaurs, dinosaurs ever since. As far as art goes, I’ve been drawing since I was a child. Again, I think it was the Disney cartoons that primarily got me interested in drawing and art as a child. DINOSAUR
September 19: On this day in 1936. Argosy Weekly published the first of three installments of “Tarzan and the Magic Men.” The cover was by artist Hulbert Rogers. Interior artwork was by an unnamed and unidentified artist.
Rogers, a native of Prince Edward Island, gave us a blonde Tarzan on the cover. Rogers was a prolific pulp cover artist, doing many covers for Astounding Science Fiction. He also illustrated the first edition dust jacket for the Shasta book, Robert E. Heinlein’s “The Green Hills of Earth.”
The story was combined with “Tarzan and the Elephant Men,” to make the novel “Tarzan the Magnificent,” https://www.erbzine.com/mag7/0728.html which bears no resemblance to the Gordon Scott film of the same name. “Tarzan and the Elephant Men was published by Blue Book Magazine in 1937.
The 100 word drabble for today, “Help is Where You Find It.,” was inspired by “Tarzan and the Magic Men.”Tarzan encountered two twin brothers, Mafka and Woora who ruled competing tribes with the powers in two great jewels, a diamond and emerald. They could control men’s minds. HELP IS WHERE YOU FIND IT
The brothers continue to send enchanted warriors to battle the apeman, who was also protecting an American writer, Stanley Wood. Tarzan found one of the magic jewels and used it to battle the two old twins.
Stanley said, “Bit of luck finding that emerald.”
“Sometimes the jungle throws you a rope.”
“An emerald is not a rope.”
“Rope is a metaphor for unexpected help. If unaccepted, the jungle may never offer again.”
September 20, 2023: On this day in 1881, actor Walter Kingsford, was born as Walter Pearce in Redhill, Surrey, England. Walter began his career on the London Stage and had a long Broadway career as well. He first Broadway play was George Bernard Shaw’s “Fanny’s First Play” in 1912 and his last was “Song of Norway” in 1944.
He appeared in several films and television shows and was best known as the obnoxious hospital director, P Walter Carew, in the Doctor Kildare films. IMBD lists 152 credits including “Tarzan’s Peril,” “Captains Courageous,” “The Man in the Iron Mask,” “Science Fiction Theatre,” “I Love Lucy,” “The Black Arrow,” “Around the World in 80 Days, and at least a dozen films featuring Dr. Kildare and Dr. Gillespie. The character, Dr. Kildare, was created by western writer, Max Brand.
For information about the film, “Tarzan’s Peril:” https://www.erbzine.com/mag19/1951.html
The fictional drabble for today, “Not My Problem,” was inspired by Walter’s appearance as “Barney” in “Tarzan’s Peril” and his many appearances as Dr. Carew in the Dr. Kildare movies.Walter Kingsford, playing Barney, and his cronies smuggled guns to African tribes and Radijeck played by George Macready, led the smugglers. They stopped and Radijeck used the bushes. A mamba bit him square on the butt. NOT MY PROBLEM
He ran screaming into camp. “Snakebite. Snakebite. He pointed to his rear end. “Walter, you’re a doctor. Help.”
“I’m not a doctor, but I’ve played one in films. It’s too late.”
“Shouldn’t someone suck out the poison?”
Walter wrinkled his nose in disgust. “No, I learned enough playing Dr. Carew, to know you’re going to die. Have some dignity. Pull with your pants up.”
September 21, 2023: On this day 92 years ago in 1931, the Rex Maxon illustrated and R.W. Palmer comic story arc, “Tarzan the Terrible, an adaption of the novel of the same name, began in American newspapers. It ran until January 24, 1932.
The adaption relied heavily on the novel, frequently using passages word for word.
Read the entire daily comic strip, every episode, at: https://www.erbzine.com/mag32/3202.html
The drabble for today, “A Terrible Tail,” was inspired by Rex Maxon’s artwork, I’m not a fan. A tip of the hat to Jessica Rabbit for a little extra inspiration.“Tarzan encountered a tailed humanoid biped, a creature called a Ho-Don. His name was Ta-den, who said, “Are you alright. Did someone cut off your tail? That’s terrible.” A TERRIBLE TAIL
“No, I was born without a tail.”
“That’s so terrible.”
“Not at all. In my land, no one has tails.”
‘Are you from Zamboanga? That’s terrible.”
“No, my name is Tarzan, Lord of the jungle.”
The Ho-Don waved his tail proudly. "You look terrible for a jungle lord. Sort of out of focus and your proportions seem off kilter.”
“It’s not my fault I look terrible, I’m just drawn this way.”
September 22, 2023: Happy Anniversary to Tarzan and Jane. According to Philip Jose Farmer’s “Tarzan Chronology, an addendum to “Tarzan Alive,” 113 years ago on this day in 1910 and contrary to false news by uninformed naysayers, Tarzan and Jane were married outside of Tarzan’s cabin. Jane’s father, who had been ordained as a minister in his youth. It was a double ceremony, Hazel Strong married Lord Tennington. The date is given in Addendum #5, page 289 of the first edition, published by Doubleday and Company
Farmer refers to Lord Tennington as Baron Tennington on pages 105 and 113 of “Tarzan Alive,” but as Lord Tennington on page 177.
Visit https://www.erbzine.com/mag15/1501.html for a more complete chronology of the life of Tarzan – according to Philip Jose Farmer.
The wedding was included in the Tarzan daily comic strip adaption of "The Return of Tarzan," Rex Maxon and R. W. Palmer: https://www.erbzine.com/mag22/2293.html is a good place to start.
The drabble for today is Wedding Bells,” and it was inspired by the last chapter of “The Return of Tarzan.”“Tarzan,” said Jane, “I’ve read that some people in America don’t think we’re married and they’re banning books by that nice man, Mr. Burroughs.” WEDDING BELLS
“I wouldn’t worry about it. There are people who still think the world is flat. I’m sure the world doesn’t care what people think. I know I don’t.”
“Just like a man. It’s vaguely embarrassing.”
“The lion isn’t troubled by the chattering of monkeys. Jealousy is often expressed by making false accusations. We are married no matter what false claims others may made. And we’re happy. Happy ever after isn’t a fairy tale. It’s a choice.”
September 23: On this day in 1979, the San Francisco Examiner published an article by Arn Saba, written as a special for the New York Chronicle. The article was titled, “Me, Tarzan, You Not.” It featured a photograph of Johnny Weissmuller and one of Edgar Rice Burroughs. The entire article has been reproduced at: https://www.erbzine.com/mag70/7035.html
The drabble for today, “Disremembered Movie Quote,” and it is taken directly from Mr. Saba’s article. Please note that the film count and television episode count was accurate in 1979.His best friends call him John. He’s the star of 26 novels, 44 films, and 57 TV episodes. Like Sherlock Holmes and Superman, like Mickey Mouse and Jesus, he is a figure so recognized that one need never have read one of his books or seen one of his films to know something about him. His resonate line, ‘Me Tarzan, You Jane,” like “Elementary, my dear Watson’ and ‘Play it again, Sam” – was never said. The actual line, grunted by Johnny Weissmuller in the 1932 film, “Tarzan the Ape Man,” was a simple “Tarzan – Jane,” accompanied by appropriate hand gestures. DISREMEMBER3ED MOVIE QUOTE
September 24, 2023, My 75th birthday: On this day in 1919, actor Rick Vallin, who appeared in “Tarzan’s Magic Fountain’ and “Tarzan Escapes” was born in Fedosia, a town located in Crimea, Russia at the time of his birth. It was also known as Caffa or Kaffa from time to time.
Vallin came to the US at age three with his mother, Nadja Ytsenko, who had been a ballet dancer, but performed as a Gypsy dancer in the US. His father was Imperial Russian army officer who was killed by the Bolsheviks.
Vallin appeared in more than 174 films and television shows including “The Lone Ranger,’ “The Adventures of Superman,” “The Roy Rogers Show,” “Jungle Jim,” “Batman and Robin,” King of the Congo,” “Captive Girl,” “The Panther’s Caw,” “Voodoo Tiger,” “The Prisoner,” and “Aladdin and his Lamp.” His last role was on “Daniel Boone.”
Details about his Tarzan films: https://www.erbzine.com/mag6/0618.html and https://www.erbzine.com/mag6/0629.html
The drabble for today, “Shrill, Shill, Ill-Will,” was inspired by Rick Vallin’s career and a few other things.“Rick,” said William Benedict on a Bowery Boy set. “Columbia Pictures is giving you parts in dozens of films. You’re just a shill for the company.” SHILL, SHILL, ILL-WILL
“I’m not shrill. My voice is deep.”
“Not shrill, shill. You will do and say whatever they want."
“Chill, Bill. Don’t be a pill. You’re green with envy like chlorophyll. I work because I’ve got style and skill.”
“You’re top the casting anthill.”
“It’s a thrill that folks pay to see my grille. Better an anthill than a dunghill. Your complaints are overkill, don’t tilt at a windmill or make mountains out of molehills.”
September 25, 2023: On this day in 1912, Mr. G. S. von S. of Lawrenceville, Kansas wrote a letter to All-Story Magazine. He complained that he’d read ½ of Tarzan of the Apes on the train, but had forgotten to take it with him on his return trip and was unable to find a second copy – all sold out.
He was finally successful in finding a second copy in Wichita, Kansas, and then two more in Wellington. He bought all three copies and, it’s painful to write, he cut them up and threw away the pages that weren’t part of the Tarzan novel. Damn, that left a bruise. Several thousand dollars in a train station ash can. Tarzan of the Apes: https://www.erbzine.com/mag4/0483.html
The drabble, “Saddest Words,” for today is taken from his letter.I reached Lawrence only half-way through "Tarzan of the Apes." There I received a wire to return to Kiowa, Kansas. SADDEST WORDS
I forgot to slip the October ALL-STORY into my grip. At the depot I tried to purchase another. They were sold out.
After two hundred miles of chafing I found a solitary copy at Wichita. I finished the story.
At Wellington I discovered two more copies of your magazine for October. I bought them both. I slashed the less desirable half of the remaining pages from the binders.At Harper I mailed three rolled "Tarzan of the Apes" to friends.
September 25: Here’s a bonus drabble for today, September 25, 2023A, and it takes place in the world of “The Mad King,” a novel of European intrigue and war written by Edgar Rice Burroughs as World War One came closer and closer. The story was first published with ½ the novel anyway, by All-Story Weekly on March 21, 1914 and the second half, “Barney Custer of Beatrice,” in All-Story in August 1915, where it was serialized in four parts.
Everything you want to know about The Mad King and an electronic version of the novel: https://www.erbzine.com/mag7/0758.html
The bonus drabble for today, “Learn History or Repeat the Errors,” was inspired by the novel and those by whom self-awareness is not considered a virtue. To quote Robert Burns in his “To a Louse,” “Oh, would some Power, the gift give us, to see ourselves as others see us!"Barney Custer, the pretend King of Lutha, looked up from a history book and said to the regent, “Peter, everyone doesn’t believe you’re a narcissist evildoer, at least I don’t.” LEARN HISTORY OR REPEAT THE ERRORS
“Well, in all fairness, Mr. Custer, you don’t know me that well. Everyone learns in time What are you studying?”
“The Battle of Agincourt. You know, “we few, we band of brothers,” and etcetera. With war coming, history can teach us how to win when outnumbered.”
“I choose to interpret history to benefit myself. Why’s does this battle matter?”
“Well, it changed European history. It’s certainly a conflict of interest.”
September 26: On this day years in 1999, Tarzan dust jacket artist. Charles Edmund Monroe Jr. died in Guntersville, Alabama. Mr. Monroe was a nationally renowned illustrator, with covers and illustrations in Life, Colliers, Field and Stream, True, Progressive Farmer and Redbook magazines. He was also a successful as a wildlife and sporting artist, as well as a portrait artist.
Monroe illustrated seven dust jackets for Grosset and Dunlap reprints of Tarzan novels published. Robert Barrett wrote an article about the artist, “Brushes of Imagination: The Story of E. E. Monroe, Jr. That article and Monroe’s Tarzan dust jackets are available at: https://www.erbzine.com/mag64/6415.html
In Barrett’s article, it is said that Monroe didn’t illustrate the reprint cover for “Tarzan and the Ant Men,” and that Monroe couldn’t identify the artist. Elsewhere the overarching ERBzine page on Monroe, Monroe’s wife, Betty Monroe, is credited for drawing that cover. I don’t know which is correct.
The fictional drabble for today, “Gotta Have A Plan,” wasn’t directly inspired by C.E Monroe, Jr., but it takes place in Tarzan’s Africa, which Monroe illustrated.Tarzan encountered two young Waziri boys. The boys had parked their ramshackle truck and were arguing in the shade. The jungle lord asked, “Is your truck broken?” GOTTA HAVE A PLAN
“No, Sir. Things are just going badly for us, businesswise.”
“Tell me.”
“We buy casaba melons in the village for $12.00 a dozen and drive to Nairobi and sell them for a dollar a piece. We’re losing money.”“Perhaps you should charge more for the melons.”
“People won’t pay more than a dollar each, but I have the solution. We need a bigger truck.”Tarzan smiled. “Or maybe, you could just drive faster.”
September 27: On this day in 1981, the Tarzan Sunday Comic story arc, “Tarzan and the Mercenaries,” written and illustrated by Mike Grell appeared in American Newspapers. The story arc ran for twelve weeks and ended on December 13, 1981. Beautiful artwork and compelling story.
Colonel Dane, an old acquaintance of Tarzan, returns to the jungle leading a band of mercenary soldiers. Dane claims to be on a rescue mission. Dane is a fire and brimstone, shoot first and take no prisoners kind of guy. He reminded me of Lieutenant Werper in the early Tarzan novels. Dane lays waste to a village and captures Jane in order to trap Tarzan. Dane isn’t successful and he doesn’t die a good death. Tarzan observes, paraphrased, “When he lost his authority, he was lost and returned to the jungle to die.”
Read all twelve episodes at: https://www.erbzine.com/mag29/2969.html
The drabble for today, “Me First,” was inspired by the behavior of Colonel Dane, who believed that everything should happen as he wished and when it didn’t, it was someone else’s fault.Colonel Dane complained, “Tarzan, hardly anyone attended my birthday party. Can’t be the location. It’s a convenient four day trek from Nairobi. It’s because of other people’s birthday parties.” ME FIRST
“Other people have birthdays.”
“But no one else should have a party. If my party is the only one, people would come to my party.“Did you schedule your party first?”
“No, last. I was busy. Anyone attending another party is a scum yellow dog traitor.”
“You don’t mean that.”
“I do. I stand by it.”
“That should work. There’s nothing more endearing to people than to be called abusive names.”
September 28, 2023: On this day in 1929, Metropolitan Books published the first novel by Edgar Rice Burroughs not to be published by A. C. McClurg. “Tarzan and the Lost Empire” had a cover by A. W. Sperry, who also drew the frontispiece.
Over the years, Edgar Rice Burroughs has had many imitators and some outright plagiarists. Several wild men of the jungle and a few sword and planet stories come to mind. I won’t make a list. Some were entertaining and some were, well, embarrassing.
The 100 word drabble, “I Done Wrote Me A Book,” for today was inspired by and by the plethora of poorly written Tarzan pastiches that have been self-published and found their way onto my bookshelf. My bad, I have no purchase filter.
The drabble for today doesn’t lampoon the excellent “Wild Adventures” series published by ERB Incorporated, the outstanding Swords of Eternity super arc or any other works published by Edgar Rice Burroughs Incorporated. Will Murray, one of my favorite writers, shouldn’t think this was inspired by him, nor should Rob Dorsey, who deserves more attention than he’s received. Some outstanding tribute stories appear on www.erbzine.com, including an excellent one by Jeff Long. This is for the writers who don’t know a predicate from a participle.Lieutenant Werper met Tarzan on a trail. “Werper, it’s been a hundred years. I thought you’d quit soldiering.” I DONE WROTE ME A BOOK
“I tried. I wrote a seven-hundred page memoir of our adventures together, but it hasn’t sold many copies.”
“You use social media?”
“Hate it.”
“Put it in bookstores or with online booksellers?”
“And share the profits? Never.”
“They charge money!"
“Reviews? Is it any good?”
“I brought a copy for you to read.”
The next morning Werper said. “See, I’m much better than that guy from Chicago.”“No,” said Tarzan. “I knew Edgar Rice Burroughs and you’re no Edgar Rice Burroughs.”
September 30, 2023: On this day in 1878, visual artist George Brehm was born in Anderson, Indiana. George was a prolific cover artist, but his day job was an illustrator for the Indianapolis Star. On the side, he did illustrations for “Reader Magazine,” published by Bobbs-Merrill.
He moved to New York and was soon receiving commissions from ‘Judge,’ ‘Puck,’ ‘All-Story,’ and “The Saturday Evening Post.’ For whom he drew eleven covers.
He drew the cover illustration for the first All-Story Weekly episode of the Edgar Rice Burroughs short novel, “September 30, 2023 and 145 years ago this day in 1878, visual artist George Brehm was born in Anderson, Indiana. George was a prolific cover artist, but his day job was an illustrator for the Indianapolis Star. On the side, he did illustrations for “Reader Magazine,” published by Bobbs-Merrill.
He moved to New York and was soon receiving commissions from ‘Judge,’ ‘Puck,’ ‘All-Story,’ and “The Saturday Evening Post.’ For whom he drew eleven covers.
He drew the cover illustration for the first All-Story Weekly episode of the Edgar Rice Burroughs short novel, “H. R. H. The Rider,” published on December 14, 1918. For details about "The Rider" - https://www.erbzine.com/mag7/0764.html
George drew beautiful women and charming attractive children.
The 100 word drabble for today, “Box Office,” was inspired by George’s propensity to draw pretty people.A fellow student at the Art Students League in New York City said, “George, you always have work. Your people, especially women and children, are unrealistically beautiful and happy. I prefer to draw people more accurately.” BOX OFFICE
“In Indianapolis, I illustrated stories about the local theatre. I learned that if you want to sell tickets, put lots of children and pretty women on stage.”
“Your point?”
“Pretty sells magazines, just like it sells tickets.”
“We should draw people the way they live.”
“People know how they live. They buy hope and happiness and it’s my job to give it to them.”
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