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Volume 7788![]()
ERB 100-Word Drabbles
MARCH VI Edition :: Days 1-15
by Robert Allen Lupton
NEXT: Go to Days 16-31 at ERBzine 7788a![]()
With Collations, Web Page Layout and ERBzine Illustrations and References by Bill Hillman
March 1: On this day in 1967, the John Celardo written and illustrated Tarzan daily newspaper story arc, “Tarzan and the Bomb,’ concluded. The story ran for fifty-one days and it was preceded by “Tarzan and the Ghost of Gatana” and followed by “Tarzan and the Diamond Smugglers.” Near the end of 1967, Celardo left the daily comic strip and was replaced by Russ Manning, whose first story arc, “Tarzan Jad-Ben-Ortho spanned 258 days.
In ‘Tarzan and the Bomb,” A SAC Bomber encountered a lightning storm over Africa, and an atomic bomb, that looked a lot like a torpedo, was deployed. The bomb didn’t explode and Cheetah was the first responder. The US sent a pilot to rlocate the bomb, but a man named Holrath was determined to reach the bomb first and blackmail the world. Holrath shot down the airplane sent by the US to locate the bomb and went to the bomb’s location, where Tarzan waited. The evildoer retrieved the bomb, but Tarzan stowed away on the helicopter. Holrath learned the bomber had no primer, but was still determined to use the bomb for destruction or blackmail.
Tarzan successfully intervened. A nice precautionary tale during the Cold War.
Read the entire story at: https://www.erbzine.com/mag46/4675.html
The 100 word drabble for today is “Control, What Control, inspired by the John Celardo story arc, “Tarzan and the Bomb.”General Yeats said, “Thanks, Tarzan. We’ve retrieved the atomic bomb. The world is safe now.” CONTROL, WHAT CONTROL
“Safety is relative. What was lost once, may be lost again.”
“Tarzan, the bomb wasn’t primed. It was never a danger to anyone.”
“You say that like it was intentionally not primed. I hope that’s true, but that doesn’t mean that the next incident won’t have an active weapon.”“We don’t anticipate another accident.”
“Perhaps, but General, even my friend Cheetah knows that accidents aren’t planned. An anticipated action is called a plan. Accidents are what happens when fate and circumstances laugh at human planning.”
March 2: On this day in 1984, French actress Yola d’Avril died in Port Huenema, California. During her 28 year film career she also used the names Yola Vermairion and Yola d’Avril Montigue. Her films included “Tarzan and His Mate,” https://www.erbzine.com/mag6/0615.html in which she played Madame Feronde.
A dancer, she moved first to Canada and then to Hollywood where she was cast in small parts. She became friends with Gloria Swanson, who helped her, and Yola co-starred with Joan Blondell in “God’s Gift to Women,” and worked with Spencer Tracy in “Sky Devils.” She appeared in over 70 films, including “Gone With The Wind,” “Captain Blood,” “All Quiet on the Western Front,” and “Now, Voyager.” While working regularly, she never became a star, some said that her heavy accent had something to do with that.
The 100 word drabble for today, “Just Like Heaven,” contains seventeen of her film titles.Yola and Errol Flynn were filming Captain Blood. He said, “Were you too hot for Paris?” JUST LIKE HEAVEN
“I was an adventuress. There’s always a man. I met him in Paris. I said rural France was a green hell and the lady has plans.”“And?”
“Brief Parisian romance and like a hurricane, I was gone with the wind.”
“Where is he?”
“A night in New Orleans and just like a gigolo, he vanished. He claimed to be God’s gift to women. I have courage and had an awakening, no three-ring marriage for me. I was born reckless, I’m not the bad one.”
March 3: On this day in 1933, Edgar Rice Burroughs wrote a short, reportedly humorous, and to this day, unpublished play, “Tarzan and Jane, a Jungleogue.” ERBzine's Lost Words of ERB: https://www.erbzine.com/mag2/0219.html
"Tarzan and Jane: A Jungleogue: March 3, 1933 ~ An unpublished humorous play
"On occasion when Ed took a bypath into humour, he was not above poking fun at his "meal-ticket" — Tarzan in his natural jungle environment. Written on March 3, 1933, "Tarzan and Jane, a Jungleogue" was a 5,000-word play that featured characters from the original Tarzan of the Apes. Those present included Professor Archimedes Porter, Samuel Philander, William Clayton, Esmeralda, and two familiar animals, Numa the lion and Terkoz the bull ape. The plot, humorously embellished, is a sequence from the novel, with Jane, her father and the others, after being put ashore by the mutineers of the Arrow, finding Tarzan's cabin with his warning note. In the play, presumably designed for amateur production, Ed has suggested props and sets and inserted stage directions. Among these he mentions a runway or chute for the lion and piles of rotting logs and boulders for jungle realism. Movements of the characters are prescribed: "Tarzan listens off R. Crosses and enters L. Enters lion chute L." and similar instructions."Porges in ERBzine
I have no idea how long it was or what it was about, but that won’t stop me from imagining the subject matter. If the play still exists, it would be great to see it published.
So here’s the 100 word drabble for today, “Jungle Morning,” and it was inspired by the unpublished play, Tarzan and Jane, A Jungleogue.”Jane stomped her foot. “You didn’t come home last night. You’ve been out carousing with your ape friends, probably smoking grapevine and eating fermented casaba melons.” JUNGLE MORNING
Tarzan rubbed his bleary eyes, coughed, and rasped. “Jane, that’s not true. I came home early, but you were sound asleep and I didn’t want to wake you. It was a little cold last night, but I slept until dawn in the hammock on the veranda.”
“You’re such a liar. I made a note. The last windstorm blew away that hammock over three weeks ago.”
“Well, that’s my story and I’m sticking to it.”
March 4: . . . the only day of the year that’s a military command, March Forth! On this day 89 years ago in 1933, Argosy Weekly published the first installment of “Lost on Venus,” the second novel featuring “Carson Napier.”
Paul Stahr did the cover and Samuel Cahan drew a black and white interior illustration. H. Bedford Jones’ novel, Bellegarde, concluded in the issue and Stookie Allen contributed “Men of Daring: Charles A. Lindbergh.”
The publishing history of Lost on Venus, several illustrations, many book covers, and an E-version of the entire novel are available at: https://www.erbzine.com/mag7/0749.htmlWhere you can also read the entire text in the e-text edition: https://www.erbzine.com/craft/v2lv.html
The 100 word drabble for today is, ”Blood Will Tell,’ and it was inspired by the novel, “Carson of Venus.”Carson and the beautiful Duare were imprisoned by Skor, the leader of Morov. Carson asked, “Will Skor free us, make us slaves, or kill us.” BLOOD WILL TELL
“He’ll make us blood slaves. He animates the dead by injecting them with the blood of the living.”
“Vampires,” exclaimed Carson and he explained vampires to Duare.
“Not like that, Earthman. They don’t drink the blood, it’s injected. The dead live and the living die. The cycle continues.”“That’s not sustainable. Sounds like a Ponzi scheme. The more people killed, the more blood donors you need. Before long he’ll run out of people to drain.
March 5: On this day in 1995, the Gray Morrow and Don Kraar Tarzan Sunday comic story arc, “The Odyssey, Part Two,” began. https://www.erbzine.com/mag48/4806.html More about Gray Morrow and links to all his Tarzan Sunday pages: https://www.erbzine.com/mag34/3499.html and https://www.erbzine.com/mag35/3501.html
John Carter and the Barsoomians, realizing that their planet lacked the water and air to support life much longer, visited Earth in hopes of colonizing the planet. The people of Earth weren’t particularly receptive. The story explores the question of whose rights are the most important, the people who are forced to relocate, or the people who live on the land the refugees plan to occupy.
It brings to mind a comment made by Ben Franklin concerning revolution. He noted that revolution is only wrong in the second and third person. Our revolution is good. His revolution is bad. Their revolution is horrible. A bit of a goose and gander thing. It’s okay when I do something, but it’s not okay if anyone else dares to do the same thing. Can you spell hypocrite?
The drabble for today is, “My Way or My Way,” and it’s inspired by The Odyssey comic arc and folks around the world who apply a different standard to their behavior and to the behavior of other people. Something I never do, unless I got caught doing it. LOL It features my old friends from New Orleans, John and Pat.John, someone nominated Krazy Karl’s Cajun food for a Golden Crawfish award and you went crazy. You said it was inappropriate and that any discussion of such a thing should be forbidden.” MY WAY or MY WAY
“Yes I did, Pat. I don’t like Karl.”
“But just last week you nominated Louisiana Lou for the same award and used the same format.”
“I did. I like Lou.”
“So it’s okay when you do something, but it’s wrong when anyone else does it.”
“That’s entirely different. Everyone should know my opinion is the only one that matters. My behavior isn’t acceptable when other people do it.”
March 6: On this day in 1944, performer Mary Wilson of the Supremes appeared with Cindy Birdsong, Diana Ross, and James Earl Jones in episode #43 of the Ron Ely Tarzan television series, “The Convert.” Review, summary and screen captures for THE CONVERT episode in the Ely TV Tarzan series are featured in ERBzine at:
The Supremes played three nuns, Ann, Therese, and Martha. Jones played a tribal leader, Nerlan. The Supremes performed two songs, “Michael, Row the Boat Ashore’ and “The Lord Helps Those That Help Themselves.”
The drabble, “Reflections, for today was inspired by that episode and by the wonderful music of the Supremes. Counting the drabble title, there are 13 songs by the Supremes in today’s title. Thank you, Mary WilsonNerlan said, “I knew someday we’d be together again. You’d come see about me. My world is empty without you, but I’m gonna make you love me.” REFLECTIONS
Sister Therese shook her head. “No. When we were together, I prayed. I confessed that I’m livin’ in shame. Life was nothing but heartaches. I swore I’d never return, but forever came today.”
“Therese, your heart belongs to me. I want you back in my arms again. Everybody’s got the right to love.”
“Stop! In the name of love. I decided I’m gonna let my heart decide and it didn’t decide on you.”
March 7: On this day 90 years ago, Artist Gray Morrow was born. Highly prolific, he illustrated hundreds, perhaps thousands of comic books. He worked for almost every company in the industry, and illustrated The Man-Thing, Barbie, Captain America, Classics Illustrated, Jonah Hex, Tarzan, Superman, and Green Arrow. This brief list isn’t nearly complete.
After working on Sunday comics, Rip Kirby, Prince Valiant, Secret Agent X-9, and Buck Rogers, he took over the the Sunday Tarzan newspaper page and illustrated it for 18 years, from 1983 to 2001, the longest period for any artist to illustrate the strip. Suffering from Parkinson’s disease, he sadly took his own life on November 6, 2001, a little more than two months after his last Tarzan strip was published. More about Gray Morrow and links to all his Tarzan Sunday pages in ERBzine: https://www.erbzine.com/mag34/3499.html
The drabble for today is ‘Should Have Been A Legend,’ taken from an article posted in The Comics Journal on October 22, 2012 It was written by Christopher IrvingGray Morrow was the legend that should’ve been, one of those rare and amazing artist’s artists who slipped between the cracks of popularity in the comics industry, his work imbued with the same magic that graced old Flash Gordon strips. SHOULD HAVE BEEN A LEGEND
Gray worked for both Marvel and DC, but the cherry on top was his eighteen year stint drawing a character near and dear to him: Tarzan. Getting to draw one of his childhood favorites didn’t get Morrow the industry-wide recognition the comics industry had denied him, but it was a dream job that went away when his health became nightmarish.
March 8: On this day in 1937, Edgar Rice Burroughs completed “Tarzan and the Elephant Men,” which was published in book form as the second half of the novel, “Tarzan the Magnificent,” which should never be confused with the Gordon Scott film of the same name. Go to ERBzine for more on TARZAN THE MAGNIFICENT:
https://www.erbzine.com/mag7/0728.html While there read the text for Tarzan and the Elephant Men at: https://www.erbzine.com/craft/tarzmagn.html
“Tarzan and the Elephant Men” was serialized in the Blue Book Of Fiction and Adventure from November 1937 through January 1938 – three installments in all. Artist Herbert Morton Stoops drew the cover for the first issue, and several interior illustrations. Stoops drew every Blue Book cover from April 1935 through July 1948, an amazing run of 159 issues and over thirteen years. The issue also contained two stories by H. Bedford Jones.
The 100 drabble for today was inspired by “Tarzan and the Elephant Men.” Just an observation about the drabble. The difference between a donkey and many a man is that the donkey is fully aware that he’s an ass.Tarzan asked the warrior, Valthor, “Why call yourselves Elephant Men?” ELEPHANT MEN
“Many African societies and tribes name themselves after animals they admire. A totem if you choose.”“Men who dressed as leopards are leopard men. There are small men called ant men and several who claimed to be lion men. The great apes raised me and some call me an ape man.”
“Men who ride horses are horsemen? We ride elephants, so elephant men.”
“By that logic, a man who rides a donkey would be an ass.”
‘Valthor smiled, “Not necessarily. A man can be an ass without riding a donkey.”
March 9: On this day in 1936, the first edition of the Big Big Book, “TARZAN AND THE TARZAN TWINS WITH JAD-BAL-JA, THE GOLDEN LION” was published by Whitman Publishing. The term, “Big Big Book,” is a play on words. Whitman published hundreds of Big Little Books and Better Little Books. The book was dedicated to Ed’s children.
“To Joan, Hulbert, and Jack, who were brought up on the Tarzan stories, this volume is affectionately dedicated by their father.”
The cover was by Hal Arbo and the interior contained 189 illustrations by Juanita Bennett, a larger unrecognized and underappreciated illustrator. The story spawned a daily comic strip illustrated by William Juhre, “Tarzan Under Fire.”
Read all 84 strips of TARZAN UNDER FIRE by William Juhre in ERBzine starting at: https://www.erbzine.com/mag40/4056.html
More about all the Tarzan Twins variations in ERBzine at https://www.erbzine.com/mag4/0498.html
The drabble for today, “Divine Intervention, is based on the story, “TARZAN AND THE TARZAN TWINS WITH JAD-BAL-JA, THE GOLDEN LION,” the second book about Dick and Doc, featuring La, the High Priestess of Opar, Dr. Karl von Harben, and an exiled group of Oparians lead by the disgruntled Gulm, and Gretchen, a European woman, who is identified by the Oparians as their new high priestess, Kla, the new La.A group of warriors woke the sleeping cousins, Doc and Dick. The men were short and misshapen. The group, who called themselves Oparians, had captured Gretchen, a European woman, whom they were already worshiping. DIVINE INTERVENTION
Gulm, their leader, said. “We will kidnap La, the high priestess and replace her Gretchen. I’ll marry her and become high priest. Bring these boys. Tarzan loves them and won’t interfere less we kill them.”
While Glum fawned over Gretchen, Tarzan ambushed the plotters, freed the boys, rescued, Gretchen, and forestalled La’s capture. Tarzan said, “Don’t court a new priestess before the old one’s been snatched.”
March 10: On this day in 1946, Hawaii Magazine published one of Edgar Rice Burroughs’ ‘Laugh It Off’ columns, which resumed for a brief period after the end of World War Two. The first “Laugh It Off” columns were originally published after the Pearl Harbor attack in The Honolulu Star-Bulletin and the Honolulu Advertiser. Frustrated with wartime censorship, Burroughs stopped writing the column in January 1942.
The drabble for today, “Aristocracy,” is 100 words from that column. It’s a commentary on the rich aristocracy owning most of the Hawaiian Islands.
Read the entire column, and several more, at: https://www.erbzine.com/mag17/1755.htmlAn artist, a composer, a writer or an inventor may create something that never existed before, but he and his descendants may profit by his creation for a limited number of years. ARISTOCRACY
In the matter of land, God beat the landed aristocracy to it and created the land. It’s necessary for our very existence, for food and a place to live. So if, after fifty-eight years, I have to toss my copyrights into the pot and sit on the sidewalk with a tin cup and a handful of pencils, why shouldn't the landed aristocracy have to do the same thing?
March 11: On this day in 1933, Argosy Weekly published the second installment of “Lost on Venus,” The novel was serialized in seven installments beginning on the fourth of March and concluding on the ides of April, the fifteenth – tax day. The only issue featuring the novel on the cover was the first one, but artist Samuel Cahan drew a black and white illustration for each issue.
There are differences between this original magazine version and the book version, and while not completely identified, the differences seem to be chapter divisions and minor changes in the text. The hardcover editions and the paperback versions don’t match, the paperback editions, which relied on “public domain” status used the original magazine publications as a guide. As a note, and not a legal opinion, copyright status in the US is for 96 years after the original publication or in this case, until 2029 – 96 years after the magazine publication. It could be argued that the slightly different hardcover version is a different copyright and it would last until 2031. Something for other folks to fight about later.
“Lost on Venus” is an excellent "sword and planet” story, but it’s more than that. The novel features the Thorists, thinly disguised followers of a Hitleresque leader, ruling a country with obvious Nazi overtones. Ed always enjoyed a little political or religious satire.
The drabble for today is “Who’s Next,” and it was inspired by the regime of the Thorists, and their system of justice.Carson Napier and Princess Duare were betrayed by Vilor, a Thorian spy, and taken to the supreme leader, Hokal. WHO'S NEXT
“You are accused of treason and treachery. You will be executed,” said Hokal.
“What, don’t we get a trial? Don’t we get to answer these charges? We’re not from here, so we can’t commit treason.”“By law, to be accused is to be guilty.”
“Sounds like the French Revolution. Suspected means guilty and executed. It didn’t work for the revolutionaries and it won’t work here.”“I dare say it will.”
“It won’t. Soon enough, you’ll run out of people to execute.”
March 12: On this day in 1971, actor Roy Glenn Sr. died in Los Angeles, California at age fifty-six. Glenn, who was born in Pittsburg, Kansas began in radio, appearing on “Rocky Jordan.” His radio career included “The Jack Benny Show” and “Amos ‘n Andy." He was on television from the beginning.
His film career included “Tarzan’s Fight for Life,” where he played native chief ~ Coverage of this film is featured in ERBzine at: https://www.erbzine.com/mag19/1955.html
Also “The Jackie Robinson Story,” “Carmen Jones,” “The Sound and the Fury,” “A Raisin in the Sun,” “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner,” “Support Your Local Gunfighter.” His last film was “Escape from the Planet of the Apes.” He also appeared in “Bomba and the Jungle Girl,” Perils of the Jungle,’ “Jungle Drums of Africa,” “Killer Leopard,” and “Panther Girl of the Kongo.”
His television career was extensive. He appeared in numerous Ron Ely Tarzan '60s TV episodes: A Pride of Assassins: (As an Official as Roy E. Glenn Sr.) ~ To Steal the Rising Sun (as King Lakumb) and Trina (as Bokunetsi) ~ https://www.erbzine.com/mag74/7420.html
His deep voice served him well and he was the voice of Brer Frog in “Son of the South,” There were many reports that he was the original voice of Tony the Tiger, but Kellogg’s claimed it was Thurl Ravenscroft.
At the time of his death, Glenn was the national secretary of the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists. His obituary was in several newspapers, but all of them were hidden behind a pay wall.
The drabble for today is, “Big Time,” a fictional conversation between Roy and Sidney Poitier on the set of “Guess Who’s Comng To Dinnner.”Roy Glenn Sr. sat next to Sidney Poitier. “Sid, this is a big budget film. Could win an Academy Award or two. It’s a big step up from the kind of films I’m usually in.” BIG TIME
Sidney nodded. “You’re one of my heroes. You were there at the beginning. If you hadn’t done those regional radio shows and low budget films, you and I wouldn’t be here today.”
“I’m not a hero. I was just making a living, the same as my dad did back in Pittsburg, Kansas.”
“Roy, smile for the camera. I don’t think that we’re in Kansas anymore.”
March 13: On this day in 1951, the film, “Tarzan’s Peril,” featuring Lex Barker, Virginia Huston, and Dorothy Dandridge was released.
Filming was in Africa and California, at locations including Mount Kenya and Death Valley. It was the first Tarzan film to be filmed in Africa. The film was also released as “Jungle Queen,” “Tarzan and the Jungle Queen,” “Tarzan’s Mate in Peril,” and in Spanish, “Tarzan en Peligro.”
The plot centers around a criminal gunrunner who plans to sell weapons to one tribe so they can conquer another tribe. The tribes are at war because the queen of one tribe, Dorothy Dandridge, refused to marry King Bulam, Frederick O’Neal, of the other tribe. Dude, can you just take no for an answer and move on. I mean, nothing says ‘I love you’ like gunfire.
Details about the film at: https://www.erbzine.com/mag19/1951.html
The drabble for today, “Courtship Interruptus,” was inspired by the plot of “Tarzan’s Peril,”King Bulam crossed his arms. “Tarzan, Queen Melmendi refuses to marry me. I offered fifty head of cattle and twenty pigs for her.” COURTSHIP INTERRUPTUS
“Wow, King. You sure know the way to a woman’s heart. Nothing says I love you like trading livestock for her.”
“I’ve my honor to uphold. I’m buying the guns and I will destroy her and her tribe. That’ll make her reconsider.”
“King, you aren’t the first man to pursue a reluctant woman. Most men would send flowers or candy. Jewelry is better than a bullet. Killing her is really a stupid plan. Dead women can’t marry.”
March 14: On this day in 1925, Argosy All-Story Weekly published the fourth installment of “The Moon Men,” the final revision of the story ERB originally titled “Under The Red Flag.” This treatise on life under communism is the 2nd of the three related stories published in book form as “The Moon Maid.” The protagonists are all named Julian, and are all direct descendants of Julian 1. The Julian who narrates the story is able to remember the lives of all the Julians in his line, even the lives of those who haven’t yet been born.
The cover by Paul Stahr is for “The Buddhism of Hogler Headstone” by Philip R. Dillon. The issue contains an installment of “Senor Jingle Bells” by Max Brand. I don’t remember that particular western.
Publication details abound at https://www.erbzine.com/mag7/0767.html
Each part of “The Moon Maid” begins with Edgar Rice Burroughs interviewing Julian, who proceeds to tell Ed the story of one of his future lives. The drabble for today, “Bet it All,” was inspired by those conversations.Ed bought Julian a drink. “I enjoyed the story of your descendant, but I’m hoping for something practical. Perhaps, you can tell me who’ll win the Kentucky Derby.” BET IT ALL
“It doesn’t work like that. I share memories with my descendants, but I can’t see the immediate future.”
“Okay, but I can leave a message for my grandchildren. Who wins the Derby fifty years from now?”
“No Derby. Once the Moon Men and quislings take over, all sports, actually all organized recreation stops. Live becomes nightmarish.”
“I’ll leave a warning.”
“People won’t listen. No one believes a doomsayer until after the doom.”
March 15: On this day in 1985, actor Kellan Lutz who portrayed Tarzan in the Constantin Films production of Tarzan, also known as Tarzan 3D. This computer animated film, produced in Germany, was originally released in Russia. The film was panned by reviewers, but it still earned 44 million worldwide.
Kellan Lutz has over 100 television and film credits, including Emmett Cullen in the Twilight Saga films, Poseidon in Immortals, the Expendables. He has a reoccurring role as Special Agent Kenny Crosby on the three FBI television series. Constantin's Tarzan in IMDB
More about the 3D Tarzan in ERBzine: https://www.erbzine.com/mag41/4138.htmlTARZAN IN 3D FROM CONSTANTIN FILMS The drabble for today, “Fight to the Finish,” and it’s a series of quotations attributed to Kellan Lutz.
TARZAN 3D - English Official Trailer #4
TARZAN 3D - English Official Trailer #3
TARZAN 3D - English Official Trailer #2
TARZAN 3D - English Official Trailer #1
www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYFmMfOsTf0“You can't just build a huge chest and arms. You need to work out your body evenly. Otherwise, A, you'll look weird, and B, it's not the best for your body. I’ve never broken a bone in my body, even though I’ve done some extreme things. I train with my mixed martial arts guy when I'm back in L.A. I’m really good with weapons. I did a lot of bo and staff training for ‘Immortals.” I love knives. I’m a pretty good shot. But I love hand to hand combat. I could definitely take someone out with my bare hands.” FIGHT TO THE FINISH
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