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Volume 8031![]()
ERB 100-Word Drabbles & Events
MARCH VII Edition :: Days 1-15
by Robert Allen Lupton
Next Go to Days 16-31 at ERBzine 8031a![]()
With Collations, Web Page Layout and ERBzine Illustrations and References by Bill Hillman MY SHELVES
March 1: On this date in 1926, actor, Cesare Danova, was born in Rome, Italy. The handsome Italian’s 116 screen and television credits included the 1959 remake of “Tarzan the Ape Man,” which starred Denny Miller and Joanna Barnes. Cesare played Harry Holt, who was the partner of Jane’s father in the film.Details about the 1959 film are located at: https://www.erbzine.com/mag19/1959.htmlHis credits included “Animal House,” “The Man From UNCLE,” “The Girl from UNCLE,” “Viva Las Vegas,” “Cleopatra,” “Gidget Goes to Rome,” and almost every television series filmed in the 1970s.The 100 word drabble for today, “My Shelves,” continues the adventures of the notorious Major Bouncingbutt.
MY SHELVESJane ran into the colonial governor in Nairobi. “Major Bouncingbutt, I attended the last feast that you invited all of the local tribes to attend. I overheard you say how stupid and backward they are. If you don’t like them,
why pay for an annual feast?”
“If they support me, I get to stay on as governor.”“So, it’s like a bribe?”“More than that. It’s actually pay to play. As long as I’m governor, my publisher in London publishes my books.”“No one buys your books so what’s the point?”“I don’t care. They look magnificent on my shelves.”
March 2: oon this day in 1938, Jiggs, the chimp who allegedly appeared as Cheeta in Tarzan the Ape Man, Tarzan and his Mate, Tarzan Escapes, Tarzan the Fearless, and Tarzan and the Green Goddess was buried Verdun Natatorium in Los Angeles. Some sources report the burial date as March 4, 1938.Details about the five Tarzan films may be found at: https://www.erbzine.com/moviesIn a likely apocryphal account Jiggs was said to have been brought over from Africa by Gary Cooper, who sold him because the animal occasionally went berserk. More reliably, Jacqueline Gentry claimed to have raised and trained Jiggs from infancy. He is stated to have been brought up with a collie named Spanky and to have later refused to do any film work without the dog present. Spanky was also used to help control Jiggs on the set.The drabble for today, “See Something, Say Something,” is fictional, but the point it makes, isn’t. Ask Anne Frank what happens when good people are silent. Or you could read a quote attributed to Martin Niemoller.“First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist.Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.”Here’s the drabble:
On the set of “Tarzan the Fearless,” actress Jacquiline Wells said, “Buster, you were angry when they didn’t feed Jiggs, the chimpanzee, on time yesterday. Why do you care?"“Bad treatment of others should always be challenged.”“That’s something Tarzan would say.”Crabbe laughed, “I live for the role."“Late lunch isn’t a big deal.”“Repression and abuse start small. First late food and then no food. First, they abuse someone else. If you don’t say something, sooner or later you’ll be their target.”“Buster, you’re just being melodramatic.”“Perhaps, Jacqueline, my lunch was late today. How about yours?”
March 3: Happy birthday to my wife, Sally. On this day in 2014, Dewet Du Toit film “Tarzan: The Invincible,” was released. The short film has excellent production values and Du Toit is a fine Tarzan. The 3 minute and thirty-five second film is worth watching.Dewet has 254,000 subscribers on YouTube. Here’s the note on YouTube about the film:“A short film about Tarzan fighting a crocodile to save Jane's life while she was swimming nearby. Is Jane still alive? The battle continues... Tarzan™ is owned by Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc and is used by permission. All rights reserved. ©2023.”ERBzine has several articles about Dewet. I’d start with this one. https://www.erbzine.com/mag62/6268.htmlThe drabble for today is “Living the Life,” and it was excerpted from the ERBzine article previously referenced. Dewet, keep on filming and keep fighting the good fight.
“I grew up on game ranches in Namibia and Botswana and have been to numerous wildlife reserves and sanctuaries across Southern Africa. My love towards the wildlife and health and fitness industry originated since school due to my father’s involvement.
“My head is a jungle and nature is so much a part of me in my everyday lifestyle and I believe we all should strive to make an effort to protect the last piece of nature which is left on earth. When nature disappears in the world, the nature inside us will also disappear. Stay hungry and become an eco-warrior.”
March 4: Merry Mardi Gras, y’all. On this day in 1933, “Argosy Weekly “published the first of seven installments of Lost on Venus, the second novel in the adventures of Carson Napier. Paul Stahr illustrated the cover of the issue and Samuel Cahan drew a black and white illustration for the interior.The novel “Bellegarde” by H. Bedford Jones concluded this issue. Some other the other article and story titles in the issue were “”Tobacco is Grown in Canada,” “The Job of the Red Monkeys,” and the exciting, “Thrills of Tuna Fishing.” And I mustn’t forget, “Blood Across Kansas.”The first edition of “Lost on Venus” was published by ERB Inc. in 1935, and it’s been reprinted by Grosset & Dunlap, ERB Inc., Ace, Dover, Dover, Ballantine, Bison Press, and the University of Nebraska. British editions were published by Pinnacle, Four Square, Methuen, and The New Library, and a Japanese version had an amazing cover.Publishing details, a complete EBook, and several illustrations are provided by: https://www.erbzine.com/mag7/0749.htmlThe drabble for today, “Don’t Ask Me,” was inspired by the title and by the adventures of an Earthman, who’d landed on the wrong planet.
The beautiful Duare said, “I don’t know where we are. We need to find our way to my home, Vepaja, where we live safely in the trees. You’ll have to lead.”
“I landed on the wrong planet and you want me to lead. Bad idea.”“So you don’t know what path to follow.”“No, I flew here. I didn’t see any paths.”“So which way?”“Where are we going?”“Vepaja.”“Doesn’t matter. I don’t know what a vepaja is and when you don’t know where you’re going, all directions are the same.”
“That’s philosophical.”“It is. I’m lost, not stupid.”
My Way or My Way
March 5: On this day in 1894, actress Symona Boniface, who played Jane’s maid, Sara, in “Tarzan the Fearless,” was born in New York City. Everything you ever wanted to know about the film, “Tarzan the Fearless, and more: https://www.erbzine.com/mag5/0595.htmlSymona was an American film actress, most frequently seen in bit parts in comedy shorts, mostly at Columbia Pictures, particularly those of The Three Stooges. She appeared in 120 films between 1925 and 1950.In 1925 she broke into motion pictures at the Hal Roach studio, which specialized in short comedies. There she appeared with Roach's stars Charley Chase, Our Gang, Max Davidson, and Laurel and Hardy, sometimes in featured roles and sometimes playing incidental bit roles. Her frame and demeanor usually cast her as vamps, dowagers, or society matrons. She played these roles in feature films as well as in short subjects.The drabble for today, “My Way or My Way, is a repeat of the drabble for this day from last year. It features my old friends, Pat and John from New Orleans. It seems like every day, someone reminds me that hypocrisy never goes out of style.
My Way or My Way
John, someone nominated Krazy Karl’s Cajun food for a Golden Crawfish award and you went crazy. You said it was inappropriate and that any discussion of such a thing should be forbidden.”
“Yes I did, Pat. I don’t like Karl.”“But just last week you nominated Louisiana Lou for the same award and used the same format.”“I did. I like Lou.”“So it’s okay when you do something, but it’s wrong when anyone else does it.”“Yes, of course. Everyone should know my opinion is the only one that matters. My behavior isn’t acceptable when other people do it.”
March 6: On this day in 1914, Actress and longtime family friend to the Burroughs clan, Rochelle Hudson, was born in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Alas, Rochelle never appeared in a Tarzan film.Read about her at: https://www.erbzine.com/mag27/2757.htmlShe lived near Ventura Boulevard and was often driven to school by Jack and Hulbert. He schoolmates ignored her because of her fame as a movie star and she became a good friend of the Burroughs family and even took vacation trips with them .On one occasion, sixteen-year-old Jack drove Rochelle and her mother on a trip to Oklahoma City.While in Hawaii during the war, Ed Burroughs often visited Rochelle and her naval officer husband Hal Thompson. Rochelle's film career was interrupted during the coming war years when she worked for the Naval Intelligence Service in Central and South American and Mexico. We thank her for her service.Hudson signed a contract with RKO Pictures on November 22, 1930, when she was 14 years old.She may be best remembered today for costarring in Wild Boys of the Road (1933), playing Cosette in Les Misérables (1935), playing Mary Blair, the older sister of Shirley Temple's character in Curly Top, and for playing Natalie Wood's mother in Rebel Without a Cause (1955). During her peak years in the 1930s, notable roles for Hudson included Richard Cromwell’s love interest in the Will Rogers showcase Life Begins at 40 (1935), the daughter of carnival barker W.C. Fields in Poppy (1936), and Claudette Colbert’s adult daughter in Imitation of Life (1934). All in all, she had over 100 film credits.The fictional 100-word drabble for today, “Play the Part,” was inspired by actress, intelligence agent, and family friend, Rochelle Hudson.
Edgar Rice Burroughs met Rochelle Hudson and her husband for dinner in Honolulu. Burroughs asked. “Will you be staying in Honolulu very long?"
Hal Thompson, Rochelle’s husband said, “Well, my ship has orders, but you know I can’t discuss them.”
Ed smiled, “Of course, loose lips and all that. What about you, Rochelle?”“No, the navy’s sending me to Mexico.”“The navy? Why?”“Just another role to play, this time without a camera. If I tell you, I have to kill you.”“Sounds scary?”“It can’t possibly be worse than facing down the mean girls at Van Nuys High School.”
March 7: On this day in 1914, “All-Story Weekly” published “The Eternal Lover,” which would later be published under the title, “The Eternal Savage.” Ace decided that fanboys were more likely to buy a book with the word “savage” on the cover than one with ‘lover.’The story and its sequel, “Sweetheart Primeval,” were combined for the book, “The Eternal Lover” published by A. C. McClurg. All the publishing details, a complete EBook, and numerous illustrations are located at: https://www.erbzine.com/mag7/0759.htmlEdgar Rice Burroughs explored long life in several of his novels. Stories included potions, scientific concoctions, ancestral and descendant shared memories, and of course, the Barsoomians, who simply lived for a thousand years. “The Eternal Lover” features reincarnation. The reincarnated have glimpses, hints, if you will, of previous lives.The 100-word fictional drabble for today is “If This Goes On,” and it was inspired by Edgar Rice Burroughs’s fascination with the extension of life.
The pompous colonial governor, “Major Bouncingbutt,” said, “Tarzan, my predecessors report you’ve been around for over eighty years. That’s a long time.”
“I’m not responsible for their reports. Clean living keeps me healthy and health contributes to long life.”“You look twenty. Clean living doesn’t account for that.”Tarzan shrugged. “Good genes.”“I think not. Share your secret.”“Dealing with you for your normal lifespan is more than most of us can stand.”“How long do you expect to live?”“Depends on how long I have to suffer your existence. If you don’t leave Africa soon, I may kill myself.”
March 8: On this day in 1924, Argosy All-Story Weekly published the sixth of seven installments of “Tarzan and the Ant Men.” As was the custom, Ant Men didn’t make the cover, not even a mention. The cover was by Paul Stahr, an artist who illustrated some of ERB’s work. It was for the first installment of the western, “Minions of the Law,” by Horace Howard Herr, who wrote about fifty stories for the pulps, almost all for “Railroad Man’s Magazine.”For publishing details, the EBook, and several illustrations about “Tarzan and the Ant Men,” visit https://www.erbzine.com/mag4/0497.htmlThe 100 word fictional drabble for today, ‘Small Thoughts,” was inspired by the Ant Men, the Minunians, who were big men in small bodies. It continues the adventures of the notoriously pompous and self-centered Major Gregory Bouncingbutt, a colonial governor.
“Tarzan,” said Major Bouncingbutt. “Why am I talking to this little man? His head’s much too small for rational thought.”
“He’s the king of the Minunians, small in body, but big in heart. His people occupy a valley to the north. He asks that you declare it off limits to everyone.”
“Why doesn’t he speak for himself?”“He doesn’t speak English."“So small mind, is it?”“Small mind cuts both ways. You don’t speak his language, either.”“Are you saying that I have a small mind?”“No, I’m saying that you prove it yourself, every time you open your mouth.
March 9: On this day in 1915, Edgar Rice Burroughs’s article, “Syndication,” was published in “The Bulletin,” a periodical published by “The Author’s League.”The entire article may be read at: https://www.erbzine.com/mag16/1696.htmlThe drabble for today is ‘Sell and Sell Again, an excerpt from the article written by Edgar Rice Burroughs. ERB was perhaps the first to understand a simple rule for writers, “You worked hard to write the story, let it keep working to pay you.”
I’m making more from second serial rights to my stories than some famous authors whose work is of infinitely greater value than mine.
They relinquished their second serial rights to magazines or book publishers. I retain mine and sell mine for cash, or not at all.
I sold three stories to magazines before I discovered second serial rights had a value. From then I have retained these rights and my fourth story has already brought in $729 in cash and is still selling. I’ve received as high as $300 for the newspaper rights to a story for a single city.
March 10: On this day in 1888, Actor Barry Fitzgerald, who appeared as O’Doul, a safari’s cameraman and a friend to Tarzan in Tarzan’s Secret Treasure, was born as William Joseph Shields in Dublin, Ireland.Barry won an Academy Award for best supporting actor in “Going My Way.” His forty-year career include, “How Green Was My Valley,” :The Sea Wolf,” The Long Voyage Home,” and one of my favorite films, “The Quiet Man,” which starred John Wayne and Maureen O’Hara.’<>Details about “Tarzan’s Secret Treasure” abound at: https://www.erbzine.com/mag6/0621.htmlThe 100-word dabble for today is, “What I Drink,” and it was inspired by my favorite line by Barry Fitzgerald in the film, “The Quiet Man,” and by his appearance in the film, “Tarzan’s Secret Treasure.”
Tarzan searched for Jane and Boy, who’d been kidnapped by greedy safari members. O’Doul, the safari’s cameraman, came to Tarzan’s aid. “Jungle Man. The reprobates took your family, but they, the criminals, was captured by a native tribe, the Joconis”
Tarzan asked, “Know where they are?”“I do,” replied O’Doul and he sipped from his canteen.Tarzan said, “This stream’s water is excellent. You should refill your canteen.”“Laddie, are you mad. I’m try to help you. Why punish me by watering down me Bushmill’s. When I drinks water, I drinks water and when I drinks whisky, I drinks whisky.”
March 11: On this day in 2008, artist Dave Stevens died. Dave was best known for creating the “Rocketeer” comic and his “good girl” art, much of it featuring Bettie Page. He worked with Russ Manning on the Tarzan comic strip and two European published Tarzan graphic novels. He also provided illustrations to numerous fanzines, many associated with Edgar Rice Burroughs.ERBzine published an obituary and tribute to Dave written by Bob Barrett. Here’s the link:The drabble for today, “To Pencil or Ink, That is the Question,” and it is an excerpt from Mr. Barrett’s article.
<>At age twenty years, Dave Stevens began working for Russ on the Sunday Tarzan page.According to Dave, he did "inking and partial penciling. Anything Russ didn’t have time to do. Everything but Tarzan. I didn't draw Tarzan until he trusted me.
About that time, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. decided that they would create their own comic book studio to produce Tarzan and Korak comic stories for the European market. Russ Manning was hired to edit, write and draw these new comics and he hired Dave Stevens among others, and Dave inked four of these and assisted on inking two.
March 12: On this day in 1932, Argosy Weekly published part one of “Tarzan and the City of Gold.” The issue also included the article, “The Men Who Make the Argosy,” about Edgar Rice Burroughs.Argosy published over on hundred of the short biographies, mostly in the 1930s. The complete list may be found at: https://groups.io/.../the_men_who_make_the_argosy/9582434 and it includes H. Bedford Jones, Ray Cummings, George Allan England, Doctor J.U. Giesy, Erle Stanley Gardner, A. Merritt, and Victor Rousseau. A number of the artist who’d illustrated Edgar Rice Burroughs stories are included on this list.Detailed information about Tarzan and the City of Gold: https://www.erbzine.com/mag7/0725.htmlThe 100-word fictional drabble for today, “In Lieu of Payment,” was inspired by that article.
Joan Burroughs Pierce called her father on the telephone. “Dad, I picked up the new Argosy, the one with “Tarzan and the City of Gold” on the cover. They did an article about you.”
“They did,” said Edgar Rice Burroughs. “I’m now officially one of the men who made the Argosy.”“You must be proud.”“Well, I’m glad that the editors finally noticed, but praise and pride don’t put food on the table.”“That seems cynical.”“Not at all. They’re using my name to sell their magazines. Praise is nice, but I’d be happier with another half cent a word.”
March 13: It was a slow day as far as things happening over the years in the world of Edgar Rice Burroughs, I’ve only found seven events that happened on March 13th, but one of those was that on this day in 1923, actor George Pastell, who had a role in Tarzan’s Three Challenges, was born in Nicosia, Cyprus.George had roles in “The Mummy,” “The Curse of the Mummy’s Tomb, “Licensed to Kill,” “Konga,” The Moon-Spinners,” and” From Russia With Love.’At the suggestion of his wife, backing singer Gloria George of The Ladybirds, Pastell went into the recording business. In 1968 with his partner Alexander Dembeniotis and help from a couple of bankers, the Duboff Brothers, he took over Recorded Sound Studio to make it a more commercially viable studio.For information on “Tarzan’s Three Challenges,” visit: https://www.erbzine.com/mag19/1961.htmlThe 100-word drabble for today is “No Easy Day,” and it was inspired by Tarzan’s Three Challenges.
Jock Mahoney as Tarzan and Woody Strode as Khan where pitted in three challenges to determine the future king. Khan said, “Tarzan, we have to walk on a rope web while we fight with swords.”
Tarzan said, “ That doesn’t sound easy.”“it isn’t. The challenges are supposed to be hard. Life isn’t easy, why should these tests be easy.”Tarzan shrugged. “It’s the same to me. I treat everything as hard. I learned a long time ago that nothing will get you killed faster than thinking something is going to be easy”
“True. The only easy day was yesterday.”
March 14: On this day in 1919, Edgar Rice Burroughs urged his friend, Bert Weston to buy land next to the Tarzana Ranch and move to California. Bert didn’t. He stayed in Beatrice, Nebraska. At one time In his “Diary of a Confused Old Man, Ed wrote that “Bert Weston is my only friend, period.” More about Ed's friend Bert Weston and his hometown, Beatrice at: https://www.erbzine.com/mag51/5161.html
The fictional drabble today, “Home Field Advantage,” was inspired by Ed’s efforts to get his friend, Bert, to move to California.
“Bert,” said Edgar Rice Burroughs. “There’s a great property right next to my ranch, Tarzana. You should buy it.”“Ed, if it’s so great, why don’t you buy it yourself?”“I’ve have more land than I can say grace over already.”“I’m gonna stay right here. I’m a midwestern boy by heart. I don’t think a big city like Los Angeles would suit me at all. I’d feel like a country dog lost in the big city.”
“Meaning?”“If I stand still, an automobile will hit me and if I run a junkyard dog will bite me on the butt.”
March 15: et tu, Brute. On this day in 1998, the Gray Morrow / Mark Kneece Tarzan Sunday newspaper story arc, D’Arnot’s Fiancée, began. The story arc ran for 17 weeks and ended in July 1998.The story begins with Tarzan confronting a man with performing chimpanzees. One of the chimps was ordered to attack Tarzan, who climbed the Eiffel Tower. Tarzan was arrested. D’Arnot arranged for Tarzan’s release and introduced Tarzan and Jane, to Helene, his fiancée.
The Paris police suspected Tarzan of committing a series of cat burglaries. Helene, the fiancée, was working with the chimpanzee trainer, who was using the chimps to commit the high-end burglaries. They targeted D’Arnot’s home. Tarzan exposed the plot to a disbelieving D’Arnot and mayhem followed. Helene refused to explain her involvement to D’Arnot.Read the entire story arc at: https://www.erbzine.com/mag58/5807.htmlThe 100 word drabble for today, “She Did What,” was inspired by the story arc.
“Tarzan said, “D’Arnot, it hurts me to tell you, but your fiancée, Helene, is working with the chimpanzee trainer. They’re using the chimps to rob people. Helene is the inside man, so to speak."
“How stupid of me to fall in love with her. I should know better. A woman like her could never love a man like me.”
Jane interjected, “Don’t sell yourself short. Any woman would be lucky to have you.”“Perhaps she’ll still have me once she’s released from jail. I’ll wait on her.”Tarzan said, “That sounds remarkably stupid and two stupids don’t make a smart.”
Next Go to Days 16-31 at ERBzine 8031a